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高中英語必修2(外研版)Unit 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 知識點總結一、重點詞匯  詞義辨析:injure/hurt/wound/cut    四者都可以指“傷害、傷痛”。 意義 injure指損害健康、成就、容貌等,強調功能的損失。 hurt既可指肉體上的傷害,也可指精神上的傷害。 wound指槍傷、刀傷、刺傷等皮肉之傷,是出血的、嚴重的傷,特指戰(zhàn)場上的受傷。 cut無意中造成的輕傷。    Drinking can injure one's health.   喝酒對人的健康有害。  I'm sorry I hurt you; I didn't mean to.  對不起,我弄傷了你;我不是故意的。  The robber wounded him with a knife.  那個強盜用刀刺傷了他。  How did you get that cut on your hand?  你手上的傷口是怎么弄的?  詞義辨析:normal/common/general/ordinary    這四個詞都有“普通的”、“常見的”意思。其區(qū)別是: normal強調人或物“符合常態(tài)或常規(guī)”。 common強調許多事物具有某種共同點而“不足為奇”。 general側重“普遍”之意,普遍于大多數(shù)人或事物中。 ordinary與一般事物的性質標準相同,強調“平?!倍鵁o奇特之處。    It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip.  長途旅行后感到累是很正常的。  His name was Hansen, a common name in Norway.    他的名字叫漢森,在挪威是一個常見的名字。  As a general rule, prices follow demands.  一般而言,物價隨需求而變化。  Now electrical appliances have entered into ordinary families.  現(xiàn)在,家用電器已經(jīng)步入普通家庭。  diet n.飲食;節(jié)食    1. a healthy/balanced diet:健康的/均衡的飲食  2. go/be on a diet:用規(guī)定食譜;節(jié)食  You don't have to go on a diet to lose weight.  你不需要靠節(jié)食來減肥。  anxious adj. 焦慮的;渴望的    1. be anxious about sth.:為擔心,憂慮  2. be anxious for sth.:渴望  3. be anxious to do sth.:急于,渴望做某事  I am anxious about the parcel because it hasn't arrived.      我對這包裹很擔心,因為它還沒到。  The whole country was anxious for peace.  全國上下都渴望和平。  She was anxious to finish school and get a job.  她渴望畢業(yè)找一份工作。  be crazy about:迷戀    He's still crazy about both his work and his hobbies.    他對工作和個人愛好依然保持狂熱。  begin with:以開始    The teacher began his class with a question.  老師以一個問題開始他的講課。  be/get injured:受傷    He got injured through his own carelessness.   他由于粗心受傷了。  breathe in/out:吸入/呼出    In large cities people breathe in dangerous gases from cars and chimneys.  在大城市人們呼吸時吸入汽車和煙囪排出的有害氣體。  一詞多義:fit adj. 健康的,強壯的;合適的 v.適合,適應    Mr. Smith needs more exercises to keep fit.(keep fit:保持健康)  史密斯先生需要更多的鍛煉以保持身體健康。  He's been ill and isn't fit for work yet. (be fit for:適合)  他一直在生病,尚不能工作。  This new jacket fits her well.   這件夾克很合她的身。  一詞多義:head n. 頭部;頭腦 v. 朝前進;前往    The ship came about and headed for the shore.  輪船調轉般向朝海岸駛去。  拓展:  英語中有些名詞可轉化為動詞,如:  eye  n. 眼睛 v.(用眼睛看)注視;端詳  face  n. 臉  v. 面對  picture n. 照片,影片  v. 畫;拍照  dress  n. 禮服  v.打扮,穿衣  閱讀必備詞匯    rare  adj. 稀少的;罕有的  rarely  adv. 罕有地  wealthy  adj. 富裕的   overweight  adj. 太胖的;超重的   symptom  n. 癥狀  insurance  n. 保險   questionnaire  n. 問卷調查     awful   adj. 糟糕的;可怕的;充滿敬畏的  become ill 生病  have a temperature 發(fā)燒  putinto 將投入/放入  take exercise 鍛煉  lie down 躺下二、重點句型  So as you can see from what Ive said, Im a normal kind of person.    