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.可編輯修改,可打印別找了你想要的都有! 精品教育資料全冊教案,試卷,教學課件,教學設(shè)計等一站式服務(wù)全力滿足教學需求,真實規(guī)劃教學環(huán)節(jié)最新全面教學資源,打造完美教學模式Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces?Section A任務(wù)一:I 1 聽錄音補全下面的答句。1. How does Kangkang look?He looks _.2. Why does Kangkang look excited?Because his parents want to _ Janes parents _ _ to the movies.3. Is Jane fond of the movie The Sound of Music?Yes, it is _ _ her favorite movies.4. What are Jane and Kangkang going to do on Saturday evening? They will _ the evening at Kangkangs _.5. What will Kangkangs mom do?She will _ some delicious food _them.II. 讀課文,翻譯短語并完成解析。1. “How are you doing?” 的意思是_, 這是一個問候語,與之類似的還有How are you?/ How is it going? /How are you getting along?,回答此類問候,常用:fine/ very well, + thank you/thanks. 2. “ invite your parents to go to the movies”意思是_, 我們可以總結(jié)“邀請某人做某事”,句型為_. 例:Sally 昨天邀請我參加她的生日聚會。_。3. “spend the evening at my house.” 意思是_。Spend 當花費講,句型為_ 或_。4. “prepare some delicious food for us” 意思是_。我們可以總結(jié)“為準備”,句型為:_?!盀樽鰷蕚洹笔莀。和我們之前學過的句型_意思相同。例:他們正在為考試做準備。_或 _。5. “say thanks to your mom.” 意思是_。我們可以總結(jié)“向某人道謝”句型為_。擴展一下:向某人道歉、道別、打招呼分別為say _/_/_ to sb. 6. “You look excited.” 意思是_。句中的excited 是 _(形容詞/副詞)修飾句中的_(you/ look)。這一句也可以改寫成 “You are excited.” 意思與原句基本相同。那么我們發(fā)現(xiàn)原句中的look 和be動詞起到的作用一樣,都是用來說明主語的。are excited 這種用來說明主語的結(jié)構(gòu),叫做“系表結(jié)構(gòu)”,那么同樣look excited 也是系表結(jié)構(gòu),其中l(wèi)ook 做句中的_語。與之類似的表達如:The music sounds wonderful. The sweater feels soft.Kangkang looks tired.The food tastes delicious.The milk smalls sour.通過觀察我們發(fā)現(xiàn),以上例句中的動詞都與人的感官有關(guān),我們把這些動詞叫做感官動詞。我們可以得出結(jié)論:感官動詞在句中可以做_語,后面常加_(形容詞/副詞)做表語。表達看起來、聽起來、摸起來、聞起來、嘗起來的意思。例:你的注意聽起來很棒!_走了很長一段路后,我感覺很累。_這個魚吃起來很美味。_Alice 看起來很傷心,因為她的寵物狗死了。_這些花聞起來很香。_III 2,根據(jù)圖片,選擇正確的形容詞,用系表結(jié)構(gòu)描述圖片。任務(wù)二:I 3. 聽錄音,補全下面的句子。1. Micheal and his friends _ very happy this morning.2. Their parents are going to the _ _, And they are going to _ the evening at Kangkangs _.3. Their parents are _. Because there was _ left when Mr. Lee went to buy a ticket. Mr. lee _ disappointed.II. 讀對話,完成下面的解析。1. “Why all the smiling faces?” 意思是_。這是一個省略句,全局應為:Why do all of you have the smiling faces? ,也可以改寫為同義句: Why _ everyone _?2. “but there was none left.” 意思是_。None 的意思是_。與all相對,是指三個以及三個以上人或事物中沒有一個。如果是兩個人或事物中沒有一個則用neither, neither 與both相對。例:咖啡、水、果汁,你最喜歡哪一個? Which do you like best, coffee, water or juice?哪一個也不喜歡,我只喜歡茶。 _. _None 還常與介詞of 連用,表示中沒有一個。例:None of us is afraid of difficulties.我們班學生中沒有一個會唱英語歌。_。句中l(wèi)eft 意思是_, 常用語名詞或不定代詞的后面。例:Theres no ticket left. 他還剩有大把的錢。 _任務(wù)三:1I。3b,看圖,用所給出的詞練習對話。任務(wù)四:學習方框中的形容詞,并選擇正確的詞補全短文。任務(wù)五:總結(jié)本課出現(xiàn)的重點詞組和句型。1.你最近怎樣?2. 邀請某人做某事3. 花費做某事4. 為.做準備5. 向道謝6. 沒有剩下的7. 太遺憾了Section B任務(wù)一:I 1 聽錄音補全下面的答句。