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河北省中考一模英語試題B卷姓名:_ 班級:_ 成績:_一、單選題1 . Johe wants to join the _ club. He can _ well.Aswim, swimBswim, swimsCswimming, swimDswimming, swimming2 . Could you help me to buy some milk? _.AWith pleasureBIts OKCWell doneDNot at all3 . Have you decided where to go for your May Day holiday?Yes, I think visiting the Ge Garden in _ May will be _ enjoyable experience.A/; anBthe; anC/; theDthe; the4 . Mr Green, could you tell me _?Usually at the Thanksgiving FestivalAwhen do American people eat turkeyBwhen American people eat turkeyCwhere do American people eat turkeyDwhere American people eat turkey5 . The train is going _ the tunnel. Then it will go _to the center of the city.Athrough; towardsBthrough; straightCacross; towardsDacross; straight6 . When they felt _ after the flood, the charity offered them food and clothes.AcheerfulBpowerfulChelplessDuseless7 . Sorry, Im late, but the traffic is too busy today.Well, I know youre late. Dont make any _ for yourself next time.AproblemBlessonCexcuseDreason8 . Just as the saying goes,“_.”My uncle has made his dream come true after years of hard work.ANo pains, no gainsBactions speak louder than wordsCPractice makes perfectDevery dog has its day9 . -eating out, why not call some friends and have a picnic:-Thats a good idea, and Ill go fishing _ .AInstead; insteadBInstead of; instead ofCInstead of; insteadDInstead; instead of10 . The newly-designed iPhone 4S on the market_ well now. Get one before it _out in the shop.Asells, is soldBsells, sellsCis sold, is soldDis sold, sells11 . Why dont you go to the party?Because I _ my homework yet.Adidnt finishBdont finishChavent finished12 . Mary_dinner in the kitchen when you called her at 6:30 yesterday evening.ApreparedBwas preparingChas prepared13 . Please_the TV. Its time to go to bed.Aturn onBturn offCput onDput off14 . 一_is your birthday?-Its_June 15th.AWhat;inBHow;inCWhen;on15 . Although _ my ideas , he didnt come up with his own .AagainstBonCforDin二、完型填空When I came out of my office, it was dark. In order to get home as soon as possible, I hired a taxi. The car was _ along the road, now well-lit, now sank in darkness. I broke the _on purpose, for fear that the driver might be too _ to drive., “When do you go back home in the evening?”“9 oclock. Ill go after this trip.” “Then when do you come out in the morning?” I_ another question, “9 oclock, too. And I go home for lunch and dinner, just as if I worked at an office.” His easiness surprised me, because every time I ride in a taxi, what I hear from the _is only complaints. They complain that they have to work from morning till night, that it is _to earn money, that they are bullied (欺侮) by the policeman, or that the company leaders are seated _ and enjoy the _of others work. It seems that they have a grievance (不滿意) against everything. But this driver told me, “I find it _to be a section leader as I was before. I dont like management work. I like driving, just for_. Its lucky that I seldom drive without a passenger. So I can earn two or three thousand yuan a month with ease. Any secret? Yes, I never follow an empty taxi. If it goes _ , I go northward. If it goes along the highway, I turn into a (an) _ street. In this way I always get customers.”His words showed his satisfaction with his life and the pride he _ in his job. Such feelings are so rare among people nowadays as oxygen in high mountains. As an ancient saying_ “Neither joy in material gains nor grieve over personal setbacks (挫折).” How many people nowadays can show high ideals by simple living and go far with a _mind? I couldnt help feeling curious when I found such a state of mind in a stranger on a cold winter night.16 . AdrivingBflyingCstartingDstopping17 . AcalmnessBquietnessCstillnessDsilence18 . AtiredBhungryClonelyDexcited19 . AroseBraisedCthoughtDlifted20 . AtaxiBradioCpassengerDdriver21 . AhardBeasyCpossibleDimpossible22 . AfreelyBbusilyCcomfortablyDlazily23 . AresultsBachievementsCgainsDfruits24 . AinterestingBtiringCfancinatingDexciting25 . ApleasureBmoneyCworkDinterest26 . AsouthwardBnorthwardCeastwardDwestward27 . AwideBsmallClonelyDempty28 . AhadBmadeCkeptDtook29 . AsaysBsuggestsCgoesDtalks30 . AcleverBcalmCcreativeDgreat三、閱讀單選Read and choose the best answer:The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(ASPCA)is the oldest humane organization in America. It was founded in 1866 by Henry Bergh, a wealthy man of New York City.Bergh was horrified by the cruelty toward animals that he observed daily in city streets, particularly with respect to the large number of working horses in New York City, as well as its many stray cats and dogs. Bergh decided to act. He and his other friends wrote and signed the promise: to alleviate pain, fear, and suffering among all animals.The newly founded ASPCA realized they needed more than kind words to face what they saw as a growing problem. Therefore, the organization, through its founding members, persuaded the New York State government to pass the countrys first effective animal anti-cruelty law.From a small organization of a few concerned citizens, the ASPCA has developed into a nationally-recognized force in protecting animals. In New York City, the ASPCA continues to rescue and shelter animals and to educate school children and other people about animals and their care. It now runs a full-service hospital for