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2022年語文版中職英語(基礎(chǔ)模塊 下冊)Unit 5《Honesty》word教案

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2022年語文版中職英語(基礎(chǔ)模塊 下冊)Unit 5《Honesty》word教案

Unit5 Honesty 一、教學(xué)目標(biāo)1. Key wordshonesty note near suppose promise lie threaten silent greatly trouble suddenly pocket throw fly rest branch tree midnight wake cry trust truth hurt deceive selfish deeply sleep awake daylight quietly straight carefully ground send2. Useful Expressionsstay away from, tell a lie, takeout of, throwaway, at midnight, take on, e to oneself, thats all 3. Language Skills 1)Listening:聽一段關(guān)于“抱怨”的對話,要求學(xué)生能聽懂材料內(nèi)容,辨 析其中的細節(jié),并根據(jù)所給的材料填充所缺的信息。 2)Speaking:學(xué)習(xí)“說明原因”的常用語句: Its my fault. Please forgive me. Im very sorry. It wont happen again. It was careless of me to do 并能運用以上語句進行交際。 3)Reading:要求學(xué)生在 3-4 分鐘內(nèi)讀完,正確理解課文內(nèi)容;精度后能準(zhǔn) 確把握課文信息,并掌握文中的主要語言點。 4)Writing: 要求學(xué)生能運用所學(xué)語句及句型,些一封電子郵件,對好友劉濤遇到的問 題提出建議。 4. Grammar Focus: Turn the Direct Speech into Indirect Speech (把直接引語變成間接引語) 2022年語文版中職英語(基礎(chǔ)模塊 下冊)Unit 5Honestyword教案一、 教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1. 語言知識與語言技能: 1)學(xué)習(xí)在考試之前心里狀態(tài)的英語表達,如: study hard, want to cheat in the exam, be afraid of 等。 2)掌握下列詞匯和短語:study hard, cheat in the exam, be afraid of, tell sb. not to do sth., agree to do sth. 3)能結(jié)合插圖內(nèi)容交流想法 2.情感態(tài)度與價值觀目標(biāo): 端正學(xué)習(xí)態(tài)度;認(rèn)識到“誠信”是最重要的人格表現(xiàn)。 二、 重點和難點: 1) 流利運用下列句型:be afraid of, cheat in the exam, tell sb. not to do sth.等。 2) 用英語對別人提出忠告。三、 教學(xué)內(nèi)容及方法: 學(xué)習(xí)單詞表中的單詞,重點單詞做簡單說明講解。 1. 導(dǎo)入: 提出問題: Do you study hard enough? Are you afraid of exam? What will you do if your friend wants to cheat in an exam? 2. 研討、探究與實踐 讓學(xué)生相互合作,根據(jù)每幅圖片相關(guān)的信息,試著編幾個小對話。3. 根據(jù)生活中的真實情況,回答下面的兩個問題: 1) What will you do if your friend is dishonest? 2) Will you help him or her to cheat your teacher? 板書: Unit5 Honestybe afraid of cheat in the exam tell sb. not to do sth.教學(xué)反饋:第二課時:Reading一、教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1語言知識與語言技能: 1)掌握本單元教學(xué)目標(biāo)中提出的 key words and useful expressions. 2) 掌握直接引語和間接引語的用法。3)通過限時閱讀課文,正確理解課文內(nèi)容,能回答課后的 7 個問題。2. 情感態(tài)度與價值觀目標(biāo): 通過對課文的學(xué)習(xí),認(rèn)識到“誠信”是重要的人格表現(xiàn),面對生活中出現(xiàn)的類似情 況要學(xué)會明辨是非,不能因為是好友就姑息他們的錯誤,要學(xué)會正確處理問題的方法, 形成正確的情感態(tài)度和價值觀。二、重點與難點: 重點:(1)熟練掌握本單元教學(xué)目標(biāo)中提出的重點詞匯和短語。 (2)直接引語和間接引語的用法。 難點:直接引語變?yōu)殚g接引語的人稱、時態(tài)和時間狀語的變化。 四、 教學(xué)內(nèi)容及方法 1.導(dǎo)入: 布置任務(wù),瀏覽下面的問題 (1) Why did the headmaster write a note to Bills father? (2) How did Bill threaten Joe? (3) What did Joe do then? (4) What happened at midnight? (5) Why did Bill go out for the note at night? (6) What happened at the end? (7) Bill was badly hurt. Whose fault was it? (8) What will you do if your friend stays away from school? 2.研討、探究與實踐: (1)帶著以上的問題限時 4 分鐘閱讀課文,了解課文大意,回答問題。 (2)精讀課文,找出長句難句,分析這些句子。 (3)逐句閱讀課文,根據(jù)圖片和關(guān)鍵詞用自己的話來復(fù)述課文。 3.布置任務(wù),預(yù)習(xí)下節(jié)內(nèi)容: (1) stayed away from school one hot day and went swimming. 中的 stay away from Bill 短語的含義以及 stay 的相關(guān)短語有哪些? (2)Bill threatened and pleaded.中 threaten 的用法。 (3)takes on 這個短語是什么意思?