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高考英語二輪復習 核心考點總動員 專題52 提綱類書面表達(三)(含解析)

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高考英語二輪復習 核心考點總動員 專題52 提綱類書面表達(三)(含解析)

專題 52 提綱類書面表達(三)關鍵詞:提綱類,漢語提示,書面表達難度系數(shù):推薦指數(shù):【基礎回顧】考點歸納: 提綱作文是高考英語書面表達的熱點題型。命題者通常把提綱作文與其他常用文體形式(如書信、報道、通知、日記等)有機結合在一起進行考查,使該類書面表達試題綜合性越來越強?;A必讀: 高分策略高考范文中復雜結構的特點:1.獨立主格結構With English words getting popular in both media and daily life,a Chinese dictionary has included 239 of them,leavingthepublic divided into two opposing groups: “For” and “Against.” 【2014江蘇卷】隨著英語詞匯在媒體和日常生活中變得越來越普遍,漢語字典收錄了239個新英語詞匯,致使公眾對此產生了贊成和反對的兩派。2.分詞和從句并用Given the choice,I would make donations to those who still live under the bottom line of the modern living condition. 【2014廣東卷】如果有機會,我會捐助那些仍然生活在現(xiàn)代生活底層的人們。I am really proud of this experience, because it helps me realise that we all can fulfill our potential and achieve our goals through hard work, it also helps me better understand the proverb "Practice makes perfect".【2013浙江卷】我真的以這次經歷而感到自豪,因為它不僅幫助我認識到了我們都能通過我們的努力挖掘出我們的潛能并實現(xiàn)我們的目標,它還幫助我更好地理解了“熟能生巧”這個諺語。In our life we may meet many failures, as long as we try our best, theres no need feeling regret for these failures. 【2013湖南卷】在我們的生活中,我們可能會遇到許多失敗,只要我們努力了,我們沒有必要為那些失敗而后悔。Generally speaking , we are busy reviewing and preparing for it the moment we enter senior three ,which is considered a vital period . 【2014四川卷】一般地說,我們一進入高三就忙于復習和為高考做準備,這被認為是一個關鍵階段。3.虛擬語氣和從句并用How I wish I would read and reply your email as soon as I received it.【2013山東卷】我多么希望我一收到你的郵件就閱讀并回復它啊。4.多層從句1.If we want to improve our study, we should repeat what the teachers taught us again and again, and then we can understand or remember the knowledge which the teachers demand us to master.【2013四川卷】如果我們想提高我們的學習,我們應該一遍又一遍地重復老師給我們講的內容,而后我們才能理解或記住老師要求我們掌握的知識。2.I must confess we young generation must realize that our parents care for us as well as hoping to share what we have been doing with them.(confess后整體是一個賓語從句,這個賓語從句中又包含一個that引導的賓語從句,在that引導的賓語從句中又包含what引導的賓語從句)【2013重慶卷】我必須坦白地承認,我們年輕人必須意識到我們的父母不僅關心我們而且希望我們和他們分享我們在做的事。【技能方法】基本解題步驟:審題:觀察判斷要寫文章的類型和特點;抓點:要點就是高考評分的給分點或者扣分點。要求能在提綱的提示下用簡單詞語寫出所表達的內容。這樣做可以防止要點遺漏或者過分發(fā)揮;定調:即確定體裁與題材,確定格式、人稱、時態(tài)語態(tài)、人稱口吻、順序段落、開頭和結尾。然后將要點擴展成句;成文:連句成文。正確使用過渡詞,使行文流暢。并注意段與段的銜接;修改:看看是否有要點遺漏,字數(shù)是否符合要求,人稱、時態(tài)、主謂一致等方面的錯誤,以便及時修改;謄寫:修改無誤后,認真規(guī)范地謄寫在規(guī)定的地方?!净A達標】 假定你是李華,正在新西蘭學習,你計劃寒假期間在當?shù)芈眯?,請寫一封e-mail向旅行社詢問相關的旅行信息。內容應包括:1旅行信息(如景點等);2當?shù)靥厣ㄈ缡称返龋?注意事項。注意:1詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;3開頭語已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)。Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hua, a Chinese student, studying in New Zealand. Im writing to _Sincerely yours,Li Hua【答案】One possible version: Dear Sir or Madam,I am Li Hua, a Chinese student, studying in New Zealand. Im writing to ask for information aboutyour agencys New Zealands travel for the winter vacation. My friend and I plan to travel in the country. Could you tell me the departure time and traveling routes? As we know, New Zealand is famous for its beautiful scenery and places of interest and I want to know more details about these. Besides, I am also interested in the local food there. How much do I have to pay for the travel? At length, are there other things I should be aware of?I would be grateful to receive a replyat your earliest convenience.Sincerely Yours,Li Hua【亮點說明】文中使用了非常好的短語和句子比如ask for information;As we know, New Zealand is famous for its beautiful scenery and places of interest;At length, are there other things I should be aware of?