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高一英語翻譯題及答案2012-09-17 14:21 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 作者:佚名 標(biāo)簽: 英語練習(xí)試題 高一英語 小編寄語:下面是巨人網(wǎng)為你提供的高一英語翻譯答案,供大家參考,希望對(duì)大家學(xué)習(xí)有幫助。翻譯參考答案1. 她寧愿花許多時(shí)間獨(dú)自思考這道難題而不愿向物理老師求助。(prefer)She prefers to spend a lot of time working on the difficult problem on her own/alone rather than turn to her physics teacher for assistance/help.2. 他走路的樣子使我想起了他已過世三年的父親。(remind)The way he walks reminds me of his father, who has been dead for three years/who passed away three years ago.3. 他避免對(duì)女同事們的外貌品頭論足,因?yàn)槟菢訒?huì)給人留下壞印象。(impression)He avoids remarking/commenting on his female colleagues appearances, as it will leave a bad impression on others.4. 她的演講傳遞給聽眾一個(gè)主旨:世上沒有什么是可以地久天長的,除了愛、和平和信仰。(last)Her speech communicated to her audience a message that nothing can last long/forever in the world except love, peace and faith.5. 他被認(rèn)為是擅長與人溝通的員工之一。(expert)He is considered as one of the employees who are expert at communicating with others.6. 他們正在考慮成立一個(gè)讀書俱樂部,以幫助大家減輕工作壓力。(consider)They are considering setting up a reading club to help its members relieve work stress.7. 由于食物和干凈飲用水的匱乏,那些山區(qū)的孩子們面黃肌瘦。(lack n.)Because of lack of food and clean drinking water, the children in mountain areas look pale and thin.8. 干燥的冬季,護(hù)膚專家建議我們每日洗臉后一定要涂抹一些面霜并多喝水。(apply)In dry winter, skincare experts suggest that we should apply some cream to our face after washing it and drink plenty of water every day.9. 一定要密切關(guān)注世界各地正在發(fā)生的事,以便更好地和同事們交流。(attention)Closer attention must be paid to whats going on around the world so that we can communicate with our colleagues better.We must pay closer attention to whats going on around the world so as to communicate with our colleagues better.10. 雞湯據(jù)說是治愈感冒的民間良方。(remedy)Chicken soup is said to be a folk remedy for a cold.Its said that chicken soup is a fold remedy for a cold.11. 下一次來借書時(shí),務(wù)必?cái)y帶借書卡。(sure)Be sure to bring along your library card next time you come to borrow books.Make sure that you bring along your library card next time you want to borrow books.12. 只要專心學(xué)習(xí),你一定能順利通過考試。(concentrate)As long as you concentrate on your studies, you are sure to pass the exam successfully/succeed in passing the exam.13. 毫無疑問,環(huán)境對(duì)孩子們的成長有很大的影響。(effect)There is no doubt that the environment has a great effect on the growth of children.14. 因?yàn)槿狈?shí)踐,所以他沒有通過駕駛考試。(lack v.)He lacked practice, so he didnt pass the driving test.15. 歲月悄悄奪去了她如絲般光滑的黑發(fā)和白皙的肌膚,卻阻止不了她實(shí)現(xiàn)夢(mèng)想的決心。(rob)Time robbed her of her silky black hair and fair skin but couldnt stop her from realizing her dream/change her mind to make her dream come true.16. 少吃糖,多刷牙是有效保護(hù)牙齒的關(guān)鍵。(the key to)Eating few sweets and brushing teeth regularly is the key to effective care for your teeth.17. 這種治療方法不會(huì)對(duì)人體造成損害,但我不能保證這它一定有效。(guarantee)The remedy wont do damage to human bodies, but I cant guarantee it will work/be effective.18. 身體健康是平衡膳食、經(jīng)常鍛煉和心情愉快的結(jié)果。(result)Good health is the result of a balanced diet, regular exercise and a good mood.19. 我們必須采取有效措施,確保校園安全。(ensure)We must take effective measures to ensure campus safety/ ensure that the campus is a safe place.20. 一些女孩認(rèn)為她們寧愿在豪華轎車?yán)锟奁辉缸谧孕熊嚭笮Γ硪恍┡⒂X得物質(zhì)財(cái)富并非愛情幸福的保證。