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2020高考英語大二輪復(fù)習(xí) 沖刺經(jīng)典專題 語篇部分 專題三 完形填空 第3講 議論文和說明文教學(xué)案

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2020高考英語大二輪復(fù)習(xí) 沖刺經(jīng)典專題 語篇部分 專題三 完形填空 第3講 議論文和說明文教學(xué)案

第3講議論文和說明文議論文和說明文的完形填空都屬于較難的文體,在全國卷中出現(xiàn)的頻率很低,議論文在全國卷中基本沒有考查,說明文也僅僅是在2012年和2014年出現(xiàn)過兩次,不過也應(yīng)加以足夠重視。議論文是一種剖析事物、論述事理、發(fā)表見解或提出主張的說理性文章。這類文章或從正面提出某種見解、主張,或是駁斥別人的錯誤觀點。議論文類完形填空具有如下特點:(1)首句制勝,論點明確。議論文一般都在首句提出論點,然后在各段的前句提出分論點。(2)結(jié)構(gòu)清楚,邏輯通順。作者為了使文章的脈絡(luò)清晰,一般會使用一些邏輯關(guān)聯(lián)詞(或短語),如on the contrary, all in all, in short, generally, surely, obviously等。(3)方法論證,合情合理。議論文都是按一定的方法來論證的。常用的論證方法有:歸納法、推理法、對照法。說明文常就某一個問題、某一種社會現(xiàn)象、某一個產(chǎn)品的制作過程和使用方法、某個科學(xué)成就或人類生活中所面臨的某個具體的難題等從不同角度來加以說明。說明文一般有兩種結(jié)構(gòu)模式:總分式:包括“總分”“分總”“總分總”等具體形式;遞進式: 一層一層地剖析事理,所以事理說明文多采用這種形式。常用空間順序、時間順序、邏輯順序等去組織文章。議論文可利用以下幾種技巧:1把握首句和首段的完整信息,從而去掌握文章的中心論點:議論文的論點一般出現(xiàn)在首句或首段,因此我們要認真閱讀這部分內(nèi)容,以便掌握文章的導(dǎo)向,也有利于我們對上下文的理解。2把握作者的觀點態(tài)度:議論文往往體現(xiàn)作者對某一事物的觀點,而作者的觀點就是文章的論點??忌グ盐兆髡叩挠^點,了解作者對某一事物的態(tài)度是褒還是貶,是贊成還是反對,通過把握作者的觀點也就找準了文章的論點。3論點和論據(jù)相互結(jié)合:一般來說,能說明論據(jù)主要內(nèi)容的答案可以在論點里得到印證,而論點里的某些答案也可以與論據(jù)有機地結(jié)合起來,使論點、論據(jù)形成相輔相成的關(guān)系,從而使整篇文章上下一致。如果我們所選的答案前后矛盾,論據(jù)與論點相悖,那么我們就要重新梳理文章,這樣才能得到正確的答案。說明文可利用以下方法:1理清文章結(jié)構(gòu),了解文章主旨:對全文有一個清晰的概念,理清了文章的結(jié)構(gòu)才能掌握文章的主旨。2掌握說明順序,弄懂邏輯關(guān)系:掌握了文章是按時間、空間、邏輯或認知等的順序去組織后,考生才能理順邏輯關(guān)系,才能找準關(guān)鍵信息,才能得出正確推論。3明白所舉事例,找準突破口:為了說明一件事情或一個道理,說明文中常使用舉例的方法,明白了所舉的事例,也就找到了做題的突破口。真題導(dǎo)練(2014·全國卷)As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine (常規(guī)) basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this _41_ at work in people of all _42_. For example, on Christmas morning, children are excited about _43_ with their new toys. But their _44_ soon wears off and by January those _45_ toys can be found put away in the basement. The world is full of _46_ stamp albums and unfinished models, each standing as a monument to someone's _47_ interest. When parents bring home a pet, their child _48_ bathes it and brushes its fur. Within a short time, however, the _49_ of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents. Adolescents enter high school with great _50_ but are soon looking forward to _51_. The same is true of the young adults going to college. And then, how many _52_, who now complain (抱怨) about the long drives to work, _53_ drove for hours at a time when they first _54_ their driver's licenses (執(zhí)照)? Before people retire, they usually _55_ to do a lot of _56_ things, which they never had _57_ to do while working. But _58_ after retirement, the golfing, the fishing, the reading and all of the other pastimes become as boring as the jobs they _59_. And, like the child in January, they go searching for new _60_.41A.principle BhabitCway Dpower42A.parties BracesCcountries Dages43A.working BlivingCplaying Dgoing44A.confidence BinterestCanxiety Dsorrow45A.same BextraCfunny Dexpensive46A.well­organized Bcolorfully­printedCnewly­collected Dhalf­filled47A.broad BpassingCdifferent Dmain48A.silently BimpatientlyCgladly Dworriedly本文是一篇議論文。