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北京外國語大學(xué)2004年碩士研究生入學(xué)考試英漢同聲傳譯專業(yè)試卷.將以下單句譯成漢語25分1) In the first half of this year, Chinas GDP grew by 8.2%-despite the SARS virus. Electricity demand rose by 15% in the same period, led by power-hungry industries such as steel and aluminum.2) China, anxious about capital flight and proud of its economic sovereignty, will not be browbeaten into floating the yuan by hectoring Americans.3) Power stations tend to be built far from cities, and to be surrounded by idle “buffer land. It is suggested that greenhouses could be built no this land with the exhaust from the power station pumped in go supply the heat they need. Such greenhouses could be used to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers cheaply.4) Out of all the unbecoming parts of drug addiction, the search for clean needles is particularly ghastly. Dirty needles account for a third of all reported AIDS cases: they also explain why half of all long-term addicts get hepatitis C.5) The fight over farm trade at the WTO ministerial meeting in the Mexican city of Cancun boils down to how far the rich world cuts tariffs on agricultural goods and dismantles its vast farm -subsidies, and by how much developing countries reduce their own considerable tariffs in return. 將以下短文譯成漢語50分Unemployment in America is high, and elections are on the horizon. It must be time to look east again for scapegoats. Japan is only starting to recover from its protracted recession, so China will be handed the role of economic villain in the coming U.S. election cycle. Expect to hear a chorus of presidential candidates blame unfair Chinese competition for Americas manufacturing woes.Chinas trading partners do have legitimate grievances, but it would be irresponsible and inaccurate for American politicians to pin the United States economic sluggishness on scheming culprits in Beijing. Traveling in Asia in October, Treasury Secretary John Snow heeded political pressures back home in exhorting Chinese leaders to let the market price their currency. This is a desirable outcome in the long run, but a raft of immediate caveats come to mind.Chinas financial system remains fragile, and sudden currency volatility could lead to a banking crisis that could sell disaster for the world economy. Washington would do better to urge Chinas leaders to focus on their lack of preparation to assume their proper role in the worlds financial order, rather than to demand any supposedly quick fix. Moreover, Chinas refusal to devalue its currency in the aftermath of the late 1990s crises in East Asiamuch appreciated by its neighbors and Washington at a time when the yuan seemed overvaluedadds credence to Beijings insistence that it prizes stability when it comes to exchange rates, not short-term advantage. With most economists concerned that Chinas robust growth could fuel inflation and a speculative bubble, there are valid reasons for Beijing to fear a surging currency. 將以下單句譯成英語(25分) 1) 盡管20世紀(jì)90年代全國經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇,美國家庭最富有者和最貧窮者收入之間的差距繼續(xù)擴(kuò)大。 2) 中華民族大家庭,靠文化價值觀風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣、語言、文字凝聚成一體。但家庭內(nèi)部也有紛爭,家庭延續(xù)也有興衰。 3) 如果沒有移民,美國不可能在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)期間制造出原子彈;沒有移民,美國也不會成為當(dāng)今世界是的唯一超級大國。 4) 已經(jīng)有一整年沒活動筋骨了,整天坐在研究室里,翻閱資料,逐漸感覺到身體的機(jī)能在退化,筋骨像是長了銹,甚至出現(xiàn)腰酸背痛的跡象。 