(while)Some girls think that they would rather seat themselves in a luxury car, crying/sobbing than park themselves in/at the rear of a bicycle, laughing along the way while others believe that material wealth cant ensure/guarantee happiness in love.21. 令我們感到驕傲的是,中國于2010年成功發(fā)射了嫦娥二號(hào)。(launch)We are proud that Change 2 was successfully launched by China in 2010.22. 小道在森林中蜿蜒曲折。(twist and turn)The path twists and turns in the forest.23. 醫(yī)生已經(jīng)告知病人們均衡膳食的重要性。(inform)The doctor has informed the patients of the importance of a balanced diet.24. 新的鐵路仍在建造中。(construction)The new railway is still under construction.25. 在炎熱的夏天,保護(hù)食物的最有效的方法就是將食物放在冰箱里。(preserve)One of the best ways to preserve food on hot summer days is to keep the food in the fridge.26. 推倒柏林墻被看成是二十世紀(jì)末重大歷史事件之一。(historic)Pulling down the Berlin Wall was regarded / remembered as one of the historic events of the late 20th century.27. 他的理論聽起來很合理,因?yàn)樗睦碚撌墙⒃谑聦?shí)基礎(chǔ)上的。(base)His theory sounds reasonable, for he has based it on facts.28. 去年我們被市三女中錄取了。(admit)We were admitted to Shanghai No.3 Girls High School last year.29. 那個(gè)人為自己在金融上取得的成功而洋洋得意。(pride)The man took pride in his financial success.30. 我們學(xué)校的學(xué)生上網(wǎng)很容易。(access)Students in our school have easy access to the Internet.31. 請(qǐng)?jiān)谲囃7€(wěn)后下車。(until)Please do not get off the bus until it has stopped.32. 幾次嘗試后,船員們別無選擇只能丟棄燃燒著的船只。(abandon)After (making) several attempts, the sailors had no choice but to abandon the burning ship.33. 山上的這座房子俯瞰著山谷。(overlook)The house on the hill overlooks the valley.34. 對(duì)于像他這樣的天才能夠在一分鐘內(nèi)作出四道題是不足為奇的。(wonder)It is no wonder that a genius like him can work out four problems within one minute.35. 那次地震過后, 全城到處是殘?jiān)珨啾凇?ruins)An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.36. 從我家步行就能到海灘。(distance)The beach is within walking distance of my house.37. 樂隊(duì)演奏了許多歌曲,包括我最喜愛的那些。(include)The band played many songs, including some of my favorites.38. 閱讀這本旅游雜志的首頁,你就會(huì)被中國的歷史所吸引。(attract)Read the first page of the travel magazine, and you will be attracted by the history of China.39. 這場(chǎng)事故主要是由于他的粗心大意。(largely)The accident was largely due to his carelessness.40. 等一會(huì)兒,好好想想我對(duì)你說的話。(reflect)Wait a moment, and reflect on what I said to you.41. 當(dāng)他走上臺(tái)時(shí),觀眾為他精彩的表演鼓掌。(clap)When he stepped onto the stage, the audience clapped their hands for his wonderful performance.42. Mandy在臺(tái)上坐著,咬著指甲。 (seat, 伴隨狀語)Mandy was seated on the stage, chewing her fingernails.43. 孩子們跑出教室,開心地笑著說著。(伴隨狀語)The children ran out of the room, laughing and talking merrily.44. 五班在上星期的排球比賽中贏了我們。(beat)Class Five beat us in the volleyball match last week.45. 走了那么長的路你肯定累了。(must)You must be tired after such a long walk.46. 他肯定住在這兒,我來過的。(must)He must live here because I have been here.47. 由于身體不好,他提前兩年退休。(ahead)Because of his poor health, he retired two years ahead of time.48. 大量觀眾涌入球幕影院觀賞高質(zhì)量的3D電影功夫熊貓2。(crowd v.)A large audience crowded into the Imax Dome Theatre to watch/enjoy the high-quality 3D movie Kung Fu Panda 2.49. 由于iPhone 已引入中國,我相信傳統(tǒng)手機(jī)將很快成為歷史。(introduce)Because iPhones have been introduced into China, I believe that traditional mobile phones will soon become history.50. 她小聲地告訴我她的同桌在考試時(shí)作弊。(whisper v.)She whispered to me that her deskmate had cheated in the exam.51. 他從馬上摔下來,不省人事。(faint)He fell down from the horse and fainted.52. 年輕人喜好追求最新的流行趨勢(shì)。(trend)Young people like to follow the latest trends in fashion.53. 