
【人教版】七年級英語上冊:Unit 4 Period 3Section B 1a2c教案精修版

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1、人教版英語精品資料(精修版)Period 3 Section B 1a2c.教學準備1教師:錄音機、磁帶、多媒體課件。2學生:復習已經學過的學習用品的名詞,準備好上節(jié)課的家庭作業(yè)。.教學目標1學習本課的知識點:(1)詞匯:radio,clock,tape,player,tape player,model,plane,model plane,tidy,but,our,everywhere,always(2)句型:Im.,and my sister is.2進一步學習表示物品的單詞,談論和記錄房間里物品的名稱和位置。3使用連詞and進行交際。.教學重點(1)詞匯:radio,clock,tape,

2、player,tape player,model,plane,model plane,tidy,but,our,everywhere,always(2)句型:Im.,and my sister is.(3)談論和記錄物品的位置。.教學難點1閱讀短文,捕捉信息。2表達物體的位置。.教學步驟Step 1:Greetings and talking建議1:通過師生問答進行自由交際。教師問多個學生問題,目的是為了訓練學生開口說英語的能力,提高學生學習英語的興趣。教師在此過程中要結合本單元已經學過的“Where is the/your/his單數名詞?或Where are the/your/her.復數

3、名詞?”句型開展大量的操練。讓學生兩人一組就自己的物品及位置進行問答練習。For example:T:Class!Lets have a revision.Practice the sentences that we have learned.Where is the/your/his單數名詞?Where are the/your/her.復數名詞?Work in pairs to practice the sentences.建議2:通過學生相互問答訓練學生的口語表達能力。For example:T:Class!Lets revise the sentences that we learne

4、d.S1:Where is your.?S2:Its on/in/under the.Step 2:Check the homework建議1:口頭練習 讓學生兩人一組仿照Grammar Focus中的句型進行問答,目的是檢查學生對上節(jié)課所學語言項目的掌握情況,使學生有學好英語的成就感。建議2:分角色表演找?guī)捉M學生分角色表演2d,并進行點評,不僅檢查家庭作業(yè),而且培養(yǎng)學生的開口能力,鼓勵學生說英語。For example:T:Class!Lets practice the conversation in 2d,Section AIll call some pairs to act out.St

5、ep 3:Present the new words建議1:利用多媒體復習上節(jié)課的語言點,并通過展示新單詞的圖片導入新課:For example:T:Class!Look at the picture.What is this?Do you know?Ss:It is a tape.建議2:通過創(chuàng)設話題情景導入新課。教師攜帶實物進課堂與學生進行英語交流,逐步導入新的語言項目。For example:T:Class!I have some nice things.Look,whats this in English?Ss:It is a.(采用同樣的方式學習本課的其他語言項目)Step 4:Pr

6、actice the new words建議1:通過學習課本的1a來練習新單詞。教師可以先讓學生齊讀單詞,然后男女生PK,接下來讓學生一排一排地讀,最后找個別學生讀,其余學生認真聽,檢查其發(fā)音是否正確。目的是關注學生的注意力,使學生始終精力集中。這樣一步一步鼓勵學生鞏固新的語言點,為他們大聲說英語做準備。For example:T:Class!Look at the words in 1a.Can you read the words correctly?First,read the words collectively.Then well have a reading competition

7、 between boys and girls.Next,read the words row by row.In the end,Ill call some individuals to read.建議2:教師引導學生將單詞與圖中物品配對。教師可以讓學生在課本上直接完成,也可以在黑板上寫出6個單詞,讓一名學生到黑板前將序號與單詞連線。For example:T:Class!Look at the words in 1a.Can you match the words with the things in the picture?1radio a2clock b3tape player c4m

8、odel plane d5tape e6hat fStep 5:Task 1b教師讓學生仔細觀察1a的圖片3分鐘,然后合上課本,讓學生們盡可能多地寫出所記住的物品名稱。目的是檢查學生快速記單詞的能力。For example:T:Now,please look at the picture in 1a for three minutes and then close your books and write down all the things you remember.T:What words can you remember,boys and girls?S:radio,clock,tap

