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(通用版)2019高考英語二輪復習 第二板塊 完形填空 第三講 全篇思讀著眼幾點智取拉分題目講義

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(通用版)2019高考英語二輪復習 第二板塊 完形填空 第三講 全篇思讀著眼幾點智取拉分題目講義

第三講全篇思讀,著眼幾點,智取拉分題目高考擔負著區(qū)分考生、選拔人才的功能,因此每篇完形填空中總有23道這樣的較難題目成為考生取得優(yōu)異成績的“攔路虎”。導致這些題目錯選的原因主要有以下幾點:解題信息比較隱含;干擾項迷惑性較強;情感態(tài)度較難把握;慣性思維所致。針對這些題目,考生除了需具備扎實的語言功底外,還應謹慎小心應對。本講總結了解答完形填空的5大易錯點,旨在讓考生遇到此類題目時不要急于求成,要三思而判。易錯點1 因缺乏全篇關聯(lián)思維而錯選語篇層次題的解題信息不局限于某一句或某一句群,而是分散在某一段或幾段甚至全篇,要求考生理解整篇文章,抓住全文的脈絡、作者的思想、意圖或主人公的心理,然后進行準確的推理、判斷,從而做出正確的選擇。對于此類題目,一定要堅持這樣一個原則不急于解答,讀完全文后綜合思維再做判定。典例1(2018·全國卷)During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I 41.jumped_at the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn't want to 42.save a few dollars? .Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 48.job was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 49.clear that our credits would be hard­earned. In order to 50.pass the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to 51.apply what we would learn in class to our future professions and, 52.eventually,_to our lives. I managed to get an A in that _53_ and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the 54.classroom.53. AgameBpresentationCcourse Dexperiment分析選C本題是典型的語篇層次題,只看題目所在的句子我們是無法確定答案的,此類題目需要綜合全篇來找線索。本題可以利用語義復現解題。本題為原詞復現。第一段“was offering a free course”中的course是第53空的原詞復現,故選C項。典例2(2017·全國卷).The 46.story began during my first week at college.I watched as the ASL Club 47.performed their translation of a song.Both the hand movements and the very 48.idea of communicating without speaking 49.attracted me.What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the 50.past.This newness just left me 51.wanting more.After that, feeling the need to _52_ further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL club's meetings.I only learned how to 53.sign the alphabet that day.Yet instead of being discouraged by my 54.slow progress, I was excited.I then made it a point to 55.attend those meetings and learn all I could.52A.exercise BexploreCexpress Dexplain分析選B本題是語篇層次題,需要綜合空格上一段和空格所在段落來尋找突破口。本題可以利用文章發(fā)展脈絡解題。所節(jié)選部分文章發(fā)展脈絡為:大學第一周我觀看了美式手語俱樂部的表演我被表演所吸引我想進一步學習更多手語方面的知識我參加俱樂部的會議。根據文章發(fā)展脈絡可知,第52題是在作者觀看了美式手語俱樂部的表演后感受到了進一步“探索”(explore)的必要。故答案為B項。易錯點2因不能正確區(qū)分形近(義近)詞而錯選完形填空題選項中經常會出現一些形近詞或義近詞讓考生辨析,因為詞形相近或意義相近,無形中增加了難度,如果考生對這些詞掌握得不好或不著眼于語篇的意義便很容易選錯。典例1(2018·天津高考) I started doing anything I could to help them build a little 25.pride. Most important, I began to treat them like26.winners. That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their 27.vacations,_we met every day and 28.practiced passing and kicking the football.From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can 33.affect the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and 34.encouraged them. I helped them to see themselves _35_, and they built themselves into winners.35A.honestly BindividuallyCcalmly Ddifferently分析選D四個備選項在形式上非常相似,它們都是副詞,部分考生很容易因混淆而失分。