文章以小孩、青少年、成年人和一些退休的人為例,論述了人們有時難以長時間專注于一種活動。41根據(jù)上文“As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine (常規(guī)) basis.”可知,此處指的是我們能夠看到這一原則起作用。故選A。42根據(jù)下文列舉的例子可知,這一原則適用于各個年齡階段的人。故選D。43根據(jù)常識并結(jié)合空格后的“with their new toys”可知,此處指孩子們對玩新玩具感到興奮,動詞短語play_with意為“玩弄”。故選C。44根據(jù)第47空后的“interest”可知,此處指孩子們對新玩具的興趣很快就會消退。故選B。45此處指到一月份的時候,同樣的那些玩具就被發(fā)現(xiàn)被棄置在地下室里了。故選A。46根據(jù)下文的“unfinished models”可推斷,此處指世界上充滿了沒有完成的集郵冊。故選D。47結(jié)合上文中的“But their _44_ soon wears off”可知,此處指的是短暫的/一時的興趣。故選B。48此處指當(dāng)父母把寵物帶回家的時候,他們的孩子會很高興地為寵物洗澡和梳理毛發(fā)。故選C。49此處指不久照料動物的重擔(dān)就交給父母了。burden意為“負荷/重擔(dān)”,符合語境。故選B。50此處指青少年剛進入高中的時候很興奮。故選D。51根據(jù)上文中的“but are soon looking forward to”的轉(zhuǎn)折可知,青少年十分興奮地進入高中,但是不久就開始盼望著畢業(yè)。故選A。52根據(jù)下文“complain (抱怨) about the long drives to work”可判斷,空格處指的是具有駕駛資格的成年人。故選C。53根據(jù)設(shè)空后的“drove for hours at a time when they first”可推斷,他們剛拿到駕照時渴望連續(xù)幾個小時駕車。故選B。49A.promise BburdenCright Dgame50A.courage BcalmnessCconfusion Dexcitement51A.graduation BindependenceCresponsibility Dsuccess52A.children BstudentsCadults Dretirees53A.carefully BeagerlyCnervously Dbravely54A.required BobtainedCnoticed Ddiscovered55A.need BlearnCstart Dplan56A.great BstrangeCdifficult Dcorrect57A.time BmoneyCskills Dknowledge58A.only BwellCeven Dsoon59A.lost BchoseCleft Dquit60A.pets BtoysCfriends Dcolleagues54.根據(jù)下文中的“their driver's licenses (執(zhí)照)”可知,此處指的是成年人剛獲得/得到他們的駕照。故選B。55在退休前,人們計劃做很多在工作時沒時間做的事情。故選D。56根據(jù)下文的“the golfing, the fishing, the reading”可知,這些都是美好的事情。故選A。57此處指計劃退休后做的事都是工作時沒有時間做的。故選A。58此處指退休后不久,他們感到打高爾夫、釣魚、讀書和所有其他的消遣方式都和曾經(jīng)的工作一樣變得無聊了。故選D。59這些想做的事就像他們退休時離開的那份工作一樣變得索然無味了。they left是定語從句,修飾限定the_jobs。故選C。60根據(jù)上文“l(fā)ike the child in January”可知,就像在一月份的孩子,他們又去尋找新的玩具了。故選B。過關(guān)檢測(限時:45分鐘)(2019·安徽師大附中期中)In a world where comparisons happen non­stop, it is difficult to look outside yourself and to ever be _1_ with who you are. There's always someone who's a bit _2_. The only solution is to reach _3_ and measure against what Warren Buffett calls your own inner yardstick. There is no more _4_ measure for comparison than who you were yesterday, last week or last decade, when you were at your _5_.Nothing useful ever comes from comparison to others. _6_ you see yourself better than someone and you get _7_, or you see someone else better than you and you feel like all