1. How does Mr. Lee look?He looks a little _.2. Why is Mr. Lee unhappy?He _ disappointed because he couldnt get a ticket _ The Sound of Music.3. What does Jane think of the movie?She thinks its very _.4. What does Maria think of the opera Cats?She thinks its so _ and interesting.5. What does Kangkang think of the opera?He thinks its _.6. What does Kangkang think the movie, Love Me Once More?He thinks its so _.II. 讀對話,完成下面的解析。1. “He seems a little unhappy.” 意思是_. 這一句中的seem意思是_, 通過觀察我們發(fā)現(xiàn)seem 在句中也是用來做_語,后面加_ 詞做_語。例:你爸爸似乎生氣了。 _. Seem 后除了可以加形容詞以外,還可以加動詞不定式構(gòu)成:seem to do sth. 的句型,意思是似乎要做某事。例:The weather seems to rain. 也可以加that從句,構(gòu)成It seems that 的句型。例:It seems that he is quite happy. 除了之前我們所講的感官動詞可以用來做系語以外,還有一些其他的詞也可以用來做系語如:seem (似乎) get (變,常指溫度等緩慢、逐漸的變化) The weather gets warmer in spring.go (變,指進入某種狀態(tài)) Fish soon goes bad in hot weather.become(變,指從一種狀態(tài)變?yōu)榱硪环N狀態(tài))My father became angry when I lied to him.turn(變,常指顏色的變化)Leaves turn green in spring.2. “a ticket to The Sound of Music”意思是_. 通常我們用of來表示“的.”,但有時也用to 來表示,除了“的票”以外,還有“的鑰匙”_和“的答案”_。任務(wù)二,2.仿照例句,看圖,用所給出的短語,寫一個句子來描述圖片。并完成下面的解析。我們已經(jīng)知道,在系動詞后面常加_詞來做表語,而很多的形容詞是由名詞和動詞變化而來的,這時我們要注意他們的一些變化規(guī)則。名詞變形容詞,通常是在名詞的詞尾加y,如:sun-_, cloud-_, wind-_, rain -_, snow-_, fog-_, fun-_, noise-_, health-_, luck-_. 有個別名詞變形容詞加ly,如:friend-_, love-_, day-_.動詞變形容詞,可以在詞尾加ful如:use-_, care-_, help-_。通常是用動詞的過去分詞(-ed),如:please-_, excite-_, interest-_, relax-_, surprise-_, tire-_, bore-_, worry-_, pride -_. 這些形容詞通常用來修飾_(人/物)。或者是加ing 構(gòu)成形容詞,如excite-_, interest-_, relax-_,surprise-_, tire-_, bore-_worry-_這些形容詞通常用來修飾_(人/物).練習:用所給詞的正確形式填空。 1. It rained heavily yesterday. But this morning it became _(sun). 2. This story is so _(fun) and _(interest) that I read it again and again. 3. Lucy seemed _(worry). Whats wrong with her? 4. Michael felt _(surprise) and happy when he knew he got a full score in the exam. 5. We are _(pride) of Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian. 6. Our teacher is _(pleased) with our grades.任務(wù)三:3a,讀對話完成3b的表格,并完成下面的解析。1. “Are you setting the table for you friends?”意思是_, 短語“擺桌子”表達為_。2. “Michael isnt able t come.”意思是_, 短語“be able to do sth.”意思是_, 通常也可以用情態(tài)動詞_ +動詞原形來表達。那么原句也可以改寫為_。需注意的是“can+動詞原形”不能用于一般將來時,而“be able to do” 則可以。3. “He has a temperature.”意思是_, 也可以表達為_。4. “I hope everything goes well.” 意思是_, goes well 意思是_, 例:學校運動會開得很順利。_5. “Ill ring up Michael later.” 意思是_, ring up 意思是_, 給某人打電話也可以說:_/_ sb. 需要注意的是,如果ring up 加代詞作賓語,則要放在ring up 的_(中間/后面)。如:I rang you up yesterday. 任務(wù)四:4. 聽錄音,用正確的形容詞補全下面的句子。任務(wù)五:總結(jié)本課出現(xiàn)的重點詞組和句型。1. 似乎要做某事2. 一張的票3. 為而驕傲4. 對感到高興/滿意5. 擺桌子6. 能夠做某事7. 發(fā)燒8.一切進展順利9.給某人打電話10. 為感到難過Section C任務(wù)一:I 1a,看海報回答文前的三個問題。II讀課文,回答下面的問題,并完成解析。