聯(lián)系上句中的“Instead of seeing my boys as losers”以及上文的“treat them like 26.winners”可知,此處是指“我?guī)退麄冇貌煌姆绞?differently)看待自己”。honestly“老實地,誠實地”;individually“個人地”;calmly“平靜地”。典例2(2017·江蘇高考)For a long time Gabriel didn't want to be involved in music at all. In his first years of high school, Gabriel would look pityingly at the music students, _36_ across the campus with their heavy instrument cases .36A.travelling BmarchingCpacing Dstruggling分析選D四個備選項在含義上比較相近,考生很容易因分不清它們的含義而失分。由空前的“l(fā)ook pityingly at the music students”以及空后的“heavy instrument cases”可知,Gabriel同情地看著那些背著重重的樂器箱子、艱難地穿過校園的音樂生,故struggle“艱難地行進”,符合語境。travel“長途行走,旅行”;march“齊步走,行進”;pace“來回踱步,走來走去”。易錯點3 因不明一詞多義或熟詞生義而錯選在最近幾年的高考完形填空中,一詞多義或熟詞生義的考查屢見不鮮,這往往也是考生容易忽視的地方。很多考生由于不懂這些熟詞的“新義”而出現思維堵塞,造成了不應有的失分。下面我們選取具有代表性的試題加以分析,以幫助考生熟悉其命題特點,從而跳出命題人設置的詞匯“陷阱”。典例1(2018·全國卷)Much to the family's surprise, Dennis stuck to his 52.promise! He turned up at the hospital _53_ gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindsey's husband was totally 54.astonished by the unexpected visit. “I don't think we would have randomly invited him over but we 55.appreciate it and the gifts.”53A.bearing BcollectingCopening Dmaking分析選A本文描述一個叫特蕾莎的老婦人沉浸在為人祖母的喜悅當中,她把小寶貝的照片發(fā)給了陌生人丹尼斯,但是丹尼斯卻回復短信說他會去醫(yī)院看望小孩,并與小孩合影。本段主要描述特蕾莎一家沒有想到丹尼斯真的來到醫(yī)院,還帶來了禮物,她們非常感動。bear是一個多義詞,用作動詞,最常見的意思為“承受,忍受”,除此之外還有“承擔(責任);支撐,承受(重量);顯示;帶有;攜帶;生(孩子);開(花);結(果實)”等。根據語境,在此意為“攜帶”。典例2 (2018·浙江高考)One day I 46.met a former classmate of mine who was47.making a lot of money running a sideline (副業(yè))Since his regular job was48.boring,_I asked him why he just didn't do his sideline fulltime.He said without the job, he would_49_ have too much time and would just do what I did back in 50.college. He said that if he51.quit the job, he would lose his52.drive to work and succeed.49A.luckily BhardlyChopefully Dsimply分析選D根據句意可知,他說如果沒有那份工作,他確實會有很多時間。simply“確實,簡直”。此處simply這個詞屬于熟詞生義,我們比較熟悉它的義項是:簡單地,簡樸地。易錯點4 因詞匯理解障礙而錯選在完形填空題的設題上,命題者往往還將一些考生平常容易忽視的詞匯設置成選項,從而造成考生錯選。對于這些詞匯,考生在平時必須引起重視,背熟記熟。典例1 (2017·全國卷).The following term, I _56_ an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any talking was _57_. I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant.58.Instead,_if there had been any talking, it would have 59.caused us to learn less.Now, I appreciate the silence and the 60.new way of communication it opens.56A.missed BpassedCgave up Dregistered for57A.prohibited BwelcomedCignored Drepeated分析56.選D57.