your hard work is for _8_. It is a fool's game. Not one of us is exactly _9_. The only direct and honest comparison is _10_ yourself. Everything else is apples to oranges.My opinion is that you are only _11_ to compare yourself to someone else if their life _12_ is the same as your own. Good luck finding that match. And one thing is for sure. No matter how hard you work and how _13_ you are, there will always be someone who can run a little faster, jump a little higher, score a little better or look a little nicer in a swimsuit. And if there's not, you can _14_ someone is coming up fast behind you. So how can you always win in life? Become your best _15_.Having an image of your most recent past limits is the perfect thing to _16_ you to the next level. If you ran 7 flights of stairs yesterday, then do 8 today. Who _17_ if the guy next to you did 15? It doesn't make a bit of _18_. You are a more fit person today than you were yesterday. Your own _19_ is all you need.If you _20_ to a slightly higher standard of yourself every day, you will always be at the top of your game.篇章導(dǎo)讀:本文是一篇議論文。作者在文中論述了和別人比較沒有意義。我們要和過去的自己比較,每天進步一點點,自己才能超越別人,穩(wěn)步向前,勝利屬于自己。1A.patient BstrictCcontent Dconcerned答案:C由前一句所述這個世界充滿對比可知,我們總是無法對自己滿意。content “滿意的”符合語境。2A.stronger BwiserClazier Dbetter答案:D由第13空后的描述可知,這里泛指總會有人比你好。故選D項。3A.out BupCinside Doutside答案:C根據(jù)本句中的“your own inner yardstick”可知,此處表述唯一的解決辦法就是深入我們的內(nèi)心,按照我們自己的內(nèi)在的衡量標準來衡量自己。 故選C。4A.accurate BcarefulCuseful Dpowerful答案:A除了和過去的你相比,沒有更為精確的衡量標準了。accurate “精確的”,符合語境。5A.end BbestCside Dconvenience答案:B人們要和自己過去比的話,應(yīng)該是和過去最佳時期進行比較。at one's best “處于最佳狀態(tài)”,符合語境。6A.Whether BIfCOnce DEither答案:D由第7空后的“or”及語境可知,此處構(gòu)成either . or . 結(jié)構(gòu),故選D項。7A.lazy BinspiredCbusy Dsatisfied答案:A由“or”連接的下一分句中的“all your hard work”可知,前一分句表示:要么你看到自己比別人強的時候,你會變得懶惰,不思進取。故lazy “懶惰的”符合語境。8A.fun BnothingCsure Dsuccess答案:B此處表示第二種情況:要么你看到別人比你好,你會覺得你所有的努力都沒價值。for nothing意為“徒然地,沒有結(jié)果地”。9A.equal BuniqueCalike Dcommon答案:C和別人去比較是傻子的游戲,所以文章強調(diào)不要和別人去比,因為人和人不同。alike “相似的”符合語境。10A.to BbyCfor Dwithin答案:D文章第一段最后提到要和昨天的自己、上周的自己或者是10年前的自己去比較,用自己內(nèi)在的衡量標準去衡量自己,所以在此應(yīng)該是自己內(nèi)在的比較,故D項正確。11A.allowed BsuggestedCinstructed Ddirected答案:A此處表述你只可以與那些和你生活狀況一樣的人去比較。即允許自己和別人相比較。allow “允許”符合句意。12A.position BsituationCoccasion Daccommodation答案:B和別人比較要在同等情況下進行比較,也就是生活境況(situation)相同的,否則沒有可比性。13A.diligent BdedicatedCoptimistic Daddicted答案:B由句中的“how hard you work”及下句中的語境可推知,此處表述不管你工作多么努力且多么投入,總是有人會跑得比你快,跳得比你高。故dedicated “專注的,獻身的”符合句意。14A.declare BconcludeCannounce Dbet答案:D即使現(xiàn)在沒人比你強,肯定也有人在背后努力會超過你的。慣用搭配you can bet意為“肯定,毫無疑問”符合語境。15A.assistant BcoachCcompetitor Dteacher答案:C作者強調(diào)不要和別人去比,要自己和自己比,要讓今天的自己超越昨天的自己,所以自己才是自己的競爭對手。故選C。