關(guān)于 take on 的含義還有哪些? (4)He went straight to the big tree and carefully climbed up onto the branch to take the note back. 句中的 straight 是副詞嗎? 答案: (1)stay away from 是“離開、缺席”的意思,所以句中 stay away from school 意為 “曠課、逃學(xué)” 。stay up “熬夜、通宵不睡”;stay in “住在;留宿”。 練習(xí):用上述幾個短語完成句子 1. It is raining hard so we have to _ . 2. He got up late because he _ too late last night. 3. He always _, which makes his parents very upset. (keys: 1.stay in 2.stayed up 3. stay always from school ) (2) threaten 的用法: 、 Avt., vi, 恐嚇;威脅 His father threatened to beat the boy if he stole again.(男孩的父親威脅說如果他再偷 東西的話,就要揍他) Bvi. 預(yù)示的惡兆;使有的危險 The clouds threaten rain.(云預(yù)示有雨) (3)take on 在本句中為“擔(dān)心,不安” 。此外,還有下面的幾種含義: 1.“雇傭” 。take on a new secretary “雇傭新秘書” 2.“承擔(dān)(工作,責(zé)任) ”Dont take on more work than you can do.(不要接受超過 你所能負荷的工作量)3(4)straight 既可用作形容詞,也可用作副詞。 straight 用做副詞的例子: Stand up straight.站直 She went straight home.她直接回家了。 Go straight on and youll see a church. 徑直往前走,你會看到一座教堂。 板書: Unit5 Whose fault反饋:第三課時:Reading 一、講解語言點 1. Bill stayed away from school one hot day and went swimming.一個大熱天,比爾逃學(xué) 去游泳了。 stay away from “脫離” 如:That day, three of us stayed away from the meeting. 那天我們?nèi)齻€人沒參加會議。 2If you give it to father, Ill have to run away from home again.如果你把它交給父親, 我就不得不再一次從家里逃走。 will have to “不得不,不能不”。如:If you can not pick me up, Ill have to stay at the airport. 如果你不來接我,我將不得不要機場呆著。 3. Joe kept silent but was greatly troubled. 喬沒有講話,但心里極度不安。 keep silent “保持沉默,不說話,肅靜”。 4. Joe suddenly took the note out of his pocket and threw it away. 喬突然從兜里掏出紙 條扔掉了。 takeout of “從拿出”如: took everything out of her schoolbag as soon She as she got home.她一到家就從書包里把所有東西掏出來了。 5. It flew up with the wind and came to rest on a very high branch of a big tree.它隨風(fēng)飄 起,落在一棵老樹非常高的枝杈上。 fly with wind “隨風(fēng)飄飛” 6. Why, whats the matter? (常用口語)“怎么了?” “什么事兒” 7. Then tell the truth, Joe. Itll soon be over. 和你對你說吧,喬,這事兒很快就會過去。 8. He will never trust me any more. 他再也不會信任我了。 notany more “不再再也不”。如:4Ill not go swimming together with you any more.我再也不會跟你一起去游泳了。 9. you dont know how mother takes on about it and how itll hurt father !你從不知道 母親對這件事會多么不安,父親會多么傷心。 take on “承受,激動不安”。如:Dont take on so! 別太當(dāng)回事兒了! 10. Bill came to himself. 比爾蘇醒過來。 e to oneself “蘇醒過來”。如: When he came to himself, he found everything was gone. 他醒來時發(fā)現(xiàn)什么都沒了。 二、自我檢測:做書中練習(xí)。 板書:Whose faultstay away from “脫離” have to “不得不,不能不” keep silent “保持沉默,不說話,肅靜” takeout of “從拿出” fly with wind “隨風(fēng)飄飛” notany more “不再再也不” take on “承受,激動不安” e to oneself “蘇醒過來” 反饋:第四課時:Listening 一、教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1.知識與技能: (1)熟練掌握必知必會單詞和短語的拼寫。 (2)聽懂對話內(nèi)容,辨明談話雙方對某問題的積極或消極態(tài)度。 (3)能聽記主要內(nèi)容和相關(guān)信息,完成填空。 2.情感態(tài)度與價值觀: 敢于挑戰(zhàn)困難,挑戰(zhàn)自我,樹立自信心。 二、重點與難點: (1)聽懂對話內(nèi)容,完成填空練習(xí)。 (2)聽清空白處所缺的單詞或短語,并能快速、準(zhǔn)確拼寫出來。 三、教學(xué)內(nèi)容及方法: 1.導(dǎo)入: Hello, boys and girls! Two boys of your age are talking about the school life you are familiar with. Are you interested in what they are talking about? Here they e. 導(dǎo) 入聽力教學(xué)。先播放一遍錄音。 2.研討、探究與實踐: (1)Whats up ? 怎么回事?怎么樣? 相當(dāng)于 Whats going on? Whats wrong? Whats the matter? What happened? 但是現(xiàn)代流行口語中 Whats up ? 也可用于打招呼,相當(dāng)于 How are you ? 意為 “怎么樣?還好嗎” (2)Take it easy. 常用口語,意為: A “別急;慢慢來” 。