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中考英語命題研究 第三部分 中考題型攻略篇 題型四 閱讀理解 類型三 任務型閱讀試題1

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中考英語命題研究 第三部分 中考題型攻略篇 題型四 閱讀理解 類型三 任務型閱讀試題1

類型三任務型閱讀,青海五年中考命題規(guī)律及趨勢編者按:任務型閱讀一直是青海中考的??碱}型,其題型設置多樣化,加強了對學生語言綜合運用能力的考查。文章詞數(shù)170280個;生詞數(shù)不超過3個,所設題可包含:給出四個詞選一個替換畫線單詞;英譯漢;漢譯英;同義句(可整句,也可是填短語);回答問題;用括號內(nèi)所給詞的適當形式填空(文章中挖兩個空)等。所設題型圍繞讀文章的內(nèi)容所設,其關(guān)鍵考查學生閱讀理解及綜合語言運用的能力。,解題方法與技巧青海任務型閱讀題目設置多樣化,對于不同的題型有不同的解題方法,具體如下:1回答問題式在作答時,重在寫清楚要點,不要答非所問,遇到總結(jié)性語言要仔細推敲,寫完后要仔細檢查。2英漢互譯題要結(jié)合上下文翻譯,要注意句子中固定句型、詞語搭配、代詞的指代對象。3同義句在作答時需要首先分析原句的句式結(jié)構(gòu),找出句中的關(guān)鍵句型或短語,然后進行同義改寫。注意檢查改寫后句子的完整性和通順性。(2016西寧中考7882題)After months of study, you have some time to relax. So, why not read a book? Well, some people will say, “Why trouble with books? We have the Internet and other media(媒體)that offer a lot more colorful programs. Books are history!” But dont be fooled. Theres still a lot to be said for reading. One clear reason is that a wellchosen _ is a wonderful collection of _ and expressions, as long as you have a good dictionary, of course. Believe me, its far easier to get standard English than from the TV or the Internet. But_an_even_more_important_point_is_that_books_give_you_something_that_modern_media_cannot.The webpage is always full of pictures and the text is often designed to make it as easy to read as possible. Though “easy” may be welcome, unluckily its of little use for any longtime development of reading skills and the general language level. For that, theres still no substitute(替代品)for a book. But perhaps the best reason is that simply choosing what you read and doing it by yourself means that its something you do by and for yourself. You can choose what you want to read. Its hard work, but while you are reading, youll find that what once seemed like a duty is now a pleasure. Reading can bring us pleasure.1請在句空白處各填入一個適當?shù)脑~。_2請將處畫線句子譯成漢語。_3. How many reasons for reading books does the text mention?_4請在文中找出與所給句子意思相近的句子。Its nearly useless._5請在文中找出最能表達文章主題的句子。_【主旨大意】本文主要介紹了學習之余放松方式之一讀書。而很多人認為讀書不如上網(wǎng)和其他的媒體方式來娛樂,進而筆者提出為什么要讀書的三個原因,值得人們深思。1book;words【解析】一本好書實際上是字詞和表達的很好收集(匯集)。,2.但是更重要的一點是書可以給你現(xiàn)代媒體不能給予的東西。3Three reasons.【解析】第一、二個原因在上兩題中提到了,第三個最重要的原因是書能給我們帶來快樂。4Its of little use.其含義為“幾乎沒有,很少有用”。5Reading can bring us pleasure.現(xiàn)學現(xiàn)用話題一觀點建議類Passage 1如何打破僵局的小建議When you start a new school,go to a party or try to know a person,you often need to break the ice in order to start a friendly conversation.Breaking the ice means saying or doing something to stop feeling shy or uncomfortable around someone you dont know well.Almost everyone feels uncomfortable or shy when people meet for the first time.If you feel like this,the followingtips can help you out.SmileWhen_you_smile,people_think_youre_friendly_and_easy_to_talk_to.They are also very likely to smile back and help you feel more comfortable about starting a conversation.Be positiveEverybody likes being around happy people.Always look on the bright side of life and see everything positively(積極地)Be a good listenerDont control the conversation and dont just talk about yourself.仔細聽別人講,并且問一些關(guān)于他們自己的問題。Theyll think youre worth talking to.Be easygoingSome_people_may_be_so_shy_that_cant_break_the_ice.Dont avoid being around new people just because you feel uncomfortable.If you face a situation again and again,youll get used to it.1請從下面四個詞中選出一個能替換處畫線部分的單詞。_suggestions_questionssentencessuggestionsconversations2請將處畫線句子譯成漢語。_當你微笑時,人們認為你友好且易于交流。_3請將處畫線句子譯成英語。_Listen_to_others_carefully_and_ask_them_questions_about_themselves._4請寫出處畫線句子的同義句。_Some_people_may_be_too_shy_to_break_the_ice._5How many tips are mentioned in the passage?_Four_tips._Passage 2(2015德州中考改編)保護環(huán)境,節(jié)儉生活We need to be responsible(有責任心的) for our environment.Being a frugal consumer(節(jié)儉的消費者) is one way to help.But what exactly does that mean?Use it upYou can use things up instead of wasting them.Press that last bit of toothpaste(牙膏) out.Use the last little piece of soap.Dont throw away any bits of the biscuit at the bottom of the box.Wear it outYou do not always need to have new things.Suppose there are holes in your socks.Mend them and wear them longer.You dont have to have the latest telephone until the old one doesnt work anymore.Then you can get a new one.Think_twice_before_replacing_something_that_still_works.Make it doWhen something you want is not on hand,look for something else that you already have to take its place.Suppose you are preparing your lunch for tomorrow and want a butter sandwich.However,there is not any butter in your home.Have a cheese sandwich instead so that you can use all of the cheese.With a little thought,you can make something do,instead of buying something new.Do without想想所有那些你想擁有的東西。