選A后文的語境中介紹了ASL課堂上教授的情況(教授是個失聰的人)以及在課堂上作者的感悟,由此可判斷作者在下學期報名參加了這門課程。故第56題應選擇D項,register for表示“登記,報名參加(課程)”。文中兩次出現的“silence”以及“if there had been any talking, it would have 59.caused us to learn less”都表明,在手語課上任何談話都是被禁止的,故第57題選擇A項,prohibit表示“禁止”。此部分選項中的register for和prohibit都是考生相對陌生的考綱詞匯,所以一些考生會因為詞匯積累不夠,又不能有效地利用上下文中的提示而失分。典例2 (2017·全國卷)A Toronto man is offering a free round­the­world air ticket to the right woman. But _41_apply. You must be named Elizabeth Gallagher and have a Canadian 42.passport.41A.benefits BdepositsCrestrictions Dexaminations分析選C該選段是文章第一段??蘸蠼榻B這位能夠獲得免費環(huán)游世界機票的女士的名字必須是Elizabeth Gallagher,而且必須持有加拿大護照。這些都是限制條件。故選擇C項,restriction表示“限制規(guī)定”。restriction也在考綱之內,許多考生卻因不熟悉這個詞匯而造成誤選。benefit“優(yōu)勢,好處”;deposit“訂金,押金”;examination“檢查,考試”。易錯點5 因慣性思維而錯選在英語學習中,由于種種原因,如考生的母語、知識面、思維習慣等都有可能令考生出現一些思維定式現象,即不善于思考,考慮問題不全面,導致誤解一些題目,從而抑制思維能力的發(fā)展。完形填空解題中因慣性思維而失分常有以下兩種情況:(1)學習單詞時受到的思維定式影響有些考生學習英語單詞過于簡單化,僅記其中文意思,而不深刻理解其實際用法和英漢用法之間的細微差異。例如:表示“成功做某事”,不可以用succeed to do sth.來表達。(2)學習詞組或習慣用語時受到的思維定式影響例如:學習了wait for這個詞組以后,有的考生在做題過程中只要碰到wait,后面要接介詞時就毫不猶豫地選擇for。但在“He stopped his car to wait at the red light.”中就不用for。典例1(2017·北京高考)One day, when she was five years old, she was walking with her mother in downtown Winnipeg. They saw a man _36_ out of a garbage can. She asked her mother why he did that, and her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry.36A.jumping BeatingCcrying Dwaving分析選B受思維習慣的影響,考生易誤選A項,因為jump out of 是常見搭配。但根據下文的“the man was homeless and hungry”可知,她們看見一個人在垃圾桶里撿東西吃。故選B。典例2(2016·北京高考)_41_ January 26, Billy and three other children had died.41A.From BOnCBy DAfter分析選C受思維習慣的影響,考生可能會根據“在具體的某一天前用介詞on”而誤選B項。因為句子的謂語使用的是過去完成時,因此應用by。“by時間”與完成時連用,后跟過去的時間時,用過去完成時;跟將來的時間時,用將來完成時。句意:截至1月26日,Billy和其他三個孩子都去世了。課堂應用體驗(鋪陰影的題目為易錯題) Our younger son, Tim, was in his senior year of high school.Every student is madly trying to get good _1_ and complete college applications.There was an essay he had to write and the _2_was drawing near.We're good parents.We do our best at keeping our_3_ shut whenever possible.Tim knew what he should do, but he had a tendency to _4_ anything.Weekend homework was never done until Sunday night, no matter how much free time there might have been.I knew I shouldn't _5_ him, but I really worried.So I said in an offhand (隨便的) way, “By the way, Tim, have you worked on that essay you're _6_ to do?” Tim, in his _7_ way, looked at me and said, “Mom, your anxiety is not going to make me get it done any faster” a line that has been _8_ in family memory forever.Tim hit on something that seems _9_ truer today than when he first said it.Our anxiety doesn't make us faster or more efficient. _10_, it simply makes us more anxious.It seems so _11_, and yet, something I easily