解析:本句的主干是“Im a normal kind of person”;“as you can see from what Ive said”是由as引導的一個定語從句;what引導的是from的賓語從句。  翻譯:因此,正如你能從我所說的看到的一樣,我只是一個普通人。  拓展:as引導的定語從句在寫作中應用相當廣泛,常見的結構有:“as is known to all”; “as we all know”意思都是“眾所周知”。  Because of this, I make sure that I have a good diet, and as Ive said,this isnt a problem because my mother feeds us so well.    解析:本句的主干是“I make sure that and this isnt a problem”,由and連接一個并列句。 “that I have a good diet” 是make sure的賓語從句,“Because of this”是一個介詞結構,表示原因; “as Ive said”是一個定語從句,修飾“this isn't a problem”;because引導的是一個原因狀語從句。  翻譯:因此,我得確保合理膳食;而且正如我前面所說,合理膳食并不是一個問題,因為我母親把我們照顧得很好。  Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for the by the government.    解析:本句的主干是“Britain was the first country in the world”;“to have a free health care system”是動詞不定式結構作定語,修飾前面的country;“paid for the by the government”是過去分詞結構作定語,修飾前面的system。  翻譯:英國是世界上第一個擁有免費醫(yī)療系統(tǒng)的國家,整個醫(yī)療體系都是由政府資助的。  拓展:非謂語作定語在寫作中應用相當廣泛,有時簡單的定語從句可以考慮使用非謂語來代替,這樣  可以使語言簡練地道,例如:  The boy whose name is Tom is popular with his classmates.  The boy named Tom is popular with his classmates.  They see doctors who work for themselves and pay the doctors through the health   insurance company.    解析:本句的主干是“They see doctors and pay the doctors”;who引導的是一個定語從句,修飾前面的doctors;through引導的是一個介詞結構,表示方式。  翻譯:他們看自己的專屬醫(yī)生,并通過醫(yī)療保險公司進行支付。三、重點語法  詞的轉化-名詞用作動詞    含義:  詞的轉化(conversion)是英語構詞法中的主要方法之一。它指的是一個詞不改變詞形,而由一種詞類  轉化成另一種或幾種詞類。本模塊學習名詞轉化為動詞的用法。名詞轉化為動詞是現(xiàn)代英語中很普遍的  現(xiàn)象,同時也是轉化構詞中最活躍的一種。人們經(jīng)常把名詞不加任何改變就當作動詞使用。  用法:  很多表示物件(如下1)、身體部位(如下2)、某類人(如下3)的名詞可以用作動詞來表示動作,某些抽象名詞(如下4)也可作動詞。例如:  1. Did you book a seat on the plane?  你訂好飛機座位了嗎?  2. We set sail at dawn and headed for New York.  我們在黎明起程,直駛紐約。  3. She nursed her husband back to health.  她看護丈夫,使他恢復了健康。  4. We lunched together.  我們在一起吃了午餐。  體會更多名詞用作動詞的例子,看你能準確地理解名詞動詞化后的詞意嗎?  1. He's always bossing his wife about.  2. The escaped prisoner was cornered at last.  3. Stop mothering her, shes 30 years old and can take care of herself perfectly well.  4. People were streaming out of the station.  5. I did not like the way he eyed me.  6.  Mr. Smith noons for half an hour every day.  7. He doesn't have all ideas of his own. He just parrots what other people say.  答案揭曉:  1. boss around 頤指氣使;把呼來喚去  2. corner 將逼入困境  3. mother 像母親一般地照料  4. stream 涌出;川流不息;蜂擁  5. eye 看;定睛地看  6. noon 午休  7. parrot 學舌;盲目重復或模仿  除了名詞轉化為動詞外,還有副詞,連詞等轉化為動詞,動詞轉化為名詞,形容詞副詞等轉化  為名詞。如:  We downed our coffee and left.  我們喝完咖啡就離開了。(down 常為副詞,意為“向下”,這里作動詞,意為“喝下”)  The old in our village are living a happy life.  我們村的老年人過著幸福的生活。(old常作形容詞,這里作名詞,the old 意為“老人”)  Let's go out for a walk.  我們到外面去散散步吧。(walk常作動詞,這里用作名詞,意為“散步”)  We will try our best to better our living conditions.  我們要盡力改善我們的生活狀況。(better常作形容詞,這里作動詞,意為“改善”)  will與be going to    本單元學習will和be going to表示“將要”。 