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中國民航飛行員英語PEPEC900句第一章 基本通話術語1. Maintaining FL310.保持飛行高度層 310。2. Descending to FL290.下降到飛行高度層 290。3. Reaching FL190.到達高度層 190。4. Maintaining FL90 over WXJ.過 WXJ 時保持高度層 90。5. Continue descent to 3000 feet, QNH 1012.繼續(xù)下降到 3000 英尺,修正海壓 1012。6. Passing FL180 for FL310.通過高度層 180,繼續(xù)上升到高度層 310。7. Cleared to enter controlled airspace not above FL100.可以進入管制空域,不高于高度層 100。8. Request further climb.請示進一步爬升。9. Fly direct to SHA, not below FL180.直飛 SHA,高度不低于高度層 180。10. After passing CGO descend to FL80.過 CGO 后,下降到高度層 80。11. Stop descent at FL210.到高度層 210 時停止下降。12. Descending to reach FL150 by WXI.到 WXI 前下降到高度層 150。13. Unable to reach FL150 by ZHO due performance.性能原因到 ZHO 之前不能到達高度層 150。14. Climbing to FL290, to be level by 55.爬升到高度層 290,55 分前改平。15. Descend at 2000 feet per minute.以 2000 英尺每分下降率下降。16. Climbing at 1000 feet per minute or greater.以每分 1000 英尺或更大的爬升率上升。17. When ready, descend to FL210, level at PLT.準備好時下降到高度層 210,在 PLT 改平。18. Right heading 330, descending to 3000 feet, cleared for ILS approach Runway 36R.右轉航向 330,下降到 3000 英尺,可以盲降進近,跑道 36 右。19. Descend to 3000 feet, information P is current.下降到 3000 英尺,最新通播 Papa。20. Expedite descent to FL180.加速下降到高度層 180。21. Expedite climb to FL190.加速上升到高度層 190。22. Climb to FL280 expedite until passing FL180.上升到高度層 280,快速爬升直到通過高度層 180。23. Unable to expedite climb due weight.重量原因不能加速爬升。24. Descending immediately to FL200 due traffic.由于沖突飛機,立即下降到高度層 200。25. When ready, climb to FL280, report leaving FL200.準備好時上升高度層 280,離開高度層 200 時報。26. Leaving FL200, climbing to FL280.離開高度層 200,爬升到高度層 280。27. Maintaining own separation and VMC, descending to FL80.自己保持間隔和目視氣象條件,下降到高度層 80。28. Reaching 8000 feet, request further climb.到達 8000 英尺,請示進一步上升。29. Cancel SID, track direct to LLK, climb to and maintain FL110.取消 SID(標準儀表離場程序),直飛 LLK,上升并保持高度層 110。30. Experiencing icing condition. Request further descent.遇到結冰條件,請示進一步下降。31. Icing condition encountered. Request further climb.遇到結冰條件,請示進一步爬升。32. Experiencing severe turbulence. Request further descent.遭遇嚴重顛簸,請示進一步下降。33. Reduce speed to Mach decimal 76.減速到馬赫數點 76。34. Maintain Mach point 84 or greater.保持馬赫數不小于點 84。35. Maintain Mach point 80 or less.保持馬赫數不大于點 80。36. Maintain present speed.保持當前速度。37. Maintain 250 knots or greater.保持速度不小于 250 節(jié)。38. Reduce to minimum clean speed.減速到最小光潔速度。39. Reduce to minimum approach speed.減速到最小進近速度。40. Maintain 160 knots until 4 miles final.保持速度 160 節(jié)直到五邊 4 海里。41. Maintain 160 knots until outer marker.保持速度 160 節(jié)直到外指點標。42. Descend to FL120, on speed conversion, 250 knots.下降到高度層 120,調速到 250 節(jié)。43. Cancel speed restriction, continue descent to 7000 feet.取消速度限制,繼續(xù)下降到 7000 英尺。