forget.When I closed my eyes on the subway train, my anxiety was the first thing to _12_.It was surprisingly loud: “You need to do this! Have you worried about that? What about that?” I _13_ to open my eyes quickly, take out my phone and send an email _14_ put down something in my calendar.I forgot I should deal with my anxiety rather than be _15_ by it.We should keep our anxiety under _16_.How can we have the courage to face _17_ if we worry about this and that? When our anxiety comes up, we should keep our eyes closed and say to ourselves that _18_ will be much better and we can make it through.As long as we _19_ dealing with anxiety every day, it will become less and less till it disappears _20_.語篇解讀:本文是一篇記敘文。作者的兒子在讀高三,處在努力拼搏的階段。面對孩子的拖沓,作者感到焦慮。但她兒子的話讓她明白焦慮解決不了問題,我們必須學會努力克服焦慮。1.A.gradesBcommentsCsalaries Djobs解析:選A根據上文“Our younger son, Tim, was in his senior year of high school.”及下文“complete college applications”可知,作者的兒子Tim在讀高三,每一位學生都在努力取得好成績并完成大學申請。grade此處意為“成績”,還可表示“年級,等級,級別”等意思。2A.competitionBmeetingCdeadline Dcelebration解析:選C 根據下文內容可知,作者的兒子有一篇文章要寫,截止日期馬上要到了。deadline意為“最后期限,截止日期”。3A.eyes BheartsCdoors Dmouths解析:選D根據下文“Tim knew what he should do”可知,作者和丈夫知道在可能的情況下要盡力閉嘴,因為Tim知道自己應該做什么。4.A.worry aboutBput offCnote down Dfigure out解析:選B根據下文“Weekend homework was never done until Sunday night .”可知,無論有多少空閑時間,作者的兒子總是直到周日晚上才開始寫周末作業(yè)。故作者的兒子有拖沓的傾向。put off常意為“推遲,延期,阻礙”,而此處意為“拖沓”。5A.blame BconfuseCurge Dhelp解析:選C根據下文“but I really worried.So I said in an offhand (隨便的) way, By the way, Tim, have you worked on that essay you're _ to do?”可知,作者不想催促Tim,但她很著急。所以用了一種隨便的方式去問他。6A.allowed BsupposedCadvised Dforced解析:選B根據上文第一段“There was an essay he had to write”可知,作者是在問Tim開始寫他應該完成的文章了嗎。7A.wise BnewCsimple Dstrange解析:選A根據下文“Mom, your anxiety is not going to make me get it done any faster”可知,作者的兒子告訴她,她的焦慮并不能使他做得更快。因此他是用一種睿智的方式回應作者。8.A.repeated BpreservedCcopied Dignored解析:選B作者兒子的話永遠保存在了家庭的記憶中。preserve“保存”,符合語境。9A.yet Beven Cever Dnever 解析:選BTim富有哲理的話在今天更有道理。因為隨著時間的推移,作者對焦慮有了更深的感悟。10.A.Fortunately BPartlyCActually DOriginally解析:選C四個備選項在形式上非常相似,都是副詞,考生容易混淆而失分。根據上文“Our anxiety doesn't make us faster or more efficient.”及下文“it simply makes us more anxious.”可知,我們的焦慮不會使我們做事更快或更有效率。事實上(actually),這只會使我們更焦慮。fortunately“幸運地”;partly“一定程度上”;originally“原來,起初”。11A.easy BnaturalCterrible Dobvious解析:選D根據下文“and yet, something I easily forget.”可知,這個道理很明顯,但仍然被作者輕易地忘了。12A.speak BactCremember Dlose解析:選A根據下文“It was surprisingly loud: You need to do this!”可知,當作者在地鐵上閉上眼睛的時候,焦慮會第一個浮現在腦海,開始跟她“講話”。13.A.managed BrefusedCused Dagreed解析:選C本題屬于語篇層次題,需放眼全篇才能解答。根據下文最后一段“When our anxiety comes up, we should keep our eyes closed”可知,在這種情況下,作者以前會立刻睜開眼睛,拿出電話發(fā)郵件或者在日程表上記下一些東西,但現在不會這樣做了。14A.or BunlessCafter Dbefore解析:選A參見上題解析。