16A.lead BpushCexpose Dcause答案:B由下一句中關(guān)于自我超越的例子可知,此處表述對你最近能達到的最大限度有所了解可以推動自己朝下一個高度前進。push “推;推動”,符合語境。17A.wonders BsaysCcares Dasks答案:C從上文可知,作者要人們自己給自己設(shè)定目標,每天進步一點點超越自己,而不去和別人比。who cares if . 表示不在意某事,故選C。18A.difference BsenseCchange Deffort答案:A別人做得再好和我們也毫無關(guān)系,我們只和自己比較,所以即使你跑7段樓梯,別人跑15段,那也和我們一點關(guān)系都沒有。make a difference意為“有關(guān)系,有影響”。故選A項。19A.benefit BresultChabit Dprogress答案:D從上下文可知,此處是指我們沒必要去和別人比,去看別人的成績,只要我們自己每天都在進步,那么我們就是一個成功的人,你的進步就是你需要的東西。故progress “進步,進展”符合語境。20A.commit BdevoteCtend Dcontribute答案:A如果你保證每天都有所提高,那么你將永遠都是勝利者。commit “保證”符合語境。(2019·江西省高三畢業(yè)班新課程教學(xué)質(zhì)量監(jiān)測)There are too many fat people in America, so many Americans are fighting against overweight. But the _1_ thing is that the French, who consume rich food, _2_ to stay thin. Now a _3_ by Cornell University suggests _4_ life style and decisions about _5_ may affect weight. Researchers concluded that the French tend to stop eating when they feel _6_. However, Americans tend to stop when their _7_ are empty or their favorite TV show is over.According to Dr Joseph Mercola, a _8_ expert, the French see eating _9_ an important part of their life style. They enjoy food and therefore spend a _10_ time at the table, while Americans see eating as _11_ to be squeezed between the other daily activities. Mercola believes Americans _12_ the ability to sense when they are actually full. So they keep eating long after the French would have _13_. In addition, he points out that Americans drive to huge supermarkets to buy canned and _14_ foods for the week. The French, _15_ tend to shop daily, walking to small shops and farmers' markets where they have a _16_ of fresh fruits, vegetables, and eggs as well as highquality meats for each meal.After a visit to the United States, Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don't Get Fat, decided to _17_ about the importance of knowing when to stop rather than suggesting how to avoid _18_. Today she continues to stay slim and rarely goes to the gym.In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style _19_ may be affecting French eating habits. Today the rate of obesity (肥胖)or extreme overweightamong adults is only 6%. However, as American fast food gains _20_ and the young reject older traditions, the obesity rate among French children has reached 17%and is growing.篇章導(dǎo)讀:本文是一篇說明文。文章主要通過對比,介紹了法國人吃大量油膩食品,但仍然保持苗條身材的原因:生活方式和飲食習(xí)慣。1A.present Bnatural Cstrange Dmodern答案:C與空前面的“There are too many fat people in America”很多美國人超重對比,令人奇怪的是,法國人,他們吃大量的油膩食品,但卻持續(xù)保持很瘦的身材。故選C。2A.continue Bmove Ctry Dexpand答案:A根據(jù)該空前面的“that the French, who consume rich food”可知,令人奇怪的是,法國人,他們吃大量的油膩食品,但卻持續(xù)保持很瘦的身材。選A。