willbe going to表將要臨時決定提前計劃,安排,打算表示推測,揣想依據(jù)直覺、經(jīng)驗或知識等依據(jù)觀察到的跡象、證據(jù)等  表示“將要”  1. -“Kate is in hospital.”      -“Oh, really, I didn't know. I will go and see her at once.”(臨時決定去看Kate)。  2. -“Kate is in hospital.”     -“Yes, I know. I am going to see her this afternoon.”(提前已打算好去看Kate)  拓展:  1. 推測,揣想:  I think it will be rainy tomorrow.  我認為明天有雨。  Look at the clouds; its going to rain.  看看這些云,又要下雨了。  2. 在“主將從現(xiàn)”中,一般用will,而不用be going to。例如:  I wont go if he doesn't come.  他不來,我就不去。高中英語必修2(外研版)Unit 2 No drugs 知識點總結一、重點詞匯  詞義辨析:likely/possible/probable    三者都可以表示“可能的”,possible可能性最小,probable可能性最大,但用法不同。主語用法 likely人/物/itsb. be likely to do sth.It is likely + that從句 possibleitIt is possible (for sb.) to do sth.It is possible +that從句 probableitIt is probable +that 從句  因此,“我們學英語時可能會犯錯”可以表述為:  We are likely to make mistakes when learning English.  =It is likely/possible/probable that we make mistakes when learning English.  =It is possible for us to make mistakes when learning English.   詞義辨析:affect/effect/influence    這些動詞均含“影響”之意,但在詞性和意義上有差別。 詞性意義 affectvt.主要指一時的影響。 effectn.(可數(shù)或不可數(shù))affect的名詞形式,have an effect on意為:對有影響。 influencevt.& n.(通常不可數(shù),但有時可連用不定冠詞)主要指對行為、性格、觀點等產生間接的或潛移默化的影響,have an influence on意為:對有影響。  Both diet and exercise affect blood pressure.   飲食和運動都對血壓有影響。  What you read has an influence on your thinking.  你讀的東西對你的思想有影響。  詞義辨析: in order to/so as to/in order that/so that    都有“為了”的意思,但其用法和位置有不同。用法位置 in order that引導目的狀語從句句首/句中 so that引導目的狀語從句/結果狀語從句句中 so as to與詞/短語一起做目的狀語句中 in order to句首/句中  因此,“為了實現(xiàn)夢想,他努力學習”可以表述為:  In order to realize his dream, he works very hard.   =He works very hard in order to/so as to realize his dream.   =He works hard in order that he can realize his dream.  =He worked hard so that he got a good grade.   reduce v. 縮小,減少    1. reduce to :減少到  2. reduce by :減少了(減少的幅度)  The new bridge should reduce travelling time from 50 minutes to 15 minutes.  這座新橋應該能將形成從五十分鐘減少到十五分鐘。  The workforce has been reduced by half.   職工人數(shù)已減少一半。  拓展:  1. decrease to/decrease by :減少到/減少了  2. increase to/increase by:  增加到/增加了  be addicted to sth./doing sth. :對.上癮     We think he will not be addicted to computer games any longer.   我們認為他不在會沉溺于電腦游戲。  break into:破門而入    What will you do if you find your house broken into?  如果發(fā)現(xiàn)有人闖入你的房子,你會怎么辦?  take ones advice:聽從某人的建議    I decided to take your advice that I should spend more time staying with my parents.  我聽從了你的建議要多陪父母。  ban sb. from doing sth. :禁止某人做某事    Charlie has been banned from driving for half a year.  查理被禁駕半年。  閱讀必備詞匯    drug  n.毒品,藥品  cancer  n.癌癥  criminal  n.罪犯  illegal  adj.違法的;不合法的  treatment  n.治療;招待;對待  horrible  adj.令人不快的;及其討厭的  recognize/recognise  vt. 