
年仁愛版八年級上冊 Unit 4 Our world Topic 2 Section C導學案

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1、2020年精編仁愛版英語資料 Unit 4 Our world Topic 2 Section C導學案1.能根據音標正確讀出以下單詞的讀音:middle, shake, check等。 2.能在游戲的幫助下快速記憶本課生詞如:middle, shake, check等。 3. 能夠熟練地應用形容詞的比較級和最高級。 4. 能夠用形容詞的比較級和最高級談論自然災害的程度。 Skill aims:1. 能基本聽懂本課文本材料,能簡單的介紹如何在發(fā)生自然災害的時候保護自己的文章。 2. 能流利地和他人談論在自然災害中如何保護自己。3. 能讀懂介紹自然災害的文章,以及相應的保護措施。4. 能正確模仿

2、本課課文,有條理地寫出在自然災害中如何保護自己的措施。Emotional aims: 1. 通過對本課的學習,能夠明白并努力去做:遇到困難應該沉著冷靜。 2. 在自己的能力范圍之內,幫助別人。二、學習重點(Key points): 1. 學習在地震中如何保護自己的知識。 2. 復習和鞏固形容詞的比較級和最高級。 3. 能模仿本課所學文章,寫一篇有關其它自然災害的文章。三、學習難點(Difficult points):模仿課文寫一篇有關其它自然災害的文章。 四、學習策略(Learning strategies)1. 通過對在地震中如何保護好自己的知識的學習,聯想到其它的自然災害以及處理方式。通過

3、舉一反三的形式,可以讓我們更加輕松地學習語言。2. 在閱讀文章的時候段落可以給我們帶來很多提示。3. 在復述文章的時候,將語言知識轉化成像1b一樣連貫圖片可以幫助你更好地記憶文章。 五、知識鏈接一、自習自疑(一)詞匯過關I.看第137頁P.93-94的新單詞,試拼讀,并小組內相互拼讀。II.熟記并默寫。1.往樓下,去樓下 2.中間,中央,中心 3.在室內 4.出入口,門道 5.家具 6.電源線,輸電線 7.動搖,(使)顫動;抖(掉) 8.劇烈震動;使震驚 9.余震 10. 查看,核實;檢查 11.氣體燃料;氣體 (二)閱讀教材一. 寫出下面形容詞或副詞的比較級和最高級。1.safe- - 2.

4、 many/much - - 3. dangerous- - 4. important - - (三)在文中劃出下列短語并翻譯1. knowing some ways 2.in the middle of 3. stay away 4.try to do sth. 5. get away from 6. be very careful of 7. after most earthquakes 8. need help 9. try to stay calm 10.call 119 for help 11.turn off 12.jump off (四) 在文中找到下列句子并翻譯總結1.Know

5、ing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in an earthquake. 譯 : (1)Knowing some ways to protect yourself 是動名詞短語,在句中作主語。 多做運動對你的健康有好處。 Is good for your health. (2)to protect yourself 為動詞不定式短語作定語,修飾ways。2.Remember to protect your head and neck with your arms.譯: 。 (1)remember后接不定式 表示

6、“記住要去做某事(未做)”;后接動名詞表示“記得做過某事(已做)”。與remember用法相同的詞還有forget。記得要幫我寄信。 the letter for me.我記得把信寄走了。I remember the letter. (2)With在句中是“用”的意思,表示用什么工具,所用的東西都是具體的物。in作“用”時,常用于語言類的名詞前。by指“靠.手段;用.方法”,所表示的方法、手段比較抽象。如:I can sing songs English. He makes a living teaching.3.Dont try to run out of the building.譯: t

7、ry to do sth.意為“試圖或努力去做某事”。try doing sth.意為“嘗試做某事”。 4. Stay away from windows ,tall furniture and pictures or anything that may fall on you.譯: stay away (from sb./ sth. )離開;不接近(某人/某物)。 不要接近狗。Please the dog.5. Be very careful of fallen power lines.譯: be careful of意為“注意,當心”,相當于take care of。6. There wi

8、ll be some shocks after most earthquakes.譯: 。there be 的一般將來時為there will/is going to be。7. turn off the gas and lights.譯: 。turn off意為“關掉”,其反義詞為turn on. 二、自疑:將預習中不能理解的短語和句子寫下來,等待課堂上與老師和同學探究解決。_ 家長簽字_預習等級_組長簽字_三、自主探究活動一:聽磁帶,朗讀課文1a。 模仿純正的語音語調,糾正錯誤的發(fā)音?;顒佣浩饰稣n文,解決疑惑。1. 結合自身知識疑惑,小組討論,師生共同解惑。1)take a lift t

