
2021-2022年四年級英語上冊 Unit4教案 北師大版

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1、2021-2022年四年級英語上冊 Unit4教案 北師大版教學(xué)目標知識能力:1、在真實的語境中學(xué)習(xí)體會功能句型:Where is it ? Its on the desk . Is it on the desk ? Yes,it is. No, it isnt.并能夠在語境中運用語言。2、在功能句型中學(xué)習(xí)方位詞:on in under behind in front of 。3、在初步感知結(jié)構(gòu),句型,詞匯的基礎(chǔ)上,讓學(xué)生自主探究故事內(nèi)容,在具體環(huán)境中進一步體會語言,提高運用語言的能力。過程方法:采用視聽,師生互動,小組合作等方法,指導(dǎo)學(xué)生在感知,體驗,參與和合作中學(xué)習(xí)運用英語。情感態(tài)度:1、

2、培養(yǎng)學(xué)生主動參與,大膽實踐,敢于開口說英語的良好學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣。2、教育學(xué)生互相幫助,學(xué)會合作學(xué)習(xí),在合作學(xué)習(xí)中增近同學(xué)間的友誼。教學(xué)重點、難點:重點:能聽懂會說會用功能句型。難點:理解故事內(nèi)容。能在一定的情景中運用所學(xué)的語言。教具準備掛圖,課件,錄音機。板書設(shè)計:Unit4 Where is it ? Its on the bag . Is it on the bag ? Yes,it is. No, it isnt 教學(xué)過程設(shè)計:一、 激情導(dǎo)入,拋磚引玉。1、師生一起說唱歌謠:The girl has a kite . Its in her hand (從學(xué)生喜愛的歌謠入手,激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的興趣并

3、使學(xué)生初步感知方位詞的用法。)2、復(fù)習(xí)舊的知識,引出新知:T:Do you like oranges ?Yes ,I do.(老師帶來一些水果如橘子,蘋果,香蕉等,老師提出問題: Do you like oranges(bananas apples) ?讓學(xué)生說出自己的真實感受:Yes,I do 或No I dont.老師再根據(jù)學(xué)生的不同喜好把這些東西發(fā)給學(xué)生,由于學(xué)生活潑好動的特點,在因為學(xué)生渴望得到自己喜歡的東西的心理得到了滿足,這時的學(xué)生會異常興奮,一定會有許多表現(xiàn)如:有的把橘子放在手上,有的把蘋果放在桌子里,有的把香蕉放在桌子上等等.這時老師要放收急時,抓住恰當時機根據(jù)學(xué)生表現(xiàn)出的真實

4、情況引出新知:The apple is in The banana is on )二、 體驗參與,獲取新知。1、老師根據(jù)學(xué)生的具體情況引出:The apple is in the desk.The banana is on the desk.(讓學(xué)生對比感知in 和on的用法.)(1)讀句型體會用法,并引出句型The apple is in the desk.中的主語可以用it 來代替.說成: Its in the desk.(2)老師和學(xué)生交流時故意把學(xué)生的蘋果碰掉在桌子底下然后由尋找蘋果引出:Where is it?(老師邊裝出找蘋果狀邊板書課題Where is it?)找到蘋果后老師說出

5、:Its under the desk.然后老師在舉出學(xué)生周圍例子如:the foot is under the desk. The book is under the pencil-box等等。讓學(xué)生感知under的用法。(3)在句型中整體復(fù)習(xí):in on under 三個新詞。(根據(jù)老師的指令做事情。例如:老師說:Its in the desk.那么學(xué)生就把東西放在指定的地方.加強鞏固區(qū)分這三個詞的用法)(4)在師生交流中引出新的功能句型。T:Where is your chinese-book?S:Its in my bag.接著老師又向?qū)W生提出問題,T :Is it in your b