鮮花和樹木環(huán)繞的花園就在我家門口。( surround )The garden surrounded by /with flowers and trees is just in front of my house.54. 掛在墻上的照片使我想起軍訓(xùn)時(shí)的一幕幕。( suspend)The photos suspended on the wall remind me of the scenes in the military training.55. 你乘飛機(jī)去美國時(shí)可以攜帶60 公斤行李。(carry)You can carry 60 kilograms of luggage when you fly to the United States.56. 我一到大學(xué)就會(huì)用電話和你聯(lián)系的。(contact)As soon as I get to the university, Ill contact you on the phone.57. 既然你都準(zhǔn)備好了,你一定能回答出問題。(sure)Since youve got prepared, youre sure to get the questions right.58. 交通信號(hào)燈一轉(zhuǎn)成紅色,駕駛員就把汽車停了下來。(The moment)The moment the traffic light turned red, the driver stopped his car.59. 正當(dāng)他在電腦上工作時(shí),訪客進(jìn)來了。(While)While he was working on the computer, the visitor came in.60. 我的美國老師回國已經(jīng)一個(gè)月了,但至今我還沒有得到他的音訊。 (since)It is/has been a month since my American teacher went back home, and I havent heard from him since then.61. 有些菜名字聽起來好像很不錯(cuò),可是實(shí)際上很難吃。(sound)Some dishes, whose names sound good, actually taste bad.62. 調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),廣告對(duì)于消費(fèi)者選購商品會(huì)產(chǎn)生較大的影響。(influence)The survey shows that advertisements have a considerable influence on customers decision.63. 上下班高峰時(shí)間,車站不得不增派員工將站臺(tái)上的乘客塞入列車上僅剩的狹小空間。(crowd)In peak hours, the station has to increase workers/the number of staff to crowd the passengers on the platform into few tiny spaces left on the trains.64. 這家咖啡店日前表示,在制作任何飲料和食品時(shí)都將使用純牛奶取代植物脂末(plant creamer)。(instead of)The caf claimed recently that they would apply pure milk instead of plant creamer while producing any food and drinks.65. 蔬菜富含維生素C,多吃蔬菜可減少罹患胃癌的幾率。(contain)Vegetables contain a lot of Vitamin C and eating more vegetables may reduce the possibility of suffering stomach cancer.66. 為了降低成本,他們決定用豬排代替餐品中的牛排。(replace)In order to reduce the costs, they decided to replace steak with pork chops in the meal.67. 在觀看了一檔有關(guān)農(nóng)業(yè)的節(jié)目后,他意識(shí)到他家門前的那塊地不適合種番茄和土豆。(grow)After watching a programme on agriculture, he realized that the land in front of his house is not right for growing tomatoes or potatoes.68. 他在發(fā)高燒,對(duì)任何東西都沒有食欲。(appetite)He has a high fever, so he has lost his appetite for any food.69. 校園內(nèi)不準(zhǔn)游吃!(must)You must not eat while walking on campus.70. 這些橙子看上去很光鮮,想必一定是染了色的。(must)These oranges look shiny and fresh. They must have been colored.71. 我剛才還看見他在吃烤雜排呢,他不可能已經(jīng)成為素食主義者了。(cant)I saw him eating a mixed grill just now. He cant have become a vegetarian.72. 你不應(yīng)該把寵物關(guān)在籠子里,因?yàn)檫@樣飼養(yǎng)的動(dòng)物是不會(huì)快樂的。(should)You should not keep pets in a cage, for animals kept this way wont live happily.73. 通過老師的解釋,他明白了如何區(qū)分哪些是事實(shí)哪些是觀點(diǎn)。(tell)He understood how to tell facts from opinions through the teachers explanation.74. 我們應(yīng)當(dāng)關(guān)注各種數(shù)據(jù)來源以使我們的研究更真實(shí)、有效。(source)We should pay attention to a variety of sources of data to make our research more practical and effective.75. 這塊標(biāo)簽警告我們不得擅自維修這臺(tái)機(jī)器的任何部件。(warn)The label warns us that we are not allowed to repair any part of the machine personally without permission.76. 雖說超重可能會(huì)導(dǎo)致疾病,但是缺乏脂肪同樣危險(xiǎn)。(equally)Though overweight may lead to / result in disease, lack of fat is equally dangerous.77. 商店里的商品琳瑯滿目,要選定適合自己的一款確實(shí)困難。(decide on)There is a wide variety of goods in the shop, so it is really difficult to decide on the one that is right for us.78. 