44. LMN-02 Departure, passing 2500 feet climbing to 9000 feet.LMN-02 離場,通過 2500 英尺,繼續(xù)上升到 9000 英尺。45. Maintaining FL350, cleared to destination, flight planned route.保持高度層 350,可以按計劃航路飛往目的地機場,46. Request radar vectors for visual approach Runway 22.請示雷達引導,目視進近,跑道 22。47. Request join downwind Runway 31.請示加入 31 跑道三邊。48. Request taxi to holding point Runway 13.請示滑行到 13 跑道等待點。49. Request taxi to south maintenance ramp.請示滑行到南維修機坪。50. Request frequency change.請示切換頻率。51. 15NM to HRB, FL290, tracking to JMU, squawking 6543.據 HRB 15 海里,高度層 290,直飛 JMU,應答機 6543。52. Contact Control on 118.9.聯(lián)系區(qū)調 118.9。53. Position OBLIK at 0646, maintaining FL310, estimating ZF 0658, WUH next.當前位置 OBLIK,時間 0646,高度層 310 保持,預計 ZF 點時間 0658,下一位置 WUH。54. Next report at WXA.下一報告點 WXA。55. Omit position reports.省略位置報。56. Omit position reports on this frequency.本頻率省略位置報。57. Resume position reporting.恢復位置報。58. Delay not determined due runway obstruction.由于跑道障礙物,延誤待定。59. Approach time not determined due weather.由于天氣,進近時間待定。60. Slot time not determined due flow control.流控,離場時間待定。61. Revised slot time at 56.修改的離場時間為 56 分。62. Expect hold at HUR VOR for 10 minutes due traffic.由于沖突飛機,預計在 HUR VOR 等待 10 分鐘。63. Expected approach time 44.預計進近時間 44 分。64. Revised expected approach time 54.最新預計的進近時間為 54 分。65. No delay expected.預計無延誤。66. Delay not determined, numerous aircraft holding for weather improvement.延誤不確定,很多飛機在等待天氣好轉。67. Cleared to exit the hold, fly direct to ML. Contact Approach on 128.35.可以推出等待,直飛 ML。聯(lián)系進近 128.35。68. Approach clearance canceled, turn left direct to DA, climb to 4000 feet, hold as published,expect further clearance at time 50.取消進近許可,左轉直飛 DA,上升到 4000 英尺,按公布的航圖等待,預計進一步許可時間 50 分。69. Ready for approach.準備好進近了。70. Request leave the holding pattern.請示退出等待程序。71. After passing SY VOR, leave the hold on heading 250, cleared for VOR approach Runway 06.過 SY VOR 臺后,推出等待,航向 250,可以 VOR 進近,跑道 06。72. Leave JFK VOR heading 210.離開 JFK VOR,航向 210。73. Cleared to LHR, hold at LHR as published. Maintain 8000 feet. Expect further clearance at 18.可以飛往 LHR,按公布的航圖在 LHR 等待。保持高度 8000 英尺。預計進一步許可在 18分。74. Hold south of AMS VOR at 9000 feet, inbound track 270 degrees, left hand pattern, outboundtime 1 minute. Expect further clearance at 46.在 AMS VOR 臺以南等待,高度 9000 英尺,向臺航跡 270,左等待,出航時間 1 分鐘。預計進一步許可時間 46 分。75. Cleared to the 180 radial of PER VOR at 15 DME. Hold south, left hand pattern, outboundtime 2 minutes, expect approach clearance at 37.可以在 PER VOR 臺 180 度徑向線 DME 15 海里處向南左等待,出航時間 2 分鐘,預計進近許可時間 37 分。76. Information P received, stand 03, ready to copy ATC clearance.通播 P 收到,03 停機位準備好抄收 ATC 許可。77. Gate 26, request clearance to London with information F.26 停機位,請示去往倫敦的放行許可,通播 F 收到。