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完形填空5(一) Last spring I was walking in a parkA short distance ahead of me was a mom and her three-year-old 1 The little girl was holding a string (細(xì)繩) that was attached to a helium balloon All of a sudden,a 2 wind took the balloon from the little girlI thought she would scream and cry But,no! As the little girl turned to watch her balloon 3 into the sky,she cheerfully shouted,“Wow!”I didn't realize it at that momentBut that little girl had taught me 4 Later that dayI 5 a phone call from a person with news of an unexpected problemI felt like saying,“Oh no,what should we do?”But 6 that little girlI found myself saying:“Wow,that's interesting! How can I help you?” One thing's for surelife's always going to put us 7 balance with things we don't expectHowever,how we respond (反應(yīng)) to them is our 8 We can choose to be frustrated or fascinated (著迷的) No matter what the situation is,a fascinated“Wow!”will always beat a (n) 9 “Oh,no”So the next time you experience one of life's unexpected guests,remember that little girl and make it a“Wow!”experienceThe“Wow!”response 10 works1Ason Bcousin Cdaughter Dsister2Asoft Bheavy Cstrange Dstrong3Awalk Brise Cjump Drun4Aanything Bnothing Ceverything Dsomething5Atook Breceived Cgave Daccepted6Athinking Bmemorizing Cremembering Ddiscussing7Aoff Binto Con Din8Aproblem Bchoice Cbusiness Dwork9Aexciting Bdifferent Cfrustrated Dhelpful10Asometimes Balways Cseldom Dhardly(二) Madison Glinski is young,but she is famous because she often raises l and helps many people in need。 Last year,Madison made a New Year's resolution to help poor childrenShe decided to raise 500 for a children's hospital 2 did she raise the money? She came up with an 3 She thought she could play the violin very wellSo she planned to raise money by playing the violin。Madison went to the street and began to 4 there。Some people passed by her and asked her why she played the violin thereAfter they knew about her resolution,they 5 some money without hesitationSoon she raised 500 6 Madison wanted to raise 7 money for people in need。She tried some different ways to raise moneyMadison once collected old things from her friends and neighbors,She made some money 8 selling themWith the money。she 9 lots of toys,shoes and clothes for the poor children in AfricaMadison also started a JustGiving page on the InternetShe 10 more people to donate money onlineShe believed that she could help more people。1Atoys Bclothes Cshoes Dmoney2AWhich BWhen CWhy DHow3Aopinion Bidea Carticle Dexam4Acry Brun Cperform Dstand 5Aput away Bgave away Cran away Dwent away6Aclearly Bsuccessfully C1oudly Dcarefully7Amore Bless Cbetter Dworse8Afrom Bby Cwith Dthrough9Asold Bbought Cborrowed Dcollected 10Aencouraged Brefused Cstopped Dregretted(三) A tired traveler was riding his horse the whole day l he saw a shady grove (小樹林) of treesHe 2 the horse and after letting the horse eat the grass nearby,he lay down under a shady tree After a few hours,the traveler woke up and saw that his horse was 3 。He searched around the grove but could not 4 his horseHe saw a strong stick lying on the groundNow,he knew that 5 must have stolen his horseHe picked the stick and started walking towards the nearby village He went to the village's 6 Then he waved the stick and shouted“Who has stolen my horse? Whoever has done this must 7 my horse or I will do what I had done in the market last time” By his loud voice,the thief got 8 He brought the horse and handed it over to the traveler and asked in a whisper,“What did you do last time when your horse 9 ?” The traveler smiled and said,“Oh! I bought 10 horse in the city”1Asince Bwhen Calthough Dwhile2Agot up Bturned off Ctook off Dgot off3Amissing Bill Chungry Dasleep4Aride Bfind Cfeed D1eave5Aanybody Bnobody Csomebody Deverybody6Amarket Bbank Cschool Dpoo17Asend Breturn Cborrow Dtrain8Ascared Btired Cexcited Dannoyed9Astole Bis stolen Cwas stealing Dwas stolen10Aother Bthe other Canother Dothers(四)Oncea 1azy rabbit named Monu lived in a forestHe never did l work at homeHe walked and hopped (跳躍) slowlyHe never reached anywhere in time 2 he was slow and lazyHis parents always 3 him,“Son,your laziness will make you suffer one dayPlease change this bad habit”But Monu never paid attention to their 4 He did not change his bad habit of lazinessOne day Monu was 5 under a shady treeSome other rabbits were playing nearbyJust then another rabbit,named Sonu,saw a wolf coming down the pathHe went to the other rabbits and said,“Friends1et us run awayThe wolf is coming hereHe will 6 us up” All the rabbits heard him and 7 Sonu tried