1. What is the story about?_2. What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for?_3. How did the family feel after Mrs. Von Trapp died?_4. What did the children do everyday and how did the father feel?_5. Why did the father often become angry?_6. How did Maria cheer up the children?_7. How did the father feel at first?_8. How did the father feel when he saw the smiling faces of his children?_解析:1. “When and where will the movie be shown?” 意思是_, 其中 be shown 意思是_。例:這部電影將會在下周日上映。_。2. “How much does a ticket cost?” 意思是_. Cost 意思是_,它的主語是_(人/物), 只能表示花錢。句型是 sth. cost sb. ., 例:這臺電腦花了我4000元。_. 其他表示花費的詞分別是:spend, 主語是_, 可以花_或_, 句型是:_或_。pay,主語是_, 只能花_, 句型是_。take,主語是_, 只能花_, 句型是_。3. “care for seven children.” 意思是_. Care for 意思是 _, 與之意思相近的表達有_ 和_.4. “The father was lonely” 意思是_. lonely 意思是_, 是一個形容詞,通常用來修飾人,做_語。 例:他感覺很孤獨,因為他沒有朋友。 _。alone 與lonely 詞形相近,但alone 是一個副詞,意思是獨自=by oneself,通常用來修飾動詞。如:He lives in the forest alone.5. “because of the noisy children” 意思是 _。Because of 意思是_. 我們注意到,在這個句子中because 后面加了介詞_。而我們之前because 的用法是不加的,例如:He didnt go to school, because he was ill. 那么為什么文中的because 后面要加of呢,加與不加有什么區(qū)別呢?請你試著通過這兩個句子來分析一下。答:because后面加_, because of后面加_。這與我們以前所學be sure 后面加_, 而be sure of 后面加_是一樣的。6. “Maria taught the children to sing lively songs” 意思是_, 我們可以總結(jié)句型“教某人做某事”為_. 例:你可以教我跳舞么?_。 句中的lively 意思是_, 是一個_詞,修飾人或者事物都可以。例如:She is a lively girl.7. “to cheer them up.”意思是_. Cheer sb up. 意思是_.在上學期我們學過cheer sb. up,意思是_。8. “the smiling faces of his children pleased him” 意思是_, 句中please 用做行為動詞,意思是_, 例:他的話讓我高興。_. Please 的過去分詞形式pleased常用與動詞的后面做表語,構(gòu)成句型be pleased with 意思是_, 或be pleased to do sth. 意思是_。例:老板對我的工作感到很滿意。_. 我很樂意和你聊天。_. 9. “What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for?” 意思是_, 句型:What for?意思是 _, 等于疑問詞_。例:What did Kangkang go to the teachers office for? = _ did Kangkang go to the teachers office?任務(wù)二:2 I 選擇方框中所給的形容詞補全電影介紹,并完成下面的解析。1. “Jack and Rose fell into the sea”意思是_, fall (過去式fell) into 意思是_. 介詞into 意思是_, 其他帶有into 的短語有:get into _, change into _, break into _。2. “they were afraid of losing each other.” 意思是_. Be afraid of 意思是_, 后面加名詞或動名詞。例如:她害怕在晚上外出。_.3. “in the end” 意思是_, 與之意思相同的詞為_, 短語為_。反義短語為:_。4. “the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere.” 意思是_, 這一句可總結(jié)為句型:_, 意思是_, 例如:I am so tired that I cant walk any longer.如果that 后面加了一個否定句,那么這個句型也可以改寫為“too to do “的句型。那么上面的例句也可以改寫為_. 有時候也可以改寫為”not enough to do “的句型。如:He is so young that he cant go to school. 可以改寫為,He is not _ _ to go to school.“She was very sad and went mad.” 意思是_, 短語,go mad 意思是_. 例如:我們擔心她可能會失去理智。_.任務(wù)三:總結(jié)本課重點詞組和句型。1.上映2.一張票多少錢?3.照顧4.由于;因為5.教某人做某事6.使某人高興、振作起來7.很樂意做某事為了什么?掉進害怕最后、最終最初;起初如此以至于發(fā)瘋;發(fā)狂Section D任務(wù)一:I 1a,1b,讀課文,判斷下面句子正(T)誤(F),并解釋原因。