9、o go downstairs 2)run out of a room3)stand in the middle of room4)stand near a tall tree5)protect your head with your arms2.再讀1a根據圖片完成1b。活動三:綜合運用能力提升。(完成1c)活動四:小組討論完成2a,并用should 和shouldnt 寫句子。四、自測一根據句意及漢語提示完成句子。1. Look!There is a snake in the (中間)of the road .2. You should (搖動)hands when you meet so

10、mebody for the first time in China.3. The teacher told the students to (檢查)their homework.4. Mr. Black speaks so fast that I cant (理解)his words.5. Dont take the (電梯) when a fine happens.二、單項選擇。( )1.Its raining on your raincoat when you go to school. OK.I will.A. Remember to put B. Remember putting C

11、. Forget to put D. Forget putting( )2.The movie is so scary that the little girl covers her eyes her hands at times.A. in B. by C. with D.usea ( ) 3._volleyball game in my school next Monday afternoon.Would you like to watch it? Yes, Id love to.A.There is B.There are C.There will be D.There is going

12、 to have ( )4.Look! Tom is standing _the room. Yes. And his friends are sitting around him and singing “Happy birthday”to him.A.in the corner of Bin the middle of C.in the front of D.on the right of ( )5.Please _ the light when you leave the room,Pete. All right.A.turn on B.turn down C.turn up D.tur

13、n off三、完形填空。A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan on May 12, 2008.Many people _1_ their lives and homes.During those days, we could hear a lot of 2 about love .Here is one of these stories.After the earthquake, under a fallen building, some soldiers(士兵) found that a _3_ died in a very strange w

14、ay, . When they were ready to take her away, they were_4_ to find that a baby in her arms was still alive(活著的) .The baby was sleeping and wasnt hurt _5_. Between the dead_6_ and the living baby, there is a mobile phone. On the screen(屏幕), there was a short _7_. It said, “My dear baby, if you can sur

15、vive(存活),remember that I 8 you.” Everyone_9_ when they read these words.Besides(除.外) this story, many other stories_10_ moved(感動) us deeply. From these stories, we know more about love.( ) 1. A. found B. bought C. showed D. lost( ) 2. A. sounds B. ideas C . stories D. news( ) 3. A . woman B. Man C.b

16、oy D. girl( ) 4. A .angry B. afraid C. sad D. surprised( ) 5. A. at last B. at all C. at first D. at once( ) 6. A. Father B. mother C. Baby D. soldier( ) 7. A. story B. film C. song D. message( ) 8. A. love B. hate C. beat D. thank( ) 9. A. smiled B. Laughed C. cried D. shouted( ) 10. A. too B. also

17、 C. even D. as well五、自結我想說:學了section C, 我的收獲有(從短語結構、重點句型、語法等方面總結) 1.本課主要學習了有關如何在地震、火災等突發(fā)事件中保護自己的話題內容,進一步鞏固形容詞的 和 的用法。所涉及的重點詞匯和短語有middle,in the middle of, 等;需要掌握并熟練運用的句型有Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in an earthquake. 等。通過本課的學習,我能說出的英語句子及用英語談論的事情有 。2.通過本課的練習與測試,我覺得自

18、己在 (詞匯、句型、語法等)方面掌握得很好,在 方面還有些不足,我將通過 來加強這方面的訓練。六、課后作業(yè)。(一)根據句意及中文意思完成下列句子。1. (搖晃)the bottle before you take this medicine.2.Let me help you (檢查) your homework.3.We should stay calm when we are in a (火災).4.You must (小心謹慎) your work.5.We have lunch (在.中間)a day.6. (遠離)anything that may fall on you.7.Whe

19、n an earthquake comes, dont (跑出去) a room if youre indoors.(二)根據所給中文意思寫出正確的英文句子。1.在地震中,躲在堅固的家具下面要比站在房間的中間更安全。 2.了解一些在地震中自我保護的方法是必要的。 3.地震中最重要的是保持冷靜。 4.在火災發(fā)生時最好不要乘坐電梯。 5.如果你在室內,你應該用胳膊護著你的頭和脖子。 (三)選擇方框中所給單詞或短語的適當形式填空。cover, protect, get away, take a lift, be careful of Many people now live and work in

20、very tall buildings. It is often not so easy to from these buildings in an emergency (突發(fā)事件) , like a fire. So knowing some ways yourself from a fire is a must. First, call 119 for help at once when the fire just gets started. smoke, because it can kill you quickly. your mouth with a wet towel(毛巾) or a wet cloth. Dont try to , because you may get trapped in it. If you cannot get away by yourself, it is important to hang something out of the window as a sign of asking for help. The most important thing is not to lose your mind and stay calm.

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