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Unit 5Preview1. 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.F2. 1.for want of: for the lack of; because there is no . 2. ball: (formal) social gathering for dancing 3.dance to the sound: .dance in time of the sound 按音樂的節(jié)奏跳舞4. in the air : in the sky5. about : here and there ; in all directions6. something of a cynic : a cynic to some degree (but not quite)7. sailed : moved in a smooth way8. plot : a small piece of land for a special purpose 9. fans: things that look like fans10. .build it out of music by moonlight: make the rose with her music11. against : in contact with ; touching12. .dear: precious13. form: the structure of (music)14.spray : a small branch of a tree or plant with leaves or flowers15. delicate : soft ,not intense 柔和的,淡淡的(顏色)16. shot through : (the pain) moved suddenly and quickly through 17. a film : a thin coating or covering 薄薄的一層;薄膜;薄霧18. go with : (顏色)與.不配19. upon my word : 我的老天!(用來表示驚訝或恐懼,現(xiàn)在用法已經(jīng)過時)20. in this age : nowadays; in todays world 在當今時代Vocabulary1. Noun suffixes: -ian , -ist, ity, -th Adjective suffixes : -al, -ed, -ist, -ous, -y, -cal 1.一件撕破的夾克 2.冰封的河流 3. 書面文件 4. 滿意的表情 5. 一個受尊敬的教授 6. 苦笑 7. 他有限的詞匯 8. 壓低的價位 9. 歸國華僑 10. 深謀遠慮的舉動 11. 破裂的家庭 12. 干果 13. 一個松花蛋 14. 發(fā)達國家 15.已經(jīng)上了鎖的門 16.被打敗的敵人(敗兵之將) 17. 導彈 18. 上述各個理由 19. 進口機器 20. 為數(shù)不多的上帝的選民 21. 一個受傷的士兵 22. 事先準備好的講話 23開水 24. 退休工人 25. 罐頭食品 26. 已經(jīng)完成的形式 27. 一位有經(jīng)驗的教師 28. 敵占區(qū) 29.在打一場已經(jīng)失敗的戰(zhàn)爭2.Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets according to the sentences pattern in bold.Example 1.She will dance so lightly that her feet will not touch the floor.1. He loved his old Kentucky home so much _that he decided to devote his whole life _to teaching in his home village after he finished school _(以至于他決定畢業(yè)以后就回去終身當鄉(xiāng)村教師)。2. The king was so corrupt and unpopular _that he soon lost his power(or was overthrown)_(以至于他很快就失去了權力)。3. China has become so powerful _that people generally agree that few major/big issue/problems can be resolved without Chinas participation_(以至于人們一般都同意沒有中國的參加,世界上沒有一個大問題能夠得到解決)。Example 2.“Why is he weeping?”asked a green Lizard,as he ran past him with his tail in the air.4. Right behind the door stood a man,_with a gun in his hand_(手上拿著槍)。5. Sima Yi was surprised to see Zhuge Liang playing a stringed musical instrument on the wall,_with a page boy standing on either side of him and a few elderly soldiers sweeping the ground outside the city gate_(兩邊各站著一個書童page boys,城門外有幾個老兵在掃地)。6. _With the roaring river in front and the enemy soldiers following closely_(前面是咆哮的河流,后面是追兵),we were in a dangerous situation.Example 3. In this age to be practical is everything.7. Right at that moment,_to keep calm_(保持鎮(zhèn)靜) was the most important thing.8. _To be a professor means_(當一個教授就是要) to know something about everything and everything about something.9. _To know a lot of names , persons and events in the past does not necessarily mean_(知道很多過去的名字、人物、事件并不意味著) to know history.3.Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.1. For , on 2. against , out 3. to , in 4. with , to 5. of , of 6. of , in spite of , on 7. of , in 8.Upon, into,(Note:upon my word 短語今天已經(jīng)不常用。今天,在口語中,人們可能會說“God!”,“My word!”,“Oh ,dear!”“Dear me!”之類。)9. in , with 10. to/ with4. 1.springing up/going up(兩者均可,前者更加生動些) 2. go about /go over (兩者均可,但前者指開始進行某項工作,后者指該計劃本身要仔細審閱一下,意思有所不同) 3Went out 4. going on 5. went off 6.goes without, go to 7. goes under , goes for 8. go into 9. going , go to , go for, go along with , went crazy 10. go with , go together5. Translate the following sentences into English.1.這是一個難得的機會。你要是讓它從身邊溜掉就太傻了。Answer:This is a wonderful opportunity .You would be foolish to let it slip by.2.我們的出口和去年相比增加了百分之二十。Answer:Compared with last year , our exports have increased by 20%.(or .are up by 20%/.have gone up by 20%)3.因為沒有更好的詞,我們就姑且稱之為“走后門主義”吧。Answer:For want of a better word , lets call it “backdoorism”.4.這個年輕人喜歡修理擺弄東西。他可以說是一個萬金油(什么都會一點的人)。Answer:This young man is fond of fixing things.He is something of a Jack of all trades.5.和他們父母一代相比,今天的年輕人認為他們自己是比較講現(xiàn)實的一代。Answer:Compared to their parents generation , young people today consider them to be a more practical generation.6.他氣得臉色發(fā)青,決定將這場抗議運動扼殺在萌芽狀態(tài)。Answer:His face went/turned blue with anger . He was determined to nip the mass protest in the bud.7.