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2021版高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World學(xué)案 外研版必修4

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2021版高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World學(xué)案 外研版必修4

Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World三言兩語1.We'll try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they are dangerous, so that we can take some really good photographs.2Although we can't solve these mysteries, I believe that, in the future, they will eventually be conquered by human beings.3Usually popular science books explain basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way.1.如果這樣的動物確實存在的話,我們可能會有機會親眼看到。If_such_creatures_really_exist,_we might have the chance to see one with_our_own_eyes.2科普書幫助我們更好地理解科學(xué),并喚起我們對科學(xué)發(fā)現(xiàn)的好奇心。Popular science books help_us_understand_science_better and arouse_our_curiosity_about scientific discoveries.單詞拼寫應(yīng)用核心單詞1attack vt.襲擊;攻擊2creature n動物;生物3calm adj.平靜的4sceptical adj.懷疑的;不相信的5cover vt.占地(多大面積)6generous adj.有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的7reputation n名譽;名聲8positive adj.正面的語境運用用所給詞的適當形式填空。1Beijing covers(cover) an area of 16, 000 square kilometers with a population of 1.3 million.2In man's early days, competition with other creatures(creature) must have been critical.3I hope you'll soon feel much calmer(calm) and carry on as normal.4The computer attacked(attack) by some unknown virus can't work well now.5The lady thought that he was more_generous(generous) than he really was!拓展單詞1fright n害怕frighten vt.使害怕frightened adj.害怕的frightening adj.嚇人的2exist vi.存在existence n存在3sharp adj.鋒利的;尖的sharpen v使變得鋒利4mystery n神秘之事mysterious adj.神秘的5adapt vi.適應(yīng);適合adaptation n適應(yīng);改編6appear vi.出現(xiàn)disappear vi.不見;消失7destroy v毀壞;摧毀destruction n毀壞destructive adj.毀滅性的;破壞性的8indicate vt.象征;暗示indication n象征;跡象9fortune n運氣;命運;財富fortunate adj.幸運的fortunately adv.幸運地語境運用用所給詞的適當形式填空。1To his fright,_the frightening scene frightened children into crying.(fright)2There exists an old hospital at the corner, but no one knows when it came into existence.(exist)3Some natural mysteries of the ancient times are still mysterious to people today.(mystery)4People destroy forests and rivers for their own benefit.Their destructive activities are likely to cause the destruction of the earth.(destroy)5He soon adapted himself to the new environment.That was to say, he made a quick adaptation_to the new environment.(adapt)6Fortunately,_he came to the new island safely.It is also fortunate for him to make his fortune here.(fortune)閱讀單詞1footprint n腳??;足跡2grey adj.灰色的3claw n爪4nail n(手、腳的)指甲;爪5journal n雜志;學(xué)報;期刊6seal n海豹7claim vt.聲稱8surface n表面;水面9dive vi.潛水10unlikely adj.不可能的11extinct adj.絕種的;消亡了的12evolve vi.進化;演變13fierce adj.兇猛的;殘暴的14emperor n皇帝15border n邊境;國界1(2018·天津卷)If your awareness is as sharp as it could be, you'll have no trouble answering these questions.敏銳的2(2017·浙江卷)Italy, which has a much weaker tradition of immigration, has witnessed a sharp increase in immigration in recent years.急劇的3(2014·江西卷)The gun is given to him by the government.However, it is not used for hunting.In fact, a seal is fixed to it.