
2021-2022年三年級英語上冊 Module6 Unit1(2)教案 外研版

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1、2021-2022年三年級英語上冊 Module6 Unit1(2)教案 外研版一、教材分析: This is my school.這課主要是學習怎樣來介紹自己的學校,教師,老師.(This is my school.This is my classroom.This is my English teacher).和當不知道某物是什么的時候怎樣用英語來詢問及回答(Whats this? Whats that? Its a.).二、教學目標: 1. 讓學生掌握單詞 (聽,說,讀,寫): this school pupil classroom English teacher that 2. 區(qū)分t

2、his和that. 3. 學會使用句型: This is. Whats this? Whats that? Its a.三、教學重點: Whats this? Whats that? Its a.三、教 具: 錄音機 磁帶 卡片四、教學過程: 1.師生問候: T:Good morning ,boys and girls! S:Good morning ,teacher! T:How are you? S:Im fine,thank you.And you? T:Im fine,too.Thank you. 2.熱身環(huán)節(jié): Lets sing a song:The little finger。

3、學生邊唱邊出示相應的手勢,目的是為了復習數(shù)字。 3.復 習: 聽指令,做動作。 Stand up。Sit down。 Point to the. 4.導入 給學生展示一些圖片: Show a picture T:Look!What is this? S:. T:Thats me.I am a pupil. Follow me:pupil, p-u-p-i-l,pupil.(板書) S:pupil, p-u-p-i-l,pupil. T:You can seeI am a -引導學生自己說出這句話. 叫幾個學生站起來做介紹:“I am a pupil.” T:Lets look at this

4、picture. Shes very beautiful. This is my teacher. This is my English teacher. Now I am an English teacher. T:Follow me:teacher,t-e-a-c-h-e-r,teacher.(板書) S:teacher,t-e-a-c-h-e-r,teacher. T:English teacher S:English teacher 教師指著學校詢問學生: Whats this?由此引出單詞school. T:Follow me:school,s-c-h-o-o-l,school. S

5、:school,s-c-h-o-o-l,school. T:school,school.This is my school.(板書) This is my school.I can see many classrooms. 教師指著教室詢問學生: Whats this?由此引出單詞classroom. This is my classroom. Follow me:classroom classroom my classroom. S:classroom classroom my classroom. T:This is my classroom. S:This is my classroom

6、. 強調(diào)this的發(fā)音,注意聽學生的發(fā)音. T:Spell this. S:t-h-i-s,this. 在教室里有許多的東西,請學生上講臺并且閉上眼睛,用手摸一摸,并且猜一猜這是什么? T:Whats this? S:desk/chair/window/blackboard/door. T:Its a desk/chair/window/blackboard/door. S:Its a desk/chair/window/blackboard/door. Its a.(板書) 這時教師把一只小鳥的圖片貼在教室后面的黑板上,問學生: T:Whatthat?(板書) S:bird. T:Its a

7、 bird.(強調(diào)that的發(fā)音) S:that T:Spell that. S:t-h-a-t, that 這時教師指著教室后門問學生: T:Whatthat? S:Its a door. 讓學生區(qū)分this與that的區(qū)別. S:this指近處的;that指遠處的. T:Lets chant. Whats this? Whats this? desk desk Its a desk. Whats this? Whats this? chair chair Its a chair. Whats that? Whats that? window window Its a window. Wha

8、ts that? Whats that? door door Its a door.五、同桌練習: Whats this? Whats that? Its a.六、課文教學: 聽磁帶,朗讀課文. 全班齊朗讀課文. 分角色朗讀.附送:2021-2022年三年級英語上冊 Module6 unit1教案 外研版Purpose: Knowledge aim: New words and the expressionsAbility aim: Train them to ask and answer whats this ? Its a .learn to introduce someone /some

9、thing to the others.Ideological aim: Improve the students appreciation.Main points: New words, new pattern .Introduce someone /something to others.Difficult points: Whats this ? Its a This is my The pronunciation of the words “this”Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder , projector. Teac

10、hing process:Step One: Greeting with students.T: Are you ready for our English class?S:Yes .T: Morning, everyone.S: Morning, sunny.T: How are you today?S: Im fine ,thank you, and you?T: Very well, thanks. Sit down, please.S: Thank you.T: Youre wele.Step Two: Representation T: Lets sing a song. Pleas

11、e clap your hands, do actions, please.Ss: (sing together happily)T: wonderful! Now I have a picture , Lets ask and answer , ok ?T: look, how many dogs? Lets count , ok? (學生跟著老師一起數(shù) one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve.)T: Very good .How many cats? Ss: one two three four five

12、 six seven eight nine ten.T: look at our classroom, how many boys? How many girls? S1: twenty boys . S2 : Twenty five girls.T: Ok, How many teachers? S3: One. T: ask and answer the question again.Ss: Ok. ( ask and answer again.)Step Three: New courseA. New words,drillsT: How many desks ? How many ch

13、airs? Do you know desk, chair?(指向桌子和椅子,引起孩子們的注意。)Ss: desk, chair (follow the teacher)T: This is a desk. This is a chair.(適時的指向教師自己的桌子,椅子)Look , this is my desk. This is my chair. Whats this?S1: Its a desk. S2: Its a chair. (practice more times then Show another picture point to it) T: Whats this?( 多