這說來話長,但是今天我不想去研究這件事情的歷史了。Answer:It is a long story , but I wont go into the history today.8.我們花了比我們想象的多得多的時間才過了海關。Answer:It took us much more time than we had expected to go through the customs. 9.燈光突然全滅了。全城一下陷入完全黑暗中。Answer:The power went out suddenly , and the whole city was thrown into complete darkness.10.別等我了,你先走。你要先把這份文件看完。Answer:Dont wait for me.You go ahead.I must go over this document.11.我們無法否認這樣的事實:我們?yōu)榻?jīng)濟發(fā)展付出了高昂的學費。Answer:We cannot deny the fact that we have paid dearly for our economic development.12.消防隊員要是晚到一會兒,火就會蔓延到附近的油罐。Answer: Had the firemen arrived a bit later , the fire would have spread to the nearby oil tanks.6.1. in 2. alone , lonely , alone3. trembling/shaking 4.shivering(We often say “shiver with cold”,but “tremble with fear”.)5.Shake(作為及物動詞,只能用shake)6.took ,first, want(這里want 是“短缺”的意思)7.At first , at last 8.Meadows,bloom9. spent, flowers(to spend time doing sth 是spend的常用動詞模式)10.cheap ,cost7. 1.他的崇拜者們(粉絲)那天晚上幾乎都發(fā)狂了。很多女孩子都昏了過去。 2.這個電影講的肯定是過去的事情,因為電影里人們還在用電扇。 3. 你不要把東西丟得到處都是。你應該更加井井有條些。 4. 球賽就是球賽。我們不應當傾向任何一方。 5.這位世界聞名的大型動物獵人在他的遺囑里把大部分積蓄都留給了一個野生動物保護組織。他只給兒子留了一點點以幫他渡過困難的歲月。 6.記?。阂粋€人被迫違心相信是不會真正信服的,所以要讓每個人自由發(fā)表他們的意見。 7.那個老人把他的拐杖靠墻放了。他的風度很像一個有錢的紳士。 8.那位秘書是一個可愛的老太太,嗓音甜美。她朝我甜美地笑了笑,請我坐下,然后叫我填一份表。 9. 我們在沙漠深處發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種無名小花,它有一股淡淡的香味,放在嘴里還有點甜。 10.農民們在蔬菜上面噴灑了殺蟲劑,結果葉子上形成了一層薄膜。Grammar1. 1. The narrator was as helpless as the boy at the bank. 2.In a bad year the soil is as hard as stone. 3.Luckily, the final exam isnt as difficult as the mid-term. 4. At the moment, your health is more important than anything else. 5.To his mind, the two cultures are as different as chalk and cheese. 6. Xiao Fang is the most creative student Ive ever known. 7.This is the most fantastic story Ive ever heard. 8.Five thousand yuan is the lowest price we can offer for this PC. 9.Jack says that Avatar is the best science fiction film hes seen in the last three years. 10. The snowstorm last week was the worst my grandmother can remember. 11.I think Dialogue on CCTV News is one of the most thought-provoking talk shows CCTV offers. 12. The Birds Nest , the Olympic Stadium in Beijing, is the most magnificent stadium Ive ever been to.2. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets,using one of the patterns given.Examples Pattern 1: all(that)+relative clause Ah,I have read all that the wise men have written.(para.3) Pattern2: everything/something/anything/nothing+that +relative clause Everything that is enjoyable and beneficial is here.1. The doctors did all(that) they could_ (醫(yī)生作了最大努力) to save the injured miners.2. Much as I respect the professor,I dont always agree with _everything he says_ (他說的一切)。3. Some parents cant say no to their children and never deny them _anything they ask for/demand_ (他們索要的任何東西)。4. In those years,(他一個星期辛勤勞動所得)_all he got from a week of hard work_was only a sack of rotten rice.5. _All that is written in his wifes letter_(他妻子信里所寫的)is one word:forgiven.6._Nothing the doctors_said_(醫(yī)生說的話沒有一句)could shake the mothers belief that though her son was physically crippled he was not mentally so.7. Well take seriously _anything you suggest_(你所提出的任何建議)。8._Something he read in a popular magazine _(他在一本通俗雜志中讀到的東西)aroused his interest in folk medicine.9. _All that can be done is /has been done _(能做到都已經(jīng)做了),but the patient has shown no sign of improvement.10._Anything the artist painted_(這位藝術家所畫的任何作品) was eagerly sought after.11. Each human being is born as something new_something that never existed before_(一種以前不存在的東西)。12.When the patient was taken to hospital, it was too late and there was _nothing the doctors could do_(醫(yī)生已經(jīng)無能為力了)。3.1.through 2. over 3. like 4. As, like 5.through 6.Over/In/During 7.through 8.over 9. from, without,around/in, As, with, with, to/with4.much (2) kind (3) doing (4) called (5) fought (6)become (7)good (8) others (9)himself (10) then5.Identify and correct the mistake(s) in each of the sentences.1. Something which a witness said during the trial has been bothering me.Answer: Something (that) a witness said during the trial has been bothering me.2. Many parents mistakenly believe that the more toys children have, they will be the more creative.Answer: Many parents mistakenly believe that the more toys children have, the more creative they will be.3. A house without a book is as room without a