78. Cleared to destination, flight planned route, cruising level 330, departure Runway 04, initialaltitude 7000 feet. HZ-01 Departure, squawk 2563, departure frequency 124.35.可以按計劃放行到目的地,巡航高度層 330,離場跑道 04,起始高度 7000 英尺。HZ-01 離場,應答機 2563,離場頻率 124.35。79. Cleared to destination via ZAM, flight planned route, D03 Departure, cruising level 230,squawk 3763.可以按計劃航路經 ZAM 放行到目的地,D-03 離場,巡航高度層 230,應答機 3763。80. Cleared to destination via flight planned route, Runway 36R, LKO-01 Departure, initially climbto 4500 feet, cruising level 310, when airborne contact 119.7, squawk 2515.可以經計劃航路放行到目的地,跑道 36 右,LKO-01 離場,起始爬升到 4500 英尺,巡航高度層 310,離地后聯(lián)系 119.7,應答機 2515。81. Cleared via ZF-01 Departure, initial altitude 5000 feet. Departure frequency 125.9. Cruisinglevel 290, departure Runway 04. Squawk 6563.可以經 ZF-01 離場,起始高度 5000 英尺,離場頻率 125.9,巡航高度層 290,離場跑道04,應答機 6563。82. Cleared to destination via flight plan route. Departure Runway 36L. HZ-01D Departure. Initialaltitude 5000 feet. Cruising level 330. Departure frequency 119.45, squawk 5667.可以按計劃航路放行到目的地機場,離場跑道 36 左,HZ-01D 離場,起始高度 5000 英尺,巡航高度層 330。離場頻率 119.45,應答機 5667。83. Recleared to destination via ZF-01 Departure, Runway 36R, rest of clearance unchanged.重新允許經 ZF-01 離場到目的地,跑道 36 右,其余航路不變。84. Recleared to destination via B213, WHA, R343, rest of route unchanged.重新允許經 B213,WHA、R343 飛往目的地,其余航路不變。85. Cleared to destination via flight planned route, initial climb to 2700 feet, request level changeen-route, departure frequency 120.3, squawk 0722.可以按計劃航路飛往目的地,起始上升到 2700 英尺,航路上申請改變高度,離場頻率120.3,應答機 0722。第二章 機場通話術語86. Gate15, information C, ready to copy ATC clearance.15 停機位,通播 C 收到,準備好抄收 ATC 放行許可。87. Cleared to destination, BK02 RNAV Departure, initially 3000 feet, departure frequency 125.4,squawk 3311.可以飛往目的地機場,BK-02 RNAV 離場,起始高度 3000 英尺,離場頻率 125.4,應答機3311。88. Say again all after 3000 feet.3000 英尺之后的內容再說一遍。89. Say again all before departure frequency.離場頻率之前的內容再說一遍。90. Say again the initial altitude.再說一遍起始高度。91. Unable to cross LX FL150 due weight, maintaining FL130.重量原因,不能在高度層 150 通過 LX,保持高度層 130。92. Destination Beijing, request departure information.目的地北京,請示離場信息。93. Bay24, request start-up.24 號停機位,請示開車。94. Start up approved, QNH 29.91.可以開車,修正海壓 29.91。95. Start up approved, altimeter setting 29.91.可以開車,高度表設置 29.91。96. Start up at 35, QNH 997.35 分開車,修正海壓 997。97. Expect start up at 35, QNH 1030.預計 35 分開車,修正海壓 1030。98. Expect departure at 49, start up at own discretion, QNH 1004.預計 49 分離場,開車時間自己掌握,修正海壓 1004。99. Radio check on 校波。100. I read you 5.我聽你 5 個。101. You are unreadable.無法聽清。102. Can you speak slower?你能說慢點嗎?103. How do you read?你聽我聲音怎樣?104. QNH 997, I say again, QNH 997.修正海壓 997,我再說一遍,修正海壓 997。105. Stand 27, request pushback.停機位 27,請示推出。106. Pushback approved, Runway 31.可以推出,跑道 31。107. Stand by pushback.推出稍等。108. Pushback at own discretion.