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北京外國語大學(xué)2003年碩士研究生入學(xué)考試英漢同聲傳譯專業(yè)試卷將以下單句譯成漢語。25分1. Poets are born, but orators are made.2. There exists today new opportunities for promotion of DNP裁軍和不擴散 education and training at all levels, primarily, thanks to the revolution in technology and communication.3. Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.4. China looks to Hollywood much like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge must look to the oil industry: vast, untapped and potentially fat.5. Beyond torturing Germanys relationship with the United States, the go-it-alone stance, coming from a government that has presented itself as a sworn adherent of multilateralism, tends to diminish Berlins influence among its EU neighbours.將以下短文譯成漢語。50分Globalization is transforming the world. While it brings great benefits to some countries and individualsa backlash has arisen because these benefits are distributed so unequally and because the global market is not yet underpinned by values and rules that address key social concerns such as the protection of human rights, labor standards and the environment. Globalization has also, unwittingly, made it easier for what I have called “uncivil society crime, terrorism, drug- and arms-traffickingto move across borders. Our challenge today is to make globalization an engine that lifts people out of hardship and misery, not a force that holds them down.The past half century had brought unprecedented economic gains. Most people today can expect to live longer than their parents. They are better nourished, enjoy better health, are better educated, and on the whole face more favorable economic prospects. But there is also widespread deprivation and despair. More than 1 billion people must survive on less than $1 a day. Striking inequality persists within and among countries. Diseases such as AIDS and malaria threaten to undo years of progress. Worsening the poverty gap is the “digital divide between the technology-rich and the technology-poor. At a time when information and knowledge have become the main source of wealth and power, half the developing worlds people have never made or received a telephone call, much less used a computer. Bringing these people into the mainstream is one of our biggest projects.Poverty and inequality are fertile ground for conflict. Wars between states have become less frequent, but in the last decade brutal internal wars have claimed more than 5 million lives, and driven many times that number of people from their homes. Weapons of mass destruction continue to cast their shadow of fear. We must think of security less as defending territory, and more in terms of protecting people. And whether we are talking of conflict prevention, peace-keeping, post-conflict peace-building or other peacemaking tools at the disposal of the international community, we must be sure that when the United Nations is called upon to act, it is given the mandate and resources to do the job.將以下單句譯成英語。25分11998年以來,為了遏止通貨緊縮,政府通過積極的財政政策,以擴大財政支出拉動GDP增長,取得了一定成效。2社會保障體系在市場經(jīng)濟中的作用毋庸多言,問題是如何加快、加強這一體系的建設(shè)。3水資源緊缺不僅使中國西部許多地區(qū)脆弱的生態(tài)平衡遭到嚴重的破壞,而且危及到了正常的工農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)和群眾生活。4911事件后,反對國際恐怖主義的斗爭對國際政治、經(jīng)濟和平安形勢產(chǎn)生了巨大的沖擊。5反對強權(quán)政治和維護廣闊開展中國家的利益:是中國在多邊外交活動中遵循的一個重要原那么。將以下短文譯成英語。50分 改革開放以來農(nóng)村人口向城鎮(zhèn)轉(zhuǎn)移勢如潮涌,到城市尋求就業(yè)時機的中青年農(nóng)民與日俱增。由于他們大多不是只生一個,其攜帶的多子女就學(xué)問題的凸顯,給當(dāng)?shù)氐牧x務(wù)教育帶來了新問題。據(jù)教育部介紹,目前相當(dāng)一局部城市尚未將這些流動少兒的就學(xué)納入本區(qū)域教育事業(yè)開展規(guī)劃中,對流動少兒的底數(shù)不清,尤其在流動少兒大量聚集的城鄉(xiāng)結(jié)合部,經(jīng)費壓力不斷增大導(dǎo)致政府管理不到位。 “兒童公園是什么,我從來沒聽說過。7歲的小姑娘晶晶怯生生地問老師。她是父母到杭州打工后出生的,父母一天到晚忙著賣大餅、油條的生意。節(jié)假日城里的孩子能與大人外出旅游,她想都不敢想,因為那時候父母總是最忙碌。她有幸就讀的專門招收流動人口子女的杭州明珠實驗學(xué)校,是三年前由下城區(qū)政府、企業(yè)、社會共同創(chuàng)立的。如今,這所學(xué)校已有來自20個省市的在校生2100多名,師資和教學(xué)設(shè)備被聯(lián)合國教科文組織的教育專家認為是開展中國家根底教育行列中的一流。明珠實驗學(xué)校的老師們說,我們不僅要讓民工子女得到正規(guī)教育,更要營造一種“文化親和力的環(huán)境,讓孩子們感受到“城市溫情,盡快融入我們的城市文化。答案局部北京外國語大學(xué)2003年碩士研究生入學(xué)考試英漢同聲傳譯專業(yè)試卷將以下單句譯成漢語。