animals in the city as well. Beyond New York City and state, the ASPCA has led many national movements to help animals and protect animals.Henry Berghs vision lives on today at the ASPCA. For over 135 years, the ASPCA has taken a leading role in promoting the humane treatment of animals. In carrying on the work started by Bergh, the ASPCA promotes both the spirit and law. Henry Bergh would be amazed.31 . According to the passage, ASPCA is(was).AChinese organizationBfounded by a kind womanCan American organizationDfounded by a poor man32 . The worldalleviatein the second paragraph means: AmakelessBmakemoreCstudyDadvertise33 . Through its founding members, ASPCA persuaded the New York State government to.Asave as many animals as they canBgive money to protect more animalsCeducate school children and other peopleDpass an effective law to prevent the cruelty to animals34 . According to the passage, which following statement is NOT TRUE?AASPCA was a small organization in the past but a nationally-recognized one today.BYou can find a full-service hospital for animals in New York now.CHenry Bergh would be respected by others.DHenry Bergh is still alive, for over 135 years old.35 . The last sentence: Henry Bergh would be amazed. What probably would amaze Bergh most?A. The mission of the ASPCA.AThe growth and spread of the ASPCA.BThe passage of the first effective animal anti-cruelty law.CThe creation of a veterinary hospital for animals.36 . Which one is the best title for this passage?AA great man: Henry BerghBThe ASPCA: A Brief HistoryCProtecting animals in AmericaDLets protect animals!Last Saturday evening, Li Lin s family went to see her grandparents. They had dumplings for supper that evening. There was meat and vegetables inside the dumplings. The dumplings were delicious. But Li Ming didnt have and because he didnt like eating dumplings. He had some noodles with chicken. He liked chicken very much, but he didnt like meat at all. That evening they had a nice meal. After supper they had some fruit. Grandfather and Grandmother had bananas. Father and Mother had oranges. The children had pears. What a good time they had!37 . How many people are there in the family? There are _.AtwoBthreeCfourDsix38 . We can say that Li Ming is Li Lin s _.AbrotherBfriendCsisterDmother39 . Li Ming had _ for supper.ApearsBnoodlesCmeatDdumplings40 . What kind of fruit did the children have after supper? _.APearsBBananasCOrangesDApples41 . Father and Mother had _ for supper.AorangesBmeatCdumplingsDnoodlesA boy and his father were walking in the mountains. Suddenly the boy fell, hurt himself, and cried, “Ah!” To his surprise, he heard the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain, “Ah!” Then the boy shouted. “Who are you?” He received the answer, “Who are you?” He got angry at the answer, so he shouted, “Foolish (愚蠢的)!” He received the answer, “Foolish!”He looked at his father and asked, “Whats going on?” His father smiled and said, “My son, listen.” And then he shouted to the mountain, “I love you!” The voice answered, “I love you!” Again the man shouted, “You are the best!” The voice answered, “You are the best!”The boy was surprised, but did not understand. Then the father explained, “People call this Echo, but really this is life. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is just a reflection (反映) of what we have done. If you want more love in the world, have more love in your heart. If you want to be successful, work hard. This can be used in everything in life. Life will give you back everything you have given to it.”42 . At first the boy cried because _.Ahe hurt himself and felt badBhe wanted to give himself a surpriseChe felt it was so quiet in the mountainDhe hoped his father would help him43 . When the boy heard the voice repeating, he felt _.AhappyBafraidCangryDsad44 . The father shouted to the mountain to _.Afind out who was repeating his voiceBplay a joke on other people in the mountainCshow more examples to his son before giving him the answerDlet his son know whose voice was louder45 . The word “Echo” means _.A回音B低語C風(fēng)聲D山谷46 . From the story we know _.Athe boy didnt like others voice at allBthe father had his own way to teach his sonCit is not polite to repeat others voiceDthe boy and his father were very tired四、根據(jù)首字母、中文提示填空根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示完成單詞。47 . Whats the d_of your birth? March 18th.48 . When he was a p_in Grade 3, he began to learn English.49 . Please read the_(文章)to find out the main idea of it.50 . He looked around and found a tall_(塔樓)in the south.51 . We must_(認識到)the importance of the food safety.五、用所給單詞的正確形式填空用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空52 . _(be) proud is bad in our country.53 . There are_(child) playing on the square.54 . It is interesting_(watch) the programRunning Man.55 . (易錯題)There are no_(different) between the two words.56 . Jenny is a_(Canada) girl. She loves her country.