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word2014年中英聯(lián)合聲明全文雙語應大不列顛與北愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國首相戴維·卡梅倫邀請,中華人民某某國國務院總理李克強于2014年6月16日至19日對英國進展正式訪問并舉行兩國總理年度會晤。17日,中華人民某某國政府和大不列顛與北愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國政府發(fā)表聯(lián)合聲明。聲明共30條,涉與中英關系各個方面。以下為聯(lián)合聲明全文。中華人民某某國政府和大不列顛與北愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國政府聯(lián)合聲明(2014年6月17日,倫敦)Statement by Government of the People's Republic of China & Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 17 June 2014一、應大不列顛與北愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國首相戴維·卡梅倫邀請,中華人民某某國國務院總理李克強于2014年6月16日至19日對英國進展正式訪問并舉行兩國總理年度會晤。雙方就中英雙邊關系、各領域務實合作以與共同關心的國際和地區(qū)問題進展了深入討論。雙方強調,中英全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系建立十年來,雙邊關系取得長足開展,政治交往頻繁,經(jīng)貿、教育、科技、文化、氣變和能源等領域合作成果豐碩。雙方一致認為,作為聯(lián)合國安理會常任理事國,中英繼續(xù)深化雙邊關系不僅符合兩國根本利益,而且有利于維護世界和平和穩(wěn)定,同意共同努力,重點推進中英在增長、改革和創(chuàng)新等領域的合作。I. At the invitation of the Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, H.E. Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council of the People's Republic of China paid an official visit to the UK from 16 to 19 June 2014 and held the Annual Prime Ministers' Meeting. The two sides had in-depth discussions on bilateral relations, practical cooperation in various fields and international and regional issues of mutual interest. Both sides underlined that since the establishment of the China-UK prehensive strategic partnership ten years ago, bilateral relations have made significant progress, with frequent political exchanges and substantial cooperation in economics, trade, education, climate change and energy, science, technology and culture. As P5 members, both sides believe that deepening China-UK relations is not only in the fundamental interests of both countries but is also conducive to maintaining world peace and stability. They agreed to work together to push forward bilateral cooperation in growth, reform and innovation.二、雙方一致認為,中英全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系已成為兩國各自外交政策中不可或缺的內容。作為全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴,中英均視對方開展為機遇。雙方一致同意加強兩國高層互訪,推動各領域互利合作,引領兩國關系開展。雙方高度評價兩國總理年度會晤、經(jīng)濟財金對話、高級別人文交流機制和戰(zhàn)略對話等高層交往機制的重要作用,愿不斷豐富其形式和內容。雙方同意第六次中英經(jīng)濟財金對話于今年9月中旬在英國舉行。II.As such the UK and China have agreed that their prehensive, strategic partnership has bee an indispensable element of each other's foreign policy agendas. As prehensive strategic partners, China and the UK view each other's development as important opportunities. Both sides agreed to increase high-level visits in order to guide the development of bilateral relations. Both sides spoke highly of the important role of high-level exchange mechanisms, including the Annual Prime Ministers' Meeting, Economic and Financial Dialogue (EFD), High-Level People-to-People Dialogue and Strategic Dialogue, and agreed to further enrich their formats and contents. Both sides agreed to hold the sixth round of the Economic and Financial Dialogue in the middle of September this year in the UK.三、雙方一致認為,改革和創(chuàng)新對于國家經(jīng)濟和社會開展具有重要意義。英國注意到2013年11月中國共產黨第十八屆中央委員會第三次全體會議通過的全面深化改革決定,支持中國為實現(xiàn)市場在資源配置中起決定性作用和推動經(jīng)濟社會持續(xù)健康開展,深化經(jīng)濟體制改革。雙方愿指定相關智庫合作舉辦中英改革和創(chuàng)新論壇。