to wake up Monu but he said,“Oh! The wolf is still 8 from hereLet me sleep 9 longer” Sonu went awaySoon the wolf came to the spotMonu could not run away in timeThe wolf jumped upon him and killed himSo the Monu lost his 10 because of his laziness.1Asome Bany Cmany Dmuch2Abecause Bso Cbut Dand3Apraised Basked Cwarned Dminded4Aidea Bplan Caction Dadvice5Ashouting Bcrying Clying Djumping6Adress Beat Cgive Dput7Aran off Btook off Cturned off Dfell off8Adifferent Bopposite Cfree Dfar9A1ittle Bfew Ca little Da few10Away B1ife Cdirection Dmind(五) Do you know what“pay it forward”means? It's not paying for something 1 you buy it“Paying it forward”is to do something 2 for another person for no reasonThen that person can do 3 nice for someone else,too You may think it doesn't seem like much 4 this kind act can spread really fast Early this December,a woman was 5 McDonald's in FloridaUSShe also bought the next person's mealWell,that person did the 6 thing,and the next person did tooSoon,250 people bought meals for 7 person! You can“pay it forward”by doing something extra nice for anyone around youJust 8 little things,like helping your mom clean the 9 without her askingIt can make a person's dayThen,ask them to do three kind things 10 someone else。In this way,anyone can make the world a better place1Abefore Bafter Cwhen Dwhile2Ahelpful Bkind Cnice Dhappy3Aanything Bsomething Cnothing Deverything4ASo BOr CAnd DBut5Abuying Bselling Cmaking Dasking6A1ittle Bsame Cbig Ddifferent7Aother Bthe other Canother Dthe others8A1ook at Bcare for Cwork out D1ook for9Ahouse Bstreet Cschoo1 Dclassroom10Awith Bfor Cabout Dwithout(六) A good friend of mine,Gabriel,had a small farm in a little townHe only had a cow and dreamed about having a large cattle ranch (畜牧場) He once told his father,“Dad,I would like to have that 1 over there 2 can I get it?” His father 3 him to go and talk to the landowner to see how they could get the landGabriel replied,“But we don't have the 4 ”His father said,“Do not worry;go and talk to him” Several years have passed and right now Gabriel not only owns the land but owns a Theme Park that includes 5 cows,a small zoo,and much more fun for the whole family enjoyment A year ago,when the park was already attracting a huge number of tourists,Gabriel's wife Sarah had a dream“I want to 6 the biggest cow in the world”she said They called a friend of mine,Manuel Hernandez,for this taskIn three days he had plans for the whole projectThen they asked,“How much will it 7 ?” Manuel said it was a lot of money“ 8 will loan (貸款) us that money to build a Cow”,they thoughtBut the manager of the bank trusted them and lent them money Last October,La Manuela,the biggest cow in the world was opened to the publicIt is 9 meters tall and 16 meters longThe cow actually eats youand you can travel 9 the cow learning how grass is turned into milk 10 ,you come down from the udder (乳房) of the cow completing a 17 minute magical ride inside the cow1Aroom B1and Cfarm Dhouse2AWhy BWhere CWhat DHow3Aencouraged Bordered Cstopped Drefused4Aplan Bplace Cmoney Dwish5Aseveral hundred of Bone hundreds Cone hundreds of Dseveral hundreds of6Abuy Bbuild Cfeed Dsee7Acost Bpay Ctake Dspend8ASomebody BEverybody CNobody DAnybody9Anear Boutside Cby Dinside10AFrom now on BAt last C Just hen D At first(七) It was the Christmas of 1961I was teaching in a small town in Ohio,USThere my 27 third graders looked forward to Christmas Dayall of them except one little girlI l what would happen to this quiet child,once so happy,now so sadI hoped the 2 would make her happyAlter all she was only a kidBut 3 did Christmas Day finally cameWe were excitedThrough it allshe sat quietly watchingI had made a special bag for her,I wanted very much to see her 4 ,She opened the package so slowly and carefullyI waited 5 she turned away After school the children left in little groupsbut she walked alone,watching them go out the doorWhen she came to meshe gave me a small white box“For 6 ?”I askedShe said nothing,but nodded her headI opened itThere was a golden chain (鏈子) in the boxIn a flash I knew she had made it for her mothera mother she would 7 see again,a mother who would never hold her or brush her hair or share a funny story with her ever againHer mother 8 three weeks ago I held out the chain“Mariait is so beautifulShe would have loved it” Neither of us could stop the 9 She stumbled (蹣跚) into my armsAnd for that moment I became her 10 ,for she had given me the greatest gifts of all:her trust and love1Aknew Bthought C1earned Dwondered2Afestival Bgift Cgame Dstory3Anothing Beverything Canyone Dsomething4Agrade Bgift Csmile