Do you really need them?How long will you really play with that new toy?Make a list of things that you want.Delete the things that you dont really need,so you can save a lot of resources(資源)1When can you get a new telephone according to the passage?_You_dont_have_to_have_the_latest_telephone_until_the_old_one_doesnt_work_anymore._2請將處畫線句子譯為漢語。_在替換仍然能用的東西之前,請三思/請好好考慮一下/請斟酌。_3What should you do if you dont have butter for a sandwich at home?_You_can_use_something_else,such_as_cheese(instead_of_butter)_4請從下面四個單詞中選出一個替換處畫線部分的單詞。_purchasing_purchasingpreparingchangingreplacing5請將處畫線句子譯為英語。_Think_about_all_those_things_that_you_would_like_to_have._話題二介紹類(2014西寧;2013西寧;2012西寧)Passage 1(2015菏澤中考改編)美國游泳名將杰夫蓋伊Jeff Gaye,the young American swimmer,is becoming more and more famousHe has his own teacher,driver and even his own cook.Each time people hear him speak on television,they cant believe hes only 13.Jeffs_father_is_an_engineer,but_he_is_also_his_sons_manager.He says,“I dont make Jeff do anything he doesnt want to do.He chooses which competition to swim in.But he works hard and wins nearly every race.I cut out all the newspaper articles about him and put them in a big box!”Jeff is very busy every day because people want to write about him or photogragh(給拍照) him for magazines.“When Im at school,”Jeff says,“I_just_want_to_be_like_my_classmates.Thats_really_important_to_me.”But Jeff doesnt have a normal schoolboys life.He often has to travel for international races and has little free time.“I go to the pool every day and swim there for at least six hours.When Im in the pool,I love every minute.”1請從下面四個單詞中選出一個能替換處畫線部分的單詞。_wellknown_unknownwellknownpolitenormal2請寫出處畫線句子的同義句。_Jeffs_father_is_not_only_an_engineer_but_also_his_sons_manager._3What does Jeffs father do?_He_is_an_engineer_and_he_is_also_his_sons_manager._4How long does Jeff swim in the pool every day?_For_at_least_six_hours._5請將文章中處畫線句子譯為漢語。_我只想像我的同學們一樣,那對我來說真的很重要。_Passage 2(2016原創(chuàng))蘋果的奧秘You may know the saying:每天一個蘋果,疾病不找我。A recent study by the Chinese University of Hong Kong has discovered another saying:An apple a day keeps old age away.The study involved fruit flies(果蠅),as they share many genes(基因) with humans.Researchers gave one group of fruit flies normal food,and another group of fruit flies got the same food including apples.The_results_showed_that_flies_that_ate_apples_lived_an_average_of_55_days_longer_than_the_flies_that_didnt_eat_apples.The study also found that appleeating flies were more able to walk,climb and move about as they became old,the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported.The researchers believed that the antioxidants(抗氧化劑) found in apples are good for health.In another experiment,researchers studied the diets of thousands of women.They found that those women who often ate apples were 20 percent less likely to have a heart attack.Scientists have recently discovered the apples genetic code.This allows scientists to make new kinds of fruit that are healthier.Researchers are already using this information to grow apples with added antioxidants.Antioxidants help to keep eyes and joints(關(guān)節(jié)) healthy and protect against heart attacks and cancer.Apples that help people lose weight may be in supermarkets in just four or five years.They are said to be“extra healthy” apples that can stop people from overeating.1請將處畫線句子譯為英語。_An_apple_a_day,keeps_the_doctor_away._2請從下面四個單詞中選出一個能替換處畫線部分的單詞。_included_concludedincludeddecideddiscovered3What did the researchers find from the study of the diets of many women?_They_found_that_those_women_who_often_ate_apples_were_20_percent_less_likely_to_have_a_heart_attack._4Can scientists make healthier fruits with the genetic code of apples?_Yes,they_can._5請將處畫線句子譯為漢語。_結(jié)果表明吃了蘋果的果蠅比沒有吃蘋果的果蠅平均壽命要長55天。_


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