5) 澳門是中國南海國邊的一個小城,面積現(xiàn)有約24平方公里,人口也不過約43萬人。但是,在中國的高等教育開展史上,書寫了光芒的開創(chuàng)篇,因?yàn)橹袊谝凰魇酱髮W(xué)就是在這里于1594年創(chuàng)辦的。. 將以下短文譯成英語(50分)在市場經(jīng)濟(jì)的條件下,資源肯定要向本錢低、效益高、利潤大的地方流動。所以,生產(chǎn)要素往城市和經(jīng)濟(jì)興旺的地區(qū)集中,是完全自發(fā)和自動的必然流向。在“全球化的過程中,會伴生一個副作用,就是富者越富,窮者越窮。不要說“全球化,就是“全國化也一樣,有錢的地區(qū),就能提供各種優(yōu)惠來吸引投資,沒錢的地區(qū),由于各種困難而屢屢失去時機(jī),東西部差距、城鄉(xiāng)差距就會越來越大。在這種情況下,農(nóng)村、農(nóng)業(yè)、農(nóng)民肯定處于弱勢地位,而保障農(nóng)民各項(xiàng)權(quán)益,都是要花錢的,如單靠自身的努力,情況肯定以改變,必須由相對富裕的地區(qū)給予大力幫助,也包括各級政府的財政轉(zhuǎn)移支付、政策優(yōu)惠,以及各種社會公共資源的傾斜。因此,保障農(nóng)民權(quán)益的根本出路就在于開展經(jīng)濟(jì),首先得讓農(nóng)民逐步富裕起來。如果仍舊保持在傳統(tǒng)農(nóng)業(yè)的框架之下,只靠那“一畝三分地,不管種什么也只能勉強(qiáng)糊口,發(fā)不了財。要解決當(dāng)前的“三農(nóng)問題,必須從結(jié)構(gòu)上進(jìn)行大調(diào)整,盡可能去賺城里人的錢。而政府那么要改善大環(huán)境,幫助農(nóng)民從小農(nóng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的桎梏中走出去,翻開新開地,農(nóng)民才能富裕起來。答案局部:北京外國語大學(xué)2004年碩士研究生入學(xué)考試英漢同聲傳譯專業(yè)試題.將以下單句譯成漢語25分1) In the first half of this year, Chinas GDP grew by 8.2%-despite the SARS virus. Electricity demand rose by 15% in the same period, led by power-hungry industries such as steel and aluminum.2) China, anxious about capital flight and proud of its economic sovereignty, will not be browbeaten into floating the yuan by hectoring Americans.3) Power stations tend to be built far from cities, and to be surrounded by idle “buffer land. It is suggested that greenhouses could be built on this land with the exhaust from the power station pumped in to supply the heat they need. Such greenhouses could be used to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers cheaply.4) Out of all the unbecoming parts of drug addiction, the search for clean needles is particularly ghastly. Dirty needles account for a third of all reported AIDS cases: they also explain why half of all long-term addicts get hepatitis C.5) The fight over farm trade at the WTO ministerial meeting in the Mexican city of Cancun boils down to how far the rich world cuts tariffs on agricultural goods and dismantles its vast farm-subsidies, and by how much developing countries reduce their own considerable tariffs in return.譯文:1今年上半年,盡管受到非典疫情影響,中國的國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值還是增長了8.2%。同期,在能源消耗量大的行業(yè),如鋼材業(yè)和鋁業(yè)的帶動下,用電需求量增長了15%。2中國擔(dān)憂資本外逃,且以自身經(jīng)濟(jì)獨(dú)立為榮,不會因?yàn)槊绹颂搹埪晞莸耐贫试S人民幣自由浮動。3發(fā)電站往往都建在遠(yuǎn)離城市的地方,周圍還有一片閑置土地作為“緩沖區(qū)。有人建議可以在那片土地上修建溫室,用泵把發(fā)電站排出的氣體充到溫室里,以提供溫室所需熱量。在這些溫室里種植水果、蔬菜和花卉本錢很低。4吸毒有太多危害/千般不是,然而缺少/沒有清潔的針頭是最要命/可怕的/最要命的是找不到干凈的針頭。/吸毒的種種危害中最可怕的是找不到清潔的針頭。的/已確診的艾滋病例中有三分之一是由于使用了不清潔的針頭而受到傳染:這也說明為什么長期吸毒者有一半都染上了丙型肝炎。5在墨西哥城市坎昆舉行的世貿(mào)組織部長級會議圍繞農(nóng)產(chǎn)品貿(mào)易產(chǎn)生了劇烈的爭論。爭論的要點(diǎn)在于富國農(nóng)產(chǎn)品關(guān)稅應(yīng)降低多少、應(yīng)取消大量農(nóng)業(yè)補(bǔ)貼,而作為回報開展中國家應(yīng)將其原本較高的關(guān)稅降低多少。. 將以下短文譯成漢語50分Unemployment in America is high, and elections are on the horizon. It must be time to look east again for scapegoats. Japan is only starting to recover from its protracted recession, so China will be handed the role of economic villain in the coming U.S. election cycle. Expect to hear a chorus of presidential candidates blame unfair Chinese competition for Americas manufacturing woes.Chinas trading partners do have legitimate grievances, but it would be irresponsible and inaccurate for American politicians to pin the United States economic sluggishness on scheming culprits in Beijing. Traveling in Asia in