window.Answer: A house without a book is like a room without a window.4. He was very glad to see his old friend that tears ran down his face.Answer: He was so glad to see his old friend that tears ran down his face.5. People believe that tomorrows car will be bigger,faster,and more comfortable as before.Answer: People believe that tomorrows car will be bigger,faster,and more comfortable than before.6. Both on land and sea , helicopters have rescued many people.Answer: Both on land and at sea , helicopters have rescued many people.7. Jim is intelligent , but not as hardworking like his sister.Answer: Jim is intelligent , but not as hardworking as his sister.8. The most humorous person whom Ive ever met is my teacher of Chinese.Answer: The most humorous person (that) Ive ever met is my teacher of Chinese.9. I dont believe an old man of 80 could be so strong to knock down a door.Answer: I dont believe an old man of 80 could be so strong as to knock down a door.10. All those that the people want are lasting peace and social progress.Answer: All that the people want are lasting peace and social progress.Unit8Preview1. 1.C 2.C 3. D 4.B 5.A3. Translate the following expressions into Chinese.1.給她一頂帳篷 2.給他遞了一件軍外套3.給我們唱首歌 4.希望你一路順風/旅途愉快5.給我自己找了個丈夫 6.給我們送個包裹7.給他提供一個工作 8.給我買本書9.給你看張畫/照片 10.主動給你提供一個機會/條件/價位等11.告訴你實話 12.給他們一個教訓13.賣給我一輛車 14.給我?guī)澄飦?5.把糖遞給我 16.助我一臂之力17.給我們樹了一個榜樣 18.給你做頓飯19.給你弄些現(xiàn)款Vocabulary1.1. Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs. 1.discovery 2. addition 3.display 4.determination 5.entertainment 6.renewal 7.treatment 8.intrigue 9. dependence 10.amazement 11.consideration 12.reliance 13.supposition 14.addiction 15.acceleration 16.schedule2. Translate the following expressions paying attention to the different use of the suffix “-tive”.1.積極的支持 2.一個富有想象力的主意3.積極正面的效果 4.一張表情豐富的臉5.在一種相對的意義上 6.一種被動的態(tài)度7.一個給人深刻印象的展示 8.一項比較研究9.一項保守的政策 10.一位進步的學者11.一個引人注目的年輕姑娘 12.生產(chǎn)力13.一個非常敏感的人 14.一門選修課15.一觸即發(fā)的形勢3.Give the word that refers to a person coming from that land or area.1.Japanese 2.Italian3. Brazilian 4. Iranian5. Cantonese 6. Indonesian7. Cuban 8. Vietnamese9. Lebanese 10.Syrian11. Canadian 12. Korean13.Egyptian 14.Portuguese15.Indian 16.Nepalese17.Chilean 18. Russian19. Mexican 20.Romanian21. Sudanese 22. Mongolian4.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word “addict” or “consider”.1.addicts 2.addictive ,addicted3.addiction 4. consider, consideration5.considerate 6. Considerable, considered2. 1. pitch 2. meal/dish/food 3.guests/friends 4.take/plan 5. rouse 6. faith/library books/friendship 7.hitch 8. drive/travel/cover 9. people 10.people/animal 11. test/develop/prove 12.conquer/feel 13.make/take/accept 14. nip 15.touch/break3.1.that all nations realize that global warming is everybodys business 2.that life is always full of opportunities and challenges/risks 3.that all this has proved that our efforts have not been in vain 4.that the earth moves round the sun 5.that she had been admitted to that university 6.that wives ought to stay at home 7.that the best policy is to tell people the truth 8.that he mentioned the other day that 9. that our teacher once said that he had noticed that some students still had difficulties with their grammar4.1. Thieves, drug addicts , rapists , and murderers are often found lurking at night in Central Park. 2. The young man was left stranded in the desert. 3.Can the goodwill of our fellow countrymen still be depended on? 4.Wherever he went he was treated with kindness. 5. He was told by the driver that he had been once robbed by a hitchhiker at knifepoint. 6.Probably the tent was considered the most valuable possession in that shabby house. 7. His faith in people was renewed by his experience during this trip. 8. Government officials are supposed to be honest and hardworking.5.1. for 2. into 3.after 4. away, over 5. out of 6. out , into 7. to , in 8. over , out for , for 9. to, about, on, across6. 1. The fuel/gas ran out, but he managed to make a safe landing in rice fields. 2. There are already quite a few students who are considering running for the chairman of the Students Union. 3.That student who was run over by the house carriage is now out of danger. I consider him really lucky. 4. It is said that this well has never run dry in the past hundreds of years, and this has been considered a miracle. 