1. Beijing Opera has a history of 250 years. ( )_2. There are only four roles in Beijing Opera. ( )_3. People love Beijing Opera because of the famous stories. ( )_4. Beijing opera is popular with people of all ages all the time. ( )_II 在讀一遍課文,完成下面的解析。1. “It came into being after 1790” 意思是_, 句中短語come into being 意思是 _. 例:這種風俗在很早以前就形成了。This custom _ long ago.2. “Beijing Opera is full of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fighting.” 意思是_, 句中短語be full of 意思是_, 例:在五一節(jié),商場里面擠滿了人。On May Day holiday, the supermarket _.3. “Beijing Opera used to be popular with old people, while young people didnt like it very much.” 意思是_. 句中短語be popular with 意思是_, 例:搖滾樂不受老年人歡迎。The rock music _。句中while的意思是_, 用來表示對比,例:Sally 喜歡戶外活動,而Maria 卻喜歡呆在家里。_.4. “are becoming interested in it nowadays.” 意思是_, 句中become interested in 意思是_. 例:在看過音樂之聲后,我對唱英語歌產(chǎn)生了興趣。I became _after seeing The Sound Of Music. 句中nowadays 意思是_, 是一個_詞,用于句尾或句首(用逗號隔開), 例:如今幾乎沒有人寫信了。Few people _.任務(wù)二:1c,聽錄音補全短文,并完成解析。1. “then they find a way to make peace with each other.” 意思是_,句中短語make peace with 意思是_, 例:他正計劃著和他的父母和解。He is planning _ his parents.2. “The stories usually end with happiness.” 意思是_, 句中短語end with 意思是_, 我們上個學期學過“以開始”表達為_, 例:他的生日聚會以一首歌開始,以歡樂結(jié)束。His birthday party began _and _. 任務(wù)三,2. I看圖回答問題。Picture 1. How did he feel to be in Beijing? _How did he go to the hotel? _Picture 2. What happened when he reached the hotel? _How did he become after he looked for his ID card everywhere? _Picture 3. Who came back and give him his ID card? _How did he feel when he got his ID card back? _Picture 4. What did he do in the end? _How was he in the end? _II根據(jù)以上問題及答案,寫一篇短文來講述這個故事。 _任務(wù)四:總結(jié)本課出現(xiàn)的重點短語和句型。1.誕生;形成2.充滿了3.受的歡迎4.對產(chǎn)生興趣5.與某人和解6.以結(jié)尾7.以開始Topic 2 I feel better nowSection A任務(wù)一:I 1a,聽錄音補全下面的短文。Helen is w_ about Li Hong. She is so u_ , and she is crying because she did b_ in the English exam. She is very s_ with herself. She is n_ here. She is quiet and s_. She feels very l_ because she has no f_ to talk with. So she feels s_. Miss Wang thinks she should have to talk with her.II. 讀對話,完成下面的解析。1. “Anything wrong?” 意思是_, 這一句省略了there be, 全句應該是_.2. “What seems to be the problem?” 意思是_, 句中短語seem to be 意思是_, 例:這道題對你來說似乎太難了。This problem _ for you.3. “because she did badly in the English exam.” 意思是_, 句中短語do badly in sth./doing sth. 意思是_, 例:他期末考試表現(xiàn)很糟。_ the final exams.4. “She is very strict with herself.” 意思是_, 句中短語be strict with sb. 意思是_. 如果要表達對某事要求嚴格,則應當用be strict about sth. 例:我的父親對我的學習要求很嚴格。My father _me _ my study. 5. “because she has no friends to talk with.” 意思是_, 句中friends to talk with 意思是_, 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)這一句中to talk with 起到了修飾friends 的作用,這種用法叫動詞不定式做后置定語。例:在春節(jié)前有許多的新電影可以看。