9、e player,.Step 6:Listening(1c) 建議:教師說:湯姆到了學校發(fā)現自己忘記帶部分學習用品,他想讓媽媽幫他送到學校;或者說湯姆是個粗心的孩子,今天上學又忘記帶一些學習用品。請聽下面一段對話,看看湯姆想要什么?讓學生使用教師指導的聽力技巧,目的是讓學生能夠學以致用,增強自信心。For example:T:Class!Next well listen to a conversation between Tom and his mom.Now listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room.Check the answ

10、ers by asking students to read their answers.Step 7:Listening(1d)建議:教師讓學生再聽一遍,記錄下湯姆的物品在哪里。這樣,由聽到寫,層層遞進,符合學生的認知規(guī)律。For example:T:Class!Lets listen to the recording again and write down where Toms things are.接下來教師讓一名學生讀出自己的答案,并找其他學生進行補充,教師給予指點,然后聽錄音寫句子。Step 8:Task 1e建議:教師讓學生根據湯姆房間里物品的位置進行問答練習。找?guī)捉M學生做表演練

11、習。For example:T:Class!Please ask and answer the positions of the things in Toms room.S1:Where are the English books?S2:Theyre under the radio.Step 9:Task 2a建議1:利用游戲“Who is No.1?”進行操練,以此來鞏固有關物品的新單詞。For example:T:Class!Look at the things in the picture.Can you write them down?We will have a competitio

12、n to see who can write the most and the fastest.建議2:讓學生看圖,并用所學的語言目標描述房間里物品的位置。For example:T:Class!Can you describe the position of the things in the picture?Use the sentence patterns that we have learned as follows:Where is the.?Its in/on/under the.Where are the.?Theyre in/on/under the.Step 10:Readi

13、ng建議1:教師通過對比兩張房間的圖片,講解新單詞tidy,but,always,everywhere。For example:T:Look at this room;its tidy.But this one is not tidy.Look,the things are everywhere.Ginas room is not always tidy. tidy not tidy everywhere 建議2:讓學生先讀2b部分的問題,弄清楚意思,然后讓學生帶著問題閱讀短文,再根據短文內容填寫表格。For example:T:Please read the passage,and answ

14、er the questions:Is Kate tidy?Is Gina tidy?(After checking the answers) Look at the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are and complete it.KateGinaThingsWhereThingsWherebooks and tapesin the bookcase播放聽力,讓學生仔細聽,然后核對答案。建議3:把2b設計成“聽短文完成練習題”的形式。(1)把問題在課件上展示出來:Is Kate tidy?Is Gina

15、tidy?讓學生合上課本聽2b部分的短文,然后回答問題,目的是讓學生感知剛剛學過的單詞,訓練和提高他們的聽力水平。(2)接著在多媒體上展示問題,讓學生再聽一遍并回答問題。For example:1)Are Kates books and tapes in the bookcase?2)Where are Kates keys?3)Is the clock under the desk?4)Where are Ginas books?5)Whose(誰的)model plane is it?(3)再播放聽力,完成2c的表格。For example:T:Read the chart careful

16、ly.Are you clear?Listen again,please.And write down the answers.KateGinaThingsWhereThingsWherebooks and tapesin the bookcase(4)再播放2b,讓學生核對答案。拓展:讓學生根據課文內容進行討論,學生們各抒己見,說一說自己喜歡誰的房間。目的是培養(yǎng)學生的語言應用能力,促使他們養(yǎng)成良好的個人生活習慣。Step 11:Writing讓學生把自己的房間畫下來,并用英語描述給同桌聽,然后把內容寫下來。目的是訓練學生的口語和寫作能力,讓學生能熟練地運用自己所學的語言項目與他人進行交流,使

17、他們感受到學英語的樂趣,有學有所用的成就感。For example:T:Draw a picture of your room and tell your deskmate what the things are and where they are.Then write them down in your exercise books.Step 12:Summary本節(jié)課我們學習了radio,clock,tape,player,model,plane,tidy,but,our,everywhere,always等新單詞,并重點學習了2b的短文。同學們還能在學完后畫出并寫下自己房間的情況,大家

