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裕興新概念英語第二冊筆記 第29課

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裕興新概念英語第二冊筆記 第29課

Lesson 29 Taxi! 出租汽車 Does Captain Fawcett think any trip is too dangerous? Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'. This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. Captain Fawcett's first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains. Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places. Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman. The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.參照譯文本.弗西特機長買了一輛不同尋常的出租汽車,并開始了一項新的業(yè)務。這輛“出租汽車”是一架小型瑞士飛機,叫“皮勒特斯.波特“號。這架奇妙的飛機可以載7名乘客。然而,最令人驚奇的是它可以在任何地方降落:雪地上,水面上,甚至剛耕過的田里。弗西特機長的第一名乘客是位醫(yī)生,她從伯明翰飛往威爾士山區(qū)一種偏僻的村莊。從那時開始,弗西特機長已經載送乘客到過許多不尋常的地方。一次,她把飛機降落在了一棟公寓樓的屋頂上;尚有一次,降落在了一種廢棄的停車場上。弗西特機長剛剛回絕了一位商人的奇怪規(guī)定。這個人想要飛往大西洋上的一種孤島 - 羅卡爾島,弗西特機長之因此不送她去,是由于那段飛行太危險了。 【New words and expressions】(10)1 taxi'tæksi n.出租汽車2 Pilatus Porter皮勒特斯·波特(飛機機名)3 landlænd v.著陸4 ploughplau v.耕地5 lonely'lunli a.偏僻的,人跡罕至的6 Welshwel a.威爾士的7 roofru:f n.樓頂8 blockblk n.一座大樓9 flatflæt n.公寓房10 desert'dezt v.廢棄一單詞解說:taxi   n. 出租車take a taxi to     打的去cab kæb n.出租車;(公共汽車、火車等的)司機室, 駕駛室;出租馬車(Am)by taxi      by cabtaxi stand  出租車站(美)taxi driver=cab driverland1) n.U 陸地,土地,地landsea, water     groundskyfarming land 農業(yè)用地building land 建筑用地C 祖國(喻)mother landhome landnative 'neitiv landthe land of the dead 黃泉路by land 由陸路 by air, by sealandlord店主,房東 landlady  女店主,女房東2) v. (使)著陸The plane can land anywhere. 這架飛機能在任何地方著陸。(不及物,無賓語)The pilot was trying to land the damaged plane safely. 這個飛行員試圖使這架損壞的飛機安全著陸。(及物)land on ones feet  化險為夷land in / land up 陷入We landed in a lot of trouble. 我們陷入了許多麻煩。plough  plau v. 用犁耕plow plau  (Am)plough a field/plough up a field  耕田They plough in spring. 她們在春天耕種田地。plough a lonely furrow   孤單無援地工作furrow  'f:r, 'fr n.犁溝;(臉上的)皺紋 vt.犁田,開溝plough through a dull textbook 費力地讀一本枯燥的教科書the Plough 北斗七星  the Big Dipper (Am)lonely  adj.1) adj. 孤寂的,寂寞的 alone; unhappy because of being alone or without friendsAlthough he lives in a big family, he feels very lonely. 盡管她住在一種人們庭里,她還是覺得很孤單。I live alone but I never feel lonely. 我一種人住但是我不覺得孤單。2) adj. 指地方偏僻的,人跡罕至的of places far from inhabited places; without people; unvisitedAntarctic is the loneliest place on the earth. 南極是世界上最偏僻的地方。Antarctic  æn't:ktik 南極區(qū); 南極地方a lonely village in Africa 在非洲一種偏僻的小村莊alone adj. / adv. 獨自的(地);單獨的(地)He lives alone. (adv.) 她一種人住。Leave me alone. (adj.) 別理我。I want to be alone. (adj.) 我想一種人呆著。alone無不快樂的含義,lonely含不快樂的含義。alone作形容詞不可放名詞前,只能做表語,補語,后置定語。roof  ru:f1) n. 房頂,車頂,頂部   pl. roofsAlthough divorced, they continued to live under the same roof.盡管離婚了,她們還是住在同一棟房子里。have no roof over ones head /have no place to live in沒有地方住2) n. 最高處the roof of the world 世界屋脊the roof of the mouth 上顎-What kind of roof cant keep the wet? 哪種房頂不能擋雨?-The roof of the mouth.3) ceiling  'si:li 天花板hit the ceiling 勃然大怒 hit the roof 大發(fā)雷霆 raise the roof 鬧翻了天block blk1) C n. (木,石,金屬等的)大塊a block of concrete 'knkri:t 一塊混凝土塊 a block of marble 'm:bl 一塊大理石a block of rock 一大塊巖石2) C n. 