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2022年高考英語二輪復習 完形填空(2)

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2022年高考英語二輪復習 完形填空(2)

2022年高考英語二輪復習 完形填空(2)完形填空。閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從15各題所給的A、B、C和D項中,選出最佳選 項。Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship. At some point, however, we all begin to 1_ our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a hero?Despite huge 2_ in cultures, heroes around the world 3_ share a number of similar characteristics that instruct and 4_ people.A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a munity who will 5_ But a hero goes beyond mere fame.Heroes serve powers or principles 6_ than themselves. Like high-voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by 7 _.The hero lives a life worthy of imitation. Those who 8_ a real hero will experience life with new depth, enthusiasm, and meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom do they serve? What are they 9_ to live and die for? If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be 10_ persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more11_?Heroes can make things change 12_ .They have a 13_ from the mountaintop. They have the skill and the charm to move the masses. They 14_ new possibilities. It may be possible for large-scale change to occur without leaders with attractive personalities, but the pace of change would be 15_ and the vision uncertain.文章大意:文章闡述了什么是英雄,什么樣的人才能被稱作英雄,同時也講述了英雄的作用即英雄是改變的催化劑。1. A. laugh B. question C. ask D. think【答案】B【解析】考查動詞及上下文的呼應。Laugh嘲笑; question提問; ask問; think想。根據(jù)下文This leads us to ask,所以我們應該開始詢問我們的英雄,故選B。2. A. differences B. similarities C. changes D.suggestions【答案】A【解析】考查名詞及上下文的呼應。differences不同; similarities相似點; changes變化; suggestions建議。根據(jù)a number of similar characteristics與similar相反的應是differences,盡管在文化有很大的不同,故選A。3. A. mon B. ordinary C. generally D. general【答案】C【解析】考查副詞及上下文的呼應。mon共同的,是形容詞; ordinary普通的,是形容詞; generally通常地,是副詞;general通常的,是形容詞。盡管在文化有很大的不同,世界各地的文化通常卻有一些相似點,故選C。 4. A. frighten B. surprise C. damage D. inspire【答案】D【解析】考查動詞及上下文的呼應。frighten 害怕; surprise吃驚; damage 損害; inspire產(chǎn)生,鼓勵。這些相似點指導和激勵著人們,故選D。5. A. listen B. enjoy C. ignore D. hate【答案】A【解析】考查動詞及上下文的呼應。Listen聽; enjoy喜歡;. Ignore忽視;. hate不喜歡。一個英雄有冒險故事可以講,而且會有一大批的聽眾。故選A。6. A. poorer B. smaller C. larger D lower【答案】C【解析】考查形容詞及上下文的呼應。poorer更貧窮; smaller更小的; larger更大的; lower下游的。根據(jù)下文heroes take the energy of higher powers;英雄們?yōu)楸茸约焊写蟮臋嗔徒M織服務,故選C。7. A. parents B. children C. neighbors D. ordinaries【答案】D【解析】考查名詞及上下文的呼應。parents父母; children 孩子; neighbors鄰居; ordinaries普通的人。根據(jù)step it down可知,英雄們懷著很高的理想,并逐步貼近生活,來讓普通百姓接受。故選D。8. A. imitate B. dislike C. think D. select【答案】A【解析】考查動詞及上下文的呼應。imitate模仿; dislike不喜歡;think 想; select選擇。