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環(huán)境問題 課件

Introduction1 Course syllabus and notes1.1 Course ObjectivesTo study some professional words; to some extent to attain or improve the ability to consult or find, read, translate scientific papers; and to write an English abstract of a paper, etc. Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. 1.2 Course ContentTranslating Writing English and, English Reading and Listening related to environmental protection, such as environmental problems (Chapter 1), air pollution control (Chapter 2), wastewater treatment (Chapter 3), solid waste management (including solid waste treatment and disposal in Chapter 4) and so on. 1.3 Class Attendance and performance Dont be absent, late or leave early. You had better not ask for leave. Be ready to answer the questions.1.4 Mobile PhonesAll cell phones must be a condition of mute or vibration before class begins. You may not leave class to call and answer your phone. 1.5 AssignmentHomework must be done well and turned in in time. 1.6 Final GradeAttendance and daily participation 25%, homework 25%, and final-open book-test 50%. 2 Terms Professional English for Environmental Science and Engineering (major, speciality), subject-based English, English for academic purpose or academic English, English for specific purpose (ESP). Chapter 1 Environmental IssueFive sections: environmental problems, living sustainably, resources, pollutions and solutions. 1 Environmental Problems1.1 TermsEnvironmental issues or problems, environmental consciousness, environmental degradation, ecosystem or ecological system, grassland, bush; forest, deforestation, desert, desertification, wetland (swamp), species loss or extinction, groundwater or ground (surface) water, pesticide, insecticide; herbicide, volcano eruption, global warming, greenhouse effect or gas (-es, -ses), acid deposition, acidic precipitation or acid rain, acid rainfall, nitrogen oxides; nitrogen dioxide, nitric acid, sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide, sulfuric acid, ozone, depletion of ozone layer, photochemical smog, primary/secondary pollutants; volatile organic compounds (VOCs); chloro-fluorocarbons (CFCs), Freon, fluorin, hydroxide ion, mono-, (monopoly), monoxide 一氧化物, di-, dioxide; bicycle, tri-, trivalent, tricycle, tripart, triangle; tetra- or tetr-, tetrasyllable, tetroxide, hexa-, hexavalent; octo-, octopus, deca-, decade, decameter, etc. 1.2 Global Warming1.2.1 MeaningHumans are putting gaseous materials into the atmosphere that may cause the earths average temperature to rise. 全球變暖指的是人類釋放氣體物質進入大氣層,導致地球平均溫度上升。Greenhouse effect1.2.2 CategoriesNatural greenhouse effect and anthropogenic greenhouse effect. The natural greenhouse effect is a normal result of the presence of a blanket of air around Earth, while the anthropogenic greenhouse effect is considered to be a direct result of the accumulation of trace gasses, namely, greenhouse gases, in the air from human activities. 自然溫室效應是指地球表面大氣層存在的自然結果,人為溫室效益是指人類活動導致溫室氣體累積所致。1.2.3 ImpactsTwo important potential impacts of global warming include the effects on sea levels and on ecosystems. Recent estimates suggest that global sea level has risen by about 0.15 m during the 20th, with most of the rise occurring since 1930. Some scientists believe that, because of greenhouse warming, average sea levels may rise by at least 0.3 m and as much as 1.4 m by 2030. This is likely to cause extensive economic and social hardship in coastal areas all over the world. 全球變暖的兩個重要的潛在影響包括對海平面和生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的影響。最近評估表明,20世紀全球海平面上升了0.15 m,大部分是從1930年開始??茖W家認為,由于全球變暖,至2030年平均海平面至少上升0.3 m,最大可達1.4 m。這可能會導致世界沿海地區(qū)廣泛經(jīng)濟和社會影響。Potential impacts of global warming on ecosystems mainly include the effects on agriculture and forest growth. Plant growth and development will be influenced by an increase in carbon dioxide levels, which stimulates photosynthesis and decreases water losses from transpiration. But any benefit from increasing CO2 levels may be either enhanced or offset by the changing patterns of climate associated with the effect of global warming. Changes in precipitation and climate may present a series of new stresses (countable) to agricultural and forest ecosystems, such as pests, disease, drought, or flood. 