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人教版八年級下unit 3could you please clean your room知識點總結(jié)及練習(xí)

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人教版八年級下unit 3could you please clean your room知識點總結(jié)及練習(xí)

觀察內(nèi)容的選擇,我本著先靜后動,由近及遠的原則,有目的、有計劃的先安排與幼兒生活接近的,能理解的觀察內(nèi)容。隨機觀察也是不可少的,是相當(dāng)有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛蟲等,孩子一邊觀察,一邊提問,興趣很濃。我提供的觀察對象,注意形象逼真,色彩鮮明,大小適中,引導(dǎo)幼兒多角度多層面地進行觀察,保證每個幼兒看得到,看得清??吹们宀拍苷f得正確。在觀察過程中指導(dǎo)。我注意幫助幼兒學(xué)習(xí)正確的觀察方法,即按順序觀察和抓住事物的不同特征重點觀察,觀察與說話相結(jié)合,在觀察中積累詞匯,理解詞匯,如一次我抓住時機,引導(dǎo)幼兒觀察雷雨,雷雨前天空急劇變化,烏云密布,我問幼兒烏云是什么樣子的,有的孩子說:烏云像大海的波浪。有的孩子說“烏云跑得飛快?!蔽壹右钥隙ㄕf“這是烏云滾滾。”當(dāng)幼兒看到閃電時,我告訴他“這叫電光閃閃。”接著幼兒聽到雷聲驚叫起來,我抓住時機說:“這就是雷聲隆隆?!币粫合缕鹆舜笥?,我問:“雨下得怎樣?”幼兒說大極了,我就舀一盆水往下一倒,作比較觀察,讓幼兒掌握“傾盆大雨”這個詞。雨后,我又帶幼兒觀察晴朗的天空,朗誦自編的一首兒歌:“藍天高,白云飄,鳥兒飛,樹兒搖,太陽公公咪咪笑?!边@樣抓住特征見景生情,幼兒不僅印象深刻,對雷雨前后氣象變化的詞語學(xué)得快,記得牢,而且會應(yīng)用。我還在觀察的基礎(chǔ)上,引導(dǎo)幼兒聯(lián)想,讓他們與以往學(xué)的詞語、生活經(jīng)驗聯(lián)系起來,在發(fā)展想象力中發(fā)展語言。如啄木鳥的嘴是長長的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像醫(yī)生用的手術(shù)刀樣,給大樹開刀治病。通過聯(lián)想,幼兒能夠生動形象地描述觀察對象?!皫煛敝拍睿篌w是從先秦時期的“師長、師傅、先生”而來。其中“師傅”更早則意指春秋時國君的老師。說文解字中有注曰:“師教人以道者之稱也”?!皫煛敝x,現(xiàn)在泛指從事教育工作或是傳授知識技術(shù)也或是某方面有特長值得學(xué)習(xí)者。“老師”的原意并非由“老”而形容“師”。“老”在舊語義中也是一種尊稱,隱喻年長且學(xué)識淵博者。“老”“師”連用最初見于史記,有“荀卿最為老師”之說法。慢慢“老師”之說也不再有年齡的限制,老少皆可適用。只是司馬遷筆下的“老師”當(dāng)然不是今日意義上的“教師”,其只是“老”和“師”的復(fù)合構(gòu)詞,所表達的含義多指對知識淵博者的一種尊稱,雖能從其身上學(xué)以“道”,但其不一定是知識的傳播者。今天看來,“教師”的必要條件不光是擁有知識,更重于傳播知識。這個工作可讓學(xué)生分組負(fù)責(zé)收集整理,登在小黑板上,每周一換。要求學(xué)生抽空抄錄并且閱讀成誦。其目的在于擴大學(xué)生的知識面,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生關(guān)注社會,熱愛生活,所以內(nèi)容要盡量廣泛一些,可以分為人生、價值、理想、學(xué)習(xí)、成長、責(zé)任、友誼、愛心、探索、環(huán)保等多方面。如此下去,除假期外,一年便可以積累40多則材料。如果學(xué)生的腦海里有了眾多的鮮活生動的材料,寫起文章來還用亂翻參考書嗎?宋以后,京師所設(shè)小學(xué)館和武學(xué)堂中的教師稱謂皆稱之為“教諭”。至元明清之縣學(xué)一律循之不變。明朝入選翰林院的進士之師稱“教習(xí)”。到清末,學(xué)堂興起,各科教師仍沿用“教習(xí)”一稱。其實“教諭”在明清時還有學(xué)官一意,即主管縣一級的教育生員。而相應(yīng)府和州掌管教育生員者則謂“教授”和“學(xué)正”?!敖淌凇薄皩W(xué)正”和“教諭”的副手一律稱“訓(xùn)導(dǎo)”。于民間,特別是漢代以后,對于在“校”或“學(xué)”中傳授經(jīng)學(xué)者也稱為“經(jīng)師”。在一些特定的講學(xué)場合,比如書院、皇室,也稱教師為“院長、西席、講席”等。Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 第 4 頁一、重點短語1. go out for dinner 2. stay out late 3. go to the movies 4. get a ride 5. work on sth. 6. finish doing sth. 7. clean and tidy8. do the dishes 9. take out the rubbish 10. fold your/the clothes 11. sweep the floor 12. make your/the bed 13. clean the living room 14. No problem 15. welcome sb. 16. come home from school/ work17. throw down 18. throw away 19. come over (to+地點)20. take sb. for a walk21. all the time 22. all day/evening 23. do housework 24. shout back 大聲回應(yīng)25. walk away 26. share the housework 27. a comfortable home 28. (do sth.) in surprise 驚訝地(做)29. get something to drink 30. watch one show 31. hang out 32. pass sb. sth. 33. lend sb. sth. 34. get sth. wet 35. hate + (to do/ doing) sth.36. do chores 37. help sb.(to)do /with sth38. bring a tent39. buy some snacks40. go to the store41. invite sb. to a party42. make sb. do sth. 43. enough stress44. waste of time45. in order to為了46. get good grades47. mind doing sth. 48. depend on49. develop children s independence50. look after/take care of 51. do one s part in (doing ) sth.