推出時間自己掌握。109. Pushback approved, long pushback.可以推出,多推點。110. Pushback to taxiway A approved.可以推出到滑行道 A。111. Pushback approved, facing west.可以推出,朝西。112. Cancel pushback, we have maintenance problem.取消推出,我們出現(xiàn)問題需要維修。113. Ground, Cockpit. Ready for pushback.地面,駕駛艙,推出準備好了。114. Brakes released.剎車釋放了。115. Starting Number One.啟動一發(fā)。116. Brakes set, disconnect.剎車剎住,斷開。117. Request taxi.請示滑出。118. Taxi via taxiway C to holding point Runway 24.經由滑行道 C 滑至跑道 24 等待點。119. Taxi to holding point Runway 24, traffic in sight.劃到跑道 24 等待點,看見飛機了。120. Request taxi back for maintenance purpose.請示滑回維修。121. Negative. We need 10 minutes to cool the brakes.不行,我們需要 10 分鐘冷卻剎車。122. Approaching holding point, request crossing Runway 24.接近等待點,請示穿過 24 跑道。123. Hold short of Runway 24.24 跑道外等待。124. Holding, traffic in sight.等待,飛機能見。125. Cross Runway 24, report runway vacated.穿過 24 跑道,脫離跑道報。126. Unable to vacate via A2, request full length of runway.不能經由滑行道 A2 脫離,請示全跑道。127. Crossing Runway 24, wilco.穿越跑道 24,照辦。128. Runway vacated.脫離跑道。129. Giving way to B747 passing from left to right.給從左向右通過的波音 747 讓道。130. Follow the greens to holding point Runway 05R.沿綠燈滑到跑道 05 右等待點。131. Cross red stop-bar at A1, we understand stop-bar unserviceable.A1 穿過紅色停止燈,明白原來它不工作了。132. After landing Airbus320, cross Runway 24, report vacated.空客 320 落地后穿越跑道 24,脫離報。133. Taxi to holding point C3, Runway 36.滑到跑道 36 C3 等待點。134. Behind Boeing747 passing left to right, taxi to holding point A1 Runway 24.從左向右通過的波音 747 之后,滑到 24 跑道 A1 等待點。135. Ready for departure.離場準備好。136. After departure, climb straight ahead until 3000 feet.起飛后,直線爬升至 3000 英尺。137. Cancel SID, maintain runway heading.取消 SID,保持跑道航向。138. Lining up Runway 01C.對正 01C 跑道。139. Ready for immediate departure.立即起飛準備好。140. Cleared for immediate takeoff.可以立即起飛。141. Runway 06, cleared for takeoff. Report airborne.跑道 06,可以起飛,離地報。142. Cleared for takeoff, Runway 06, wilco.可以起飛,跑道 06,照辦。143. Airborne, passing 500 feet for 4000 feet.離地,通過 500 英尺,繼續(xù)上升 4000 英尺。144. The airbus on final in sight.看見了五邊空客飛機。145. Behind Airbus on short final, line up behind.短五邊空客飛機之后,對正跑道。146. After departure, turn left heading 190, Runway 24R, cleared for takeoff.起飛后,左轉航向 190,跑道 24 右,可以起飛。147. Request right turn when airborne due weather.天氣原因,請示離地后右轉。148. Take off immediately or hold short of runway.立即起飛,否則跑道外等待。149. Take off immediately or vacate runway.立即起飛,否則脫離跑道。150. Hold position, cancel takeoff, I say again, cancel takeoff.原地等待,取消起飛,再說一遍,取消起飛。151. Holding position.原地等待。152. Stopping! Engine fire.中斷起飛,發(fā)動機起火了。153. Request return to ramp.請示滑回機坪。154. Tire burst, possible evacuation on runway.爆胎了,可能要在跑道上疏散。155. Negative intersection departure due performance.由于性能限制,不能使用減跑道起飛。