25分1. Poets are born, but orators are made.2. There exists today new opportunities for promotion of DNP裁軍和不擴散 education and training at all levels, primarily, thanks to the revolution in technology and communication.3. Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.4. China looks to Hollywood much like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge must look to the oil industry: vast, untapped and potentially fat.5. Beyond torturing Germanys relationship with the United States, the go-it-alone stance, coming from a government that has presented itself as a sworn adherent of multilateralism, tends to diminish Berlins influence among its EU neighbours.譯文:1 詩人是天生的,而雄辯家那么是練就的。2 主要由于技術(shù)革命和通訊革命,今天才有時機從各個層次上促進裁軍和不擴散方面的教育和培訓(xùn)。3西方有許多人往往為了成為白領(lǐng)工人而放棄高薪,這是西方社會人性的表現(xiàn)。4中國指望著好萊塢就好比美國北極國家野生動物保護區(qū)指望著石油產(chǎn)業(yè):都是指望著一片廣闊、尚未開發(fā)、潛力巨大的資源。5德國政府堅決擁護多邊主義,其我行我素的立場不僅破壞德美兩國關(guān)系,還可能削弱柏林在歐盟鄰國中的影響力。將以下短文譯成漢語。50分Globalization is transforming the world. While it brings great benefits to some countries and individualsa backlash has arisen because these benefits are distributed so unequally and because the global market is not yet underpinned by values and rules that address key social concerns such as the protection of human rights, labor standards and the environment. Globalization has also, unwittingly, made it easier for what I have called “uncivil societycrime, terrorism, drug- and arms-traffickingto move across borders. Our challenge today is to make globalization an engine that lifts people out of hardship and misery, not a force that holds them down.The past half century had brought unprecedented economic gains. Most people today can expect to live longer than their parents. They are better nourished, enjoy better health, are better educated, and on the whole face more favorable economic prospects. But there is also widespread deprivation and despair. More than 1 billion people must survive on less than $1 a day. Striking inequality persists within and among countries. Diseases such as AIDS and malaria threaten to undo years of progress. Worsening the poverty gap is the “digital divide between the technology-rich and the technology-poor. At a time when information and knowledge have become the main source of wealth and power, half the developing worlds people have never made or received a telephone call, much less used a computer. Bringing these people into the mainstream is one of our biggest projects.Poverty and inequality are fertile ground for conflict. Wars between states have become less frequent, but in the last decade brutal internal wars have claimed more than 5 million lives, and driven many times that number of people from their homes. Weapons of mass destruction continue to cast their shadow of fear. We must think of security less as defending territory, and more in terms of protecting people. And whether we are talking of conflict prevention, peace-keeping, post-conflict peace-building or other peacemaking tools at the disposal of the international community, we must be sure that when the United Nations is called upon to act, it is given the mandate and resources to do the job.譯文:全球化正在改變世界。盡管全球化給一些國家和個人帶來了好處,但是由于利益分配很不均衡,且全球市場在處理關(guān)鍵社會問題諸如人權(quán)保護、勞工標準及環(huán)境等時需要得到價值觀和規(guī)那么方面的支持而這些支持目前還比擬薄弱,因此全球化也產(chǎn)生了反沖力。全球化還無意之中為我所提到的“野蠻社會犯罪、恐怖主義、販毒和販賣軍火能夠超越國界提供了便利。今天,我們面臨的挑戰(zhàn)是如何利用全球化帶著人們脫離苦海,而不是利用它使人們深陷苦海。過去的50年取得了前所未有的經(jīng)濟成果。今天多數(shù)人的壽命都會超過其父母。他們吃得更有營養(yǎng),身體更棒,受的教育更高,而且從整體上說,他們面對的經(jīng)濟前景更加有利。然而,掠奪行為和絕望心態(tài)依然普遍存在。全球有10億多人每天只靠1美元過活。一國內(nèi)部和不同國家之間的不平等現(xiàn)象仍然觸目驚心。疾病,像艾滋病、瘧疾,可能會讓社會倒退好幾年。技術(shù)富國和技術(shù)貧國之間的“數(shù)字鴻溝使貧富差距情況進一步惡化。當(dāng)今這個時代,財富和權(quán)力主要來源于信息和知識,而開展中國家還有一半人口從未打出或接到 ,更別提用電腦了。將這些人帶入社會主流是我們的一項大工程。貧窮和不平等是滋生沖突的沃土。目前國家之間的戰(zhàn)爭是少了,但是過去幾十年里,殘酷的內(nèi)戰(zhàn)奪走了500多萬人的生命,并迫使幾千萬人/幾倍于這個數(shù)字的人們背井離鄉(xiāng)。大規(guī)模殺傷性武器的恐怖陰影揮之不去。我們應(yīng)該這樣理解平安,平安不僅指保衛(wèi)領(lǐng)土更指保護人民。無論是談到防止沖突,還是維護和平,戰(zhàn)后重建和平,或者國際社會可以利用的其他維和工具,我們都必須確保在要求聯(lián)合國采取行動時已給予其從事這項工作所需的權(quán)威和資源。將以下單句譯成英語。25分11998年以來,為了遏止通貨緊縮,政府通過積極的財政政策,以擴大財政支出拉動GDP增長,取得了一定成效。2社會保障體系在市場經(jīng)濟中的作用毋庸多言,問題是如何加快、加強這一體系的建設(shè)。3水資源緊缺不僅使中國西部許多地區(qū)脆弱的生態(tài)平衡遭到嚴重的破壞,而且危及到了正常的工農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)和群眾生活。