認出;承認  distraction  n.分心;分散注意力二、重點句型  Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users.    解析:本句的主干是“Users are also in more danger”;who引導的是一個定語從句,修飾前面的users;if引導的是一個條件狀語從句。  翻譯:如果吸毒的人和其他人共用針頭的話,他們將會陷入更大的危險。  Participants learn to recognize smoking triggers (things that start them smoking) and they try to set a date in the future when they will stop smoking.     解析:本句的主干是“Participants learn to recognize smoking triggers and they try to set a date in the future”,主干是由and連接的并列句;括號部分是對前面的triggers的解釋,其中that引導的是一個定語從句,修飾things;when引導的是一個定語從句,修飾前面的date。  翻譯:參與者學著識別吸煙觸發(fā)因子(誘使人們開始吸煙的東西),而且他們盡力設定一個在未來戒煙的日期。  Make a list of friends who smoke and places where you smoke.    解析:本句的主干是“Make a list of friends and places”,是一個祈使句;who和where引導的都是定語從句,分別修飾friends和places。  翻譯:將你吸煙的朋友以及你吸煙的地方列成一個清單。  Choose a time when you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking.    解析:本句的主干是“Choose a time”,是一個祈使句;“when you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking”是由when引導的定語從句,修飾前面的time;該從句中“relaxed”和“too busy to think about smoking”是并列的,由but also連接,其中包含常見句型“tooto”。  翻譯:選擇一個你感覺很放松但又非常忙以至于不會想著吸煙的時間。三、重點語法  非謂語動詞:不定式作目的狀語    看下面兩題,了解相關考點:  1. Simon made a big bamboo box        the little sick bird till it could fly.  A. keep   B. kept   C. keeping   D. to keep  2. We got up early this time        be late for the train again.  A. in order to   B. in order to not   C. so as to   D. so as not to  解析:  1. D. 考查非謂語動詞。句意為“Simon 做了一個大竹箱,目的是為了放那只生病的小鳥”,所以選D。  2. D. 考查不定式短語in order to和so as to,以及not的位置。根據(jù)句意應該是否定形式,not要放在to的前面,所以B不正確。  該考點下,同學們需要牢記:  1. 不定式常用作目的狀語,表示動作尚未發(fā)生,意為“為了”。例如:  To learn English well, you need time and patience.   要想把英語學好,你需要時間和耐心。  He raised his voice to be heard by all the students.  為了被所有的學生聽到,他提高了聲音。  注意:其位置可以是句首,也可以是句末。    2. 還可用 in order to/ so as to 表示目的,意為“以便;為了”。例如:  He got up very early in order to/so as to catch the first bus.  In order not to miss the first bus, he got up very early.(注意:句首時不能用so as to)  不定式作賓語    一些詞后只能跟to do作賓語。例如:  The driver failed to see the other car in time.  He decided to buy a new car.  這種搭配的常見動詞有:afford,need,agree,ask,decide,choose,hope,offer,plan,hate,refuse等。  拓展:  1.“疑問詞+to do”作賓語:  I dont know where to go this weekend.  2. it 作形式賓語:  I feel it my duty to help them. (it 作形式賓語,真正的賓語是to help them)   注意:這種用法常用于句型:“find/feel/think+it+adj./n.+to do sth.”  狀語從句:結果狀語從句    本模塊主要學習so/such.that引導的結果狀語:  通過下面三道題,看相關考點:  1. The teacher taught us in such a lovely way _ we would never forget what he taught us.  A. as   B. that   C. so that   D. which  2. - Did you catch what the teacher said?  - No. She spoke so fast _ I couldn't hear her very clearly.  A. which   B. that   C. when   D. Since  3. There are _ few problems left _ I believe you can deal with them yourself.  