3A.research Bnovel Cbook Dnewspaper答案:A由下文中的“Researchers”可知,Cornell大學(xué)做的一個研究表明生活方式和決定可能會影響體重。A項正確。4A.that Bwhat Chow Dwhen答案:A設(shè)空處引導(dǎo)從句作suggest的賓語,該從句結(jié)構(gòu)意思完整,故應(yīng)用that引導(dǎo)。選A。5A.working Bliving Cstudying Deating答案:D由該空后面的“affect weight”可推知,生活方式和飲食習(xí)慣可能會影響體重。選D。6A.sensitive Bsad Chappy Dfull答案:D當(dāng)法國人感到吃飽了的時候,他們就不再吃東西了。選D。7A.pockets Brefrigerators Chouses Dplates答案:D由下文“are empty or their favorite TV show is over”可知,與法國人形成對照的是,美國人只有在盤子里空了(即沒有東西可吃了)或者他們最喜歡的電視劇結(jié)束的時候他們才停止吃東西。選D。8A.education Bhealth Cliterature Dspeech答案:B由下文中“Dr Joseph Mercola”的觀點可知,他是一位健康專家。選B。9A.into Bas Cinside Dto答案:B法國人將吃看作是他們生活方式中非常重要的一部分。see . as . 意為“將看作”,是固定搭配。故選B。10A.fairly long Bquite short Cvery exciting Drather fast答案:A法國人喜歡食物,所以他們花了相當(dāng)長的時間在餐桌旁。選A。11A.anything Bsomething Ceverything Dnothing答案:B根據(jù)該空后面的“to be squeezed between the other daily activities”可知, 美國人將吃看作是一件在其他日?;顒又袛D出來的事情。選B。12A.get Bbring Close Dreceive答案:C由下文中的“they keep eating long”可知,當(dāng)美國人實際上已經(jīng)飽了的時候,他們感覺不到(自己已經(jīng)吃飽了)。指他們喪失了這種能力。故選C。13A.kept Benjoyed Cwent Dstopped答案:D美國人喪失了感覺自己吃飽的能力,所以當(dāng)法國人(感到飽了而)停止吃食物時,美國人還會一直吃很長時間。D項正確。14A.hot Bcool Cwarm Dfrozen答案:D根據(jù)上文“Americans drive to huge supermarkets to buy canned”可知,美國人往往會開車去大超市買一周吃的罐裝和冷凍食品。選D。15A.therefore Binstead Chowever Dmerely答案:B與前面的美國人往往會開車去大超市買一周吃的罐裝和冷凍食品對比,相反地(instead),法國人卻每天都去購物,步行到小的商店去買新鮮的水果、蔬菜和雞蛋等食物。選B。16A.choice Bmessage Corder Dnumber答案:A結(jié)合該空后面的“of fresh fruits, vegetables, and eggs as well as highquality meats for each meal”可知,法國人往往會選擇新鮮水果、蔬菜和雞蛋等食物。選A。17A.write Bread Cspeak Dthink答案:A由該空前面的“author of French Women Don't Get Fat”可知,Mireille Guiliano是一位作家,所以她決定寫關(guān)于知道何時停止吃東西的重要性。選A。18A.fruit Bfood Coil Degg答案:B根據(jù)語境可知Mireille Guiliano決定寫關(guān)于知道何時停止吃東西的重要性而不是建議人們?nèi)绾伪苊獬阅承┦澄铩_xB。19A.examples Btradition Cchanges Dstories答案:C由下文講法國青少年對傳統(tǒng)飲食習(xí)慣的拋棄和肥胖率的增加可知,此處表明最近的生活方式的改變可能會影響法國人的飲食習(xí)慣。change “改變;變化”。選C。20A.failure Bsuccess Cacceptance Drejection答案:C由該空后面的“the young reject older traditions”可知,法國的年輕人拒絕傳統(tǒng)食物,由此可知,他們越來越接受美國的快餐。故選C。強化特訓(xùn)10議論文和說明文(一)(限時:35分鐘)1Expressive arts therapy is a form of therapy that uses dance, drama, music, poetry, and art to enhance one's overall wellbeing. The arts are used to let go, _1_ and to release.People have been using the arts as tools for _2_for many centuries. In the early 1940's expressive arts therapy became formally _3_ and has since provided meaningful therapeutic _4_ for people of all ages in a variety of treatment settings. There is no right or wrong way in the arts and clients are encouraged to be _5_ with selfexpression. Expressive arts therapy focuses on the _6_ of making art and exploring _7_ the piece means to the individual, _8_ the final product.Through the arts, people