4911事件后,反對國際恐怖主義的斗爭對國際政治、經(jīng)濟和平安形勢產(chǎn)生了巨大的沖擊。5反對強權(quán)政治和維護廣闊開展中國家的利益,是中國在多邊外交活動中遵循的一個重要原那么。Translation:1. Since 1998, achievements have been made in curbing deflation through adopting proactive fiscal policies aiming to expand fiscal expenditure and promote GDP growth.2. The functions of social security system in a market economy are obvious/are unnecessary to elaborate on. The point is how to speed up and strengthen the establishment of the system.3. Water shortage has not only seriously damaged the delicate ecological balance in many areas in west China, but also posed a threat to the normal/regular industrial and agricultural production and peoples life.4. Since the 9.11 Disaster, the struggle against international/global terrorism has had a great impact on the international political, economic and security circumstances.5. It is an important principle of Chinas multilateral diplomacy to fight against power politics and to defend the interests of the many/the vast numbers of developing countries.將以下短文譯成英語。50分 改革開放以來農(nóng)村人口向城鎮(zhèn)轉(zhuǎn)移勢如潮涌,到城市尋求就業(yè)時機的中青年農(nóng)民與日俱增。由于他們大多不是只生一個,其攜帶的多子女就學(xué)問題的凸顯,給當(dāng)?shù)氐牧x務(wù)教育帶來了新問題。據(jù)教育部介紹,目前相當(dāng)一局部城市尚未將這些流動少兒的就學(xué)納入本區(qū)域教育事業(yè)開展規(guī)劃中,對流動少兒的底數(shù)不清,尤其在流動少兒大量聚集的城鄉(xiāng)結(jié)合部,經(jīng)費壓力不斷增大導(dǎo)致政府管理不到位。 “兒童公園是什么,我從來沒聽說過。7歲的小姑娘晶晶怯生生地問老師。她是父母到杭州打工后出生的,父母一天到晚忙著賣大餅、油條的生意。節(jié)假日城里的孩子能與大人外出旅游,她想都不敢想,因為那時候父母總是最忙碌。她有幸就讀的專門招收流動人口子女的杭州明珠實驗學(xué)校,是三年前由下城區(qū)政府、企業(yè)、社會共同創(chuàng)立的。如今,這所學(xué)校已有來自20個省市的在校生2100多名,師資和教學(xué)設(shè)備被聯(lián)合國教科文組織的教育專家認為是開展中國家根底教育行列中的一流。明珠實驗學(xué)校的老師們說,我們不僅要讓民工子女得到正規(guī)教育,更要營造一種“文化親和力的環(huán)境,讓孩子們感受到“城市溫情,盡快融入我們的城市文化。Translation:Since the introduction of the policy of reform and opening-up, rural population has been flooding into urban areas. The number of young and middle-aged farmers that come to the cities in search of employment is increasing day by day. Due to the fact that they usually have more than one child, their childrens education has become a conspicuous problem, which has posed new challenges to the local compulsory education system. According to the Ministry of Education, by now there are still a number of cities that have not integrated the education for children of Chinas floating population into their local education development program. A lack of knowledge of the exact number of those children, especially in the zone joining urban and rural areas, and the growing financial pressure has led to a lack of government management there.“What is a childrens park? Ive never heard of it, The 7-year-old girl Jingjing asked her teacher timidly. She was born after her parents came to work in Hangzhou. They are busy selling baked dough cake and fried twisted dough stick all day long. While urban children may travel with their parents during holidays, she can hardly imagine it/has never expected that would ever happen to herself for those days are the busiest days for her parents. Hangzhou Mingzhu Campus School, which admits children of Chinas floating population only/especially established for children of Chinas floating population and which Jingjing is very lucky to enroll, was established jointly by the government, enterprises and other social institutions of Xiacheng District three years ago. By now, the school has over 2100 students from 20 different provinces and cities. UN experts on education believe that its teaching staff and facilities are state-of-the-art among primary education in developing countries. Teachers from Mingzhu Campus School said that they would not only try to provide access to formal education for children of Chinas floating population, but also create an environment of “cultural affinity so that the children might feel “the warmth of the city and integrate into the culture of our city as soon as possible.


本文(北京外國語大學(xué)英漢同聲傳譯2003[試卷+答案]考研真題/考研試卷/筆記講義/下載)為本站會員(r****d)主動上傳,裝配圖網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對上載內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯。 若此文所含內(nèi)容侵犯了您的版權(quán)或隱私,請立即通知裝配圖網(wǎng)(點擊聯(lián)系客服),我們立即給予刪除!


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