III. Both sides agreed that reform and innovation are of high significance to the economic and social development of a country. The UK side takes note of decisions taken during the 3rd Plenum of the 18th CPC Central mittee in November 2013 regarding prehensively deepening reform, supports China's efforts in deepening economic structural reform to have the market play a decisive role in resource allocation and promote sustained, sound economic and social development. Both sides will designate relevant think tanks in co-hosting the China-UK Reform and Innovation Forum.四、雙方致力于全球經(jīng)濟開放和貿易自由化,加強中英經(jīng)貿關系,加強開拓彼此市場。雙方重申繼續(xù)致力于實現(xiàn)2015年雙邊貿易額達到1000億美元的目標。IV. Both sides are mitted to an open global economy, trade liberalisation and stand ready to expand economic and trade cooperation and promote development in each other's markets. They renewed their mitment to the joint target of $100 billion by 2015.五、雙方強調相互投資對促進各自經(jīng)濟增長和就業(yè)的重要性,高度評價中國國家開展和改革委員會與英國商業(yè)、創(chuàng)新和技能部簽署的關于加強雙邊投資合作的諒解備忘錄。中國商務部和英國商業(yè)、創(chuàng)新和技能部簽署關于在中英經(jīng)貿聯(lián)委會框架下成立投資促進工作組的諒解備忘錄,旨在促進雙向投資,積極為雙向投資提供良好的外部環(huán)境,保持政策連續(xù)性,切實保護外國投資者利益。中國鼓勵和支持有實力的中國企業(yè)到英國投資,這也有利于中國公司開拓其他興旺國家市場。英國對中國企業(yè)近年來加大赴英投資力度表示肯定,歡迎中國企業(yè)繼續(xù)投資英交通、能源等根底設施領域,尤其是核電、高鐵、海上風電和光伏項目。V. Both sides stressed the importance of mutual investment in promoting respective long-term economic growth and employment and spoke highly of the MOU on Strengthening Bilateral Investment Cooperation signed by China's National Development and Reform mission and the UK's Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. The MOU on Establishment of a Working Group on Investment Promotion under the Framework of China-UK Joint mission signed by China's Ministry of merce and the UK's Department of Business, Innovation and Skills aims at promoting mutual investment, providing a favorable external environment for business investment from the other party and maintaining policy continuity to protect the interests of foreign investors. The Chinese side encourages and supports capable Chinese panies to invest in the UK, which will in turn support the expansion of Chinese panies in other advanced markets and the UK side recognises Chinese panies' increasing investment in the UK in recent years, and weles their continuous investment in infrastructure sectors such as transportation and energy, particularly nuclear, high-speed rail, offshore wind power and photovoltaic projects.六、雙方均認識到兩國在建立經(jīng)濟、高效、可持續(xù)的根底設施領域的技術和專長,同意建立根底設施領域的戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系,并支持兩國合作開展更多的項目合作。VI. Both sides recognised the plementary skills and expertise of both countries in delivering affordable, efficient and sustainable infrastructure, and weled progress in working together. Both sides agreed to establish a strategic partnership on infrastructure and mitted to working together to support further collaboration between UK and Chinese panies, on more projects.七、雙方一致認為能源合作是雙方合作的重要支柱。該合作支持清潔和低碳能源轉型,有利于未來獲得安全和價格實惠的能源供給。雙方均歡迎在民用核電領域開展合作,雙方簽署并發(fā)表了民用核能合作聯(lián)合聲明。雙方歡迎對方企業(yè)參與本國的民用核電建設。英方歡迎中方積極投資參與建設英國新核電項目,對中國公司在符合英國獨立監(jiān)管機構嚴格標準的條件下,有望在英國主導開發(fā)核電站與使用中國反響堆技術持開放態(tài)度。雙方認為通過建立伙伴關系的方式在英投資能最大限度地利用英國核能市場開展機遇。雙方愿共同努力,確保英國欣克利角核電項目盡快取得成功。雙方歡迎簽署關于加強核工業(yè)燃料循環(huán)產業(yè)鏈合作的諒解備忘錄,愿就核廢物處理、核電站退役等加強合作。