全球變暖對生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的潛在影響主要包括對農業(yè)和森林生長的影響。二氧化碳的增加將影響植物的生長、發(fā)育,促進植物的光合作用,減少呼吸作用水分的損失,但是這些有利影響或者會被全球變暖帶來的氣候改變提高,或者抵消。氣候和降水量的變化可能導致農業(yè)和森林生態(tài)系統(tǒng)新的環(huán)境脅迫,比如蟲害,病害,干旱或者洪澇災害。第二次課In addition to affecting agriculture and forest, global warming is expected to have other impacts. For example, higher temperature and humidity may increase the chances of disease in humans and animals in some parts of the world. 除了影響農業(yè)和森林,溫室效應還有其他影響。比如,高溫和高濕可能導致世界上一些地區(qū)的人和動物感染疾病的機會增加。Writing English-The Sentence1 What is a sentence?A sentence is a group/series of words containing a complete thought. It has both a subject and a verb (predicate) and at least contains a verb, and can stand alone as an independent statement. The subject is the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about. The verb is a statement made about the subject showing action or state of being (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, seems, and feels). Notice that each sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark. The capital letter tells you where the sentence begins and the punctuation mark tells you where the sentence ends. 2 Kinds of sentences2.1 Four kinds of sentences according to structureAccording to structure, sentences contain simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex ones. Simple sentence has only one independent clause. It may have a double or compound subject or verb, but it makes only one statement. Compound sentence has two or more independent clauses jointed by coordinate conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, so=fanboys) or a conjunctive adverb (however, therefore, moreover, etc.). It must not be connected with just a comma. This is a comma splice and is incorrect. Complex sentence has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. The dependent clauses, which cannot stand alone, begin with a relative pronoun (who, whom, which, that) or a subordinate conjunction (if, as, because, while, when, etc.) and makes it depend on the main clause. Compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. 2.2 Kinds of sentences according to expression: A declarative sentence makes a statement. It ends with a period (.). An interrogative sentence asks a question. It ends with a question mark (?). An imperative sentence makes a request or gives an order. It ends with a period or an exclamation mark if it expresses a strong command (!). An exclamatory sentence makes a strong, forceful statement. It ends with an exclamation mark (!). 3 The phraseA phrase is a group of related words without a subject and a verb and is used as a single part of speech such as an adjective, adverb, or noun. The basic subject-verb structure of the sentence can be expand by attaching to it phrases and clauses. These add variety and depth to the statement. Prepositional phrases are introduced by prepositions (across, in, after, on top of, ect.). Participial phrases begin with the verb form ending in “ing” in the present and “ed” or “t” in the past. They are used as adjectives or adverbs.Gerund phrases, like the present participle, begin with a verb form ending in “ing”, but it is always used as a noun. Infinitive phrases begin with an infinitive (a verb preceded by the word “to”) and is used as an adjective, adverb, or noun. 1.3 Acid DepositionAtmospheric mists of sulfuric acid and nitric acid eventually reach the surface of Earth in the form of rainfall, snow, fog, or dew. Some sulfur oxides can also exist as tiny particles/particulates and settle out of air in a dry form. The term acid deposition is used to describe the overall effect of both wet and dry precipitation at ground level when acidic materials have reached the surface environment. 空氣中的硫酸和硝酸霧最后以雨水,雪,霧或者露的形式降落地表。一些硫氧化物能以極小的顆粒存在,并以干沉降的形式從空氣中沉降。酸沉降指酸性物質到達地球表面,濕沉降和干沉降的總稱。Acid rain can be defined as rainwater with pH value less than 5.65 that results from air pollution caused by human activities (What kind of sentence is it?). Acid rain is caused by the emission of sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, mostly from the burning of fossil fuels for electric power. Sulfur dioxide reacts with water vapor in the air to form sulfuric acid, nitrogen dioxide reacts with water vapor to form nitric acid. It has been found that the contribution of sulfur dioxide to acid rainfall is more than twice that from nitrogen oxides. 