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國開電大《理工英語4》形考 參考答案

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國開電大《理工英語4》形考 參考答案

國開電大理工英語4形考 參考答案使用CTRL+F搜索文檔理工英語4單元自測1題目: , he knows a Iot about computer.答案:Ch i I d as he i s題目: My assistant wi I I now the machine inact i on.答案:demonstrate題 目:this multimedia product has some shortcomings,i t has a I so some good points.答案:Whi le題目: 一Do you mind my using my mobi Ie phone here?答案:No, of course not題目: 一How i syour bus i ness going?答案:Good, it's growing a I I the time.題目:一I wonder i f I cou I d use your tab I et ton i ght?一.I' m not using it r ight now.答案:Sure, here you are.題目:Oh. Dear! I' ve lost my new watch.答案:What a pity!題目:2.Thank you ever so much for the App I e Watchyou sent me.答案:I' m glad you I ike it.題目:Considering the needsof the new generation, we propose the concept of答案:wearab I e題目:Heremote I ycontro I s my mob i I e phonehe can set upit for me.答案: so that題目:I 千 you want to down I oad th i s app, you need to connect your mob i Ie phone 答案:to題目:So that mi I I ions of peopIe queue to buy it.答案:popu laris the smartphone題目:The BBC has just successfuI Iy demonstrated a radio transmission system.答案:digital題目:The speed with which digital cameras can take, processandan image is答案: transmit題 目:They are make an announcement I ater on today.答案:expected to題目:You wi I I quickly get used to th i s newdigital camera.答案:us i ng二、閱讀理解:這是客服人員幫助客服創(chuàng)建進入個人賬戶的場景,請 在空格內(nèi)填入字母將對話排序。子問題1:D;子問題2:C;子問題3: G;子問題4: A;子問題5:F;子問題6: H;子問題7: B;子問題8: J;子問題9: E;子問 題 10: I二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項 中選出一個最佳選項。子問題1: A. deveIopment;子問題2: A. by;子問題3: C. projects;子I可題 4: B. up to date;子I可題 5: B. qua I if ied 二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容進行判斷,正確寫“T” 錯誤寫“F”。子問題1:T;子問題2:F;子問題3: F;子問題4: F;子問題5:F理工英語4單元自測2題目:一 一Can you te I I me someth i ng about yournew product?答案:Can I he I p you, s i r?題目: 一 Let me iintroduce myseIf, I' m Tom.答案:p I eased to meet you.題目: 一CouId you give methe brochure for that machine?答案:Yes, here you are.題目: 一How about hav i ng a dr i nk?答案:Good i dea.題 目: 一Perhaps you have heard our products. Wou I d you I i ke to know someth i ng more?答案:Sure. Go ahead.題目:My ass i stant wi I I now the mach i ne i nact i on.答案:demonstrate題目:Spacesh ips are stocked with a var iety offoods.答案: i nstant題目:The Cheetah robot made by MIT's scient i sts can jump over hurdles while.答案:runn i ng題目:The reason why he didn' t come to schoo I was he was ill.答案:that題 目:The sc i ent i st spoke conf i dent I y, i mpressed memost.答案:wh i ch題目:They are trying to make a new productthe wor Id'ssmaI lest robot.答案:humanoid題目:They built a robot capabIe of spokencommands.答案:understand i ng題目:Weto de I i ver the goods within a week.答案:guarantee題目:We trust thi s new product of ours wi I I to your market.答案:appeal題目:You can turn on the toy robot byth i s button.答案:pressing二、閱讀理解:這是在展會上一名銷售人員向顧客介紹新產(chǎn)品的場景, 請將對話排序。子問題1:C;子問題2: B;子問題3: A;子問題4: F;子問題5:G;子問題6: I;子問題7: E;子問題8: D;子問題9: J;子問 題 10: H二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項 中選出一個最佳選項。If you want your product descr i pt i on appeaI i ng andinformative, wr ite your article I inkin子問題 1: B. descr ipt i ve;子問題 2: A. how;子問題 3: C. understand; 子I問題 4: C. getting; 子I可題 5: C. asking 二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項 中選出一個最佳選項。Roby Mini is just 40 centimeters tall, has a large round screen for a head and has been子問題1:B;子問題2: B;子問題3: C;子問題4: C;子問題5:C理工英語4單元自測3題目: I accepted my nose surgery, the andpat i ent doctor was reaI Iy he IpfuI dur i ng my答案:gracious題目: It is known to a I I that a lot of South Koreanaccepted pIast i c surgery.