VII. Both governments agreed that energy collaboration was a key pillar of the bilateral relationship. This collaboration supports the clean and low carbon energy transition and is conducive to affordable and secure energy supplies for the future. In this regard, both sides weled the cooperation on civil nuclear energy and signing of a joint statement on civil nuclear power. Both sides weled Chinese and UK panies' participation in civil energy projects in each other's country. The UK weled Chinese investment and progressive participation in the construction of new build nuclear energy projects in the UK, and was open to Chinese panies leading the development of other nuclear power station site(s) in the UK and the potential deployment of Chinese reactor technology in the UK, subject to meeting the stringent requirements of the UK's independent regulators. Both countries recognised that panies entering into the UK through partnership would be in the best position later to maximise the growing opportunities that will be on offer in the UK nuclear market. Both sides stand ready to work together to ensure the success of Hinkley Point as soon as possible. Both sides weled the signing of an agreement to collaborate further in the field of nuclear fuel supply-chain and agreed to work together to strengthen cooperation in areas including waste treatment and demissioning.八、雙方同意促進在彼此市場關于軌道交通(包括高鐵)設計咨詢、工程建設、裝備供給和設施維護等領域的實質性合作。雙方歡迎交通領域合作諒解備忘錄的簽署。VIII. Both sides agreed to promote substantive co-operation between the UK and China on rail (including high-speed rail), in areas including design, engineering, construction, supply operation and maintenance, on projects in China and the UK. To this end both sides weled the MOU on Collaboration in the Field of Rail Transportation.九、雙方將按照中英海上風電合作諒解備忘錄的精神,加強在海上風電技術、施工標準、金融支持等方面的務實合作,共同組建海上風電技術培訓中心。IX. Both sides will strengthen concrete cooperation in offshore wind power technology, installation standards and financing mechanisms and jointly consider establishing a training center for offshore wind power technologies according to the MOU between China and the UK on Offshore Wind Power Cooperation.十、雙方歡迎人民幣在國際貿易和投資體系中發(fā)揮更大作用以與在英設立人民幣業(yè)務清算銀行。英方監(jiān)管機構歡迎中資銀行在英開設從事批發(fā)業(yè)務的分行和中資機構在倫敦證券交易所發(fā)行人民幣計價產品。雙方歡迎倫敦人民幣市場的強勁開展,使倫敦成為全球最活躍的人民幣市場之一,并將共同努力加強人民幣市場。雙方歡迎在兩國外匯市場開展人民幣對英鎊直接交易。X. Both sides wele a greater role of RMB in international trade and investment and the establishment of an RMB clearing bank in London. The UK regulatory authorities have agreed to consider applications from Chinese banks to set up branches for wholesale business in the UK; the UK also encourages Chinese panies to issue RMB-denominated bonds at the London Stock Exchange. Both sides wele the strong growth of London's RMB markets, making London one of the most active RMB centres in the world, and stand ready to work together to strengthen it. Both sides wele direct transaction between RMB and Pound Sterling in their respective foreign exchange markets.十一、雙方同意繼續(xù)和深化兩國在促進自由貿易方面業(yè)已存在的良好合作,加強某某自貿區(qū)合作,鼓勵雙向貿易與投資。XI. Both sides agreed to continue and deepen the already outstanding cooperation between the UK and China in promoting free trade, strengthen cooperation on the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone, and to encourage two-way trade and investment.十二、雙方歡迎在全面、以人為核心的城鎮(zhèn)化方面的密切合作,同意加強在低碳城市規(guī)劃、空氣和水污染治理、醫(yī)療開展和改革方面的政策交流和技術合作。雙方對關于加強綠色低碳城鎮(zhèn)化合作的諒解備忘錄的簽署表示歡迎。XII. Both sides weled their strong cooperation on people-centred and holistic urbanisation. In particular, both sides agreed to increase policy exchange and technological collaboration on low carbon urban planning, air and water pollution control, and healthcare development and reforms. Both sides weled the signing of the MOU on Strengthening Cooperation on Green and Low Carbon Urbanisation.十三、雙方愿進一步加強在航天、海洋等領域合作。XIII. Both sides agreed to step up cooperation in aerospace and maritime development.十四、雙方愿在醫(yī)療事業(yè)開展和改革方面不斷加強合作。