18、的表現真的很棒。Step 13:Homework1Remember the new words.2Read the passage carefully.Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag?Section B 1a2cWordsSentencesradioclocktapeplayertape playermodelplanemodel planetidybutoureverywherealwaysin our roomIm Kate,and my sister is Gina.Im tidy,but Gina is not.Ginas books are everywhe

19、re.知識講解Im Kate,and my sister is Gina.我是凱特,我的妹妹是吉娜。(1)and的意思是“和、與、并、同”,通常用來連接兩個并列或對稱關系的詞、詞組或句子。例如:He likes fish and vegetables.他喜歡魚和蔬菜。 I help you and you help him.我?guī)椭?,你幫助他?(2)and連接兩個或兩個以上的并列成分時,最后兩個成分用and連接,其他用逗號隔開;連接兩個或兩個以上的單數人稱代詞時,通常按“第二人稱、第一人稱”或“第二人稱、第三人稱、第一人稱”的順序。例如:Id like a cup of milk,two p

20、ieces of bread and two eggs.我想要一杯牛奶,兩片面包和兩個雞蛋。 He and I want to go.我和他都想去。 You,he,and I like Reading Club.我、你、他都喜歡閱讀俱樂部。課外拓展and的六點用法(1)表示并列,意為“和、又、而且”:We were cold and hungry.我們饑寒交迫。I woke up and got out of bed.我醒了就起床了。He played the piano and she sang.他彈鋼琴,她唱歌。(2)有時用于連接兩個相同的詞語,表示連續(xù)性:The train ran fa

21、ster and faster.火車開得越來越快。The boys laughed and laughed.這些男孩子笑個不停。【注】但有時連接兩個相同名詞表示不同的質量和種類:There are dictionaries and dictionaries.詞典很多,有好有壞。Dont worrythere are rules and rules.別擔心規(guī)則與規(guī)則不一樣。(3)在口語中用在 come,go,run,stay,stop,try 等詞之后表示目的,大致相當于不定式符號 to:Come and have tea with me.過來跟我一起喝杯茶。We ought to stop a

22、nd think.我們應該停下來想一想。(4)有時用在祈使句后,表示結果,意為“那么”:Work hard and youll succeed.努力干吧,你會成功的。Arrive late once more and you will be fired.你再遲到一次,你就會被開除。比較:If you work hard,youll succeed.如果你努力干,你會成功的。(5)有時表示對比(有類似but的意思):He is rich,and(yet)leads a modest life.他很富有,但卻過著樸素的生活。Robert is secretive and David is cand

23、id.羅伯特深藏不露,而戴維則有啥說啥。(6)用在 good,nice,fine等詞之后,表示“很”:Its nice and cool under the tree.這樹下很涼快。The book is good and expensive.這本書很貴。but的用法舉例(1)連接詞或短語:It was a sunny but not very warm day.那一天天氣晴朗,卻不太暖和。(2)連接句子:Mrs.Brown was about to begin,but Jennie spoke first.布朗夫人正要開始講話,珍妮先講了。(3)用于句首:But that question

24、didnt arise.但那個問題沒發(fā)生。But in secret she was delighted.但她暗中感到高興。But what else can we do?我們還能做什么?But in the end he gave in.但最后他還是讓步了。(4)用于道歉的表達之后:Sorry,but were behind schedule.抱歉,我們落在計劃后了。Im frightfully sorry,but I cant see you today.太對不起了,我今天不能見你。Excuse me,but I dont think thats quite true.很抱歉,我認為這與事實略有出入。(5)用于not.but.結構,表示“不是而是”:Not you but I am to blame.不是你的錯而是我的錯。(6)用在某些否定詞后,表示“只”:He eats nothing but hamburgers.他只吃漢堡包。You have nobody but yourself to blame.只能怪你自己。No one but me saw her.只有我看見她。

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