156. Affirm. We can accept intersection departure from C2.可以。我們接受從 C2 進跑道起飛。157. Request intersection departure from C2.請示從 C2 減跑道起飛。158. Request Takeoff Runway Available (TORA) from intersection C2.請問從 C2 起飛的可用跑道長度是多少?159. Request Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA) from intersection D1.請問從 D1 進跑道的可用加速停止距離是多少?160. Request Takeoff Distance Available (TODA) from intersection E3.請問 E3 道口的可用起飛距離是多少?161. Line up and wait. Understand one aircraft to depart from A2.對正跑道、等待。明白有飛機從 A2 起飛。162. Taxi via A2, backtrack and line-up Runway 18.經 A2 滑行,180 度調頭,對正跑道 18。163. Airbus 330 heavy, 8000 feet, Information X.空客 330 重型,8000 英尺,通播 X 收到。164. Join right-hand downwind, Runway 34.加入 34 跑道右三邊。165. Number Two, follow airbus 330 on base.第二個,跟著四邊空客 330。166. Number Two, traffic in sight.第二個,看到了飛機。167. Straight-in visual approach, Runway 34.直接目視進近,跑道 34。168. Extend downwind, Number Two, airbus 320 in sight.延長三邊,第二個落地,看見空客 320 了。169. Orbit right. Number Two.右轉一圈,第二個。170. Number Two, follow airbus 320 ahead.第二個,跟著前機空客 320。171. Make a short approach.短五邊進近。172. Long final, airfield in sight.長五邊,機場可見。173. Continue approach Runway 25.繼續(xù)進近,跑道 25。174. Runway 27, cleared to land.跑道 27,可以落地。175. Short final, request wind check.短五邊,請問風向風速。176. Request low pass due unsafe landing gear indication.不安全起落架指示,請示低空通場。177. Low pass approved Runway 27, not below 500 feet.可以低空通場,跑道 27,高度不低于 500 英尺。178. Landing clearance canceled. Continue approach.取消落地許可。繼續(xù)進近。179. Behind the Boeing737, cleared to land.跟著波音 737,可以落地。180. Request low approach.請示低高度進近。181. Runway not in sight, going around.跑道不可見,復飛了。182. No contact at minimum, going around.決斷高,跑道不可見,復飛了。183. Wind shear, going around.風切變,復飛了。184. Going around, localizer fluctuation.復飛了,航向道波動。185. Follow the standard missed approach procedure, climbing to 3000 feet.按標準復飛程序,爬升到 3000 英尺。186. Take first right. When vacated, contact Ground 118.35.第一個道口右轉。脫離跑道后,聯(lián)系地面 118.35。187. After vacated contact Ground 121.6.脫離后聯(lián)系地面 121.6。188. Taxi to Stand 27 via Taxiway A.經滑行道 A,滑行到停機位 27。189. Taxi to the end of Runway.滑到跑道末端。190. Confirm construction work adjacent to Gate 37.證實停機位 37 附近正在施工。191. Confirm centerline taxiway lighting unserviceable.證實中線滑行道燈不工作。192. Confirm PAPI light unserviceable.證實 PAPI 等不工作。193. The Runway light is too bright. Request dim it.跑道燈太亮,請調暗一些。194. Flock of birds 3 miles final.五邊 3 海里處有鳥群活動。195. Runway covered with patches of water, braking action medium.大片水覆蓋跑道,剎車效應中等。196. Confirm airport rescue and fire facilities category.證實機場救援和防火設備的種類。197. Is the weather improving or deteriorating?天氣在轉好,還是惡化?198. Thicker patches of fog exist further along the runway. RVR significantly reduced.跑道末端有濃霧,跑道視程明顯變差。199. Confirm current RVR less than 400 meters.