6、ag?S:Yes, it is(板書). 順勢老師再問,T :Is it in your desk?No, it isnt(板書)(疑問句型學(xué)生比較熟悉,從語感上就已經(jīng)知道用Yes,it is. 或No, it isnt 來回答。)2、明確任務(wù):放手讓學(xué)生自己探究in front of 和 behind 的用法。(1)出示課件:(小兔子、小猴子和小化貓在院子里玩捉迷藏的游戲,小兔子藏在了大樹的后面,小花貓站在大樹的前面尋找)讓學(xué)生通過自己的視聽感知in front of 是在前面的意思, behind是在后面的意思,并體會用法。并能表達出:The rabbit is behind the tr

7、ee. The cat is in front of the tree.(2)小組合作:(讓學(xué)生之間大膽描繪自己或描繪他人在誰的前面在誰的后面。) 師生之間。T:Where are you?S:I am in front of the Wangling. T:Where is she? S: She is behind the Liping. T:Where is he? S: He is in front of the Chengang.T:Are you in front of the car?S:No, it isnt.T: Is he behind the Liping? S:Yes,

8、 it is 生生之間。(生生根據(jù)生活實際一問一答,體會運用語言)匯報表演。3、師生聽唱歌曲:Oh where ,oh where is my little cat在(歌曲以課件的形式出現(xiàn),讓學(xué)生邊聽邊看邊唱邊感受語言的運用環(huán)境。)二、自主學(xué)故事,再一次體會語言的運用環(huán)境。1、學(xué)生自己打開書初讀故事。2讓學(xué)生用漢語講一講故事大意。3小組活動。(學(xué)生提出自己解決不了的問題,學(xué)生之間進行討論。)4老師答疑。5匯報自學(xué)成果:先找學(xué)生用英語講故事,再分角色表演故事。三)創(chuàng)設(shè)情景,綜合運用語言。游戲:游戲規(guī)則,全班學(xué)生分成四組,每組圍成一圈手拉手走,一邊走一邊唱英文歌曲:“one two there ,

9、one two there”當聽到老師說:“stop”的時候,要求學(xué)生必須紋絲不動,如果誰動了,這個動的學(xué)生就要用英語說幾句話,至少有一句用今天所學(xué)的功能句型描繪一下自己身邊的學(xué)生所在的位置。在這個游戲中老師利用各種方法逗不動的學(xué)生發(fā)出動作。學(xué)生用英語表達時,其他同學(xué)也可以給他提一些問題例如:Where is the book?How old are you?Is she in front of the Chengang.等等。這樣使學(xué)生在輕松快樂的情景中運用語言,提高語言的表達能力。教師反思英語課程標準指出基礎(chǔ)教育階段英語課程的總體目標是培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的綜合語言運用能力。使學(xué)生在體驗、實踐、參與、

10、合作與交流的方式中獲取新知,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的綜合語言運用能力。在北師大版英語教材Unit4 Where is it ?第一課時的設(shè)計過程中,教師體現(xiàn)以下新的教學(xué)理念。一、以小組的形式學(xué)習(xí)交流,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生合作意識。小組合作學(xué)習(xí)是一種用以提高學(xué)習(xí)興趣及增強記憶的課堂措施,幫助自己及他人樹立一個積極形象,為嚴謹思考和解決問題提供一種手段,以及培養(yǎng)社會合作技能,由此可見合作學(xué)習(xí)有利于形成學(xué)生的個性品質(zhì),有利于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的交流能力。本課教師充分利用了小組合作學(xué)習(xí)的特點進行英語教學(xué)。在小組學(xué)習(xí)時,首先和師生交流,通過交流,使他們掌握和理解句型“Where is your chinese-book?S:Its in

11、my bag.”,再通過生生交流,例如游戲活動中通過生生之見一問一答來進行真實的交流,使學(xué)生在語境中鍛煉發(fā)展語言。這樣就使學(xué)生們在合作中互相學(xué)習(xí)互相幫助,共同進步,并在學(xué)習(xí)中形成了良好的人際關(guān)系。二、 用活動途徑,倡導(dǎo)體驗參與。 讓學(xué)生在教師的指導(dǎo)下,通過感知、體驗、實踐、參與和合作等方式,實現(xiàn)任務(wù)的目標,感受成功。在學(xué)習(xí)過程中進行情感和策略調(diào)整,以形成積極的學(xué)習(xí)態(tài)度,促進語言實際運用能力的提高。在本課教學(xué)中老師設(shè)計了多種活動,讓學(xué)生在參與中感受語言的運用環(huán)境,如:讓學(xué)生用所學(xué)功能句型描繪自己及周圍事物的所在位置。還有后面的游戲,學(xué)生們在玩中樂中輕松愉快的運用了語言,提高了口語交流能力。附送:

12、2021-2022年四年級英語上冊 unit4教案 廣東版開心Teaching demands:1.Review the drill:Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Whos she? Shes my grandmother. Whats that? Its a stapler. What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday. Can I have a peach? Sure . Here you are. Can I have a balloon? No, sorry.2.Review the sounds

13、and words:/s/,/z/,/z/,/ju:/,/u:/3.Review the vocabulary:hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, week, go, use, have, borrow, buy, watch, call, listen, cooks, eats, play, reads, washes, touches, music, humans, unicorn, huge

14、, cucumber, ice cube, balloon, spoon, suit, boots, soup, glueTeaching important points: drills ,words, sounds in the unitsTeaching difficult points: sound and wordsTeaching materials: Picture Cards 124,chalk/marker, Draw, cut and play! WB p.70, scissors, weekly schedule WB p.50Teaching Procedure:Ste

15、p 1.Getting ready1.Point to various pictures.T: What are they saying?Step 2. New presentationUsing the book1.T: Now lets listen.2.Ss draw lines from the letters to the corresponding pictures.Getting ready1.Hold up picture cards 915.2.Have Ss say the words.Using the book1.T: Draw lines from the lette

16、rs to the days.2.Play the tape.Getting ready1. Put up three Picture Cards from Unit 13 on the board.2.Ask S1 to e to the board.3.Make a sentence about one of the Picture Cards.T: Circle the picture.Using the book1.Point to the pictures in the boxes.2. T: Listen to the tape. Circle the correct pictur

17、es.Getting ready1.Write: cooks, Tuesday, balloon, plays and washes on the board.2. Write a word from the Sounds and words sections in Units 13 on the board, e.g. Music.3. T: which word has the same sound?Ss: Tuesday.4. Draw a line from Tuesday to music.Using the book1. Point to the words in the boxe

18、s.T: connect the words that have the same sounds.Getting ready1 Write oo, u, u-e, ou and s at the top of the board.2 Write bts and msic on the board.3 Ask for a student volunteer to e to the front.4T: (point to oo.) Can you say this? S1(/u:/).5 T: Where does it go?(Point to the words at the bottom o

19、f the board.)6 Have S1 draw a line from the letters to bts.7 T: /u:/. Boots. Repeat. Boots. Ss: Boots.Using the book1. T: Look at the pictures, listen and write.2. Play the tape.Extension:Draw, cut and play!(WB p.70)Ss draw a picture in each box. Then Ss cut their cards apart and choose one card. T

20、say the word and listen for another with the same sound. T demonstrates by holding the card ice cube and giving a student the card humans. T and S1 walk around the room in different directions, calling out their words. T cups his/her ear with one hand, pretending to be listening, then moves towards

21、S1. They sit down together, showing the class their cards. Then all Ss play pretending to be listening, then moves towards S1. They sit down together ,showing the class their cards. Then all Ss play.Weekly schedule( WB P. 50)Put Ss in pairs. They interview each other to plete each others weekly sche

22、dules. T demonstrates with a student volunteer, e.g. What do you do on Monday?S1 answers I play basketball on Monday. Ss write single words on the schedule, e.g. basketball.Step 3.ConclusionStep 4. Homework : Prepare for a test教學(xué)后記:一、注意學(xué)生對已學(xué)知識的記憶和運用。二、如何對知識的總結(jié),因為此會影響學(xué)生對知識的復(fù)習(xí)。三、個別學(xué)生的單詞和句型掌握不太牢固,需特別輔導(dǎo)。

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