答案: celebrities題目: The p I ast i c surgeon may prov i de severa I p I ans for your facia I 答案:reconstruction題目: What* s i ssue here i s the difference betweencosmet i c and pIast ic surgery.答案:at題目: 一 Do you think cosmet i c surgery i s more popu I ar with women?答案:Yes, absolutely. Because women pay more attention to beauty.題目:一I have a scar on my face, so I ' ve make up my mi nd to have a pIast ic surgery.答案:Good i dea.題目: 一 Is it better to be physical ly attractive or i nteI Ii gent?答案:For me, be i nte I I igent i s better, but that depends on. 題目:一 What advice would you give to a f r i end who wants cosmet i c surgery?答案:I wou I d te I I them that there are many r i sks and much cost of that surgery.題目:一WouId you have cosmetic surgery if it was free?答案:No. Good d i et and exerc i se are great a I ternat i ves. 題目:AI though p I ast i c surgery i s created to i mprove the I ooks of a person, there are a certai n答案: consequences題目:Cosmetic surgery invoIves reshaping the bodyfeatures.答案:i n題目:Doctor, p I ease I et me knowyou can reconstruct myface.答案:whether題目:I was a I itt Ie scared that it was my f i rst time that I had my cosmet ic surgery.答案:had題目:It is hard for any woman to res i st herse I f more beauty.題目:You will get your cosmetic surgery on your nose. Please teI I me i f you Ii ke th i s med i caI答案: or not二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項 中選出一個最佳選項。子問題1: A;子問題2: B;子問題3: A;子問題4: B;子問題5:C二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容進行判斷,正確寫 錯誤寫“F”。子問題1:T;子問題2: F;子問題3: F;子問題4: F;子問題5:T二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,選擇合適的內(nèi)容將短文補充完整。A. In case of any cl ar ificat ions子問題1:E;子問題2:C;子問題3: B;子問題4: A;子問題5:D二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的對話,選擇合適的內(nèi)容將對話補充完整。HENRY: Good afternoon! Lucy, I am telling you someth i ngurgent. We have found severaI子問題1:C;子問題2: A;子問題3: E;子問題4: B;子問題5:E理工英語4單元自測4題 目: the new I aw i s used one day, I hope it wi I I not pun i shpeopIe us i ng 3D pr i nters答案:If題目: 一 3D printing is one of the Iatesttechnological innovations. Maybe its functions答案:Real ly?題目: 一 Do you I i ke that techno I ogy exhibition?一 Yes,I I ike it verymuch.答案:It shows me the impressive magic power of 3D printing.題目: 一 Do you prefer a portab I e or a c I umsy 3D pr i nter?答案:I prefer a portab I e one to a c I umsy one.題目:一What do you want to be?答案: I would study computer science than dancer.題目: 一They are test i ng the 3D pr i nter. Don' t you come andsee i t?一What?答案:Where i s it d i sp I ayed?題目:3D pr i nters have spread from I abs toi ndustr i a I factor i es, they are be i ng cheaper and答案:so題目:3D pr i nt i ng is just at the beg inning stage. 11 i s not.答案:mature題目:Flowers grow we I I in a warm c I imate. Simi lar ly,techno Iogy i n a harmon i ous society.答案:f I our i shes題目:She's not very opt i mi st i c the development of 3Dpr i nt i ng.答案:about題目:She' s been interested in computer science she wase i ght.答案:s i nee題目:Someone i nvented the 3D pr i nter many years ago, Idon' t remember who.答案:but題 目:There arecalls for I awmakers to cons i der copyr i ghtI aws.答案:i ncreas i ng題目:Th i s 3D pr i nter was des i gnedproduce snacks.答案:to題目:Touch- 3D maps he I p the blind too much.答案:respons i ve二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項 中選出一個最佳選項。子問題1: A;子問題2: B;子問題3: A;子問題4: B;子問題5:C二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容進行判斷,正確為“T”, 錯誤為“F”。