October, Treasury Secretary John Snow heeded political pressures back home in exhorting Chinese leaders to let the market price their currency. This is a desirable outcome in the long run, but a raft of immediate caveats come to mind.Chinas financial system remains fragile, and sudden currency volatility could lead to a banking crisis that could spell disaster for the world economy. Washington would do better to urge Chinas leaders to focus on their lack of preparation to assume their proper role in the worlds financial order, rather than to demand any supposedly quick fix. Moreover, Chinas refusal to devalue its currency in the aftermath of the late 1990s crises in East Asiamuch appreciated by its neighbors and Washington at a time when the yuan seemed overvaluedadds credence to Beijings insistence that it prizes stability when it comes to exchange rates, not short-term advantage. With most economists concerned that Chinas robust growth could fuel inflation and a speculative bubble, there are valid reasons for Beijing to fear a surging currency.譯文:目前美國的失業(yè)率居高不下,而總統(tǒng)選舉即將到來?,F(xiàn)在到東半球去找替罪羊正是時候。日本經(jīng)歷了長期的經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退才剛開始恢復(fù),所以在即將到來的美國大選活動/時期中,中國將被迫扮演經(jīng)濟(jì)上的反面角色。想必肯定能聽到總統(tǒng)候選人們異口同聲地將美國制造業(yè)面臨的困境歸罪于中國的不公平競爭。中國的貿(mào)易伙伴覺得吃虧是可以理解的,但是美國政客將美國經(jīng)濟(jì)蕭條歸罪于北京詭計多端,那是不負(fù)責(zé)任也是不對的。十月,財政部長約翰·斯諾在亞洲訪問時,鑒于美國國內(nèi)的政治壓力,敦促中國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人讓市場來決定人民幣的價格。長期來看,人民幣價格能自由浮動當(dāng)然是最理想的情況/結(jié)果/出路,然而要留心許多其它迫在眉睫的警告/告誡/問題。中國的金融體系仍比擬脆弱,如果一下子讓貨幣自由波動,會導(dǎo)致銀行業(yè)危機(jī),將給整個世界經(jīng)濟(jì)帶來一場災(zāi)難。華盛頓方面應(yīng)該敦促中國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人意識到中國要在世界金融體系中發(fā)揮應(yīng)有的作用還缺乏必要的準(zhǔn)備工作,而不應(yīng)該要求中國立刻采取所謂的應(yīng)急措施。此外,20世紀(jì)90年代后期東亞金融危機(jī)發(fā)生之后,中國堅決不讓人民幣貶值,而當(dāng)時人民幣價格似乎已經(jīng)被高估了,中國因此深受其鄰國和美國的表揚(yáng)。這讓人更加相信北京在外匯問題上一貫看重是穩(wěn)定而并非短期利益。大多數(shù)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家都擔(dān)憂中國開展太猛可能會導(dǎo)致通貨膨脹和投機(jī)行為,因此北京害怕人民幣急劇升值是完全有理由的。. 將以下單句譯成英語(25分) 1) 盡管20世紀(jì)90年代全國經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇,美國家庭最富有者和最貧窮者收入之間的差距繼續(xù)擴(kuò)大。 2) 中華民族大家庭,靠文化價值觀風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣、語言、文字凝聚成一體。但家庭內(nèi)部也有紛爭,家庭延續(xù)也有興衰。 3) 如果沒有移民,美國不可能在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)期間制造出原子彈;沒有移民,美國也不會成為當(dāng)今世界上的唯一超級大國。 4) 已經(jīng)有一整年沒活動筋骨了,整天坐在研究室里,翻閱資料,逐漸感覺到身體的機(jī)能在退化,筋骨像是長了銹,甚至出現(xiàn)腰酸背痛的跡象。 5) 澳門是中國南海邊的一個小城,面積現(xiàn)有約24平方公里,人口也不過約43萬人。但是,在中國的高等教育開展史上,書寫了光芒的開創(chuàng)篇,因?yàn)橹袊谝凰魇酱髮W(xué)就是在這里于1594年創(chuàng)辦的。Translation: 1) The gaps of income between the wealthiest and the poorest families in the USA is widening though the national economy began to pick up in the 1990s. 2) Chinese nation as a large family/A large family of Chinese nation is united by cultural valuescustoms, language and Chinese characters. However, there are disputes within the family and ups and downs in the family history. 3) If there were no immigrants, America couldnt have invented the atom bomb during WWII; if there are no immigrants, America couldnt have been the only superpower in todays world. 