封條短語多維應(yīng)用高頻短語1.stick_out 伸出2be_sceptical_about 對懷疑3be_related_to 與有關(guān)4throw light on/upon 幫助弄清楚;闡明某事;照亮5die_out 滅絕語境運用選用左欄短語的適當形式填空Why have so many species died_out? Some scientists think it is_related_to climate change, while others are_sceptical_about it.Both sides still can't throw_light_on the real reason.We believe that with the development of science and technology, the real reason will come to light.6.close_to接近;靠近7come_straight_to_the_point 談?wù)};開門見山8cut_off 切斷;使隔絕9go_for 選擇;喜歡10due_to 由于;因造成語境運用選用左欄短語的適當形式填空Although Wang Gang likes getting close_to nature, he goes_for working underground in a coal mine, which was almost cut_off from the outside world.It is due_to the fact that his family was very poor and that he was badly in need of money for his sick mother.句式結(jié)構(gòu)仿寫教材原句背誦句式仿寫應(yīng)用1.不定式的完成式。He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water.為了出去玩,他假裝已經(jīng)完成了作業(yè)。He pretended to_have_finished his homework in order to go out to play.2.there be結(jié)構(gòu)的完成時。There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century, although no one has seen one close up.在過去的十年中,村子周圍已經(jīng)蓋了許多高樓。There_have_been many tall buildings in the last decade around the village.3.be of名詞。Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols, too, but with fewer claws and of a different colour.眾所周知,學(xué)好英語對我們大家都大有益處。It is universally acknowledged that learning English well will be of_great_benefit to us all.1attack vt.襲擊;攻擊;抨擊;(疾病)侵襲 n攻擊;進攻;抨擊;病情發(fā)作(1)attack sb.for sth.由于某事而責(zé)難某人attack sb.with sth.用攻擊某人be attacked with a disease 患病(2)make an attack on/upon .對發(fā)動進攻under attack 受到攻擊attack the government for failing to offer timely help 抨擊政府未能及時提供幫助be under fierce attack for its decision to close the factory 因決定關(guān)閉工廠而受到猛烈抨擊be attacked with dysentery from the drinking of muddy water 喝了不衛(wèi)生的水而患上了痢疾基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空(2017·全國卷)When a leafy plant is under attack, it doesn't sit quietly.(2016·四川卷) In fact, women are less likely to have high blood pressure or to die from heart attacks(attack)Many people made an attack on/upon the government's policies.能力提升一句多譯當動物受到襲擊時,它會跑走或反擊。When an animal is_attacked,_it can run away or fight back.(attack v)When an animal is_under_attack,_it can run away or fight back.(attack n)When_attacked,_an animal can run away or fight back.(狀語從句的省略)2exist vi.存在;生存;生活;繼續(xù)存在(1)exist in 在于exist on live on 靠生存;靠生活There exist(s) .有(2)existence n存在;生存;生活in existence 現(xiàn)存的;存在的come into existence/being 開始存在(3)existing adj. 現(xiàn)存的;現(xiàn)行的exist on such a small income 靠這么少的收入生活solve the existing problem in geography 解決現(xiàn)存的地理方面的問題the only copy of the book in existence 這本書現(xiàn)存的唯一版本基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空(2019·北京卷)A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it is based on trust and existing(exist) relationships.(2019·江蘇卷)So scientists are trying their best to save the species from going out of existence(exist)You can't imagine what difficulty they have existing on the little money he's earning.能力提升完成句子眾所周知,年輕人和老年人之間存在著代溝。As is known to all, there_exists_a_generation_gap between the young and the old.3calm adj.平靜的;鎮(zhèn)靜的 v使平靜;鎮(zhèn)定下來 n平靜,寧靜(1)calm oneself (使)自己平靜下來calm (sb.) down (使某人)平靜下來,鎮(zhèn)靜下來(2)keep/stay/remain calm 保持冷靜keep calm in an emergency 在緊急狀況下保持鎮(zhèn)靜in the calm surface of the lake 在平靜的湖面上accept her decision with his usual calm 以他慣有的鎮(zhèn)定接受了她的決定基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空(2018·全國卷)So do we dance in order to make ourselves feel better, calmer(calm), healthier? (2017·全國卷)I placed the chick in the nest, and it quickly calmed down.She was breathing deeply and tried to calm herself(she)能力提升一句多譯在這種狀態(tài)下,嬰兒很難安靜下來。