
醫(yī)院標牌 中英翻譯

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《醫(yī)院標牌 中英翻譯》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《醫(yī)院標牌 中英翻譯(11頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、【精品文檔】如有侵權,請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除,僅供學習與交流醫(yī)院標牌 中英翻譯.精品文檔.病房樓樓層總索引Layout of Inpatient Building大廳 Lobby衛(wèi)事中心 Patient-aid center 小賣部 Buffet 出院病人領取費用清單 List of expenses for discharged patients 普通病人出院結帳 Check-out for common discharged patients 住院登記收費 Check-in for inpatients 醫(yī)保社保出院結帳 Check-out for patients with medical /

2、social insurance 病區(qū)藥房 Ward dispensary 輸血科 Transfusion section 急診化驗 Emergency lab 急診手術室 Emergency operating theatre 門診手術室 Clinic operating theatre 出入院病人接待處 Reception of inpatients(二病區(qū))重癥監(jiān)護 ICU ( Area 2 )外科示教室 Surgery demo room 婦科示教室 Gynecology demo room 倉庫 Warehouse 特殊感染病室 Special infection diseases

3、主任辦公室 Director office 治療室 Therapeutic room 護士長辦公室 Head nurse office 醫(yī)生辦公室 Doctor office 護士站 Nurse station (三病區(qū))兒科Pediatrics Dept (Area 3)電腦中心 Computer center 更衣室 Change room 兒科教研室 Pediatrics teaching & research section 嬰兒洗澡間 Infant bathroom 新生嬰兒監(jiān)護室 Neonatus wardship 新生嬰兒室 Neonatus room 重癥室 ICU 診療室 C

4、onsulting room (四病區(qū))產(chǎn)科Obstetrical Dept (Area 4)機房 Machine room 嬰兒撫觸中心 Infant-stroking center (五病區(qū))產(chǎn)房 Obstetrical Ward (Area 5) 分娩室 Delivery room 隔離分娩室 Isolation delivery room 陪伴分娩室(一)Delivery room with companion (1)陪伴分娩室(二)Delivery room with companion (2)護士值班室 Nurse on duty 醫(yī)生值班室 Doctor on duty 單床間

5、Single-bed room (六病區(qū))婦科 Gynecology ( Area 6) 婦科教研室 Gynecology teaching and research section 換藥室 Dressing room (七病區(qū))骨科 Orthopedics Dept ( Area 7) (八病區(qū))普外(肝、膽、胰、肛腸)科 General Surgical Dept (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum (Area 8) 外科教研室 Surgery teaching & research section (九病區(qū))心胸(腫瘤)外科 Cardioth

6、oracic Surgery (Tumor) ( Area 9) (十病區(qū))普外(泌尿)科 General Surgical Dept (Urinary system) (Area 10)(十一病區(qū))耳鼻咽喉科、眼科、口腔科 ( Area 11)E.N.T. Dept, Ophthalmology Dept, Stomatology Dept眼科暗房 Ophthalmological dark room (十二病區(qū))神經(jīng)外科Surgical Dept of Neurology (Area 12)麻醉科 Anesthesiology dept 示教室 Demo room 麻醉醫(yī)生辦公室 Offi

7、ce of anesthesia doctor 醫(yī)生休息室 Doctor rest room女更衣室 Change room (F) 男更衣室 Change room (M) 有菌手術室 Non aseptic operating theatre 手術取材室 Operation material room 麻醉器械儲藏室 Storeroom of anesthesia instrument 非限制區(qū) Unrestricted area半限制區(qū) Semi-restricted area 換鞋處 Shoe-changing 配電室 Distribution room手術室 Operating th

8、eatre石膏房 Gypsum room 手術準備室 Operation preparation 清洗間 Cleaning room 麻醉準備室 Anesthesia preparation 麻醉器械室 Anesthesia instrument room限制區(qū) Restricted area 精密儀器室 Precision instrument room 無菌室 Asepsis room 護士登記室 Nurse registration room 復蘇室 Anabiosis room 麻醉清洗消毒室 Anesthesia cleaning and sterilizing room 等候室 W

9、aiting room 存放間 Storage room后勤樓樓層分布 Layout of Logistic Building 病案統(tǒng)計室 Medical record statistics room 圖書室 Library 后勤服務管理中心 Logistic service and management center 設備科 Equipment section工程維修部 Engineering maintenance dept 基建科 Capital construction section 供應服務部 Supply service dept實習生值班室(1)Probationer nigh

10、t shift room (1)門診樓樓層總索引 Layout of Outpatient Building 本層科室分布 Layout of sections 開水間 Boiled water 檢驗科Laboratory section抽血化驗 Blood test門診藥房 Clinic dispensary大小便、白帶化驗 Test of stool, urine, leukorrhea 藥房 Dispensary體液實驗室 Humoral lab放射影像科 Radio & Image dept 放射科登記處 X-ray registration放射科X-ray dept 攝片 2 (X-