酸雨是指由于人類活動引起空氣污染所導致的pH 小于5.65的雨水。它是由硫氧化物和氮氧化物釋放到大氣中造成的,這些物質大多來自火電廠石化燃料的燃燒。二氧化硫和水蒸氣反應生成硫酸,二氧化氮和水蒸氣反應生成硝酸。已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)二氧化硫對酸雨的作用超過氮氧化物的兩倍。Since the early 1970s, problems associated with acidic precipitation have gained/received/obtained worldwide attention. Acid rain is believed to have damaged fish and plant life in thousands of lakes throughout central and northern Europe, the northeast United States, southeast Canada, and parts of China. Many species of trees in forests throughout these regions have been in decline, largely/mainly due to soil acidification. Acid rain also causes pitting and corrosion of metals and the deterioration of painted surfaces, concrete, limestone, and marble in buildings, monuments, works of art, and other exposed objects. (What kind of sentence?) 這些地區(qū)森林中的許多樹種數(shù)量下降,主要是由于土壤酸化。酸雨也導致建筑物、紀念碑、藝術作品和其他暴露物體的金屬蝕損斑和腐蝕,涂漆面、混凝土、石灰、大理石的破壞。 1.4 Photochemical smogPhotochemical smog is a mixture of pollutants including ozone, aldehydes, and peroxyacetyl nitrates resulting from the interaction of nitrogen dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with sunlight in a warm environment. 光化學煙霧是一種二次污染物,是臭氧,乙醛和硝酸過氧化乙酰的混合物,來源于溫暖環(huán)境中二氧化氮和揮發(fā)性有機化合物與陽光的反應。Since nitrogen oxides and VOCs are both emitted in large quantities by motor vehicles, photochemical smog is especially common in urban areas with lots of highway traffic and ample sunshine. Los Angeles, California, and London, for example, are generally noted for their chronic smog problem. 由于機動車輛大量產(chǎn)生氮氧化物和VOCs,光化學煙霧在公路交通和陽光充足的城區(qū)特別普遍。比如,洛杉磯,加利福尼亞和倫敦通常因慢性光化學煙霧而著名。1.5 The depletion of ozone1.5.1 OzoneAt ground level, ozone is a strong eye and respiratory irritant and a major component of photochemical smog. It is formed by a set of exceedingly complex chemical reactions between nitrogen dioxide and VOCs. 在近地層,臭氧是一種對眼睛和呼吸道有強烈刺激作用的氣體,是光化學煙霧的主要組成部分。它是由二氧化氮和揮發(fā)性有機物通過一系列及其復雜的化學反應形成的。The following reactions are initiated by the ultraviolet energy in sunlight: 2 NO + O2 2 NO2; NO2 NO + O; O + O2O3.First, nitric oxide is readily oxidized to nitrogen dioxide; secondly, in the present of sunlight, nitrogen dioxide breaks down to nitric oxide and oxygen atom; thirdly, oxygen atom is extremely reactive and will react with oxygen molecule in the air to form ozone (What kind of sentence?). Actually, a number of secondary pollutants (collectively termed photochemical oxidants) are formed in these reactions. Ozone, the most abundant of the oxidants, is the key component of photochemical smog. 以下反應是由紫外線能量引起的。陽光作用下,NO容易氧化為NO2,NO2能降解為NO和氧原子,氧原子活性很強,能與氧分子反應生成臭氧。實際上,在這些反應中形成了許多二次污染物(總稱為光化學氧化劑)。臭氧是這些反應中產(chǎn)生的含量最多的氧化劑,是光化學煙霧的重要組分,。 1.5.2 Stratosphere Ozone Depletion and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)Ozone is a beneficial ultraviolet shield in the stratosphere. In the stratosphere is a layer of low-density air containing 300 to 500 ppb of ozone. O2 + OO32 OO2Ultraviolet lightO2 + OO3Ultraviolet lightDestruction of the ozone layer is a complex technical question. That destruction is mostly caused by elemental chlorine atoms; the mechanism apparently involves two reactions:Cl + O3 = ClO (chlorine monoxide)+ O2, ClO + O3 = Cl + 2O2. Adding these two reactions, and cancel like terms, we see that the overall reaction is 2 O3 3 O2 with no net consumption of chlorine atoms. Thus one Cl atom can convert many ozone molecules to ordinary oxygen molecules. This mechanism is often referred to as catalytic destruction of ozone, because the chlorine atom acts as a non-consumed catalyst for the reaction. 在平流層或者同溫層,臭氧是一種有效的紫外線防護層。在平流層,即地球表面以上10-20千米,是一層含有300-500 十億分子一或ppb的臭氧。臭氧吸收紫外線分解為氧分子和氧原子,氧分子也可以在紫外線作用下分解形成氧原子。氧分子和氧原子重新結合形成臭氧,臭氧再吸收更多的紫外線。臭氧層的破壞多數(shù)是由氯原子導致的。其機理包括兩個反應:原子氯與臭氧反應生成一氧化氯和氧分子,一氧化氯再與臭氧反應生成氯原子和氧氣,兩式相加,總的反應式?jīng)]有氯原子的消耗。因此,一個氯原子能將許多臭氧分子轉化成氧氣分子。Since 1950s, human begin to use CFCs as refrigerants in auto air conditioners which became a major source of CFCs emissions. 19世紀50年代以來,人類開始利用含氯氟烴作為汽車空調設備的制冷劑,汽車空調設備成為氯氟烴的主要污染源。Some other gases can attack the ozone layer, e.g., nitric oxide from stratosphere airplanes and relatively inert nitrous oxide, if we release much of it at ground level. 如果在地面大量排放其他氣體也能夠破壞臭氧層,比如同溫層飛機釋放的氧化一氮和相對惰性的氧化二氮。