根據(jù)上文The hero lives a life worthy of imitation.;這里選擇的是imitation的詞根;英雄的生活是值得效仿的 "那些效仿真正英雄(一個真正的人物)以一個全新的視角來經(jīng)歷生活,激情和內(nèi)涵,故選A。9. A. bored B. willing C. hopeless D. doubtful【答案】B【解析】考查形容詞及上下文的呼應。bored厭煩的; willing情愿的; hopeless無希望的; doubtful懷疑的。be willing to do情愿做某事;他們活著為了什么,為什么而死?故選B。10. A. admiring B. selfish C. famous D. careless【答案】C【解析】考查形容詞及上下文的呼應。admiring贊賞的; selfish自私的; famous 著名的; careless粗心的。根據(jù)serve only their own fame,如果結果或者跡象表明他們只是為了自己的名聲服務,他們可能是名人但絕不是英雄。故選C。11. A. dreadful B. meaningful C. useful D. thankful【答案】B【解析】考查動詞及上下文的呼應。dreadful可怕的; meaningful有意義的; useful有用的; thankful感謝的。麥當娜和邁克.杰克遜很有名,但是他們讓他們的歌迷發(fā)現(xiàn)自己生活更豐富了么?故選B。12. A. luckily B. beautifully C. quickly D. awfully【答案】C【解析】考查副詞及上下文的呼應。luckily幸運地; beautifully漂亮地; quickly快地; awfully可怕的。根據(jù)常識可知英雄使改革更快。英雄是改革的催化劑。故選C。13. A. vision B. stand C. step D. climb【答案】A【解析】考查動詞及上下文的呼應。vision美景,景象; stand站立; step邁步; climb爬。根據(jù)from the mountaintop,他們居高臨下,故選A。14. A. recover B. create C. instruct D. lighten【答案】B【解析】考查動詞及上下文的呼應。recover恢復; create創(chuàng)造; instruct 指導; lighten照亮。create possibilities制造可能;他們制作了新的可能。故選B。15. A. certain B. stable C. weak D. slow【答案】D【解析】考查形容詞及上下文的呼應。certain某一; stable 牛棚; weak弱; slow慢的。變革的速度會變慢。故選D。完形填空【xx·江西八校聯(lián)考】We always want what we cannot have.When were young,we want to stay out late,have romantic relationships and be_1_.However,when were_2_,we want to go back to being young and we_3_the days when we didnt have to worry about plex love affairs,_4_pressure and money problems.Young people believe adulthood_5_freedom from parents and schoolwork.When they get older,they feel that_6_is freedom from work pressure and family responsibilities.To_7_this feeling,people say,“The grass is always_8_on the other side of the fence.”As_9_,we like to be like adults but as young adults,we _10_to be young again.We think about staying out late and_11_our own money to spend.Suddenly,we see that love can result in _12_hearts;staying out late makes it hard to get ready for_13_the next morning.We find our that adult life is not as_14_as we thought it would be and suddenly,_15_bees very scary.Life is_16_.It gives us time to_17_but also requires us to work.The time will e when we must grow up and we will always look back wishing we_18_being young a bit longer.That time will not e back.It is normal to want what we cannot have but the_19_is that to be happy is to appreciate what we have.That is the first step to grow up._20_life bees more plex,we will not regret the time we wasted wishing we were adults.1.Afortable Bdependent Cpolite Dindependent2A.defeated Bolder Cmarried Dconfident3A.like Bforget Cmiss Dregret4A.job Bstudy Cage Dhealth5A.creates Bshows ClimitsDmeans6A.adulthood Bchildhood Cparenthood Dneighborhood7A.reduce