11、ray 2)掛號收費 Registration charging 內科(二)Internal medicine dept ( 2 )門診辦公室 Outpatient office 老干部門診 Veteran carder clinic老年???Special section of geriatric diseases 糖尿病???Diabets special section 內科專家門診1 Expert clinic of internal medicine ( 1 ) 專家門診 Expert clinic 專科門診 Clinic of special section高血壓???Hypert

12、ension special section 2C T 室 CT room 換藥室 Dressing room 肛腸科 Anorectum section 肝膽??茖<议T診 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder section骨科 Orthopedics dept 腰腿痛???Lumbago & Skelalgia special section腦外科Cerebral surgery 疼痛???Special section of pains普外科 General surgical dept皮膚科 Dermatology dept性病專科 Special

13、 section of VD兒科專家門診 Expert clinic of pediatrics兒 科Pediatrics dept中藥房 TCM dispensary耳鼻咽喉專家門診 Expert clinic of E.N.T 耳鼻咽喉科 E.N.T. dept中醫(yī)科 TCM dept眼科檢查室(眼電生理) Ophthalmology check room (EOG) 眼科專家門診 Ophthalmologic expert clinic煎藥室 Herb decocting room 眼科治療室 Therapeutic room of ophthalmology 眼科檢查室(眼壓驗光視野)

14、Examination room of ophthalmology (intraocular tension, optometry, visual field) 聲阻抗室 Acoustic impedance room 電測聽室 Electrometric hearing test 助聽器選配室 Hearing aid selection 眼科診室(常規(guī)診室) Ophthalmology clinic (Routine clinic) 宣教室 Publicizing and education胸外腫瘤???Special section of thoracic tumor 皮膚性病科專家門診

15、Expert clinic of dermatosis and VD人流室 Induced Abortion Room 介入門診 Intervention clinic婦產(chǎn)科專家門診 Expert clinic of gynecology & obstetrics 高危妊娠門診 High-danger pregnancy clinic婦產(chǎn)科 Gynecology & obstetrics dept3倉庫 Warehouse 心室晚電位 Ventricle late potential 動態(tài)血壓 Dynamic blood pressure動態(tài)心電圖室 Dynamic ECG 心向量 Vecto

16、rcardiogram 心電圖室 ECG room 心電圖科ECG section 超聲科 Ultrasonographic section彩色B超 Color B-Ultrasonography理療推拿科 Physical therapy & manipulation section兒科示教室 Demo room of pediatrics 盆腔炎治療室 Therapeutic room of PID兒童生長發(fā)育門診 Children growth clinic急診B超 Emergency B-Ultrasonography胃鏡腸鏡預約窗口 Reservation of gastroscop

17、e and enteroscope examination 腦電圖 Electroemcephalogram (縮寫EEG) 腦地形圖 Emcepholo topography紅外線乳腺診斷室Infrared light diagnosis of glandula mammaria 顱腦超聲 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination 消化科 Digestion section心理測驗室 Psychological test room專家門診 Expert clinic心理咨詢科 Psychological consult section中西醫(yī)結合

18、Combination of TCM and Western medicine病理科 Pathologic section 細胞學室 Cytology room技術室 Technical room 免疫組化室 Immunohistochemistry room檔案室 Archives room巨檢室 Gross examination room診斷室 Diagnosis room口腔科 Stomatology dept胃鏡腸鏡檢查室Gastroscope and enteroscope examination男廁 女廁 Ladies 康復科 Rehabilitation section 碎石科

19、 Lithotriptic section 輸液室 Infusion room 化液室 Infusion preparation 泌尿外科 Urologic surgery dept肌注皮試 Intracutaneous test of intramuscular injection小兒輸液室 Childrens infusion room成人輸液室 Adults infusion room 針灸推拿 Acupuncture & manipulation 生活皮膚美容 Skin beauty腰突癥 Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci 保健

20、按摩 Healthcare massage 針炙減肥 Acupuncture weight-reducing 醫(yī)保辦 Medical insurance office放免實驗室 Radioimmunoassay room 防???Prophylactic section院感科 Section of inner infection prevention 醫(yī)學美容 Medical cosmetology 微生物實驗室 Microbioloy Laboratory room 檢驗醫(yī)學中心 Clinical laboratory medicine center HIV實驗室 HIV Laborator

21、y room血液學實驗室 Haematology Laboratory room主任辦公室 The office director免 疫 學 實 驗 室 Lmmunology Laboratory room生物化學實驗室 Biochemistry Laboratory room5檔案庫房 Archives storeroom信息科 Information section綜合檔案室 Comprehensive archives room臨床系辦公室 Clinic dept office文印室 typing and printing room護理部 Nursing department科教科 Sc