六、單詞填空Suddenly Xury called to me(Robinson),“Look,a ship!"He was right!We called,shouted and sailed(駕駛)our little boat as f57 . as we could.But the ship didnt s58 . us.Then I remembered the guns can make a lot of smoke.A few minutes later the ship saw us and r59 . When we were on the ship,the Portuguese captain(船長)l60 . to my story. He was going to Brazil and a 61 . to help us,and he wanted nothing for his help."No,"he said,when I tried to p 62 . him,"Perhaps,one day,someone will help me when I n63 . it." But he gave me money for my little b64 . ,and for Xury,too. At first,I did not want to sell Xury as a slave(奴隸),however,Xury was h65 . to go with the captain,and the captain was a good man. “l(fā)66 . ten years,"he said,“Xury can go free."When we arrived in Brazil three weeks later,I said goodbye to the captain and Xury,left the ship,and went to begin a new life.七、填空Blood donation, also called blood banking, is a meaningful thing to do. It is an easy and direct way to contribute to social work and help the community. It helps to save lives and helps those who lose blood during operation or in accidents.You are able to give or donate blood every three or four months. It is a great way to make a big difference to someones life and you can always be proud of it after making valuable contributions to society, Blood donation is not a big problem, but you need to keep a few points in mind.Before donating blood, make sure that the ferrum (鐵) level in your body is high enough and for that you should take a healthy diet. For making hemoglobin(血紅蛋百) in your body up to standard. drink lots of juice and other drinks. Fruit juice, such as apple juice, is very good for increasing the blood level in your body. For a good blood flow in your body, drink at least 67 glasses of water every day. Its not wise to drink wine before or after giving blood. Do not smoke half an hour before giving blood.When you are going for blood donation, be relaxed, which helps keep the right blood pressure. While donating blood, take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. Dont take part in some other activities.Blood donation is a very simple and fast process, but you need to take care of yourself after donating blood. Proper care helps to reduce bad effects. The following are a few tips that will help you out.Take a rest for 15 minutes after the donation. It helps you to relax yourself.Make sure that you have meals after donating blood. Smoking shouldnt be allowed for one hour after the process. Dont do any activities right away, for example, driving.Finally, be proud of yourself because you have done a great thing in helping to save someones life. Blood donation is a very important activity.Blood Donation - An important activityThe importance of blood donationContribute to social work and the community.Help those people who are facing the 67 . of blood.Give yourself a sense of 68 . after donating blood.The 69 . on blood donationBefore the donationTake a healthy 70 . for a high ferrum level.Drink fruit juice for enough hemoglobin.Drink at least 6-7 glasses of water daily for a good 71 . of blood.72 . drinking wine and smoking.73 . the donationRelax and breathe74 . Never join in other activities.After the donationTake a rest.Have meals.Dont smoke 75 . one hour later.Dont join in some activities 76 . driving at once.八、回答問題Most of middle school students always wear school uniforms when they are at school , but they also want to make themselves look fashionable(時髦的) and nice.They cant make money now. Is it necessary for them to wear labels(品牌)? Some students show us their ideas.Bill: I get new clothes and shoes quite often. My parents buy them for me. I buy things because I like them. I get angry if I dont get what I want. I think its important to wear labels. My favorite label is Nike because its the best maker I think.Kate: My mum buys me clothes and shoes. On my birthdays I buy my own. I always go for labels because they make me look in fashion. But I dont think its important to wear labels. I buy things because I like them, not because of the price or the labels.Paul: My mother buys me clothes. I dont think labels are important. But my favorite label is Adidas. And I sometimes cant get the things I want , because my mother cant afford(買得起) them . I just wait until she has enough money.77 . What do most of students wear at school?78 . Who buys new clothes and shoes for Bill?79 . When can Kate buy her own clothes?80 . Is Nike Pauls favorite label?81 . What does Paul do if his mother cant afford the things?九、話題作文82 . “人生沒有彩排,生命沒有重來”,你平安、健康、快樂地成長是父母最大的心愿。今年寒假前學(xué)校將舉辦一場以“Keep away from the danger!”為主題的英文演講比賽。假如你是王雷同學(xué),大家推選你參加這次比賽。請根據(jù)下圖的寫作提示,寫一篇英文演講稿。寫作提示:Keep away from the dangerSwimming:1. parents or teachers, permission.2. wear, life jackets.Safety at school:1. run, hallways.2. get on well with, fight with.Making friends:1. believe, online.2. meet, alone.Transportation:1.walk, pavement(人行道).2. not allow, traffic lights, red.Food:1. go bad(變質(zhì)), be harmful to2. wash hands, meals.寫作要求:1. 不得使用真實姓名和學(xué)校名;2. 所有的提示詞都須用上,包含以上所有要點,可適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),使內(nèi)容充實,行文連貫3. 字跡工整,語言精練,表達準(zhǔn)確,條理清楚;4. 詞數(shù)100詞左右。(演講稿的開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。)Keep away from the danger!Hello! Everyone. Im Wang Lei. The danger is around us. So we must learn how to keep away from the danger. First, we mustnt go swimming without our parents or teachers permission. In a word, we must try our best to keep away from the danger! Thats all. Thanks for your listening!第 17 頁 共 17 頁參考答案一、單選題1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、閱讀單選1、2、3、四、根據(jù)首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所給單詞的正確形式填空1、六、單詞填空1、七、填空1、八、回答問題1、九、話題作文1、


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