BexperienceCdescribe Dunderstand8A.thinner Bgreener Cyellow Dcolorful9A.researchers Badults Cteenagers Delders10A.decide Bwish Creturn Dstop11A.making Bworrying about Chaving Dshowing off12A.healthy BambitiousCexcited Dbroken13A.breakfast Bschool Cwork Dexercise14A.richBbusy Cpoor Deasy15A.love Blife Ccareer Dfuture16A.long Bfair Cshort Dbeautiful17A.study Bthink CliveDplay18A.stopped Bimagined Cenjoyed Dtried19A.reason BresultCtruthDdream20A.When BIf CUnless DBefore語篇解讀 本文是一篇議論文。眾所周知,人們的生活就像圍城進去的想出來,外面的想進去。同樣,小孩子想長大,大人們卻想回到小時候。其實,無論怎樣,只要開心就好。1解析:考查形容詞辨析。句意為:當我們年輕的時候,我們想在外面待到很晚,想有戀愛關系,想獨立(independent)。此處與第二段第一句中的“freedom from parents and schoolwork”相呼應。答案:D2解析:考查形容詞辨析。句意為:然而,當我們長大一些(older)的時候,我們想回到小時候。根據(jù)“However”可知,前后兩句為轉折對比關系。因此,此處應填older,與上文“When were young”形成對比。答案:B 3.解析:考查動詞辨析。句意為:而且我們會懷念(miss)那些日子,那時我們不必擔心復雜的談情說愛。此處與上文中的“we want to go back to being young”相呼應。答案:C4解析:考查名詞辨析。句意為:我們也不用擔心工作壓力和錢的問題。此處與第二段第二句中的“freedom from work pressure and family responsibilities”相呼應。答案:A5解析:考查動詞辨析。句意為:年輕人認為,成年意味著(means)沒有父母的約束,沒有學校作業(yè)。此處與下文“.is freedom from.”結構和句意相呼應,故答案D正確。create創(chuàng)造;show展示;limit限制,均不符合語境,故排除。答案:D6解析:考查名詞辨析。 句意為:當他們長大些時,他們認為,小時候沒有工作壓力和家庭責任。此處與上文“adulthood_freedom from parents and schoolwork”相呼應。答案:B7解析:考查動詞辨析。句意為:為了描述(describe)這種感覺,人們常講:籬笆另一邊的草總是更綠。reduce減少;experience經(jīng)歷;understand理解,均不符合語境,故排除。答案:C8解析:考查形容詞辨析。句意為:籬笆另一邊的草總是更綠(greener)。thinner更瘦弱,與文意不符,故排除;yellow黃的;colorful多彩的,都沒有比較的概念,均不符合語境,故排除。答案:B9解析:考查名詞辨析。句意為:作為青少年,我們想成為成年人。此處與but后的“young adult”形成對比和呼應。答案:C10解析:考查動詞辨析。 句意為:但是作為成年人,我們又想(wish)回到小時候。此處與最后一段第三句中的“wishing.being young a bit longer”相呼應。答案:B11解析:考查動詞和動詞短語辨析。句意為:我們想在外面待到很晚,有自己的錢可以花。根據(jù)固定搭配“have sth.to do(有可以做某事)”可知,答案C正確。make意為“使得”;make sb.do sth.;worry about意為“擔心”;show off意為“炫耀”,均不符合語境,故排除。答案:C12解析:考查形容詞辨析。句意為:突然,我們意識到愛會讓我們心碎(broken)。此處與下文“staying out late makes it hard.”的感情色彩一致。答案:D13解析:考查名詞辨析。句意為:晚上在外面待得太晚會影響到第二天的工作準備。此處與第一段最后一句中的“worry about plex love affairs,_pressure and money problems”相呼應。答案:C14解析:考查形容詞辨析。句意為:我們發(fā)現(xiàn)成年人的生活不像我們之前想得那樣容易(easy)。此處與第二段前兩句意思相呼應。答案:D15解析:考查名詞辨析。句意為:突然,生活(life)變得如此可怕。此處與最后一段第一句“Life is_.”相呼應。答案:B16解析:考查形容詞辨析。句意為:生活是公平的(fair)。此處與下文“It gives us time to_but also requires us to work.”相呼應,故答案B符合文意。答案:B17解析:考查動詞辨析。句意為:它給我們玩(play)的時間,同時也要求我們?nèi)スぷ鳌4颂幣cbut后的“work”形成對比。答案:D18解析:考查動詞辨析。句意為:當我們長大的時候,我們就必須成長,但這個時候我們總是希望能夠再享有(enjoy)年輕更長一點時間。此處與下文中的“appreciate what we have”照應。故答案C正確。stop停止;imagine想象;try嘗試,均不符合語境,故排除。答案:C19解析:考查名詞辨析。句意為:想要擁有自己沒有的東西這個很正常,但是事實(truth)是:開心享有我們所擁有的。reason原因;result結果;dream夢想,均不符合語境,故排除。答案:C20解析:考查連詞辨析。句意為:當生活變得更加復雜時,我們不會為我們曾經(jīng)浪費了我們想成為成年人時的那些時光而后悔。此處與上文中“The time will e when we must grow up.being young a bit longer.”的句子結構相同,故答案A符合文意。if如果;unless除非;before在之前,均不符合語境,故排除。答案:A。


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