5.We are running short of hands. You have just come in the right time. 6.Id rather have some of our public works run by the state than by private businessmen. 7. She warned me not to make friends with those who are always running after name and money. 8.We warned them that what they did was against/a violation of the agreement/contract, and we would take legal action.7. 1. remember/memorize 2.remember/recall 3.remember/recall 4. remember ,special 5.middle 6.center 7. however ,visits 8.special , trip 9.particular , tour 10.found , found outGrammar1.1.Walking along the canal, you will find new houses have sprung up on both side. 2.The young fans rushed to see their favorite star, shouting his name. 3.Seeing that Jim was hard at work, the manager changed her mind and left quietly. 4.The pop star stood on the balcony of his hotel room, waving to his fans. 5.Being the eldest of five children, Ted dropped out of high school to help support his family.6.The boy sat at his computer for an hour, downloading some music off the Internet.7.The man traveled from coast to coast without money , relying entirely on the kindness of strangers.8.Realizing they belonged to different worlds, the two of them decided to go their separate ways.9. On her first night at college, Laura lay awake, thinking about the four years ahead.10. The journalist listened to the speeches at the debate, wondering whether any agreement would be reached at the conference.2. 1. What farmers want most 2. what they suggested 3. what my parents said to me 4. what they were trying to me 5.what life was all about 6.what they should get out of college 7. what we need 8.what you look like 9.what the village had achieved in the past 30 years 10.What the federal government should not to do at the moment3. 1. Do what you like without caring about what other people think.(what-clause as object) 2.We should find out what the students think about the matter. (what-clause as object) 3.Well do what we can to help the earthquake victims. (what-clause as object) 4. I hope what I have written will be of help to other college students. (what-clause as subject) 5.Being journalism majors, we ought to keep ourselves informed of what is happening around the world.(present participle phrase as adverbial of reason , what-clause as object) 6. “Stop thief!” a student called, raising his voice.(present participle phrase describing simultaneous events) 7.Having nothing more interesting to do , the boy decided to take his alarm clock apart.(present participle phrase as adverbial of reason) 8.Wang Lan opened the wardrobe , wondering what she should wear to the interview the next day.( present participle phrase describing simultaneous events) 9. The village head went from door to door telling people to leave for a nearby hill.( present participle phrase describing simultaneous events) 10. Realizing hed been deceived, the old man reported the painful experience to the police.( present participle phrase as adverbial of reason)4. (1) easy (2)away (3)them (4)running (5)However (6)change (7) exercise (8)can (9)anyone (10) that5. 1.Shortly after the Spring Festival, he returned to Beijing to prepare for a job interview. 2. I dont like the way some young people speak to their elders/people older than themselves. 3.It was in high school that Tommy first/for the first time realized he was different from his peers. 4.Turning the corner of the street, we found a new duck restaurant there./As we turned the corner of the street , a new duck restaurant came into view. 5.What they need most at the moment is encouragement ,not merely financial support. 6.Making a presentation in English for the first time, I was so nervous that my knees kept shaking./When I was making a presentation in English for the first time, I was so nervous that my knees kept shaking. 7.Being a spoiled child , Jim is rarely popular with other children. 8.While training for the school sports meet, Linda ran at least five kilometers every day. 9.He wrote to inform us that he was leaving for India next Friday. 10.Knowing Grandma had heart trouble, Dad broke the bad news gently./As he knew Grandma had heart trouble, Dad broke the bad news gently.Unit 10Preview1. 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. BVocabulary1. 1.Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs.1. improvement 2. en


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