證實當前跑道視程小于 400 米。200. Confirm visibility more than 1000 meters.證實能見度大于 1000 米。201. Is mid-point RVR available?中點跑道視程可用嗎?202. Confirm RVR Runway 27.證實跑道 27 的跑道視程。203. RVR Runway 27 is 600 meters.跑道 27 的跑道視程為 600 米。204. Confirm touchdown RVR greater than 350 meters.證實接地點跑道視程大于 350 米。205. Confirm stop-end RVR 150 meters.證實停止端跑道視程為 150 米。206. Confirm midpoint RVR more than 550 meters.證實中間跑道視程大于 550 米。207. Confirm threshold Runway 27 displaced.證實跑道 27 入口內移。208. The runway surface is damp. Braking action good.跑道道面潮濕,剎車效應好。209. Confirm the reason for our flight suspension.證實一下航班暫停的原因。210. Confirm our flight has been suspended due bio-hazards at destination.證實一下航班暫停是因為目的地機場生化物品泄露。211. Confirm the reason for impounding our aircraft.證實扣押我們飛機的原因。212. Tow approved via A to remote apron.可以經滑行道 A 拖至遠機坪。213. Request de-icing.請示除冰。214. Request frost removal only at the gate.請示只在停機位除霜。215. De-icing completed. Request taxi.完成除冰,請示滑出。216. Request start engine at the gate.請示停機位開車。217. Request time check.請示校時。218. Request backtrack.請示掉頭。219. Unable BK-1A Departure due performance. Request BK-1B.性能原因,不能 BK-1A 離場,請示 BK-1B 離場。220. Request departure instruction.請示離場指令。221. When airborne, track extended center-line, cleared for takeoff, Runway 18.離地后,保持跑道中心延長線方向,可以起飛,跑道 18。222. Contact Arrival 118.050.聯(lián)系進近 118.050。223. Request remote apron for maintenance purpose.維修原因,請示遠機坪停機。第三章 雷達通話術語224. Continue present heading.繼續(xù)當前航向。225. Resume own navigation to BK.恢復自主導航至 BK。226. Confirm identification lost.證實識別丟失。227. Identified, position 50 miles east of BK.已識別,位置 BK 以東 50 海里。228. 30 miles from touchdown, contact Approach 118.1.離接地點 30 海里,聯(lián)系進近 118.1。229. Three sixty turn left.左轉 360 度。230. Orbit left for delay.延誤,左轉一圈。231. Looking out.正在尋找。232. Traffic in sight.看見飛機了。233. Negative contact due IMC.由于儀表氣象條件,不能看見。234. Traffic passed and clear.沖突飛機已通過,無影響。235. Squawk 7563.應答機 7563.236. Reset squawk 5101.重置應答機 5101。237. Squawk ident.應答機識別。238. Squawk standby.應答機待命(模式)。239. Squawk Charlie and code 5120.應答機 C 模式,編碼 5120。240. Stopping squawk Charlie.停止應答機 C 模式。241. Affirm squawk 7500.證實應答機 7500。242. Altimeter 1003 8000ft.高度表 1003,高度 8000 英尺。243. Negative squawk ident due transponder failure.應答機失效,無法識別。244. Turn right heading 340.右轉航向 340。245. Turn right 20 degrees.右轉 20 度。246. Leave BK heading 190.離開 BK,航向 190。247. Fly heading 285.航向飛 285。248. Stop turn heading 070.停止轉彎,航向 070。249. Request heading 180 due weather.天氣原因,請示航向 180。250. Confirm danger area 113 active.證實危險區(qū)域 113 有活動。251. Your radar vector appears to be taking us to the prohibited area, confirm.雷達引導好像把我們帶入了禁飛區(qū),證實。252. 50 miles right of track approved, when able, proceed direct TB.可以右偏 50 海里,如可以,直飛 TB。253. Indicated speed 270 knots.