
人教版必修5 Unit2 The United Kingdom 單元復習學案

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《人教版必修5 Unit2 The United Kingdom 單元復習學案》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《人教版必修5 Unit2 The United Kingdom 單元復習學案(5頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、人教版必修5 Unit2 The United Kingdom 單元復習學案1.How many countries does the UK consist of?(P9) 大不列顛由多少個國家組成?(1)consist of由組成,包括(不用于被動語態(tài)和進行時態(tài))(2)consist in(=lie in)基于, 在于, 存在之中即學即練選擇consist of, consist in完成句子。(1)The beauty of Venice _ the style of its ancient buildings.(2)This club _ one hundred members.(3)I

2、ts a simple dish to prepare, mainly _ rice and vegetables.答案:(1)consists in (2)consists of(3)consisting of 2.You can clarify this question if you study British history.(P9)如果你學習了英國歷史,就能弄清楚這個問題。詞語歸納clarify vt. 闡明; 解釋vi.變得清晰clarification (n.) 闡明,解釋,澄清clarify ones position 澄清某人的立場clarify the mind 理清想法即

3、學即練根據(jù)括號內(nèi)的漢語提示完成句子。(1)I have sent an email to_(解釋清楚) my intention of leaving the company.(2)The explanation in the footnote_(使明了) the difficult sentence.(3)The teachers explanation _(澄清了) the puzzling problem.答案: (1)clarify (2)clarified (3)clarified3.Happily this was accomplished without conflict whe

4、n King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.(P10)高興的是當蘇格蘭的James國王成為英格蘭和威爾士的國王時,這三個國家和平地實現(xiàn)了聯(lián)合。閱讀下列句子, 注意accomplish 的意思。The delegate accomplished their mission successfully and received a warm welcome at home.代表團順利地完成了使命,回國受到了熱烈的歡迎。(vt.完成)They didnt accomplish the purpose desired

5、.(vt.實現(xiàn),達到)他們沒有達到預期的目的。 She has accomplished 95 years of her life.(vt.走完,度過)她已達九十五高齡。即學即練A.根據(jù)所給的漢語提示完成句子。(1)他一天所完成的工作比他班上其他的孩子都多。He can _ more in a day than any other boy in his class.(2)花了五個禮拜走完全部旅程。The journey was _ in five weeks.(3)我愿意擔保他能完成這個任務(wù)。I will answer for it that he will _. 答案:A.(1)accomp

6、lish (2)accomplished (3)accomplish the task 閱讀下列句子,注意conflict的搭配及意思。The conflict between the employer and the workers drew the attention of the Board of Trade. (n.沖突,沖突)勞資糾紛引起了貿(mào)易委員會的重視。Your account of the mine accident conflicts with the reality. (vi.與相反,抵觸)你對礦難的報道和事實相反。詞語歸納prevent a conflict化解沖突a h

7、and-to-hand conflict短兵相接come into conflict with 和沖突 in conflict with.同相沖突有抵觸,有矛盾即學即練B.根據(jù)括號內(nèi)的漢語提示完成句子。(1)His patient persuasion _ (化解沖突) in personality of the colleagues.(2)Your excuse for being absent from work _ (相矛盾) the former one.(3)The hot debate represented _(分歧)between the members of the UN o

8、n this matter.答案:(1)prevented the conflict (2)conflicts with (3)the conflict 4.However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.(P10)然而,愛爾蘭南部并不愿意,因此脫離出去建立了自己的政府。詞語歸納break away from 逃脫,擺脫,破除,改掉break down 崩潰,身體垮了,(計劃)失敗,(機器等)壞了break in/into 強行闖入,插話break up

9、破碎, 破裂,(會議)結(jié)束,學期結(jié)束break off中斷, 斷絕break out爆發(fā),突然發(fā)生即學即練從上述短語中選擇合適的正確形式填空。(1)The thief _ the police and ran into the woods.(2)Dont _ while others are speaking.(3)Then the car I was in _, so I had to walk home.(4)A house was _ between midnight and 4 a.m.(5)“Excuse me for _ like this,” said the headmaste

10、r.(6)We thought it was time to _ the talk.(7)A big fire _ in the town last night.(8)After ten years of hard work, his health is _.(9)The meeting _ without result.答案:(1)broke away from (2)break in (3)broke down (4)broken into (5)breaking in (6)break off(7)broke out (8)breaking down (9)broke up5.To th