A. such; that     B. so; that   C. such; as     D. so; as  解析:  1. B. 考查結果狀語從句,such + (a/an) + adj. +可數(shù)名詞(復數(shù))/不可數(shù)名詞+ that。句意:這位老師的教學方式如此生動,以至于我們永遠都忘不了他教授的內容。  2. B. 句意為“她說得太快了,我聽不清楚她說什么??疾榻Y果狀語從句的引導詞,so + adj./adv.+ that.。  3. B. 考查結果狀語從句引導詞的選用,雖然句中出現(xiàn)了名詞problems,但是因為名詞前few,只能選so.that.。  知識點總結:so/such區(qū)別名詞such形副so; such+(a/an)+adj.+可數(shù)名詞(復數(shù))/不可數(shù)名詞+that.so+adj./adv.+thatso+adj.+a/an+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)+that.多多少少,都用soso+many/much/few/little等+名詞+ that.little一詞有多義 小用such,少用soso+little(少)+ 名詞. + that.such+a little(小)+ 名詞+that.    There is so little water left that I have to buy some. (little表示“少”)  He is such a little boy that we all like him. (little表示“小”)高中英語必修2(外研版)Unit 3 Music 知識點總結一、重點詞匯  lose v.喪失,失去    1. be lost in sth.:全神貫注于  2. get lost/lose ones way :迷路   He was so lost in reading that he missed the train for work.   他看書太入神了,誤了上班的火車。   They got lost because they went in the wrong direction.  他們走錯了方向,所以迷了路。  mix v.混合,攪拌    1. mix (sth.) with sth. :把.與.混合  2. mix up :混淆,弄亂  The powder is mixed with cold water is to form a paste.   用冷水把粉末攪拌成糊狀。  I must have got the times mixed up.  我肯定是把時間弄混了。  拓展:   mixture 混合物,混雜體  be impressed with sth:對留下深刻印象    You'll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colors.   色彩的明艷美麗會讓你大飽眼福。  拓展:  1. impression  n. 印象  leave/give/make an impression on sb. 給某人留下印象  2. impressive  adj.令人印象深刻的  split up:解散;決裂;離婚    Did you know that John and Mary have split up?   約翰和瑪麗已經(jīng)分手了,你知道嗎?  After the meeting we split up and went home.  散會以后,我們就分開回家了。  make a note of:記錄(=take a note of)    Make a note of the reference number shown on the form.  把表格上的編碼記下來。  have an influence on:對有影響    Both society and family have an influence on the childrens development.  社會和家庭都會影響孩子的發(fā)展。  閱讀必備詞匯    audience n. 聽眾   genius n.天才  symphony n.交響樂;交響曲;交響樂團  compose vt.作曲;創(chuàng)作  catchy adj. 動人的  complex adj.復雜的  record vt.錄音二、重點句型  After studying music in Vienna, Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria, where he became director of music.    解析:本句的主干是“Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria”;after引導部分是一個介詞結構,表示時間;where引導的是一個定語從句,修飾前面的court。  翻譯:在維也納學習音樂之后,海頓去奧地利東部一個王子的宮廷工作,在那里他成了音樂指揮家。  拓展:where引導的非限制性定語從句在寫作中應用非常廣泛,例如:  Last week, we went to the park near our school. We had a good time there.  Last week, we went to the park near our school, where we had a good time.  Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful.    解析:本句的主干是“Haydn moved to London”;“Having worked there for 30 years”是一個現(xiàn)在分詞結構作時間狀語;“where he was very successful”是由where引導的定語從句,修飾前面的London。  翻譯:在那里工作了30年后,海頓移居倫敦。