15A.bothered BremindedCattracted Dhurt解析:選A根據上文“I forgot I should deal with my anxiety”可知,作者忘記了她應該去應對焦慮,而不是被焦慮所困擾。16A.observation BprotectionCcontrol Dpressure解析:選C根據下文可知,我們應該控制好我們的焦慮。17A.opportunities BrealitiesCothers Ddifficulties解析:選D如果我們擔心這個,擔心那個,那么我們如何有勇氣能夠面對困難呢?18A.something BanythingCnothing Deverything解析:選D根據下文“and we can make it through”可知,我們應該告訴自己一切都會變得更好,我們能夠渡過難關。19A.mind BpractiseCenjoy Dfinish解析:選B只要我們每天練習應對焦慮,那么焦慮會變得越來越小。20A.quickly BexactlyCapparently Dcompletely解析:選D根據上文“it will become less and less”可知,焦慮會變得越來越小,直到完全消失。文體分類練(一)記敘文 A卷A(2018·廣州模擬)Grady threw down his backpack and slammed the car door shut.“This is going to be a really _1_ week,” he said unhappily to no one _2_. He looked around the campground. Hundreds of blue­green fir trees, some as tall as church towers, _3_ the mountainside, giving it the appearance of a lush green carpet. The sun would be setting soon. Then, Grady thought, maybe the _4_ wouldn't feel so bad. Even up here in the _5_, the hot stickiness of July clung to him.Grady hated camping, but it was something his family _6_ every summer. His father liked cooking over an open fire, telling stories about how to _7_ things like bear attacks and swarms of bees. His mother and younger brother Jared liked to hike and take _8_ of animals. Jared had a collection of bug pictures that he'd _9_ to the walls in his half of their room. Grady thought they were just scary and considered them proof that Jared was a _10_ kid.They set up camp two _11_, one for his parents and one for himself and Jared. While everyone else started _12_ dinner, Grady, looking for some place to cool down, set off for the nearby stream, which was deep enough to _13_ in.As he _14_ the stream, something caught his eye. There was a(n) _15_ black bear cub no more than two feet tall with a lovely face. It was playing _16_ at the water's edge, _17_ its surroundings. Grady moved closer to get a _18_ look. Then Grady heard a sound behind him. He _19_ his father saying that bear cubs would never be _20_. Then he turned around and saw the cub's mother moving swiftly towards him .語篇解讀:本文是一篇記敘文,主要講述的是Grady和家人一起露營,由于天氣太熱,Grady獨自一人去找小溪乘涼,卻遇到了黑熊的故事。1A.long BinterestingCpeaceful Drisky解析:選A根據空后的“unhappily”可知,此處應用long表示這一周會很漫長。long“漫長的”;interesting“有趣的”;peaceful“和平的,平靜的”;risky“危險的,冒險的”。2A.in advance Bin briefCin particular Din silence解析:選C他不高興地自言自語道:“這將是很漫長的一周?!盙rady并沒有特別地對某個人說,因此,C項符合語境。in silence“安靜地,無聲地”。3A.blocked BcoveredCreflected Dscarred解析:選B數以百計的藍綠色冷杉樹,有些像教堂塔一樣高,覆蓋著山坡,使山坡呈現出一個郁郁蔥蔥的像綠色地毯的外觀。從下文的“carpet”可知,數以百計的冷杉樹覆蓋著山坡。block“阻止,阻塞”;cover“覆蓋”;reflect“反射,映出”;scar“結疤,給留下傷痕”。4A.dust BcampgroundCheat Dsun解析:選C根據上文中的“The sun would be setting soon.”