Dsurprise5Aand Bor Cif Dbut6Ame Bher Chim Dyou7Aalways Bsometimes Cnever Dseldom8Awent by Bpassed away Cset off Dmoved away9Astory Bhappy Ctime Dtears10Afriend Bsister Cmother Dteacher(八)I was driving by myself on a hot summer day when there was something wrong with my carI knew I was in 1 Luckily,I was on the top of a hill and rolled down into a small villageI stopped there and thought,“Wow, what am I going to do now?”It was 11 pm,dark,and I was 2 Right when I was starting to panic (恐慌),a truck pulled up and the driver asked 3 the problem wasI told him what had happened and he said,“Don't worry,my brother owns a parts storeI'11 get him to 4 the store for you” “No,it's too 5 ,” I said,“He's probably sleeping and I don't want to 6 him up for a stranger in need of a car part The man said,“Come on,he won't 7 .” His brother,who had been sleeping,immediately jumped out of bed,got in the truck with us,opened the store,and found the part for me I tried to pay them 8 their helpbut they refused“That's OKGlad we could help! Maybe you can help 9 someday I'll 10 forget those wordsThese two men are“everyday heroes”1Apeace Btrouble Cdanger Dneed2Ahappy Bnervous Cbored Dworried3Awhere Bhow Cwhat Dwho4Asell Bopen Cbuild D1ock5A1ate Bdark Cearly Dbad6Abring Btake Cwake Dgive7Acare Bstand Chear Dmind8Awith Bfor Con Dat9Asomeone else Belse anyone Celse someone Danyone else10Aever Balways Chardly Dnever(九) Which word do you likecan or can't 7 Whatever my mother told or asked me to do was always 1 by my words“I can't”Very few tasks or goals that I 2 to do were ever completed “I want you to read this article”Mother began“It's about Marlo Thomas She tells 3 a simple poem changed her lifeShe went from sayingI can't to 4 According to this articleshe was able to 5 her life,and her career,by learning the lessons in the poem I thought it must be great to be Marlo! Beside her photo was the poem my mother had spoken of,a simple poem called“I can” “I want you to 6 that poem”Mother said “Mom”I complained“I can't learn that poemIt's too 7 !” “It's not too long and yesyou can learn itI want you to know it perfectly by this time tomorrow?!?I dropped my shoulders,turned and made my way back to my bedroom 8 the magazine in my handWith a heavy heartI lay on my bed and began my task “Can't is a word that is the 9 of ambition (雄心),”I beganI repeated the sentenceI repeated it again and again until I memorized it“An enemy waiting to jump on your strength of will” I 10 until the following eveningwhen I proudly recited the poem that has continued to be my motto (座右銘) Ms Thomas did not know me,but her story changed my life forever1Arefused Bcompleted Cfollowed Dforgot2Awent back Bset out Cwent on Dset up3Ahow Bwhen Cwhat Dthat4AI will BI do CI can DI may5Atrain B. hold Creach Dchange6Amemorize Bread Cforget Dmanage7Adifficult Blong Cboring Dmeaningless8Awithout Bat Con Dwith9Aenemy Bfriend Cteacher Dfather10Aread Bstopped Ccontinued Dfinished(十) In China,TeachersDay is on Sept10It is a day to show respect and appreciation (感謝) to teachersIn the USA,there is also a day which is set 1 teachersIt's called Teacher Appreciation DayIn fact,US schools appreciate their 2 the whole first week in MayTeacher Appreciation Day falls on the Tuesday of that week During the whole week,American schools 3 host (主辦) special parties for their teachersThey give teachers gifts and snacksThey also 4 some “Thank you”signs on the school walls American students usually give small gifts to their teachersThey want to 5 their appreciation to themThey also want to tell their teachers how great 6 areIt is a good idea to give some 7 or snacks to teachersFor example,an apple is OKAnother popular gift is a thank-you cardUS teachers love such a small card 8 it's heartfelt (真誠的) and meaningfulWhat's more,the card is 9 to makeEvery student can make itStudents don't need to 10 much money for the thank-you cardDo you want to make a thank-you card ? Just try1Afor Bwith Cunder Das2Aparents Bteachers Cstudents Drelatives3Anever Bhardly Cseldom Dusually4Aput up Bput off Cput out Dput on5Awarn Badvise Cexpress Dprevent6Ahe Bshe Cwe Dthey7Aflowers Bfruits Cdrinks Dfood8Aalthough Bbecause Cso that Dsince9Adifficult Beasy Cheavy Dlight10Atake Bspend Cpay Dcost參考答案(一)1C 2D 3B 4D 5B 6C 7A 8B 9C 10B(二)1D 2D 3B 4C 5B 6B 7A 8B 9B 10A(三)1B 2D 3A 4B 5C 6A 7B 8A 9D 10C(四)1B 2A 3C 4D 5C 6B 7A 8D 9C 10B(五)1A 2C 3B 4D 5A 6B 7C 8D 9A 10B(六)1B 2D 3A 4C 5D 6B 7A 8C 9D 10B(七)1D 2A 3A 4C 5D 6A 7C 8B 9D 10C(八)1B 2D 3C 4B 5A 6C 7D 8B 9A 10D(九)1C 2B 3A 4C 5D 6A 7B 8D 9A 10C(十)1A 2B 3D 4A 5C 6D 7B 8B 9B 10C8


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