XIV. Both sides wele the growing UK-China collaboration on healthcare development and reform.十五、英方同意努力促進和便利本國高技術產品對華民用用戶和民用用途出口。XV. The UK agrees to work to promote and facilitate bilateral high-tech trade with China for civil end uses and civil end users.十六、雙方一致認可保護知識產權對于鼓勵創(chuàng)新和開展經(jīng)濟的重要性。雙方將共同努力,在各自國家?guī)椭鷮Ψ狡髽I(yè)保護知識產權。雙方歡迎兩國有關部門開展合作,并同意在國際知識產權框架下就共同關心的問題進展交流。XVI. Both sides agree on the importance of effective intellectual property (IP) protection to stimulate innovation and economic development. Both sides will work together to help British panies protect IP in China and Chinese panies protect IP in the UK. Both sides wele cooperation activities between relevant agencies and agree to further exchanges on issues of mutual interest in terms of global IP frameworks.十七、雙方愿繼續(xù)促進人文領域交流與合作,深化兩國人民之間的相互了解和認知。雙方同意將2015年定為中英文化交流年,上半年在華舉辦英國文化季,下半年在英舉辦中國文化季。雙方將為此密切合作。XVII. Both sides agreed to further promote people-to-people exchange and cooperation to deepen mutual understanding and perception between the two peoples. The two sides agreed to set 2015 as a year of UK-China cultural exchange: the first half of the year for the UK season of culture in China; the second half of the year for the Chinese season of culture in the UK. The two sides would cooperate closely in this regard.十八、雙方高度重視高校和中小學合作,以與學生和科研人員交流,將進一步深化在高教、技術、職業(yè)和專業(yè)教育、科研、創(chuàng)新等領域合作,推進在英漢語教學和在華英語教學。中國將在今后5年派遣1萬名公派留學人員赴英學習,英國將在2020年前輸送8萬名學生來華學習。雙方歡迎對方國家學生到本國實習。XVIII. Both sides see great value in cooperation between institutions of higher learning, primary and secondary schools, as well as exchanges among students and researchers, will deepen cooperation in higher education, technical, vocational and professional education, scientific research and innovation, and push forward Mandarin teaching in the UK and English teaching in China. China will send 10,000 government-sponsored students and scholars to the UK in the next five years, and the UK will send 80,000 students to China for study by 2020. Both sides wele intern students from the other party.十九、雙方重視中英聯(lián)合科學創(chuàng)新基金的作用,將推進衛(wèi)生、環(huán)??萍?、水和食品、城市化、能源和教育等六個優(yōu)先開展領域的科研。雙方肯定中英在科研領域的全球領先地位,強調向未來前沿技術研究大型設施投資的重要性。雙方歡迎牛頓獎學金、博士伙伴關系、科技創(chuàng)新橋和氣候科技伙伴關系等項目的啟動。中方同意與英方共同推動“平方公里陣列射電望遠鏡項目。XIX. Both sides attach importance to the China-UK Joint Scientific Innovation Fund, and will enable research and innovation in key areas which are priorities for both countries: health, environmental technologies, food and water, urbanisation, energy and education. The UK and China recognised their role as global leaders in science and innovation and stressed the importance of substantial investment in large scale facilities for pioneering research and future technologies. Both sides weled the launch of the program which will deliver Fellowships, PhD Partnerships, Science and Innovation Bridges and a Climate Science Partnership. China agreed to join the UK to promote the Square Kilometre Array.二十、雙方將促進文化創(chuàng)意產業(yè)、新聞出版和廣播影視領域的交流與合作。雙方同意促進中英當代經(jīng)典作品互譯。XX. Both sides agreed to promote exchange and cooperation on cultural and creative industries, press and publication, radio, film and television. Both sides agreed to promote the translation of each other's contemporary literary classics.二十一、英方將在某某、中方將在貝爾法斯特開設總領館,雙方同意共同推動雙邊領事條約的商談。雙方同意進一步采取積極措施,便利和簡化簽證申請手續(xù),密切兩國之間的人員往來,促進旅游業(yè)開展。