Therere lots of new movies _ before the Spring Festival. 這里我們需要注意的是,如果這個動詞是動詞+介詞構(gòu)成的短語,則介詞一般不可省略。例:他沒有可以住的房間了。He has no _. 而如果被修飾的名詞是place 或space 則介詞也??梢允÷浴@篢he peoples park is a good place to have fun (in). 6. “I should have a talk with her.” 意思是_, 句中短語have a talk with sb. 意思是_.7. “Im really worried about her.” 意思是_, 句中短語be worried about 意思是_. 例:你擔心即將到來的考試么?_ you _ _ the coming exam?任務(wù)二: 2 仿照例句,根據(jù)圖片,用方框中給出的詞和句型寫句子來描述圖片。任務(wù)三:3 聽錄音,補全Helen寫給Li Hong 的電子卡片。并完成下面的解析。1. “take it easy” 意思是_, 常用來勸解他人不要因為某事而緊張、心神不寧或過于興奮。例:上臺的時候不要緊張。_when you are on the stage.2. “Try to talk to others,” 意思是_, 句中try to do sth. 意思是_, 句中talk to sb. 意思是_, 其中介詞to 也可以換成_。而talk about 的意思是_.任務(wù)四:總結(jié)本課出現(xiàn)的重點詞組和句型。1.有什么麻煩么?2.似乎是3.在某事上表現(xiàn)很糟4.對某人要求嚴格5.對某事要求嚴格6.和某人談一談7.為擔心8.不著急、別緊張、放輕松9.嘗試做某事10.和某人交談Section B任務(wù)一:I 1a,聽錄音完成下面的表格,并回答下面的問題。Name.FeelingReasonSuggestions Li Hong_ the English exam_ to someone about it1. Who can she talk to and make friends with?_2. Why?Because she is _, She always tells _ to Li Hong and makes her _ . She seems _ _ Li Hong.3. How does Li Hong feel now?She is feeling _ now.II 讀對話,完成下面的解析。1. “because I failed the English exam.” 意思是_, fail +n./ to do 意思是_. 例:1. 他沒有通過駕照考試。He _ his driving test. 2. 醫(yī)生們沒能拯救這個女孩的生命。Doctors _ _ _ the girls life.2. “Everyone gets these feelings at your age.” 意思是_, 句中at your age 意思是_. 例:在你(們)這個年齡,我的吉他已經(jīng)彈的很好了。I played the guitar _.3. “Who do you want to make friends with?” 意思是_. 句中make friends with sb. 意思是_. 例:我想和Helen交朋友。_.4. “She always tells me jokes” 意思是_. 句中短語tell sb. jokes 意思是_. 如果要說“講一個笑話”,表達為_.需要注意的是play a joke 意思是開玩笑,如果要說“同某人開玩笑”,其表達為play a joke/jokes on sb. 例:1. 他很擅長講笑話。_. 2. 別和我開玩笑。_. 同時joke 還可以當動詞,意思是說笑,或者開玩笑。例:I was just joking. 我只是在開玩笑。5. “There, there! Itll be OK.” 意思是_, 句中There, there! 意思是_.任務(wù)二:I,2a, 讀課文,完成下面的解析。1. “ They may have unhappy feelings after some bad experiences.” 意思是_, 句中的experiences 意思是_. 需要注意的是experience 當經(jīng)歷講時時可數(shù)名詞,當經(jīng)驗講時是不可數(shù)名詞。例:1. 我從過去的經(jīng)歷總學到很多。I learned a lot from the _ in the past. 2. 她沒有教學的經(jīng)驗。She has no _ in teaching.2. “but I dont know how to stop these unhappy feelings.” 意思是_, 句中 how to stop 意思是_, 這是_+_ 的結(jié)構(gòu),這一結(jié)構(gòu)常用來做動詞的賓語。例:你能告訴我怎么去醫(yī)院嗎?Could you tell me _ _ _ to the hospital?3. “Its normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us.” 意思是_, 句型Its normal to do sth. 意思是:_, 例:在長途旅行之后感覺累是正常的。_ tired after a long trip.句中something bad 意思是_, 在這一句中bad 修飾something 放在something 的_. 規(guī)則:形容詞修飾復合不定代詞要放在他們的后面。句中happen to sb. 意思是_. 注意happen 的主語必須是事情。例:他昨天出車禍了。A traffic accident _ _ him yesterday.4. 在文中出現(xiàn)了很多”Its to do” 的句型,該句型的意思往往是_.例:1. 向你的兒子道歉是沒關(guān)系的。_2. 在夏天出去是很


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