大建筑物,大樓(內有許多互相獨立的公寓或辦公室的)a block of flats 一棟公寓樓a tower block 高層建筑,塔樓3) C 街區(qū),四周街道圍成的一大片建筑物,或指此類建筑群一邊的長度 AmThe two buildings share the block. 這兩棟建筑物整整占滿了這個街區(qū)。The post office is two blocks away. 郵局在兩個街區(qū)之外。flat flæt1) n. 公寓,單元房,一套房間 Brapartment 'p:tmnt  Amflatlet flætlet小公寓  -let小的 booklet 小冊子 piglet  小豬  tablet 'tæblit 藥片 bomblet 'bmlit 小炸彈2) adj. 平坦的flat land 平原3) adj. 泄了氣的,癟下去的flat tyre 癟了的輪胎4) adj. 淺的,扁的a flat dish 淺碟子The cake was flat. 這個蛋糕沒有發(fā)起來。5) adj. 啤酒等會起泡的飲料走了氣My cola has gone flat. 我的可樂走氣了。desert1) 'dezt n. 沙漠,荒漠the Sahara sh:r Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠2) di'z:t v. 離棄,放棄,遺棄desert sb / desert sp 拋棄某人,放棄某個地方desert 強調丟棄,拋棄abandon 'bændn:give up 強調放棄某一想法,打算等He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. 她拋棄妻子出國了。desert a house 放棄一種房子 desert a city 放棄一座都市3) deserted dz:td adj. 無人的  empty, with no one presenta deserted street 空無一人的大街  a deserted office 空蕩蕩的辦公室a deserted area 無人地區(qū)deserted adj. 被離棄的,被遺棄的,被拋棄的a deserted wife 被拋棄的妻子  a deserted house 被遺棄的房子 二、核心句型Key structures一般過去時和目前完畢時的比較1)一般過去時表達過去某時發(fā)生的動作。時間狀語多為:last year, last month, 3 years ago, in 1994, just now等。2)目前完畢時表達過去發(fā)生的某一動作對目前導致的影響和成果;或表達從過去某一時刻開始始終延續(xù)到目前,并且還也許繼續(xù)延續(xù)下去的動作;或表達經驗。時間狀語多為表達到目前為止的這段時間。since 1994, for three years, up until now, just, before等。此外,在用already, yet, just ,ever, never此類副詞做狀語時,??捎媚壳巴戤厱r。I saw him in 1994. 我在1994年看見她的。I havent seen him since 1994. 我從1994年后來就再也沒有見過她了。I saw him 3 years ago. 我三年前見過她。I havent seen him for 3 years. 我已經三年沒有見過她了。He stayed at this hotel last month. 她上個月住過這家旅館。Have you ever stayed at this hotel? 你住過這家旅館嗎?I went abroad last year. 我去年出國了。Up till now, I have never been abroad before. 至今為止,我從沒出過國。練習:1. We _ each other again since then. not see have not seen從那后來,我們再沒有見過對方。2. I _ in last night. am was昨天晚上我在家。3. I _ much of him recently. not see have not seenrecently=these days我近來沒見過她幾次。4. The day before yesterday / Yesterday she _ for the U.K.  leave leftU.K. = the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國。英國。leave for 離開去某地前天她去了英國。5. He _ a good deal since he _ here. learn / come has learnt / came自從她來這兒,她學到了諸多東西。三、課文解說TextCaptain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service.句中浮現(xiàn)了兩個目前完畢時表達對過去的強調。captain 機長 (本文含義)可指上尉,隊長,船長,連長,領班等。service 's:vis1) n. 服務,奉獻,協(xié)助,功績social services 社會福利事業(yè)He did me a great service. 她幫了我很大的忙。2) n. 供水,通訊等公共事業(yè),業(yè)務,公共汽車的行駛,班次等。a mail service / a postal service 郵政業(yè)務the telephone service 電話業(yè)務,電話網絡Is there a good train service into the city?往市內的火車班次以便嗎?3) n. 車輛,機器等定期的維修When did you take your car for service? 你什么時候修的車?after-sale service 售后服務4) n. 軍務,兵役He was in the service for two years. 她在服兩年兵役。at a persons service 隨時為某人服務Im at your service. 我隨時為您效勞。The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'.Swiss adj. 瑞士人的,瑞士的 n. 瑞士人(單復數(shù)同形)Switzerland 瑞士called a Pilatus Porter被叫做的飛機過去分詞短語作定語This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers.The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field.anywhere 任何地方 somewhere 某個地方 nowhere 沒有什么地方ploughed 過去分詞過定語。剛剛被耕過的。