醫(yī)生建議要想身體好首先應(yīng)當(dāng)每天保證充足的睡眠。(advise)Doctors advise that we should first have enough sleep every day if we want to keep healthy.79. 這本書花了我一百多塊錢,但它包含了很多有價(jià)值的信息。(contain)I spent more than 100 yuan on the book / The book cost me more than 100 yuan, but it contains a lot of valuable information.80. 沒有其他三把鑰匙,我們沒有辦法打開這個(gè)錄音棚的門。(without)Without the other three keys, we cant open the door of the studio.81. 他生病了,這可能是他上課缺席的原因。(account v.)His illness might account for his absence from his classes.His fell ill, which might account for his absence from his classes.82. 直到警察示意他停車時(shí),那個(gè)年輕的司機(jī)才意識(shí)到自己的錯(cuò)誤。(aware)The young driver wasnt aware of his mistake until a policeman signed him to stop his car.83. 適量飲酒對(duì)人的身體是有好處的。(moderation)Drinking wine in moderation will do good to peoples health.Wine, if taken in moderation, will do good to peoples health.84. 與他的弟弟相比,他總是在許多事情上表現(xiàn)得周到細(xì)致。(contrast)In contrast to his younger brother, he always appears considerate and careful in many things.85. 在他父親出生的村莊里,過去有一家寺廟。(used)There used to be a temple in the village where his father was born.86. 多年以后,他的警告被證明是極為正確的。(prove)After so many years, his warnings proved extremely correct.87. 越來越多的人更密切關(guān)注飲食的質(zhì)量。(attention)More and more people are paying closer attention to the quality of their diets.88. 期末考試在即,幾乎每一個(gè)學(xué)生都在充分利用有限的時(shí)間復(fù)習(xí)功課。(use)As the Final examination is drawing near, almost every student is making the best use of their limited time to review their lessons.89. 當(dāng)一個(gè)水手需要長時(shí)間地離開家人。(involve)Being a sailor involves long periods of time away from home.90. 那些堅(jiān)持吃水果和蔬菜的人是不會(huì)缺乏維生素的。(lack)Those who keep eating vegetables and fruit wont lack vitamins.91. 營養(yǎng)專家建議人們的飲食應(yīng)品種繁多。(variety)Food /Nutrition experts advise that people should eat a variety of food.92. 他一年前和一些朋友開辦的企業(yè)已經(jīng)給他們帶來了巨大的經(jīng)濟(jì)利益。(bring)The enterprise that he started with some of his friends a year ago has brought great economic benefits to them.93. 盡管這兩個(gè)好朋友有許多共同之處,他們?nèi)匀粸樵S多問題爭(zhēng)吵不已。(common)Although they have a lot in common, the two good friends still quarrel a lot about many problems.94. 比較而言,乘飛機(jī)要比乘火車快得多,但是卻要貴得多。(comparison)In comparison, taking a plane is much faster than taking a train, but it is far more expensive.95. 在中國,對(duì)于一個(gè)北方人來說,通常很難適應(yīng)南方不太辣的食物。(used)For a northerner in China, it is usually very hard to get used to the less spicy food in the south.96. 不經(jīng)歷風(fēng)雨,怎么見彩虹。(experience)You wont be able to see the rainbow unless you have experienced wind and rain.97. 當(dāng)那位農(nóng)業(yè)專家完成了對(duì)白色農(nóng)業(yè)的介紹,所有在場(chǎng)的人都顯得非常的驚訝。(amazed)When the agricultural expert finished his introduction to white agriculture, all the people present appeared amazed.98. 生活在喧鬧城市里的人們夢(mèng)想著有一天能過上農(nóng)村安靜的生活。(dream)People (who live) in noisy cities are dreaming of (living) a quiet life in the countryside (one day).99. 平衡的飲食是保持健康的關(guān)鍵,因?yàn)轱嬍呈怯绊戵w重的一個(gè)重要因素。(key)Having a balanced diet is the key to staying healthy, because diet is an important factor that affects your weight.100. 書中的故事是我想起了我們一起在農(nóng)村學(xué)農(nóng)的日子。(remind)The story in the book reminds me of the days when we were in the countryside working with/learning from the farmers/practicing farming.


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