XXI. China and the UK will establish Consulates General in Belfast and Wuhan respectively, and both sides will provide assistance to each other in this regard. Both sides agreed to jointly push forward negotiations on the bilateral consular treaty. Both sides agreed to adopt active measures to streamline and simplify visa application procedures for closer interaction between the two peoples and the development of tourism.二十二、雙方將推動本國立法機構盡快批準中英刑事司法協(xié)助條約,以提升兩國合作打擊犯罪效率。雙方同意根據(jù)2004年簽署的中華人民某某國政府和大不列顛與北愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國政府關于便利人員合法往來和打擊非法移民活動的諒解備忘錄加強打擊非法移民合作。雙方將加強司法和執(zhí)法領域的合作。XXII. Both sides will promote early ratification of the Agreement between China and the UK on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters by their legislative bodies to enhance the efficiency in their joint efforts in fighting crime. Both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in fighting illegal migration as provided for in the 2004 Migration MOU. Both sides will strengthen cooperation in judicial and law enforcement.二十三、雙方愿加深對彼此開展道路的理解,增進政治互信。雙方強調促進和保護人權與法治的意義,愿在平等和相互尊重根底上加強人權對話。作為英方長期政策,英國承認某某是中華人民某某國的一局部,不支持“西-藏 -獨-立。雙方認為,按照“一國兩制方針和根本法維護和促進某某特別行政區(qū)的繁榮與穩(wěn)定符合雙方利益。XXIII. Both sides stand ready to deepen understanding of each other#39;s development paths and strengthen political trust. Both sides emphasise the importance of promoting and protecting human rights and the rule of law and stand ready to strengthen their human rights dialogue on the basis of equality and mutual respect. In line with its longstanding policy, the UK recognises that Tibet is part of the People#39;s Republic of China and does not support Tibetan - independence. Both sides agreed it is both in China and the UK#39;s interests to promote the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong in accordance with the “one country, two systems principle and the basic law.二十四、雙方高度重視深化中歐全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系,歡迎中國國家主席訪歐期間中歐發(fā)表的關于深化互利共贏的中歐全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系的聯(lián)合聲明,愿繼續(xù)致力于落實中歐合作2020戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃,促進中歐合作,用實際行動打造中歐和平、增長、改革、文明四大伙伴關系。雙方支持中歐加快投資協(xié)定談判,提升雙方務實合作水平,特別是為相互進入投資與服務市場提供便利。雙方重申將根據(jù)中歐合作2020戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃,致力于達成全面進取的中歐自貿協(xié)定的長期目標。為了實現(xiàn)這一目標,雙方支持中歐在條件具備時盡快就自由貿易協(xié)定開展聯(lián)合可行性研究。為啟動探討相關問題,雙方參與了學術界和商界關于“歐盟-中國貿易前景展望:歐盟-中國自貿區(qū)和中國自貿園區(qū)的富有成果的研討。XXIV. Both sides attach high importance to deepening the China-EU prehensive Strategic Partnership and wele the Joint Statement of Deepening the China-EU prehensive Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit published during Chinese President Xi Jinping#39;s visit to Europe. Both sides are mitted to working continuously to implement the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda, promote EU-China cooperation and take concrete actions to forge the EU-China partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilisation. Both sides support negotiations for an EU-China investment agreement to lift pragmatic cooperation to a new level, in particular, to facilitate mutually beneficial access to each other#39;s investment and services markets. Both sides reaffirm their mitment to the long term goal of an ambitious and prehensive EU China free trade agreement, in accordance with the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda. In support of this goal, the two sides support China and the EU in launching a joint feasibility study on an EU-China trade agreement as early as possible when conditions are right. To begin exploring the associated issues, both sides participated in a productive academic and business workshop on Prospects for EU-China Trade: the EU-China Free Trade Agreement and China#39;s Free Trade Zones.