在倫敦他非常的成功。  拓展:“having done”這一結構在寫作中應用非常廣泛,適當使用不但可以體現(xiàn)語言的多樣性,更能使句子顯得簡單地道,例如:  After we got everything ready we began to head for the park.  Having got everything ready, we began to head for the park.  He showed musical talent when he was very young, and learned to play the violin and piano from his father, who was a singer.    解析:本句的主干是“He showed musical talent and learned to play the violin and piano from his father”;“when he was very young”是一個由when引導的時間狀語從句;“who was a singer”是由who引導的定語從句,修飾前面的father。  翻譯:他在很小的時候就表現(xiàn)出了音樂天賦,并從他的父親那學會了拉小提琴和鋼琴。他父親是一個歌手。  However, it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.    解析:本句是一個強調句,結構是it was+ Haydn +who+ encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna,原句是:Haydn encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.  翻譯:然而,鼓勵貝多芬去維也納的人正是海頓。  拓展:強調句型的基本結構是:It is/was +被強調部分+that+ 其它部分(如果強調的是人,其中的that還可以換成who)。如何區(qū)分強調句型其實很簡單,只要把It is/was +that/who去掉,如果剩余部分通過調整語序組成一個完整的句子,那該句子就是強調句,否則就不是。三、重點語法  狀語從句:時間狀語從句(when/while/as)  when, while, as都可作"當時"解。  若主句表示短暫性動作,從句表示持續(xù)性動作,三者都可用。  He fell asleep when/while/as he was reading.  他看書時睡著了。   實際考查時,一般考查三者的區(qū)別:  1. when一般表示時間點;while表示時間段。例如:  When we arrived in Beijing, it was raining. (arrive不是延續(xù)性動詞)  我們到達北京時,天正在下雨。  Please do not trouble me while I am writing my homework. (write是延續(xù)性動詞)  我寫作業(yè)時請不要打擾我。  2. when 表示“這時(突然)”;while表示“而”、“卻”(表示對比)  We were about to start when it began to rain.  我們正要出發(fā),天突然開始下雨了。  He likes coffee, while she likes tea.  他喜歡咖啡,而她卻喜歡茶。  3. as表示“隨著;一邊,一邊”。  As children get older, they become more and more interested in everything.  隨著孩子日漸長大,他們對一切變得越來越感興趣。  過去完成時    1. 概念  表示在過去某一時間或動作之前已經(jīng)發(fā)生或完成了的動作,即“過去的過去”。  2. 構成:had+過去分詞  3. 用法(1)發(fā)生在過去以前的動作,已結束,對過去造成影響。它不能離開過去時間而獨立存在,多與 already, yet, just, before, never 等時間副詞及 by, before, when等引導的短語或從句連用。如:  When we got to the cinema, the film had already begun.  當我們到達電影院時,電影已經(jīng)開始了。(2)發(fā)生在過去以前的動作或狀態(tài),一直延續(xù)到過去的這一時間,而且還可能繼續(xù)下去,常和for, since構成的短語或引導的從句連用。  By the time I left the school, he had taught the class for 3 years.  到我畢業(yè)時,他已經(jīng)教那個班三年了。  拓展:(1)用在 "It was the first/second/thirdtime that”句型中,that從句要用過去完成時。  This was the first time that they had met in thirty years.  這是三十年里他們第一次見面。(2)動詞hope, wish, expect, think, intend, suppose等用過去完成時表示本來打算做而沒有做的事,含有某種惋惜。  We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't.  我們本來希望你能力,但是你沒有。高中英語必修2(外研版)Unit 4 Fine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts 知識點總結一、重點詞匯  詞義辨析:alive/living/live/lively    都有“活著的”意思,含義和所做成分各有不同。含義用法 alive人或物“活著的”,側重生與死的界限。表語,只做后置定語或補語 living人或物“尚在人間,健在的”定語,表語 live物“活著的”,也有“實況轉播的”名詞前做定語 lively人或物“活潑的,活躍,充滿生氣的”定語,表語,補語  The man alive is greater than he.  在活著的人中,沒有人比他更偉大。  