
高二英語Unit5 The Britishi Isles 課件1人教版

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1、unit5*-EASIER PHRASESbe made up ofconsist ofmake the most ofhold togetherin general由組成由組成,由構成充分利用,充分展示(使)連在一起,團結一致一般的,大體上1.) 組成,構成(+of)A university consists of teachers, administrators and students.The House of Commons_consisted of 658 members.下議院由六百五十八名議員組成。2.) 在于,存在于(+in)The beauty of the picture

2、consists in its balance of colors.3.) 一致,符合(+with)The information consists with his account.消息與他的敘述相符合。consist vi.FINISH THE SENTENCES WITH THE SUITABLE PHRASES.We should _ our time.We always _in times of crisis._, I prefer a comedy to a tragedy.Great Britain _three counties.make the most ofhold tog

3、etherIn generalis made up ofconsists of*-EASY WORDS power n. mistake v. know v. land n. name n. west n. history n. public n. up adv.powerful adj. 強大的,權利大的mistaken adj. 錯誤的, 弄錯的unknown adj. 未知的,不出名的inland adj./adv.內(nèi)地的,在內(nèi)地namely n. 即,那就是 westwards adj. 向西historical adj. 歷史的republic n.共和國upper adj. 較高的

4、,較上的 1. mistaken adj. 1.) (人)弄錯的,誤解的 (+about/in) I was mistaken about her age. 我把她的年齡弄錯了。 2.) (想法等)錯誤的;被誤解的 一個錯誤的意見 a mistaken opinion 2.namely adv.即,那就是 Only one person can answer the question namely you. 只有一個人能回答這個問題,那就是你。3.historical adj.1.) 歷史的,史學的史學研究historical research2.) 有關歷史的,基于史實的我們?nèi)タ戳顺鰵v史劇。

5、We went to see a historical play.4. inlanda. 內(nèi)地的,內(nèi)陸的the inland forests 內(nèi)陸森林n. 內(nèi)地,內(nèi)陸Uad. 在內(nèi)地,在內(nèi)陸;向內(nèi)地,向內(nèi)陸travel inland 去內(nèi)地旅行*-difficult words (1) county narrow Europe Atlantic the Atlantic ocean influence union cigarette employ approach conquernar-rowcoun-tyEu-ropeAt-lan-ticIn-fluenceu-nionci-ga-rette

6、em-ploya-pproach 郡,縣狹窄的歐洲大西洋的大西洋影響,對有作用聯(lián)合,團結,協(xié)會香煙,卷煙雇傭,利用向靠近,入門,途徑征服,克服,con-quer1.narrow a.1.) 狹的,狹窄的The street is too narrow for a truck.這條街太窄,卡車無法行駛。2.) 范圍狹小的He has only a narrow circle of friends.他交游不廣。3.) 心胸狹窄的She has a narrow mind.她心胸狹隘。 2.influence n. 1.) 影響,作用CU(+on/upon) The influence of cli

7、mate on crops are self-evident. 氣候對農(nóng)作物的影響是不言而喻的。 2.) 影響力;勢力,權勢U(+over/with) Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town. 史密斯先生是這個鎮(zhèn)上有權勢的人物。 vt. 1. 影響,感化;左右 我不想影響你。你必須自行決定。我不想影響你。你必須自行決定。 I dont want to influence you. You must decide for yourself. 3.employ vt. 1.) 雇用(+as) The factory employs a thousa

8、nd workers. 2.) 使用,利用 你是怎樣利用你的空余時間的? How do you employ your spare time? 3.) (常與oneself連用或用被動語態(tài))使忙于,使從事于(+in) 孩子們忙于畫畫兒。 The children were employed in painting. The children employed themselves in painting.4. approachvt.1.) 接近,靠近He approached the house slowly. 2.) 找.商量(或聯(lián)系)(+about)Have you approached

9、the manager about taking a day off next week?3.) 著手處理,開始對付He approached the question as a scientist.n. 1.) 接近,靠近;即將達到U(+of)Snow announced the approach of winter.2.) 通道,入口C(+to)3.) 方法,方式;態(tài)度C(+to)I like her approach to the problem.5. conquer vt.1.) 攻克,攻取The city was conquered overnight.2.) 戰(zhàn)勝;克服;征服;成功

10、地登上I finally conquered my fear of heights.我相信人類在不久的將來將征服天候。I believe man will conquer the weather in the near future.3.) 贏得(觀眾,聽眾等)贊譽那位歌唱家贏得了觀眾的心。The singer conquered the hearts of his audience.*-difficult words (2) state form basis bases(復) judge queen proof own foot feet(復) sheet grain國家,政府,州,陳述,聲

11、明形成,構成,組成 根據(jù),基礎判斷,判決;法官,裁判員女王,女神證據(jù),證物,證明擁有;自己的;自己的東西英尺被單,床單,薄板谷物 1. state n. 1.) 狀況狀況,狀態(tài)狀態(tài)C; 情況情況;形勢形勢C; 形態(tài)形態(tài);心態(tài)心態(tài);興奮狀興奮狀態(tài)態(tài)C The vice president is in a state of poor health. Ice is water in a solid state. 2.) 國家國家,政府政府,國土國土CU All the land belongs to the state in this country. 3.) (常大寫常大寫)美國的州美國的州C v

12、t. 陳述陳述;聲明聲明;說明說明 The witness stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith. 2. formn. 1.) 形狀;外形CUChurches are often built in the form of a cross.2.) 種類,類型C(+of)It was a form of blackmail.那是一種訛詐。3.) 表格CTo apply for a job, you must fill out a form.申請工作要填表。2. form vt.1.) 形成;構成;塑造;構(詞);造(句)The design is for

13、med with triangles.該圖案由若干三角形組成。2.) 組織;成立我們成立了一個俱樂部。We formed a club.3.) 養(yǎng)成He forms the habit of getting up early.4.) 排列成;把.編排成OThe boys formed a line.3. basis/ bases(P)n.C基礎,根據(jù);準則(+of/for)The basis of her opinion is something she read in the magazine.她意見的根據(jù)是從雜志里看來的。4. judge vt.1.) 審判;判決Who will judg

14、e the case?2.) 裁判;評定;裁決You cant judge a book by its cover.He is going to judge the first race.3.) 判斷;斷定;認為我們必須判定他是否有罪。We must judge whether he is guilty.4.judge vi.1.) 審判 2.) 評判;裁決 3.) 判斷Will you judge at the Flower Show?你將在花展上當評審嗎?n.C1.) 法官,推事2.) 裁判員He was one of the judges at the horse race.3.) 鑒定

15、人;鑒賞家He is no judge in such matters.他在這些事上是外行。 5.proof n. 1.) 證據(jù);物證CU(+of)+that I can give you more than one proof that it is true. He has further proof of this. 2.) 檢驗,考驗C Let us put his theories to the proof. 讓我們來檢驗一下他的理論。 3.) 證明;論證U In proof of this theory, I shall make certain studies. 為了證明這一理論,

16、我將進行某些研究。 6. own a.1.) 自己的 I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. vt. 1.) 有,擁有 He owns three cars. 2.) 承認+(that) She owned that she had neglected her duty. vi. 承認(+to) She owned to having known about it. n. of ones own 屬于某人自己的-reading words Ireland Dublin Irish The English Channel Wales The Irish Sea The Isle of Man Salisbury Christchurch The BBC world ServicediversitycouncilWelshDaniel Defoe

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