22、ientific education section院辦公室 Hospital office書記室 Secretary office 人事科 Personnel section院長室 President office副院長室 Vice president office會議室 Meeting room醫(yī)務科 Section of medical affairs保安部 Security dept 顧問室 Consultant office醫(yī)療服務質量監(jiān)控辦公室 Medical service supervision office6 教室 Class room 出納室 Paybox會計室 Accou

23、nting house行風辦 Trade Service Normalization office核算辦 Accounting office工會 Trade union 醫(yī)療糾紛接侍室 Reception of medical disputes 財務科長室 Finance section chief 外科病房樓樓層總索引 Layout of Inpatient Building of Internal Medicine Dept 發(fā)熱呼吸道門診 Fever and Respiratory tract clinic體檢中心 Physical examination center跟車醫(yī)師 Ambu

24、lance doctor 肝炎門診 Hepatitis clinic 值班室(內科) Night shift room (Dept of internal medicine) 值班室(外科)Night shift room (Surgical dept) 急診外科 Emergency surgical dept 急診內科 Emergency internal medicine dept值班室(駕駛員) Night shift room (Driver) 急診輸液室 Emergency infusion room 腸道門診 Intestinal tract clinic 急診分診臺 Guide

25、to emergency 急診兒科 Emergency pediatrics 污物間 Feculence room 清創(chuàng)室 Trauma cleaning room 輸液臺 Infusion table 急診掛號收費 Emergency registration charging腸道門診觀察室 Observation ward of intestinal tract clinic 急診指揮中心 Emergency command center 夜間藥房 Night dispensary 主任辦公室 Director office 監(jiān)護室 ICU 治療室 Therapeutic room 護士辦

26、公室 Nurse office 觀察室 2 Observation ward 2搶救室 Salvaging room 觀察室 1 Observation ward 1 肝炎門診觀察室 Observation ward of Hepatitis clinic 十三病區(qū) Area 13干部病房 Cardre Ward 心內科 Cardiac internal medicine dept 醫(yī)生辦公室 Doctor office 診療室 Consulting room 十四病區(qū) Area 14 心血管 Cardiovascular (怎么沒有科或室?) 呼吸內科 Respiration interna

27、l medicine 心臟介入中心 Cardio intervention center 十五病區(qū) Area 15神經(jīng) Nerve (怎么沒有科或室?)內分泌內科 Incretion internal medicine 十六病區(qū) Area 16血液 Blood (怎么沒有科或室?)消化 Digestion (怎么沒有科或室?)腎內科 Kidney internal medicine 血液層流病房 Aseptic ward 介入治療中心 Intervention therapy center 水處理間 Water treatment room 手術室 Operating theatre 準備室

28、Preparation room 倉庫更衣室 Warehouse change room 管道沖洗室 Pipeline rinsing room (這里譯的是設備管道的沖洗, 不是人體的消化道如灌腸等) 病人更衣室 Patient change room 家屬接待室 Reception room of patients relative 內科示教室 Demo room of internal medicine操作室 Operating theatre 透析室( 1) Dialysis room (1) 透析室 (2) Dialysis room (2) 藥劑科 Medicament Secti

29、on腰突癥專科 Special section of protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci保健按摩???Special section of healthcare massage 針灸推拿???Special section of acupuncture and manipulation老年病???Special section of geriatric diseases 針灸(中醫(yī))減肥???Special section of acupuncture weight-reducing (TCM)生活皮膚護理美容室 Skin care an

30、d cosmetology 心電圖檢查室 ECG examination腦電圖檢查室 EEG examination腦地形圖檢查室 Encephalo topography examination(上次肖山人民醫(yī)院的牌子腦地形圖字母拼音Emcepholo topography有誤, 應改為本次的 Encephalo topography顱腦超聲檢查室 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination 紅外線檢查室 Infrared ray examination精神、心理咨詢科 Mental and psychological consultation 彩

31、色B超檢查室Color B- Ultrasonographic examination肝病專家門診 Expert clinic of hepatitis diseases中西醫(yī)結合???Special section in combination of TCM and western medicine理療推拿???Special section of physical therapy & manipulation 皮膚、性病科 Skin and VD section肝膽外科專家門診 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder surgery 放射介入治療???