二十五、國際形勢正在發(fā)生深刻復雜變化,雙方一致認為,作為有重要影響力的大國和安理會常任理事國,中英密切合作將有助于應對21世紀的全球挑戰(zhàn)。中英將根據(jù)聯(lián)合國憲章以與國際法為促進國際和平、安全和開展作出積極貢獻。XXV. The international situation is undergoing profound and plex changes. Both sides agreed that as major countries with global influence and permanent members of the UN Security Council, their close cooperation is conducive to tackling the global challenges of the 21st century. Both sides will make active contribution to international peace, security and development in accordance with the UN Charter and international law.二十六、雙方愿在雙邊、中歐和多邊框架內加強國際合作,堅持通過對話和平解決國際和地區(qū)爭端的原如此,積極推動解決伊朗核、朝核、烏克蘭、敘利亞、中東、阿富汗等熱點問題,就國際開展、糧食安全、防擴散等全球挑戰(zhàn)保持定期交流,就聯(lián)合國維和行動加強協(xié)調合作。雙方歡迎通過中英網(wǎng)絡對話就網(wǎng)絡事務進展坦誠和建設性的討論。雙方愿就旨在完畢全球X圍內武裝沖突中的性暴力努力保持溝通。XXVI. Both sides stand ready to strengthen international cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral level and under the China-EU framework and will adhere to the principle of peaceful settlement of international and regional disputes through dialogue and on the basis of the UN Charter and international law. We will work actively to promote the peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue, the North Korean nuclear issue, Ukraine, Syria, Middle East, Afghanistan and other hot-spot issues. The two sides will maintain regular exchanges on climate change, international development, counter proliferation, food security and other global challenges, and strengthen coordination and cooperation on UN peacekeeping missions. Both sides weled constructive and frank discussions of cyber issues through the UK-China Cyber Dialogue. The UK and China agree on the importance of ending the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war worldwide.二十七、雙方致力于推進以減貧和促進共同增長為要旨的2015年后國際開展議程。雙方愿加強合作,支持非洲開展和安全。雙方歡迎兩國在全球衛(wèi)生領域開展合作。XXVII. Both sides are mitted to a post-2015 development framework centered on the eradication of poverty and promotion of mon growth. Both sides stand ready to strengthen cooperation on supporting development and security in Africa. Both sides weled their collaboration on global health issues.二十八、雙方歡迎兩國領導人會晤期間發(fā)表氣候變化聯(lián)合聲明。兩國認識到必須共同努力來建立采取有雄心的氣候變化行動全球框架,這將支持我們本國實現(xiàn)低碳轉型努力。雙方同意就此加強雙邊政策對話和務實合作。XXVIII. Both sides weled the Joint Statement on Climate Change released during the summit. The UK and China both recognise the clear imperative to work together towards a global framework for ambitious climate change action, since this will support efforts to bring about low carbon transitions in our own countries, and agreed to strengthen policy dialogue and practical cooperation.二十九、雙方愿共同推動世界經(jīng)濟強勁、平衡、可持續(xù)增長,維護并加強以世貿組織為代表的多邊貿易體制,反對任何形式的保護主義。支持二十國集團作為國際經(jīng)濟合作主要論壇,建立開放型世界經(jīng)濟,制定積極務實的全面增長戰(zhàn)略并在布里斯班峰會上宣布。XXIX. Both sides are ready to make joint efforts for the strong, balanced and sustainable growth of global economy, maintain and consolidate the multilateral trade systems represented by WTO, and oppose protectionism of any form. Both sides support the G20 as the premier forum for international economic cooperation, and will work for an open world economy and a positive and result-oriented prehensive growth strategy to be announced on the G20 Brisbane Summit.三十、雙方愿共同推動文化和諧,珍視文化多樣性和豐富性,推動不同文化間對話互鑒,分享人類文明進步成果。XXX. Both sides agreed to promote cultural harmony, cherish the div


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