can _9_ ideas and feelings that may be hard to put into words, such as negative memories and stress. It has been _10_ that use of the arts can help people develop social skills, _11_ anxiety, manage behavior, and increase selfconfidence. A free form of expression makes clients _12_ of their own work by reducing the need to compare themselves to others, an unfortunate problem seen today.Expressive arts therapists are professionally _13_. Anyone can be an expressive art therapist provided that they get the appropriate training. Knowledge in psychology is _14_ to all training, but from there training _15_ includes getting a master's degree in counseling with specialized instruction in implementing (實施) the art, music, poetry, and dance/movement therapeutically. Some professionals extend their _16_ and obtain a PhD in expressive therapy._17_ expressive arts therapy is unique, the clinical goal is _18_ to other mental health professions. This _19_ is to facilitate clients' growth and _20_ change.篇章導(dǎo)讀:本文是一篇說明文。在心理學(xué)上,表達性藝術(shù)治療借助舞蹈、戲劇、音樂、繪畫等方式,把內(nèi)心的真實狀況表達出來,從而達到心理治療的目的。1A.admit BexpressCexamine Dtrust答案:B根據(jù)該空前后的“Expressive arts therapy”和“l(fā)et go”以及“release”可知,該空填express符合語境。2A.explaining BprovingChealing Djudging答案:C根據(jù)文章開頭的“Expressive arts therapy”可知,它是一種治療的方法,故填healing。3A.recognized BrelievedCaffected Dcontrolled答案:A在20世紀40年代早期,表達性藝術(shù)治療被正式認可(recognized),自此以后,該治療手法就給各類人提供了重要的治療體驗經(jīng)歷(experiences)。4A.results BexperiencesCcauses Dquestions答案:Bexperience “經(jīng)歷”,符合語境。5A.angry BboredCstrict Dfree答案:D根據(jù)第12空格前的“A free form of expression”可知,表達性藝術(shù)治療鼓勵人們自由(free)地表達自我,并沒有對錯之分。6A.secret BtechniqueCdifficulty Dprocess答案:D根據(jù)第8空格后的“the final product”可知,表達性藝術(shù)治療注重創(chuàng)作藝術(shù)的過程(process),注重作品對于個人的意義所在(what),而非(rather than)最終的作品。7A.when BwhichCwhat Dwhere答案:C此處用what表示“什么”,引導(dǎo)賓語從句。8A.as to Bor ratherCrather than Dother than答案:Crather than “而不是”,符合語境。9A.communicate BproduceCreject Dtest答案:A根據(jù)該空格后的“be hard to put into words”可知,通過表達性藝術(shù)治療,人們可以將那些無法訴諸語言的想法和情感表達(communicate)出來。10A.offered BshownCguided Ddriven答案:B根據(jù)該空格后的運用表達性藝術(shù)治療的好處可知,填shown符合語境。11A.create BfeelCreduce Drecall答案:C根據(jù)該空格前后內(nèi)容可知,該句在談運用表達性藝術(shù)治療的好處,故填reduce符合語境。12A.tired BproudCafraid Dunaware答案:B根據(jù)該空格后的“reducing the need to compare themselves to others”可知,自由表達的方式讓人們對自己的作品感到自豪(proud)。13A.hired BservedCawarded Dtrained答案:D根據(jù)下一句中的“get the appropriate training”可知,該空填trained。14A.basic BenoughCimpossible Dstrange答案:A根據(jù)該空格后的內(nèi)容可知,心理學(xué)知識是所有培訓(xùn)的基本(basic)內(nèi)容。15A.finally BtypicallyCluckily Dhardly答案:B根據(jù)該空格后列出的培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容可知,這些都是比較有典型意義的培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容,故填typically。