如: Take it easy; we have got plenty of time. 別急,我們有的是時間。 B “請放松;別緊張” 。如: Take it easy when you are on the stage. 上臺不要緊張。 C “注意;小心點! ” D.另外,也可用于告別,表示“再見;慢走;保重” 。 3.聽力參考答案: Whats new with you ? It seems to me Im bored with stop talking about anything new you told me last week Which one a wonderful idea not interested in take it easy a better idea 四.、板書:五、反饋:第五課時:Speaking 一、教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1.語言知識與語言技能: (1)掌握并運用“道歉”與“說明原因”等日常交際用語。 (2)能在一定的情境中進行交流。 2.情感態(tài)度與價值觀 學(xué)日常用語,促進交流,增進了解。二、重點與難點 (1)掌握并運用常用的交際用語。 (2)運用語句進行情境對話、交流。 三、教學(xué)內(nèi)容與方法: 1.導(dǎo)入: 學(xué)生分組朗讀對話,體會“道歉”與“說明原因”的會話場景。 2.研討、探究與實踐: 1).讓學(xué)生用書中的 useful expressions,每組兩人進行簡單的對話。 2).文中的語言點 happen 常用動詞(是不及物動詞,不能用于被動語態(tài)) ,意為 A “發(fā)生”如: The accident happened outside my house. 這個事故發(fā)生在我家房子的外面。 B. happen to (to 是介詞), “發(fā)生在身上” ,如: If anything happen to the machine, please let us know. 如果機器出了毛病, 請通知我們。 C “碰巧”與不定式連用,如: I happened to be in the market yesterday when the fire started. 昨天發(fā)生火災(zāi)時,我正 好在市場里。 用于 It happened that句型。如: It happened that we were neighbors at that time. 那時我們恰好是鄰居。 上面提到的兩種結(jié)構(gòu)可以互相轉(zhuǎn)換,如: It happened that I had no money with me.=I happened to have no money with me. promise 常見用法: An. “承諾,諾言”。如: Give me your promise that youll never be late again. 答應(yīng)我你決不再遲到了。 B. v. “允諾,答應(yīng)” 。如: He promised me the book. 他答應(yīng)給我這本書。 Cv. “有的希望,有的可能” 。如: It promises to be fine tomorrow. 明天有望是個好天氣。 四、板書: happen A “發(fā)生” B. happen to (to 是介詞) C “碰巧”與不定式連用 promise An. “承諾,諾言” B. v. “允諾,答應(yīng)” Cv. “有的希望,有的可能” 五、反饋:第六課時:Grammar Direct Speech and Indirect Speech (直接引語和間接引語) 直接引述別人的原話,叫直接引語。用自己的話轉(zhuǎn)述別人的話,叫間接引語。間接 引語在多數(shù)情況下構(gòu)成賓語從句。 直接引語一般前后要加引號, 間接引語不用引號。 如: Mr. Black said,” I like playing football.” (直接引語) Mr. Black said that he liked playing football. (間接引語) 1. 直接引語如果是陳述句, 變?yōu)殚g接引語時, 用連詞 that 引導(dǎo) (that 在口語中常省略) , 從句中的人稱、時態(tài)、指示代詞、時間狀語、地點狀語等要根據(jù)具體語境作相應(yīng)變 化。在這一方面,漢語和英語有許多相似之外,因此,在做直接引語和間接引語轉(zhuǎn) 換練習(xí)時,要特別注意句子的意思。 (1)人稱的變化 A. He said: “ I want to see you.” He said that the wanted to see him. B. He said to me, “Ive left my book in your room. He told to me that he had left his book in my room. (2)時態(tài)變化 如主句的謂語動詞是一般過去時,直接引語引語時,從句的謂語動詞在時態(tài)方面要作相 應(yīng)的變化。 (如主句的謂語動詞是現(xiàn)在時,從句的時態(tài)則無需變化。 ) 一般現(xiàn)在時 一般過去時. He said, “I cant do it myself.” He said that he couldnt do it himself . 現(xiàn)在進行時 過去進行時 He said, “I am reading the book.” He said that he was reading the book . 現(xiàn)在完成時 過去完成時 She said, “I have not heard from him since May.” She said that she had not heard from him since May. 一般過去時 過去完成時 He said, “I came to help you.” He said that he had e to help you. 過去完成時不變 He said, “I had finish my homework before supper.” He said that he had finished his homework before supper. 