32、Special section of X-ray intervention therapy 高血壓專科 Hypertension special section碎石治療中心 Lithotriptic therapy center 腎病專家門診 Expert clinic of kidney diseases糖尿病???Diabetes special section 康復、理療科 Rehabilitation and physical therapy section醫(yī)學美容專科 Special section of medical cosmetology醫(yī)學影像中心 Medical image

33、 center放射介入治療室 X-ray intervention therapeutic room心血管專科急診 Cardiovascular emergency肝炎門診 Hepatitis clinic 肌電圖檢查室 Electromyogram examination呼吸道感染門診 Respiratory tract infection clinic血透室 Blood dialysis 脛鏡中心 Anticnemion endoscope center中內科 TCM internal medicine西內科 Western internal medicine乳房外科 Breast sur

34、gery手外科 Hand surgery 骨傷科 Bone injuries中醫(yī)婦科 TCM gynecology dept.中西藥庫 Drug storeroom血庫 Blood bank 骨髓室 Marrow room留觀室 Observation room臨床藥學室 Clinical pharmacy room社區(qū)衛(wèi)生服務工作辦公室 Community Health Service Office 信息資料室 Information Archives 計劃生育技術指導室 Family Planning Technique Consultation Office 全科門診 General C

35、linic腫瘤科 Tumor dept母嬰健康中心 Mother & Baby health center嬰兒游泳撫觸 Baby swimming-stroking生活用品代辦處 Service for daily-use articles待產(chǎn)室 Delivery waiting room配奶間 Milk preparation room 駕駛班 Driver team住院部藥房 Inpatient dispensary醫(yī)療質量管理科 Medical Quality Management Department病理貯片室 Pathological Section Storeroom頸肩腰腿痛???/p>

36、 Department for Neck, Shoulder, Waist and Leg Pains兒童活動室 Childrens Playing Room電透室 TV Examination Room談話間 Conversation Room衣帽發(fā)放處Coats and Caps Issuing Office器械打包間 Medical Devices Packing Room小孩洗滌室 Childrens Washing Room樣品接收 Sample Receipt 結核菌 Tubercle Bacillus發(fā)放廳 Issuing Hall敷料打包間 Dressing-Packing R

37、oom污染區(qū) Polluted Area 滅菌區(qū) Sterilized Area切洗室 Cutting and Washing Room 人工肝室 Artificial Liver Room消控中心 Control Center for Fire Prevention 冷凍機房 Freezing Machine Room物流傳輸機房 Logistical Transmission Machine Room 職工自行車庫 Employees Bicycle Storeroom高低配電室 High/Low Voltage Switchouse服務臺 Information Desk 導醫(yī)導診 A

38、Guide to Clinic方便門診 Simple Clinic 健康宣教 Health Education 便民服務 Service for the Public取報告單 Examination Report 預約審批 Appointment Approval行政后勤區(qū) Administrative Logistic Area預防保健區(qū) Prevention and Healthcare Area醫(yī)療康復區(qū) Medical Rehabilitation Area祝您健康 May you a good health后勤保障部 Logistics Guarantee Dept社區(qū)衛(wèi)生服務科 C

39、ommunity Health Service Section全科(24小時門診)General Clinic (Around the Clock)高電位治療室 High Potential Therapeutic Room健康教育室 Health Education Room探視制度 Visit Rules掛號須知 Notes for Registration農(nóng)村合作醫(yī)療住院報銷窗口Reimbursement for Inpatients of Rural Cooperative Medical Service醫(yī)保投訴咨詢接待室 Complaint & Consultation of Med

40、ical Insurance 腰腿疼痛科 Lumbago and Skelalgia Clinic心理咨詢室Psychological Consultation高危門診 Hazard-Disease Clinic 嚴禁胎兒性別鑒定 Fetus sex identifying strictly prohibited 卡介苗專室 BCG Vaccine Room 合作醫(yī)療門診報銷窗口 Reimbursement for outpatients of cooperative medical service 醫(yī)務人員通道Passage for Medical Personnel小兒體檢 Infant

41、Physical Examination您的康復是我最大的心愿 Your recovery is our best wishes電透室 (多次說過請給全稱)Electrodialyzing Room (電透析), Electrodiaphanoscopy (電透照鏡檢查)中草藥配方 Prescription of Chinese herb medicine 西藥、中成藥配方 Prescription of Western medicine and Chinese patent drugs麻醉藥品專用窗口 Special window for anaesthetic藥事咨詢窗口 Consulta

42、tion of medicine administration老、弱、病重專區(qū) Special area for the old and weaker, and severely sick persons. 請保持室內清潔 Keep Clean病理貯片室 Pathologic film store room細胞室 Cell Puncture Room牽引室 Traction Room腰、腿、疼痛科Lumbago, Skelalgia and Pains Clinic配餐室 Assorted Meal Preparation 陪客休息室 Rest Room for Guests醫(yī)療固體處置室 Medical Solid Waste Disposal 麻醉恢復室Anaesthesia Recovery Room材料室Material Room引產(chǎn)清宮室Induced Labor Room

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