指示空速 270 節(jié)。254. Maintain 300 knots or less.保持速度不大于 300 節(jié)。255. Maintain 180 knots until 8 miles from touchdown.保持 180 節(jié)直到離接地點 8 海里。256. Maintain Mach decimal 82, transition speed 310 knots.保持馬赫數點 82,轉換速度 310 節(jié)。257. Maintain speed 280 knots or greater for separation.因間隔,速度保持 280 節(jié)或更大。258. Cross CK at 35 or later.飛越 CK 臺 35 分或之后。259. Cross DG at 24 or earlier.飛越 DG 臺 24 分或之前。260. Do not exceed 280 knots.速度不要超過 280 節(jié)。261. Reduce speed to 240 knots.減速到 240 節(jié)。262. Increase speed to 300 knots or greater.加速到 300 節(jié)以上。263. Increase speed by 10 knots.速度增加 10 節(jié)。264. Resume normal speed.恢復正常速度。265. No speed restrictions.沒有速度限制。266. Request speed 200 knots due configuration.構型原因,請示速度 200 節(jié)。267. Request speed 250 knots due turbulence.由于顛簸,請示速度 250 節(jié)。268. Omit position reports until LN.LN 前省略位置報。269. Next report at IP.下一報告點 IP。270. Report required only at boundary.只要求在交接點報告。271. We have traffic at our 12 oclock, 5 miles, 500 feet below, climbing.活動飛機在 12 點鐘方位,5 海里,500 英尺以下,上升。272. Traffic indication at our 1 oclock, 4 miles, same altitude, converging.儀表顯示活動飛機在 1 點鐘方位,4 海里處,同高度,正在匯聚。273. Request vectors.請示引導。274. Unable to receive transmission on that frequency.那個頻率不能收報。275. Request 15 miles final.請示五邊 15 海里。276. Maintain 3000 feet until glide path interception.保持高度 3000 英尺,直到截獲下滑道。277. NOTAM says glide slope for Runway15 is unserviceable, confirm.飛行員通告表明 15 跑道下滑道不工作,證實。278. Confirm ILS frequency for Runway 17L.證實跑道 17 左盲降頻率。279. In case of going around, turn left heading 210.如復飛,左轉航向 210。280. Advise transponder capability.請告知應答機可以模式。281. Transponder Charlie.應答機 C 模式。282. Transponder unserviceable.應答機不工作。283. ADS-B transmitter 1090 (ten-ninety) data link.ADS-B 發(fā)射機 1090 數據鏈。284. ADS-B receiver 1090 (ten-ninety) data link.ADS-B 接收機 1090 數據鏈。285. Negative ADS-B.沒有 ADS-B。286. Re-enter ADS-B aircraft identification.重新輸入 ADS-B 飛機識別碼。287. Stop ADS-B transmission.停止 ADS-B 發(fā)射。288. Stop squawk transmit ADS-B only.停止應答機只發(fā)報 ADS-B。289. Fly no further west of your current position.當前位置不要再往西飛了。290. Unable identify the waypoint, request radar vectors.不能識別此航路點,請示雷達引導。291. Right heading 120, my own terrain clearance.右轉航向 120,自行避讓地形。292. Heading 120, correction, 140.航向 120,更正,140。293. We are too low to the surrounding terrain. Confirm we are still being radar vectored.我們高度太低,周圍有地形。證實我們仍然雷達引導。294. Confirm we are still above your minimum vectoring altitude.證實我們仍然高于你們的最低引導高度。第四章 進近通話術語295. Right heading 040 until passing FL70 then direct to BK.右轉航向 040,直到通過高度層 70,然后直飛 BK。296. Direct to JO, descend to FL50.直飛 JO,下降到高度層 50.297. Passing FL70.通過飛行高度層 70.298. Descending to 4000 feet QNH1005, expect ILS


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