The living must finish the work of those dead.  活著的人必須完成那些死去的人的事業(yè)。  He said he had seen a live whale.  他說他見過活鯨魚。  He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.   他有一種奇特的方法,使他的課生動有趣。  詞義辨析:destroy/damage/ruin    都有“破壞”的意思,程度和用法有不同。 destroy通常指無法修護的損壞。 damage部分的損壞,可以修復。 ruin徹底的毀壞,通常指由自然現(xiàn)象、疏忽等造成的破壞。  The fire destroyed the building.  大火毀滅了大樓。  Smoking will damage your health.  抽煙會損害你的健康。  He ruined his prospects by carelessness.  他因粗心大意斷送了前途。  be/get tired of:對.厭煩    I'm so tired of your stinky shoes.   我真受不了你的臭鞋子。  tell by:從.可看出    In England,it's easy to tell a person's class by his speech  在英國,根據(jù)一個人的言談就很容易判斷出其所屬的社會階層。  put off:推遲;延期    Because of the bad weather, we suggested putting off the meeting till tomorrow.  因為壞天氣,我們建議把會議推遲到明天。  拓展:put 詞組  1. put up with:忍受  2. put out :熄滅,撲滅  3. put down:記錄,寫下  4. put forward:  提出  5. put up:舉起;張貼  一詞多義:adopt vt.采納,采用;領養(yǎng)    The store recently adopted a drug testing police for all new employees.  這家商店進來實行新雇員做藥檢的政策。  Sally was adopted when she was 4.   Sally 四歲時被人領養(yǎng)。  一詞多義:stand vt. 站立,坐落于;忍受    There stands a tall building between the bus station and the shopping center.  在車站和購物中心坐落著一座建筑物。  I cant stand people smoking around me when i am eating.  我受不了吃飯的時候有人在我旁邊抽煙。  拓展:英文中表達“忍受”含義的詞還有:  bear,endure,tolerate,put up with  一詞多義:realize/realise vt.意識到;實現(xiàn)    Only after you lose your health, will you realize the importance of health.  唯有在失去健康之后,我們才能意識到健康的重要。  My dream of being a teacher will be realized in 3 years.  我當一名教師的夢想會在三年內實現(xiàn)。  一詞多義:observe v. 觀察;遵守    Officers observed him driving at 90 miles per hour.  警察發(fā)現(xiàn)他以40英里每小時的時速駕車。(obseve sb. doing sth.觀察某人正在做某事)  It is required that all traffic participants should observe the traffic rules to make traffic safer and faster.  確保交通順利,每個人都要遵守交通規(guī)則。  閱讀必備詞匯    contemporary adj. 當代的  delightful adj.令人愉悅的  scene n.景色;風景  aspect n.方面  imitate vt. 模仿;臨摹  reality n.真實;現(xiàn)實;逼真  exhibition n.展覽  expression n.表現(xiàn);表達  landscape n.風景;景色  portrait n. 畫像;肖像;人像  realistic adj.現(xiàn)實主義的二、重點句型  This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.    解析:本句的主干是“This is a painting”“ by the Spanish artist”是一個介詞結構作定語,修飾前面的artist;“Pablo Picasso”是同位語,解釋補充前面的artist;“considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century”是一個過去分詞結構作定語,修飾前面的artist。  翻譯:這是一幅西班牙藝術家畢加索的畫,他被認為是20世紀最偉大的西方藝術家。  拓展:在寫作中適當使用同位語可以提高語言質量,例如:  Tom is from England. He is popular with his classmates.  Tom, a boy from England, is popular with his classmates.  Picasso and another painter, George Braque, started Cubism, one of the most important of all modern art movements.    解析:本句的主干是“Picasso and another pain


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