和 I would be grateful to receive a replyat your earliest convenience. 為文章增色不少?!灸芰μ嵘?【湖北省華中師范大學第一附屬中學2017屆高三上學期期中考試】書面表達(滿分25分) 你們班計劃在下周一下午4:005:00在本班教室舉行一次題為“I Have a Dream”的英語演講比賽(English speech contest),假定你是班長李華,請給你們外籍教師Lucy寫封書面邀請函,請她擔任評委,對演講作簡要點評,并對獲獎者頒發(fā)證書(certificate)。注意:1,詞數(shù)100左右;2,可適當增加細節(jié),使行文連貫。3,開頭結尾已經給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Dear Lucy,_ Yours Li Hua【答案】Dear Lucy,In order to promote students interest inspeaking English, our class plans to hold an English Speech contest entitiled "I Have a Dream" in our classroom next Monday afternoon. As our foreign English teacher, we all agree you are the right person to be invited to be the judge. The contest is scheduled from 4:00 to 5:00pm, during which time six contestants will compete in turn. At the end of the contest, you will also be invited to make a brief comment on the contestants performance as well as issue the certificates to the winners. Thank your very much for the favour youll do to us.Looking forward to your coming. Yours Li Hua【亮點說明】本文是一篇英語要邀請函。內容齊全,語句通順,結構嚴謹,使用高級句子。In order to promote students interest inspeaking English,動詞不定式做目的狀語;we all agree you are the right person to be invited to be the judge.省略that的賓語從句;The contest is scheduled from 4:00 to 5:00pm, during which time six contestants will compete in turn.被動語態(tài)和非限制性定語從句完美結合;另外,As our foreign English teacher, At the end of the contest,的運用為文章增色添彩。考點:考查話題作文【終極闖關】 假設你是高中生李華,你校校園網招收英文網絡編輯(web editor),請根據(jù)以下提示,用英語向外籍主編Chris 申請這一職位。要點包括:1. 關心時事,對新聞工作感興趣;2. 有做校刊記者的工作經歷;3. 擅長英語,曾獲校英語寫作大賽一等獎。注意:1. 詞數(shù)不少于100;2. 可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;Dear Chris,_Yours, Li Hua【答案】Dear Chris, Im writing to apply to be a web editor, which I saw advertised on our school website. I would like to work for you because I care a lot about current affairs and take great interest in journalism. I think I can do the job well due to my language skills. Im good at English. Once I got the first prize in the English Writing Competition in our school. In addition, I worked as a reporter for our school newspaper last year, which will surely help me do the job better. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,Li Hu【亮點說明】 本文是一封求職信,要點齊全,結構合理,文中使用高級句子,which I saw advertised on our school website,這是非限制性的定語從句。運用了原因狀語從句,because I care a lot about current affairs and take great interest in journalism。連接詞的使用也非常合理,In addition【名師點睛】書面表達寫作步驟:書面表達一般分為三個過程:思維、組織、表達。先是思維,審題想清要用的人稱、時態(tài)及文章結構,把要寫的東西在腦中 思考,要對所給材料進行組織,把這些思維作出整理,使其條理、系統(tǒng)化,但這還是較粗糙的,可能還有一些用詞不當或語言錯誤;最后才是表達,把組織過的材料仔細推敲,確定無問題了再落筆成文。在撰寫時要注意主謂一 致,時態(tài)呼應,用詞貼切等。上述三個過程,最難的是第三個過程,需 要我們有較好的語法知識,掌握一定數(shù)量的句型,習慣用語,熟練的寫作技巧,這樣才能寫 出通順生動的文章來??傊?,要提高英語寫作水平,需要兩方面的訓練:一是語言基礎方面的訓練,要有扎實 的造句、翻譯等基本功,即用詞法、句法等知識造出正確無誤的句子;二是寫作知識和能力方面的訓練以掌握寫作方面的基本方法和技巧。平時要多分析范文,多讀多背誦,學會恰當?shù)匾煤团囵B(yǎng)自己的語感??键c:應用文寫作


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