一般將來時 過去將來時 Zhou Lan said , “I will do it after class.” Zhou Lan said that she would do it after class. (3)指示代詞、時間狀語、地點狀語和動詞的變化 this that these those now then today that day yesterday the next (following)day here there e go She said, “I will e this morning .” He said, “These books are mine .” He said, “It is nine oclock now.” He said, “I havent seen her today.” She said, “I went there yesterday.” She said, “Ill go there tomorrow.” He said, “My sister was here three days ago.” She said, “I will e here this evening.”She said that she would go that morning. He said that those books were his. He sais that it was nine oclock then. He said that she hadnt seen her that day. She said that she had gone there the day before. She said that she would go there the next (following) day. He said that his sister had been there three days before. She said that she would go there that evening.還有下列時間狀語也作相應(yīng)變化: this week ( month, year ) that week (month, year ) next week ( month, year ) the next week (month, year ) 3 days (weeks, month, years, hours, ) ago 3 days (weeks, month, years, hours, ) before 注意: a.直接引語如果是客觀真理,變?yōu)殚g接引語時,時態(tài)不變。如: He said, “Light travels much faster than sound.” He said that light travels much faster than sound. b.如果在當(dāng)?shù)剞D(zhuǎn)述,here 不必必為 there,動詞 e 不必改為 go。如果在當(dāng)時、當(dāng)天、 當(dāng)月、當(dāng)年等語境中轉(zhuǎn)述,today, yesterday, tomorrow, next week, last year等時間狀 語也不必改變。 2.轉(zhuǎn)述祈使句時,要將祈使句的動詞原形變?yōu)閹?to 的不定式,并且在不定式的前面根據(jù) 句子的意思加上 tell, ask, order 等動詞,如果祈使句為否定式,在不定式的前面加 not。 例如: She said to us, “please sit down.” She asked us to sit down. He said, “Dont make so much noise, boys.” He told the boys not to make so much noise. 3.直接引語如為疑問句,變?yōu)殚g接引語時,須將疑問句的語序改為陳述句的語序,句未 用句號。其人稱、時態(tài)等相應(yīng)的變化與轉(zhuǎn)述陳述句的間接引語相同。 1)一般疑問句 直接引語如果是一般疑問句, 變?yōu)殚g接引語時, 經(jīng)以構(gòu)成連詞 whether 或 if 導(dǎo)的賓語從 句,句未用句號。主句中的謂語動詞是 said 時,要改為 asked. 沒有間接賓語時,有時 可以加一個間接賓語。如: He said, “Are you interested in English?” He asked me if / whether I was interested in English. He said, “Did you see him last night ?” He asked me whether I had seen him last night. 2)特殊疑問句9直接引語如為特殊疑問句,變?yōu)殚g接引語時,構(gòu)成用原來的疑問詞引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,并 須將疑問式改為陳述句結(jié)構(gòu),句未用句號。如: “What do you want?”he asked me. He asked me what I wanted. He asked me, “Why did you e so late ?” He asked me why I had e so late. 二、練習(xí): 將所給直接引語變?yōu)殚g接引語,每空一詞。 1.“I am having supper,”he said. He said that _ having supper. 2. “I have seen the film,” Gina said to me. Gina _ me that she _ _ the film. 3. “I went home with my sister,” she said. She said that _ _ _ home with her sister. 4. The teacher said, “The sun is bigger than the moon.” The teacher said that the sun _ bigger than the moon. 5. “I met her yesterday”, he said to me. He told me that he _ met her the day _ . 6. “You must e here before five,” he said . He said that I _ to go _ before five. 7. “I bought the puter two weeks ago ”, she said . She said that she _ bought the puter two weeks _ . 8. “Did you read the book last week?” he said. He _ _ I had read the book the week _ . 9. He said “You can sit here, Jim” . He _ Jim that he _ sit there. 10. He asked, “How did you find it, mother”. He asked his mother _ _ _ found it. 11.“Where have you been these days?” he asked. He asked me _ _ _ been _ days . 12. “Do you know where she lives?” he asked. He asked _ _ knew where she _ . 13. “Keep quiet, children.” he said. He _ the children _ _ quiet. 14. “Dont look out of the window,” he said. She told me _ _ _ out of the window. 15. “Are you interested in this?” he said. He _ _ I was interested in _ .10


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