16A.visit BlifeCeducation Dmoney答案:C根據(jù)該空格后的“obtain a PhD in expressive therapy”可知,一些專家擴展教育(education)內(nèi)容。17A.If BAlthoughCUnless DSince答案:B雖然(Although)表達性藝術(shù)治療很獨特,但是臨床目標與其他的心理健康行業(yè)是相似的(similar)。18A.unequal BfriendlyCknown Dsimilar答案:Dbe similar to “與相似”,符合語境。19A.goal BprofessionCclinic Dtheory答案:A根據(jù)該空格前一句中的“the clinical goal”可知,該空填goal。20A.unwelcome BseasonalCpositive Dcultural答案:C根據(jù)該空格前的growth可知,該空填positive符合語境。2I asked my grandpa what it feels like to grow old. He pondered (深思) this _1_ while he gazed out the window and looked at his yard, which has gone into a state of _2_ in recent years. Grandpa no longer possesses the _3_ to maintain its former splendor (光輝)Grandpa took a sip of his tea, still pondering my question on _4_. Then he asked me a question. “Have you ever been in a hot shower when the water ran _5_?”I told him I had. “That's what aging _6_,” he says. “In the beginning of your life, it's like you're taking a hot shower. _7_ the water is too warm, but you get used to the _8_ and begin enjoying it. When you're _9_, you think it's going to be this way forever.“_10_ you begin to feel it somewhere between your 40s and 50s. The water temperature drops just the slightest bit. You try to _11_ you don't feel it, but you still turn the faucet (龍頭) up to stay _12_. But the water keeps going lukewarm. One day you _13_ the faucet can't go up any farther, and from here on the temperature begins to dropyou _14_ feel the warmth leaving your body.“It's a rather _15_ feeling. The water is still pleasant, but you know it'll soon become cold and there's nothing you can do. I knew a few people who decided to _16_ the shower. They knew it was _17_ going to get warmer, so why prolong the inevitable (必然的)? I was able to stay in because I contented myself by _18_ the showers of my youth.”Later on that day, after dinner, I saw him _19_ in the chair. I thought about waking him up but decided not to disturb him. I hoped he was _20_ the dreams of his youth and remembering the warmth of days gone by, the days before the water ran cold.篇章導(dǎo)讀:本文是一篇議論文。記住那些溫暖的過往歲月,坦然面對歲月的流逝,生命的蒼老。1A.result BquestionCprocess Dmethod答案:B根據(jù)第一句可知,作者提出一個問題,故填question。2A.shock BdepressionCdecline Demergency答案:C由下文可知,由于祖父沒有精力(energy)去維持庭院昔日的光輝,所以庭院處于衰敗(decline)的狀態(tài)。3A.energy BfortuneCtalent Dspace答案:Aenergy “精力”,符合語境。4A.loss BagingCyard Dtea答案:B根據(jù)第一段第一句中的“grow old”可知,作者的問題是有關(guān)衰老(aging)的。5A.strong BdryCshort Dcold答案:D根據(jù)文章最后一段中的“ran cold”可知該空答案為D。6A.relies on Bcomes upCslows down Dfeels like答案:D根據(jù)下文可知,祖父認為那就是所謂的衰老,故填feels like。7A.At least BAbove allCAt first DAfter all


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