4) I havent done any exercise for a whole year. Sitting in the laboratory everyday, skimming through reference materials, I begin to feel gradually the degradation of my bodily functions. My bones and muscles begin to get rusty and there are even signs of sore waist and aching back. 5) Macao, with a territory of about 24 square kilometers and a population of no more than 430,000, is a small Chinese city on the coast of the South China Sea. However, it marked the splendid opening on the history of Chinas higher education because the first Western-style university in China was founded here in 1594. 將以下短文譯成英語(50分)在市場經(jīng)濟(jì)的條件下,資源肯定要向本錢低、效益高、利潤大的地方流動。所以,生產(chǎn)要素往城市和經(jīng)濟(jì)興旺的地區(qū)集中,是完全自發(fā)和自動的必然流向。在“全球化的過程中,會伴生一個副作用,就是富者越富,窮者越窮。不要說“全球化,就是“全國化也一樣,有錢的地區(qū),就能提供各種優(yōu)惠來吸引投資,沒錢的地區(qū),由于各種困難而屢屢失去時機(jī),東西部差距、城鄉(xiāng)差距就會越來越大。在這種情況下,農(nóng)村、農(nóng)業(yè)、農(nóng)民肯定處于弱勢地位,而保障農(nóng)民各項(xiàng)權(quán)益,都是要花錢的,如單靠自身的努力,情況肯定難以改變,必須由相對富裕的地區(qū)給予大力幫助,也包括各級政府的財政轉(zhuǎn)移支付、政策優(yōu)惠,以及各種社會公共資源的傾斜。因此,保障農(nóng)民權(quán)益的根本出路就在于開展經(jīng)濟(jì),首先得讓農(nóng)民逐步富裕起來。如果仍舊保持在傳統(tǒng)農(nóng)業(yè)的框架之下,只靠那“一畝三分地,不管種什么也只能勉強(qiáng)糊口,發(fā)不了財。要解決當(dāng)前的“三農(nóng)問題,必須從結(jié)構(gòu)上進(jìn)行大調(diào)整,盡可能去賺城里人的錢。而政府那么要改善大環(huán)境,幫助農(nóng)民從小農(nóng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的桎梏中走出去,翻開新天地,農(nóng)民才能富裕起來。Translation:In a market economy, resources will definitely flow to regions where there are lower cost, higher returns, and greater profits. Therefore, it is a completely spontaneous, automatic and inexorable for production factors to concentrate in cities and economically developed regions. A side effect, that is the rich becomes richer and the poor poorer, will accompany the process of “globalization. In the process of “integration of the entire nation, not to mention “globalization, well-off regions can offer various preferential treatments to attract investment while poor regions may lose opportunities once and again due to various difficulties, and the gap between the east and the west, the urban and the rural areas is widening. Under such circumstances, rural areas, agriculture, and farmers are certainly at a disadvantage. However, since money is needed to protect farmers rights and interests, the above situation can be hardly changed if they are to rely only on themselves. Instead, comparatively well-off regions should give strong support, and government at all levels should help them with financial transfer and preferential policies, and preferences of various social public resources. Therefore, the ultimate way to protect farmers rights and interests is to develop economy, to help farmers become wealthy step by step.Farmers may be able to scrape a living but can never make a fortune no matter what they grow if they are still to rely solely on their small “plot of one mu and three fen within the traditional framework for agriculture. In order to solve the current problems concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers, fundamental structural readjustments must be made and farmers should try their best to earn money from rural residents. At the same time, the government should improve the macro environment to help farmers throw off the shackles of small-scale peasant economy and open up new fields for development. Only thus, can farmers get rich.


本文(北京外國語大學(xué)英漢同聲傳譯2004[試卷+答案]考研真題/考研試卷/筆記講義/下載)為本站會員(r****d)主動上傳,裝配圖網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對上載內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯。 若此文所含內(nèi)容侵犯了您的版權(quán)或隱私,請立即通知裝配圖網(wǎng)(點(diǎn)擊聯(lián)系客服),我們立即給予刪除!


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