做某人分內(nèi)的事二、重點句型1. Could you please clean your room? ( Could you please + do sth.?)2. I have to do some work.3. Could I use your computer? (Could +主語+ do sth. ?表情求)4. She won t be happy if she sees this mess.5. For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. (Neither +be動詞/助動詞/情態(tài)動詞+主語.)6. My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.7. Its the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.(it為形式主語,to do不定式是真正的主語,并且后置)8. I think its important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework.9. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. (the+比較級,the+比較級句型)三、單元知識點1. Could you please +動詞原形? 你能嗎?Could在句子開頭,不表示過去時態(tài)而表示請求,以表示禮貌、委婉或不確定的語氣,而can則不具備這些語氣,這種情況下不能把could看作can的過去式。肯定回答可以用Sure./ Of course./ Certainly./ Go ahead, please.或Thats OK/all right.,也可以用“主語+can”不能用“主語+could”。否定回答用“Sorry, +理由”,“主語+cant/ mustnt.”,不用“主語+couldnt”。表請求的結(jié)構(gòu)還有:Would you please+V原? Would you mind+V-ing?2.take out帶出去;取出,拿出 take the rubbish out take out 100yuan take your tickets out3. make the/ ones bed整理床鋪,make the table收拾桌子,擺放碗筷4. Could I at least finish watching this show? finish完成,做好;finish doing sth.5. (at) any minute (now)很快,馬上Mother will be back any minute now.Hurry up! The train is leaving at any minute.6. mess 【名詞】不整潔,雜亂(不堪) be in a mess亂七八糟,雜亂不堪7. sweep【動詞】打掃,掃;過去式為swept,sweep the floor8. throw【動詞】扔,投,擲;過去式為threw;throw down 扔下某物 throw sth. (away)扔掉某物throw to sb.把某物扔給某人;throw at sb./sth.扔某人東西,帶感情色彩9. The minute I sat in front of the TV, my mother came over. The minute (that)引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,意為“一/剛就”,相當(dāng)于as soon as,I promise to reply to your letter the minute I get home.10. reply回答,回復(fù)【不及物動詞】reply to sb./sth. ,reply to your letter reply in writing11. asas像一樣,否定形式為not so/asasA(be) as+形容詞+as B. A 實意動詞as+副詞as B.12. neither did I.是“Neither +be動詞/助動詞/情態(tài)動詞+主語.”結(jié)構(gòu),表示前者的否定情況也適用于后者。 I dont agree with their plan. Neither do I. They cant swim across the river. Neither can we. Neither還表示“兩者的否定”,即可以看成是both“兩者都”的完全否定。Both of my parents are mountain climbers. 意為 ;“我父母都不是登山者”是下面那個句子?Neither of my parents is a mountain climber. Both of my parents are not mountain climbers.13. pass sb. sth.= pass sth. to sb.把某物遞給/傳給某人,請把鹽遞給我。 = 14. borrow借,借進,借他人的物品來用,常用于borrow sth. from sb. /borrow sbs sth lend借給,借出,把自己的物品借出去,常用于lend sth. to sb. /lend sb. sth, 15. while 當(dāng)時候;在期間,引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,表“一段時間”,從句的謂語動詞用延續(xù)性動詞,且常用進行時態(tài),如 The telephone rang while father was reading a newspaper. Could you please look after the kid while I do shopping?When引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句是,可以表示“一段時間”和“某一時刻”,所以從句的謂語動詞延續(xù)性動詞和短暫性動詞皆可。When I arrive in Beijing, its raining heavily.16. hate vt. “不喜歡,討厭、恨”,沒有進行時。hate后可接to do也可接doing,意義無大差別,只是to do更多表示具體的一次性的動作,而doing更多表示習(xí)慣性,經(jīng)常的一般的動作;同like后接to do或doing的用法。17.【復(fù)習(xí)】invite sb. to do sth. invitation 【名詞】invite sb. to sth. / invite sb. for sth. He invited us for the concert. I want to invite my friends to a party.18. drink【名詞】做飲料時為不可數(shù)名詞,表示不同種類的飲料時為可數(shù)名詞,如soft drinks軟飲料19. waste【名詞】浪費;濫用a waste of time【動詞】浪費waste time/waste money 20. in order to+V原形,意為“為了/目的是”,In order to improve his English, he practices speaking everyday.in order that+從句,意思也是“為了/目的是”21. provide【動詞】提供;供應(yīng),常用結(jié)構(gòu)provide sth. (for sb.)