14、讀this ,注意糾正this 發(fā)音,可全班輪讀一次) S3: Its a pen. (practice one by one) S4:Its a pencil. ( practice one by one)(教師走到學生中間,隨意拿一些文具用品進行問答bag/book.,貼近生活實際,學生會非常的有興趣,創(chuàng)造了和協(xié)自然的課堂氣氛。)T: What s this ? S1: Its a bag. T: Yes ,this is a bag.(啟發(fā)擁有此書包的同學介紹說)S3 : this is my bag.S2: Its a box. T: Yes ,this is a box. (啟發(fā)擁有

15、此盒子的同學介紹說)S3:This is my box. (學生每回答一個問題后,教師適時介紹This is a bag. This is a box先為介紹東西打基礎)T: wonderful! Look at our classroom.(手勢幫助學生理解classroom 的意思,然后輪讀幾遍,男生女生讀,各小組讀) Whats this ? Ss: Its a classroom. (啟發(fā)學生自己試著去介紹這是我的教室,培養(yǎng)學生主動張嘴大膽說英語的勇氣與自信心。S2: This is my classroom.Ss: This is myclassroom.T: Great! Who

16、can?S3: This is my classroom.( Teacher can call many pupils to practice , let more pupils to speak or one by one)Ss: This is my classroom.b. Listen, say and do actions T: All of you are the best .Now look at the projector .when I point to a word please speak it quickly.Ss: desk chair pen pencil bag

17、box door window school (多重復幾次,加深印象,對door window school 多讀幾次) T: look at the door/window /school. Whats this ?S3: Its a door. ( let them ask first then answer, practice team by team) S4: Whats this ? Its a window ( practice boys and girls ) S5: Whats this ? Its a school. ( say together ) T: Who can e

18、 here to introduce?S2 : This is my school. S3 : This is my window . This is my door. (指向窗和門將語言學習與生活實際相結(jié)合,創(chuàng)造了輕松愉悅的學習氛圍,使孩子們很自然地將注意力集中到英語課堂上。)T: Lets play again .who can e here?Ss: I can I canSs: I can. ( speak and do actions together)T: Lets say together . Whats this ? Its a school. This is a school.

19、Ss: Whats this ? Its a school. This is my school.T: You are so smart! (要求每說一幅圖力爭說出三句話,培養(yǎng)了學生由詞到句,由句到段的基礎培養(yǎng))T: (point to a bird ) Whats this ? Its a bird. This is a bird.S1: Whats this ? Its a bird . This is a bird.(point to the door)S2: Whats this ? Its a door. This is a door.(point to the window)S3:

20、 Whats this ? Its a window .This is a window.S4.S5Ss: ( talk about all the pictures.)(According to the training, all of them can ask and answer very quickly. They feel very happy and confident because they can speak very fluntely and loudly.)T: Ok, lets have a rest. Listen and say a chant.( show the

21、 projector ,listen to the recorder and clap their hands.)T: Lets clap our hands and speak .( 對于低年級的孩子課中間適當?shù)穆蓜訒尯⒆觽兲岣咦⒁饬橄旅娴膶W習作好準備)B. ask and answerT: Lets play a game . e to the front to find word s you know.(培養(yǎng)學生指讀,認讀單詞的能力)(put the small blackboard on ,many words on it : pen, book bag desk chair wh

22、at is classroom door window teacher this)Ss: I can I can.(call more students to point and read, if you get the words put them on your teams desk. )T: Lets count how many words do you get ? Team 1, Team 2.(展開小組比賽培養(yǎng)了學生的競爭意識,既練習了數(shù)數(shù)又為下面的對話做了鋪墊)Ss: ( count follow the teacher.)T: use the words you got jus

23、t now to make a dialogue like Whats this ? Its a This is a .Ss: (all of them are talking about it carefully and happily)T: ( give them five minutes to discuss how to ask and how to answer.)T: Who can e to the front to act?S:vI can I can. (find four or five groups to act out)T: Answer my questions to

24、gether ok? Ss: Ok.T: Talk about the other things. (use the things in the classroom )老師可幫助與提醒,學生以培養(yǎng)他們的口語交際能力C.listen and Learn the textT: Well done! You can do it very well ,You are so wonderful! And no w listen to the tape , please point and follow. Open your books. Lets listen (Play the tape and as

25、k)Ss: (read and point carefully)T: Now listen again and repeat sentence by sentence.Ss: (Follow the tape.)T: Practice the text in groups two minutes.Ss: (Practice the text in groups and act it in front. Then all class read together)Step Four: sing a song we have learnt(listen to the tape .)T: sing t

26、he song together, do action with me .Ss: ( follow the teachers and do actions with fingers)(動聽的旋律合著節(jié)拍,孩子們臉上定會洋溢著開心與幸福的微笑)Step Five: Sum up.T: Today we learnt to ask Whats this ? Its a and this is a /my. Step Six: Homework. T: So todays homework. Point and read words you know then read the text, please.

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