及下文中的“the hot stickiness of July clung to him”可知,Grady認為太陽下山后就不會那么熱了。故C項heat“高溫”符合語境。dust“塵土”;campground“野營地”。5A.mountain BriverCsky Dtower解析:選A即使在山上,7月的炎熱依舊如影隨形。根據上文中的“mountainside”可知,作者的野營地在山上。故選A項。6A.believed in Binsisted onCcame across Dlived through解析:選BGrady討厭野營,但是這是他家人每年夏天堅持的事情。根據空前的轉折詞but可知,Grady的家人和他的想法相反。believe in“相信”;insist on“堅持”;come across“偶遇”;live through“經歷過”。故選B項。7A.encourage BexploreCrecognize Dsurvive解析:選D他的父親喜歡在戶外的火上做飯,講關于如何在類似熊和蜜蜂的攻擊下生存下來的故事。根據空后的“bear attacks and swarms of bees”可知,這些故事是關于如何在類似熊和蜜蜂攻擊下生存的。survive“幸存,生還”符合語境。encourage“鼓勵”;explore“探索”;recognize“認識,認出”。8A.care BcontrolCpictures Dexamples解析:選C根據后一句中的“Jared had a collection of bug pictures”可知,本空指給動物拍照。take pictures of“拍的照片”,為固定搭配。9A.guided BpinnedCtaken Dthrown解析:選B根據空后的“to the walls”可知,這些照片是被釘在墻上的。guide“指導,引導”;pin“(用釘等)釘住”。10A.sensitive BsmartCtough Dstrange解析:選D根據語境可知,Grady認為這些(蟲子的照片)非常嚇人,并且把它們當作證明Jared是一個奇怪的孩子的證據。sensitive“敏感的”;smart“聰明的”;tough“堅強的”;strange“奇怪的”。11A.beds BroomsCtents Dplates解析:選C根據空前的“camp”可知,此處是搭起兩個帳篷。故選C項。12A.altering BhuntingCordering Dpreparing解析:選D根據空后的“dinner”及常識可知,此處表示準備晚餐。alter“改變”;hunt“打獵”;order“點菜”;prepare“準備”。13A.dig BswimChide Dsink解析:選B當其他人都在開始準備晚餐的時候,Grady想要尋找清涼的地方,于是動身去附近的小溪。這條小溪足夠深,可以在里面游泳。根據本句中的“l(fā)ooking for some place to cool down”可知,Grady想在小溪里游泳涼快一下。14A.crossed BimaginedCleft Dneared解析:選D根據上文中的“set off for the nearby stream”可知,Grady朝小溪走去,因此此處表示離小溪越來越近。near“靠近(某地方)”符合語境。15A.adorable BaggressiveCinjured Dlarge解析:選A根據空后的“no more than two feet tall with a lovely face”可知,小黑熊很可愛。adorable“可愛的”;aggressive“侵略性的,好斗的”;injured“受傷的”。故選A項。16A.cautiously BjoyfullyCforcefully Dnervously解析:選B小黑熊在水邊快樂地玩耍,忽視了它周圍的環(huán)境。cautiously“小心地,謹慎地”;joyfully“高興地”;forcefully“強有力地”;nervously“緊張地”。故選B項。17A.attacking BdestroyingChating Dignoring解析:選D參見上題解析。attack“攻擊,進攻”;destroy“破壞”;hate“討厭”;ignore“忽視,不顧”。18A.better BbrighterCfixed Dlasting解析:選AGrady走近了一點,想看得更清楚一些。get a better look“看得更清楚”。19A.found BlearnedCremembered Dmisunderstood解析:選C這時Grady聽到后面?zhèn)鱽硪魂嚶曇?,Grady記起父親說過熊的幼仔不會單獨出行的。find“發(fā)現”;learn“學會,了解到”;remember“記得”;misunderstand“誤解”。20A.alone BawakeCcute Dscared解析:選A參見上題解析。alone“獨自的”;awake“醒著的”;cute“漂亮的,聰明的”;scared“恐懼的,驚恐的”。B(2018·成都診斷)When Heather McHugh, a poet, won a 500,000 “genius grant” from the MacArthur Foundation, she didn't buy a luxurious car or fly to Paris. _1_, she put the money in the bank and _2_ writing poems.In 2011, she finally _3_ what to do with it. That year, Heather's godson and his wife _4_ their first child, a beautiful baby girl but severely disabled. “I saw how people's _5_ can change overnight. I started thinking about people in a _6_ situation,” says Heather.She _7_ there were millions of caregivers taking care of the chronically (慢性地) ill or disabled. So