=provide sb. with sth.The hotel provides free breakfast (for travelers). = 22.【復(fù)習(xí)】It is +adj. (for sb.) to do sth.意為 23. do ones part in doing sth.盡某人的職責(zé)做某事 Every person on the earth should do his part in saving water.24. depend on sb./ sth.依靠,信賴,決定于;His high grade depends on his hard training.When we grow up, we must depend on ourselves.25. develop【動詞】發(fā)展,壯大,培養(yǎng);develop childrens independence develop science and technology develop healthy eating habit development【名詞】發(fā)展,【形容詞】developed發(fā)達的developed country developing發(fā)展中26. result【名、動】結(jié)果,as a result也意為“結(jié)果”27. the+比較級,the+比較級意為“越,就越” The harder you study the better grade you can get.四、重點語法_區(qū)別動詞do和make。 “do”與動作及非實質(zhì)性的事連用,與詞尾是-ing的動作名詞連用,如:do the dishes/do my homework/do chores(做家務(wù)/處理瑣事)/do the laundry(洗衣)/do the shopping/do some reading;“make”表示“做、制造”、“整理”、“沖、泡(飲料)”等,如:make your bed(鋪床)/make breakfast/make dinner)/make tea(泡茶/沏茶)/make myself a cup of coffee【模擬試題】一、英漢互譯。 1. play with _2. have a test _ 3. do chores _4. take out _ 5. make the bed _6. sweep the floor _ 7. 從借_8. 喂狗_ 9. 生氣_10. 照顧_ 11. 邀請某人到_12. 忙于/從事_ 13. 洗餐具_14. 做飯_二、根據(jù)要求答題。 1. Could you help me clean the living room? (作肯定回答) _, _. 2. Thanks for taking care of my dog. (變同義句) _ for _ my dog. 3. Remember to clean the bed. (改為同義句) _ _ to clean the door. 4. Can you lend your pen to me? (改為同義句) Can _ _ your pen? 5. I like to wash the plates because its relaxing. (就劃線部分提問) _ _ you _ to wash the plates?三、用could, can, may, must, neednt填空。 1. A: _ you answer the question in English? B: Sorry, I _. _ I answer it in English? A: No, you _. You _ answer it in Chinese. 2. A: _ I ask a question? B: Yes, you _. But you _ wait, a minute. 3. A: _ I use your eraser, Bill? B: Sorry. I dont have one. Ask Mary. She _ have one. 4. A: _ you help me do the shopping. B: OK, Sure. 5. A: _ you sweep the floor? B: But I _ finish my homework first.四、單項填空。1. What a dirty room! You shouldnt throw your waste things everywhere. Oh, I am sorry, I am going to _ and put them in the waste box. A. fold my clothes B. take out the trash C. watch TV2. Could you please go to the movies with me tonight? Sorry, my mother is ill in bed, and I have to _ her. A. take care of B. take a walk with C. take over3. Dont _ the dog. its dangerous, itll bite you. A. play withB. play C. play for4. Jim, come out. Lets go to play football. Sorry. Im _ a maths problem. A. working outB. working onC. working for5. Mum, Could I go shopping with you? Yes, _ But you have to finish your homework first. A. you canB. you couldC. you cant6. My mother often _ my little sister _ of the house and plays with her in the garden. A. takeoutB. takesoutC. takes to7. I _ doing the dishes because its boring. A. hatesB. hateC. like8. I _ some money from him, but Ill _ it to him in a few days. A. borrow, return B. lend, borrow C. borrow, keep9. _ the young trees is our duty. A. Taking good care of B. Take good care of C. Takes good care of


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