11、eir credit the four countries do work together in some areas (e.g.The currency and international relations),.(P10)值得贊揚的是,雖然這四個國家的確在一些方面共同合作,例如在貨幣和國際關(guān)系上,閱讀下列句子,注意credit 的搭配及意思。The bank refused further credits to the company.(n.貸款;信用證)銀行拒絕再貸款給該公司。He is a man of high credit,and he is highly thought of

12、by the people in the town.(n.名望)他是個極有聲望的人,鎮(zhèn)里的人對他評價很高。His success brings credit to his family.(n.榮譽; 贊揚)他的成功使全家增光。歸納總結(jié)add to ones credit 增加榮譽 be a credit to 使感到光榮,給爭光 give credit to 相信; 信任,稱贊,贊揚 have credit with sb.得到某人的信任 have the credit of 有的好名聲 to sb.s credit 值得贊揚; 使某人感到光榮 即學即練根據(jù)括號內(nèi)的漢語提示完成句子。(1)I

13、have no cash on me but I can pay it by _ .(信用卡)(2)The high percentage of graduates,enrollment to universities is _.(為學校增光)(3)_(值得贊揚的是),the three sons of the old man graduates from Beijing University.答案:(1)credit card (2)a credit to the school (3)To his credit 6.England is the largest of the four cou

14、ntries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.(P10)在這四個國家中,英格蘭最大,為了方便起見,它大致被劃分為三個地區(qū)。詞語歸納convenience n. 方便,便利的事物,方便的時候,便利品convenient adj. 方便的,便利的inconvenient adj.不方便的it is convenient for sb.to do sth.方便某人做某事at ones convenience 在方便的時候for the convenience of 為方便起見 be convenient to s

15、b.對某人方便for (the sake of) convenience 為了方便起見make a convenience of sb.(乘機)利用某人 即學即練根據(jù)括號內(nèi)的漢語提示完成句子。(1)Come and see me whenever _.(你方便的時候)(2)I keep my reference books near my desk _. (以求方便)(3)Gas is one of the_(現(xiàn)代化便利設(shè)施)the newly-built apartment building provides.(4)You may come and get it _.(你方便時)答案:(1)

16、it is convenient to you (2)for convenience (3)modern conveniences (4)at your convenience 7.The Union Jack flag unites the three flags of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out?(P11)聯(lián)合王國的國旗只有三個國家的聯(lián)合,哪個國家漏掉了?閱讀下列句子,注意leave sb./sth.out 的搭配及意思。She left out an s in the word assi

17、stance.(遺漏;缺漏;不提及)她在assistance這個單詞中漏掉了一個s。Leave me out of this quarrel, I don,t want to get involved.不要讓我參與吵架,我不想卷入。歸納總結(jié)leave alone聽其自然,不管;別惹;撇下一個人leave aside 擱置leave off 停止;脫離leave behind 留下(不帶走);遺忘(沒拿);遺留leave a word 留下話(口信)leave sb.doing sth.聽任某人做某事leave sth.undone留下某事未完成leave sb.with sth.=leave

18、sth.to sb.(把某物留給某人)leave+賓語+賓補 讓處于某種狀態(tài) 即學即練根據(jù)括號內(nèi)的漢語提示完成句子。(1)_(別管他),and the boy will stop crying.(2)_ sentences which are unnecessary in your writing.(3)The boss scolded David because he _ the project _(留下未完成)to have a holiday in Hawaii.答案:(1)Leave him alone (2)Leave out (3)left.undone 8.Worried abo

19、ut the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London.(P13)由于擔心時間不夠,張萍玉早就把想要在倫敦參觀的地點列了一張單子。閱讀下列句子,注意available的意思This was the only room available. (adj.可用的)I saw an increase in the number of jobs available to women. (adj.有效的,適合的)即學即練把下列句子翻譯成英語。(1)這些票有效期一個月。_ (2)

20、他不適宜做這個工作。_ (3)這游泳池只是在夏天開放。_ 答案:(1)These tickets are available for one month only.(2)He is not available for the job.(3)The swimming pool is available only in summer.9. What interested her was the longitude line.(P14)最令她感興趣的是經(jīng)緯線。What interests/interested sb.(most) is/was.最令某人感興趣的是活學活用模仿造句。(1)最令科學家感興趣的是恐龍是怎么從地球上消失的。_ is how the dinosaurs disappeared from the earth.(2)最令我感興趣的是北京的故宮。_ (3)最令我感興趣的是看外國人學用筷子。_ 答案:(1)What interests the scientists most(2)What interested me most was the Palace Museum in Beijing.(3)What interests me most is to see how foreigners learn to use chopsticks.

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