子問題1:F;子問題2:T;子問題3: F;子問題4: F;子問題5:T二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的對話,選擇合適的內(nèi)容將對話補充完整。子問題1:B;子問題2:D;子問題3:C;子問題4: E;子問題5:A理工英語4單元自測5題目: thinking i s the heart of the art i st i c des i gn.答案:Creative題目:Good morning, Jeff. WouId you mind going to get me a cup of coffee at the Starbucks?答案:No prob I em! You want the usua I ?題目:一Jeff, I 1 d apprec i ate it i f you cou I d he I p me with the opening speech I *m giving next答案:Well, it's pretty busy thi s morning題目: 一Oh, by the way, how was your report of the new batter i es coming a Iong?答案:It's going pretty we I I題目:一What er rands did you have to do today?答案:Done one, and another one to do.題目: You know a good schedu I e br i ngs eff i c i ency to the work. 答案:I see your point.題目:Combining carbon and super-capaci tors a perfectmar r i age.答案: seems I i ke題目:He i s still a i n hand I i ng such th i ngs.答案:green hand題目:He wou Id much it if you cou Id do him thefavor.答案:apprec i ate題目:It me that I had a choice.答案:hit題目:It is an interesting story that I want to readi t aga i n.答案:such題目:It i s the abi I ity to do the jobmatters not whereyou come from or what you are.答案:what題目:The box is hold these things.答案:too sma I I to題目:The current death rate i s reduced 10% comparedwith that of the year of 1980.答案:by題目:Th i s i s a highlynew heat i ng system.答案:efficient二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項中選出一個最佳選項。When computer servers operate a comp I ex program, they can get very hot. Coo Ii ng the 子問題1:C;子問題2:B;子問題3: B;子問題4: C;子問題5:A二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項 中選出一個最佳選項。Climate change has caused a r i se in sea I eve Is. Th i s hasincreased A. an amount of; B. the子問題 1: B. the amount of;子問題 2: A. unabIe;子問題 3:B. by;子問題 4: C. exper iment;子問題 5: C. dy ing二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的對話,選擇合適的內(nèi)容將對話補充完整。子問題1:D;子問題2:C;子問題3: B;子問題4: E;子問題5:A理工英語4單元自測6題 目: no modern teIecommunications, we wouId have to waitfor weeks to get news from答案:Were there題目: I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.答案:Have a pIeasant trip!題目: 一I get at I east ha I f an hour of exerc i se a I most everyday. Oh great! .答案:Keep it up題 目: 一OK, I'll fix your computer r i ght now. Oh, take your time, .答案:I'm in no hurry題目: 一This appIe pie is too sweet, don't you think so?I think it's just right, actuaI Iy.答案:Not rea I I y題目:一What are you going to do this weekend?答案:It depends題目:Hehis baggage among hundreds of others.答案:identified題目:I couldn't stand London! Bloody p I ace.答案:awful題目:1千 you have any news of my husband, p I ease I et me know.答案:definite題目:No one had enough foresight to the winner.答案:predict題目:She is taI I as you are.答案:as題目:Some experts th i nk read i ng i s the fundamenta I ski I Iupon schooI educat i on答案:wh i ch題目:Success can breed success, if you it.答案:take care of題目:Tom asked me to go to p I ay f ootba I I and .答案:so I d i d題目:Tom can speak French. .答案:So can Jack二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項 中選出一個最佳選項。子問題 1: B. Uni ike;子問題 2: A. add to;子問題 3: B. pushingfor;子問題 4: C. within;子問題 5: C. account for二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容進行判斷,正確寫 錯誤寫“F”。子問題1:T;子問題2:F;子問題3: T;子問題4: F;子問題5: 二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的對話,選擇合適的內(nèi)容將對話補充完整。子問題1:C;子問題2: A;子問題3: B;子問題4: E;子問題5:D理工英語4單元自測7題 目: peopIe are no longer worr ied about whether thei r foodi s safe or not they enjoy a better答案:Only ifcan題目: 一 Do you eat porr idge every day?