in 2012, Heather _8_ a nonprofit organization offering a seven­day vacation, with all _9_ paid, to people who have been caregivers for at least ten years.Tricia was one of the first caregivers to go on vacation. When Tricia got a call saying she was offered a _10_ vacation, she couldn't _11_it; disbelief even _12_ her concern about leaving her two kids.Tricia went, and her favorite parts of the trip were to enjoy the _13_ things. “I got to eat hot food hot and cold food cold. I could go to bed when I wanted to and wake up whenever I chose to,” says Tricia. She was afraid the _14_ would return when the _15_ was over, but to her surprise, it hasn't been back since.Heather says Tricia's _16_ resembles those of the other ten caregivers she helps every year. “Before the vacation they are so _17_, but the _18_ is so amazing. They reflect and relax. It feels _19_ like another world and gives them a chance to see their lives from another _20_,” she adds.語篇解讀:本文是一篇記敘文。Heather McHugh利用自己的五十萬美元獎金建立一個非營利組織,為照顧慢性病患者和殘疾人的護理員提供免費休假,讓他們到新的環(huán)境中,從不一樣的角度來看待他們的人生。1A.However BThereforeCInstead DBesides解析:選C根據空處前一句中的“she didn't buy a luxurious car or fly to Paris”可知,在獲得了五十萬美元的獎金后,她并沒有購買汽車或去旅游,反而,她將這些錢存入銀行。instead“而是,反而”,符合語境。2A.continued BquittedCpracticed Dstarted解析:選A她(這位詩人)獲獎后,將獎金存進銀行,繼續(xù)(continued)寫詩。quit“停止”;practice“實踐,訓練”。3A.thought over BwonderedCtalked about Ddecided解析:選D根據下文第三段中的“Heather _ a nonprofit organization offering a seven­day vacation”可知,此處表示在2011年,她終于決定如何使用這筆錢。decide“決定”,符合語境。think over“仔細考慮”;wonder“想知道,好奇”;talk about“談到,談論”。4A.held BwelcomedClost Dsaved解析:選BHeather的教子和他的妻子迎來了他們的第一個孩子,那是一個漂亮的女嬰,但是有嚴重的殘疾。welcome“迎接”,符合語境。5A.feelings BfutureClives Droutine解析:選C根據語境,并結合上文中提到的Heather的教子和他的妻子生下了一個殘疾的女嬰可知,Heather看到了人的生活(lives)是如何在一夜之間發(fā)生改變的。routine“慣例,常規(guī)”。6A.different BsimilarCworse Dbetter解析:選B根據上文提到的Heather的教子和他的妻子生下了一個殘疾女嬰并且Heather看到了人的生活是如何在一夜之間發(fā)生改變的可知,Heather開始關注那些有相似(similar)境遇的人。7A.discovered BclaimedCadmitted Dfelt解析:選A她發(fā)現有數百萬照顧慢性病患者和殘疾人的護理員。discover“發(fā)現”,符合語境。claim“宣稱;斷言”;admit“承認”;feel“感覺”。8A.donated BfoundCvisited Dformed解析:選D因此Heather在2012年建立了一個非營利組織,為那些當護理員至少十年的人提供七天免費(free)休假。form“建立,組成”,符合語境。donate“捐贈”;find“發(fā)現”;visit“參觀”。9A.taxes BsalaryCexpenses Drent解析:選C參見上題解析。expense“花費”,符合語境。tax“稅”;salary“薪水”;rent“租金”。10A.free BcaringCshort Dlong解析:選A參見第8題解析。11A.believe BtakeCrefuse Denjoy解析:選A根據空后的“disbelief”可知,Tricia不相信她獲得了一個免費休假這件事。believe“相信”,符合語境。12A.woke BdefeatedCshowed Dmoved解析:選B根據下一段中的“Tricia went, and her favorite parts of the trip were to enjoy”可知,Tricia接受了免費休假這件事情,由此可知,她對免費休假的懷疑(和向往)打敗(defeated)了對于留下孩子們的擔憂。wake“醒來”;show“展示”;move“移動”。13A.wonderful BdeliciousCpeacef


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