In this state, it is difficult for the baby to keep/stay/remain_clam.(calm adj.)In this state, the baby is difficult to calm_down.(calm v)4adapt v(使)適應(yīng);(使)適合;改編;改寫(1)adapt to 適應(yīng)adapt oneself to 使自己適應(yīng)(2)adapt .from .根據(jù)改編adapt .for .改編為之用(3)adaptable adj.能適應(yīng)的;可修改的adaptation n適應(yīng);改編;改寫本better adapt to the development and changes of society 更好地適應(yīng)社會的發(fā)展和變化be specially adapted for the disabled 專門為殘疾人改造的adaptable workers who are willing to learn new skills 愿意學(xué)習(xí)新技能的、適應(yīng)力強的工人名師點津adopt與adapt形式相近,但它意為“采納;采用;收養(yǎng)”?;A(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空After graduation from college, I gradually adapted myself to living(live) on my own.The film was adapted from a novel written by a famous writer.Children are highly adaptable(adapt)they just need time to readjust.能力提升完成句子對于你們這些新生來說,如何適應(yīng)新的環(huán)境是你們要面對的第一件事。To all of you, fresh students, how_to_adapt_(yourself)_to_the_new_environment is the first thing that you have to face.5die out滅絕;(習(xí)俗、習(xí)慣等)消失(1)die away (聲音或感情等)慢慢變?nèi)?漸漸消失die down (風(fēng)或噪音等)漸弱;逐漸平息die off 先后死去;一一死去die of/from .死于(2)be dying for 很想要;渴望be dying to do sth.極想做某事in the danger of dying out 處于滅絕的危險die off from the disease 相繼病故be dying for a cold beer in the hot sun 大熱天很想喝杯冰鎮(zhèn)啤酒基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空(2015·全國卷)Many rare animals are dying out.We must find ways to protect our environment.Although the wind now died down completely, the air was still as cold as before.You mentioned that you would like to teach me English in return, which is exactly what I am dying for.能力提升完成句子/句式升級直到河里所有的魚都死光了,他們才意識到環(huán)境保護的重要性。They didn't realize the importance of environment protecting until_all_the_fish _in_the_river_died_out.Not_until_all_the_fish_in_the_river_die_out_did_they_realize the importance of environment protecting.(部分倒裝)6due to由于;因造成;應(yīng)支付;歸功于be due to do sth.預(yù)期做某事,預(yù)定要做某事be due to sth./sb.歸因于某事/某人;欠某人be due for sth.應(yīng)得到某物be abandoned due to a lack of money 由于缺乏資金被放棄be due to be published in November 預(yù)計11月份出版be due for a pay rise 要加薪了基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空(2016·北京卷)The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.The bus was due to_arrive(arrive) at 5 pm., but it arrived one hour late due to being_held(hold) up by heavy fog.Any money that is due to you will be paid before the end of the month.能力提升詞匯升級普通表達:It is well known that the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe because of global warming.高級表達:It is well known that the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe due_to global warming.聯(lián)想發(fā)散表示原因的介詞短語還有:because of, on account of, owing to, thanks to, as a result of等。7(教材P52)He claims to_have_seen_a round black creature moving quickly through the water.他聲稱看見一個黑黑的、圓圓的動物在水中快速游動。句型公式句中to have seen為不定式的完成式,表示不定式所發(fā)生的動作在謂語動詞所表示的動作之前。不定式的時態(tài)有三種:(1)不定式的一般式:表示與謂語動詞同一時間發(fā)生或發(fā)生在謂語動詞后。(2)不定式的進行式:表示與謂語動詞同一時間發(fā)生,并且動作正在進行。(3)不定式的完成式:表示發(fā)生在謂語動詞之前。金句推送(天津卷)I have successfully got admitted as a volunteer for the 13th National Games, which is scheduled to be held at the end of August in Tianjin.我已經(jīng)成功地成為第13屆全運會的志愿者,全運會按計劃將于8月末在天津舉行。基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空I'm terribly sorry to have_put(put) you through so much trouble.The boy pretended to_be_concentrating(concentrate) on his lesson, but in fact his mind was wandering. I have wrapped the parcels and they're ready to_be_posted(post)能力提升一句多譯這個小女孩比賽之前一點也不緊張。