答案:No, sometimes I ' d have a cup of soybean milk, a boiled egg and a steamed bun for my題目: I think the other reason can be i dent if ied from the i ndustr i a Ii zat i on of food答案:Yes, you bet題目:一So how can we buy safe food?答案:When we choose food, we must remember to check its tag, conf i rmi ng whether the bas i c題目: What i s U.S' s exper i ence i n food safety management?答案:They are improving the I ega I system a I I the time and very strict i n I aw enforcement題目:What wouId you I ike to have for breakfast?答案:Twi sted cru I I er, I bought it this morn i ng題目:Animal farmingabout ha I f of a I I human-causedgreenhouse gases.答案:accounts for題目:I am rea I I yby fresh i ngred i ents, i ntr i catecooking and diverse traditions of Chinese答案:fascinated題目:Modern Meadow is a startup that engineers create Iab-grown meat.答案:edible題 目:Some i I I ega I traders care about noth i ng but答案:mak i ng money題目:The prob I em i s uneven distribution, million suffer i ng from hunger.答案:leaving題目:The techno I ogy has severa Iadvantagesear Iier attempts tomeat in vitro .答案:i n compar i son to題 目:They shou I d never try to pursue profitand Ii fe of peopIe.答案:at the expense of題目:Th i s, they argue, wi I I be essential to needs of a booming popuI at ion in decades to 答案:meetingt i ssues to870engineerhealththe題目:You can have eggsor hard-boi led.答案:f r i ed二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項 中選出一個最佳選項。(教材課文原文)A. By; B. In; C. Unt i I 2050, the wor Id's population (A. projected; B. i s projected;子問題 1: A. By;子問題 2: B. is projected;子問題 3: B. even;子問題 4: C. However;子問題 5: A. modest I y二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項 中選出一個最佳選項。(課夕卜選材)According to experts, the advantage of modified food i s that it he I ps in prevent i ng 子問題 1 : C; 子問題 2: B;子問題3: A;子問題4: C;子問題5: C二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容進行判斷,正確寫 錯誤寫“F”。子問題1:T;子問題2: F;子問題3: T;子問題4: F;子問題5:F理工英語4單元自測8題目: by the promise of these tiny tubes, peopIe area I ready work i ng to turn the Space答案:Fue I ed題目: According to a report of what hoi idays in the futuremight Iook Iike, a trip to the Moon答案:Spectacular題目:一 How do you I ike Anne Hathaway答案:She i s amaz i ng題目: 一 Let? s go to this movie and see what excitingexper ience it wi I I br ing to us.答案:Can' t wait to watch it.題目: 一 Space traveI must be very very expensive.答案:0千course.題目: 一 You need to be I i eve that space tour i sm wi I I grow and get cheaper. Maybe there i s答案:What is it?題目:AbsoIuteIy, that movieand I mustadmit that its di rector i s br i I Iiant.答案:took my breath away題目:Everyth i ng we do has the potent i a Icreat i ng some bad.答案: 題目: far 答案: 題目: 答案: 題目:forI think the benefits of opening up spacethe damage that we can see.outwe i ghIf Gardener, who wiI I take care of us?I eavesOur part of the mission is near Iy comp Iete and the new for us.is norma I Iy kept by the big window but now it the waI I r i ght next tobe a space hoteI i n Barce Ionayou can “experience” space traveIcrew wi I I 答案:take over 題目:The at I as i sto答案:stuck 題目:There wi I I IsI and, 答案:where 題 目:When we were students n i ght.答案:wou I d題目:Youonce you discussed its main 答案:must have watchedweoften stay up a I Ithe Incept ion, s i nee I remember pIot with Cathy.二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個選項中選出一個最佳選項。子問題 1: B. carry on;子問題 2: A. funct iona I ;子問題 3: C. opening;子問題 4: C. bl ink;子問題 5: B. turned out 二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的對話,選擇合適的內(nèi)容將對話補充完整。子問題1:E;子問題2: A;子問題3: D;子問題4: B;子問題5:C


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