
2022年(春)三年級英語下冊 Module 5 Unit 1 She goes to school on Mondays教案 外研版

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1、2022年(春)三年級英語下冊 Module 5 Unit 1 She goes to school on Mondays教案 外研版一、三維目標:知識目標:1.理解、識記詞匯 go to school, on, Monday, play, at home,會初步運用句型:He/She goes to school on Mondays. Does Tom go to school on Mondays?2.進一步讓學生感知包含實義動詞的陳述句和一般疑問句的語音語調(diào)。技能目標:全體學生會聽說He/She goes to school on Mondays.部分同學能運用所學句型,簡單談論自己及

2、同學的日?;顒?。情感態(tài)度目標:積極參與各種課堂學習活動,樂于了解國外人文風俗。教學重點:理解識記本課單詞、短語,會聽說并能運用句型:He/She goes to school on Mondays.教學難點:理解識記本課單詞、短語,會聽說并能運用句型:He/She goes to school on Mondays.動詞單三形式的變化:gogoes, playplays .以及在否定句和疑問句中動詞單三形式的轉(zhuǎn)移Tom doesnt go to schoolDoes Tom go to school?二、教學過程:Step 1. Warm-up1. Greetings:2. Chant.I l

3、ike swimming. I like rice.I like riding a bike.Do you like skipping? Does she like swimming?(熱身,活躍氣氛,復習舊知識同時為導入鋪墊。)Step 2. Lead-in復習舊知,導入新授。Do you like rice/basketball? Yes , I do./No ,I dont.Does she/he like swimming/? Yes , she/he does. /No,she/he doesnt.Step3 .Presentation1出示單詞play, on Mondays, p

4、lay football,basketball,table tennis,go to school 2.詞卡新授:school,go to schoolI go to school on Mondays.She goes to school on Mondays.He goes to school on Mondays too.請學生配合:Do you go to school on Mondays?Does he/she go to school on Mondays?Yes, he/she does. No ,he/she doesnt.Step4 Practice 引導學生用動詞短語多造

5、句.例:I play basketball on Mondays. Do you play basketball on Mondays?Step5 Homework. 用今天所學知識造句。板書設計:Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays. He plays basketball on Mondays .Does he play basketball?附送:2022年(春)三年級英語下冊 Module 5 Unit 1Will you take your ball tomorrow教案 外研版2022年(春)三年級英語下冊 Module 5 Uni

6、t 1Will you take your ball tomorrow教案 外研版模塊教材分析本模塊的話題是詢問將來的活動并回答。課文的主要情景是爸爸告訴Sam 和Amy星期六要去野餐,兩人很高興。Sam 馬上詢問Amy明天會不會帶風箏,Amy說不帶。Sam 接著問Amy明天會不會帶皮球,Amy 仍說不帶。Sam覺得很奇怪,于是問Amy 為什么不帶。Amy告訴他明天是星期五,不是星期六,自己當然不會帶這些東西。原來Sam過于激動,誤認為明天就是星期六了。 Unit 2 的課文情景是下周放假,朋友詢問姍姍下周的計劃,姍姍向朋友逐一說明了下周七天的安排。 本模塊集中出現(xiàn)了“Monday, Tues

7、day, Wednesday”等表示星期的名詞,教師在這里要注意引導學生進行總結歸納。本模塊的學習重點是”will” 的一般疑問句結構,學生在前面的三個模塊中已經(jīng)學習了使用“will陳述將來的活動并詢問是否要做某事的用法。因此這個結構對于學生來說難度不大,教師應該給尚未熟練掌握這一句型的學生提供更多的聯(lián)系機會。 教學目標知識目標1、 學生能理解并會讀:單詞:tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Why, Why not, next, week.2、 學生會用本課重點句型能力目標1、學生能聽懂并會拼寫重點單詞:tomorrow, Why,

8、 next, week.2、學生能聽懂并會使用重點句型Will you take your ball tomorrow?No, I wont. On Monday, Ill go swimming.情感態(tài)度目標初步注意到中西方一周七天不同的表達方式及排列順序。并樂于了解和接觸這種不一樣的文化。教學重、難點1、學生能聽懂并會拼寫重點單詞:tomorrow, Why, next, week.2、學生能聽懂并會使用重點句型:Will you take your ball tomorrow?No, I wont. On Monday, Ill go swimming.教學(教具)準 備多媒體,單詞卡片

9、教學設計過程教學過程 設計意圖二次備課Presentation1Greeting :2.Review words and sentences in module4 3.Show the pictures of Activity1 Have students to look at the pictures.教師問學生Kitty 本來計劃周日去香港旅游,但Bob為什么說Kitty周日去不了香港呢?4. Play the tape ,Have students to look at the pictures .Answer the above question.(機票上寫的不是Sunday而是Mon

10、day )教師借此機會引導學生關注表示星期的名詞。5. 談話導入課文:再過一段時間又是假期,大家準備去哪里游玩呢?外出旅游,我們要提前制定計劃,提前準備需要帶的東西。學習完今天的課文,請大家也制定暑假的出行計劃。下面我們先來學習課文,看看Amy和 Sam這個周末的計劃吧。(1)Look at the pictures.(2)Look at the picture once more.T: What are they going to do on Saturday? (About Picture 1.)Ss: They are going to have a picnic.T: Read aft

11、er me“picnic” Ss: Read two by two.T: What are they doing? (Show some pictures. 出示課件)Ss: They are having a picnic. (課件展示一些野餐的圖片,幫助同學理解單詞的含義?,F(xiàn)在進行時,學生已學過,目的在于讓同學們感性認識與了解picnic的含義。)(3)T: OK, now lets think about this question: What does Sam asks Amy?S1: Sam asks Amy: Will you take your kite to the picni

12、c tomorrow? / S2: Sam asks: Willyou take your ball tomorrow? T: Very good. Sam asks Amy: Will you take ? OK, read after me.Ss: Will you take T: Guess, if we are going to have a picnic, what will I take?S1: Will you take water? T: Yes, I will.S2: Will you take rice? T: No, I wont.S3: Will you take a

13、book? T: Yes, I will.S4: Will you take a kite? T: No, I wont. (4)講解對于句型“Will you take ”的肯定回答和否定回答。帶著問題,好奇心去學習,激發(fā)求知欲。復習所學單詞,并引導學生學會歸納總結。使同學們對課文有一個整體認識。句型:be going to do 學生已學過。從而引出新單詞:picnic (讓同學們帶著問題來看第二,三幅圖片,目的在于讓學生有目的的來學習,并由學生來找出本節(jié)課的新句型:Will you take?)Practice1.Ask and answer T: Will you take apple

14、s on Saturday?S1:Yes, I will.2. Do group work:T: If we will have a picnic, I will take a kite. I will take a ball. I will take bread. I will take an apple. I wont take rice and noodles. Look, heres a piece of paper, now, lets try to find: how many students will take the same things with me. OK?We ar

15、e going to have a picnicWillyou take? Yes,I willNo,I wont練習鞏固ProductionAsk students to open their books to look at part 2 on page26, encourage them to read the text. Then ask them to look at part4 on page28 and do pair works.作業(yè)設計1.Ask students to read the dialogue in Part3 on Page282.Students to practice the dialogue of Part4 on Page 283.假設你明天要去北京旅行,你將要帶什么東西?把所要帶的東西的圖片畫出來,并用I will take口頭表達出來。板書設計Module5 Unit1Unit 1 Will you take your ball?We are going toWill you take?Yes, I will. No, I wont.

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