1、國(guó)家開放大學(xué)電大專科《英語(yǔ)聽力(2)》2021期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2150) 盜傳必究
Section One
In this section> you hit going to hear 10 short dialogues. After each dialogue? there arc two questions Choose lhe best answer to each question and write your answer on the Amsler Sheet. Youf II hear each dialogue only once- (40 points. 2 p
2、oints each)
Dialo^ur A
1. The mnn and the woman arc most likely.
A. good friend* whrn they were young boyfriend and girlfrirnd
C. brother nnd sister
2. ha?(have) just moved here nnd wanted to settle down.
A. The woman B. The man
C. Both
Dialogue B
3. The woman has already bought some .
3、A. vegetables K seafood
C. fruits
4. The man is going to buy some?
A. apples Be seafood
C. plums
Dialogue C
5. The man suggests they go to ent in.
A. the KFC B. a Chinese restaurant
C. an Italian rcstaurnnt
6. The woman is going to have for her desseru
A. an ice cream a cup o( Chinese tea
C. some seafood
Dialogue I)
Z The woman has started to.
A? play country muMc on her guitar B. like rock and roll music
C. learn to piny the guiUr
8. The mjin is the best pbtyer around.
A. guitar B. bridge
C. football
Mu Ionu f E
9. The man ■uggsM they 邱ft lovely dity.
A. f y nt home H wwk
5、 in the Hardcn
C\ go far n walk
]0. The man hm to wuh fur the womnn l ?
A.血 w to n put pic dtr*?
H. bring wmc (?n
】幻 The mAnS favorite sport ib?
A. ?wimniing B? playing golf
C. plnymg inblr tennis
Dialugue G
13. iMvid i> impressed by I he cf Thcrr are about students in the college-
A. 2?000 A 200
G 2,200
Dialoguf II
15. In the end the man decided to 2
A. drive K "y
(\ ro by train
16. lie will probably return ?
A. the next day B. on the same chy
G in h week
Dialogue I
17. According to the rruru Drccnibcr and were colder
A. J?titiAry a February
C November
W ??
19. The woninncar.
A? IR very new B. l? very expensive
(匚 just had an aeddent .
20. fhc ninn wiy? he ih h good .
A. good mcch?nic It car dealer
(L rnck n-roll AHigcr
Srctlon Two
In thlw sectione you arc gohiu to hear four After each pn^ugv> there an? Hvc
MiitrmcnU. Ikeide whether the
9、slatcmcnl h true ( I ) or fuhe (F) and write It on Iht Answer ShcH. You1II hear each pasnuur twice C40 points? 2 points each) Pdisage One
21. < ) Churchill wn? a man o( no wcakncsncR*
22. ( ) He wm n very brave mm
23. ( > Hih cotir/iKr helped him overcome ninny difficultir^
24. I > He wam inspir
10、ed by the brave men in the WW2.
25<( > He believed that rournRC is very miportAnt.
Pana^r Two
26. ( ) Thomns Edison was the only child of hin family.
27. ( )He warkrd ?、n trlcgrHph opcralur during(Uytimc?
2& < ) Him co-workrr didn*t like him bring asleep ut ni^hu
2凱( )Edieton inwntrd mh instru
11、ment to send the letter A every hour autonmticnlly.
30. ( )Edison wm? m/tking experiments when hi. co-worker% cnnir in.
Possagr 7/irrr
31. ( )A ?p*cc camniunity will contain nbaut 10?000 prnph,
32> ( ) People will take ngczhip to work,
33. ( ) People entx control the length of thr
34. (
12、> Food will comr from the srih.
35. ( )Ertctoncn will product hi-tcch product*.
3& ( ) Thr gntnc is a Btory tcIHng gnme.
37. ( ) The jicory m the sninc utory when it gcti buc k to ihr hrm pernon.
38. ( ) The police ti^unlly get diHerent stories from diHerent wilnc^w< H 擊君)?
39. ( )
13、Only two Btorie* are the Mtn口
40. ( ) ItS hard to nny whnl hat? etjuaed thr problem.
Section Three
lu (his section. you nrc going to hear o paMsge. Fill In the blanks a> ynu listen to thr pniMiMC* Write your answer on the Answer Shevt Yau will hear the pnw?Kc twice. <20 p(HnM? 2 poln"
14、 Grey wnn thr ninnngrr nl n campftny which mndc furniture, lie we n(41)
buMne^mnn. e the owners of the company were very with hm(42) . — ? Al
firM thr company w/rn small nnd(43) it、furniturr only in IocaI Morrn. but then It
l>ccAme more wcllAnown* nnd Mr. Grey mmR nrranKcrnctUn to urll (44) wid
He always traveled (45)n month, and found many stores which were willing to (46) an account with his compHny. Mr Grey was(47) rude even when people were rude to him. he answered pt^litely? and(48) oltcn made them change> too. He got along very well with people who (49) children? because ht alw
16、ays carried photographs of his (50) in his wollct to show them.
Section One
(40 points. 2 puinln each)
1. A
2. B
4. C
5. B
6. A
9. C
10. C
12. C
13. C
14. A
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. A
20. A
Stxrtion 1 wo
30 pointst 2 polnti ciich)
2L F
22. T
23. T
24. I-
25. T
27. F
28. T
29. T
30. F
31. T
32. F
33. T
34. F
36, T
37. F
39. F
40. T
Swlion t hree
(2,pninkt 2 poinU meh)
4L umnn
43. sold
44. more
4 5. oner
46? open
d7. never
,18. ihia
49. had
50. fnmily