她好像做好了充分的準備。The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition.She seemed_to_have _prepared_for_it_pretty_well.The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition.It seemed_that_she_ had_prepared_for_it_pretty_well.多維訓(xùn)練夯實基礎(chǔ)維度1用所給詞的正確形式填空1The animal will defend itself when attacked(attack) by making a strange noise.2Mother was worried about whether she could adapt to living(live) in the mountainous village alone.3Mrs Green didn't realize there was a gap existing(exist) between her and her son.4Marco Polo is said to_have_sailed(sail) on the Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in the thirteenth century.5The identification (identify) of the crash victims was a long and difficult task.維度2在空白處填入一個適當?shù)脑~1Our success was largely due to the good cooperation of all team members.2If people don't pay attention to the protection of rare animals, they will soon die out.3The police found that it was difficult to calm down the angry crowd.4He has been waiting for a chance to make a fortune overnight.5Let's come straight to the point because we don't have enough time.維度3查缺補漏(單句語法填空/單句改錯)1The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction (destroy)2There is something mysterious(mystery) about the childhood of this famous writer.3There are a lot of signs indicating(indicate) men are more likely to have heart attacks than women.4At last the tourists managed to escape from the dangerous place, hungry and frightening.frighteningfrightened5He tried all his best to throw light to the problem, but the children couldn't understand him.第二個toon/upon維度4話題寫作1補全要點句(加黑體部分請利用本單元所學(xué)詞匯)在百慕大三角存在著許多神秘之事,它被認為是世界上最變化莫測的地方之一。There_exists_many_mysterious_events in Bermuda Triangle, which is considered to be one_of_the_most_unpredictable_places in the world.1981年,載有6個人的一艘船在經(jīng)過百慕大三角時突然消失了,這使得水手們很害怕。In 1981, a boat with six people suddenly_disappeared when passing the Bermuda Triangle, and it made_sailors_very_frightened.每個人都懷疑他們是否有幸活著。Everyone is_sceptical_about_whether_they_are_fortunate_to_be_alive.八年后,這艘船在同一個地方再次出現(xiàn),船上的六個人仍然活著。The boat_appeared_again eight years later in the same spot, with all the six people still alive on board.他們聲稱他們不可能失蹤,因為對他們而言,八年只是很短的一段時間。They_claimed_that_they_were_unlikely_to_have_been_lost,_because to them, eight years was just a minute.直到現(xiàn)在仍沒有任何證據(jù)能幫助弄清楚這個謎。No evidence has_thrown_light_on_the_mystery so far.2升級平淡句(1)用非限制性定語從句改寫句In_1981,_a_boat_with_six_people_suddenly_disappeared_when_passing_the_Bermuda_Triangle,_which_made_sailors_very_frightened.(2)用主語從句改寫句It's_claimed_that_they_were_unlikely_to_have_been_lost,_because_to_them,_eight_years_was_just_a_minute.3銜接成美文(注意利用適當?shù)倪^渡銜接詞匯:surprisingly)There exists many mysterious events in Bermuda Triangle, which is considered to be one of the most unpredictable places in the world.In 1981, a boat with six people suddenly disappeared when passing the Bermuda Triangle, which made sailors very frightened.Everyone is sceptical about whether they are fortunate to be alive.Surprisingly, the boat appeared again eight years later in the same spot, with all the six people still alive on board.It's claimed that they were unlikely to have been lost, because to them, eight years was just a minute.No evidence has thrown light on the mystery so far.11


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