Captain Fawcett's first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains.who引導定語從句,修飾醫(yī)生。Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places.since then 目前完畢時的時間狀語。fly-flew-flown1) vi. 鳥,飛機等飛Look, we are flying over the Rocky Mountains.看,我們在落基山脈上面飛行呢。2) vt. 駕駛飛機It seems very difficult to fly a jumbo. 駕駛大型噴氣式飛機看起來很難。jumbo 'dmbu 大型噴氣式飛機3) Time flies. 光陰似箭。soar  s: 急速升空,高飛float  flut 漂浮hover  'hv 回旋glide laid 滑行skim  skim 掠過Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park.onceon another occasion 一次尚有一次on one occasionon another occasionoccasion 'kein n. 場合on several occasions 在幾次不同場合in honor of the occasion 為表慶祝on rare occasions 偶爾I have met him on several occasions. 我見過她幾次。Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman.refuse 回絕祈求或予以某種東西He refused my help. 她回絕了我的協(xié)助。He refused my present. 她回絕了我的禮物。refuse to do sth 回絕做某事He refused to help me. 她回絕協(xié)助我。deny di'nai 否認(一種指控),不承認He denied that he had stolen the money. 她否認她偷了錢。The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋the Pacific Ocean 太平洋the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋the Indian Ocean 印度洋Special Difficulties1. bring / take / fetch的區(qū)別:bring 帶來,由某處帶來某物take 拿走,從某地或某人處帶走fetch 取來,去某地,取某物并帶回He brought the book with him when he came to see me.她來看我的時候把書帶來了。He took the book with him when he left.她走的時候把書帶走了。I asked him to go to my room and fetch my glasses.我請她去我的房間取來我的眼鏡。2. very / too的區(qū)別:very 很,非常I arrived very late but I caught the train.我到得很遲,但趕上了火車。too 太,過于I arrived too late and I missed the train.我到得太遲,誤了火車。用對的的詞填空:1. When you go to the kitchen, please _ me a glass of water. fetch / bring 當你到廚房的時候,請幫我拿一杯水。2.The ball went over the fence and football player asked a boy to _ it. fetch / bring 足球飛過了柵欄,運動員叫小男孩去拿回來。3. When I asked him he _ to tell me. refused / denied 當我問她的時候她回絕回答我。4. Do you _ that you have told me a lie? deny / refuse 你否認你說過謊嗎?5.How are you? _ well, thank you. too / very 你好嗎?較好,謝謝。答案: 1. Bring 2. Fetch 3. Refused 4. Deny 5. Very四、練習Exercises1. This is the most surprising thing about it. It is _ than anything.A. most surprising  B. more surprising  C. more surprised  D. most surprised分析:A. most surprising和 D. most surprised都是最高檔,排除掉;C. 雖然是比較級,但surprised表達“感到驚奇的”主語應當是人,而本句的主語是it;B. 更令人驚奇的,符合語法和題義。2.The ploughed field is ready for _ .A. sewing  B. sowing  C. seeding  D. growing分析:A. 縫紉;C. 結出種子,也有播種的意思,但作及物動詞,常與with搭配,如:seed the field with wheat; D. 生長,長大,不符合題意。B. 播種;耕好的田地是準備來播種的。3. Its a lonely village. It is _ .A. far  B. far from anywhere  C. alone  D. the only one分析:選B。遠離任何地方。,才干同前一句It s a lonely village (那是一座孤零零的村莊)的含義相符合。A. 遠的,不能強調“孤單”,只能強調距離遠:C. 單獨的,獨自的, 沒有“孤單,寂寞”的含義。D. 僅有的一種,含義不符合。4. I shall have a companion in the house after all these years _ .A. single  B. sole  C. alone  D. lonely分析:A. 單個的,唯一的,常作定語和表語,在這不能作副詞;B. 唯一的,詞義不符:C. 獨自一人的,可用作形容詞或副詞,符合句意和搭配;D. 孤單的,寂寞的(尤指心情上)詞義和搭配都不符合。獨自一種人這樣近年了,我該找個伴了。六、補充內容諺語1. A watched kettle never boils. / A watched pot never boils.   老是看壺水不開;心急水不開。但凡越焦急地等待反越覺得慢。2. Actions speak louder than words. / Facts speak louder than words.   行動比言語更為重要。事實勝于雄辯。少說多做。


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