Nitric oxide, released by high-flying aircraft, can contribute to ozone depletion by the reaction NO + O3 NO2 + O2 which is swift and practically irreversible,but it is not a catalytic reaction like the chlorine reaction. One nitric oxide molecule only destroys one O3 molecule, so much more nitric oxide is needed per unit of damage than Cl. 2 Living Sustainably2.1 TermsSolar capital, earth capital, sustainable living, precondition, predict, pretreat, overuse, overgraze, overflow, science and technology, biological system, biosphere, et cetera. We can think of energy from the sun as solar capital. And we can think of the planets air, water, soil, wildlife, minerals, natural purification, recycling, and pest control processes as earth capital. The term environment is often used to describe the life-support system, its another term for solar capital and earth capital. Living sustainably refers to living off of income and not depleting the capital that supply the income. One of the preconditions of sustainable living is not overusing earths capital. 3 Resources3.1 TermsResources, perpetual or inexhaustible resources, renewable resources, non-renewable or exhaustible resources, environmental resources, fishery resources, forest resources, geothermal energy resource, groundwater resources, human and material resources, idle resources, living resources, living aquatic resources, marine resources,biodiversity or biological diversity, biological communities, reserves, depletion time, reuse, recycle. 4 PollutionTermsPoint sources, nonpoint sources, pollutant, contaminant, pollute, contaminate, pollution, contamination, degradable/nondegradable pollutants,biodegradable/nonbiodegradable pollutants, solid, liquid gaseous and heavy metal pollutants, physical, chemical, and biological processes, pollution prevention or input pollution control, pollution cleaning or output pollution control, acceptable concentrations, pollutants.5 SolutionsThere are two basic approaches to dealing/coping with pollution: prevent it from reaching the environment or clean it up if it does (enter the environment). Pollution prevention, or input pollution control, is a throughout solution. It slows or eliminates the production of pollutants, often by switching to less harmful chemicals or processes. Pollution can be prevented (or at least reduced) by the three-Rs of resource use: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Both pollution prevention and pollution cleanup are needed, but environmental scientists and some economists urge us to emphasize prevention because it works better and is cheaper. As Benjamin Franklin reminded us long ago, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”Todays assignment is to ask you to review and preview page 1 of the textbook. This weeks homework: reread, rewrite and translate the textbook from page 1 to the middle of page 2.2010 Homework: Reread, rewrite and translate all of the terms and the concepts of global warming, acid rain, photochemical smog, ozone and pollution in Chapter 1, and preview Chapter 2. English writing- Organization of paragraph1 What is a paragraph?A paragraph is a series of related sentences that develop ONE main idea. Each sentence is logically and structurally joined to the one before it. It is a unified whole with a beginning, a middle, and an end.2 Organization of paragraphParagraphs have a very specific organization pattern. All standard paragraphs are put together in a similar way and use the same three basic parts: topic sentence, body, and concluding sentence. The topic sentence introduces the topic and main idea of the paragraph. It is the most important sentence in a paragraph because it contains the main idea of the paragraph. A good topic sentence has two parts: the topic and the controlling idea. The topic is the subject of the paragraph. It is what you are writing about. The controlling idea limits the topic of the paragraph to the aspect of that topic you want to explore in your paragraph. The body consists of sentences that explain or support the topic sentence. These sentences are called supporting sentences. Facts and statistics, specific examples, and person experiences are the most common ways to support the topic sentence, to make its meaning clear, to describe or explain its meaning. In terms of organization of paragraph, especially of expository paragraphs, there are two types of supporting sentences: major supporting sentences (are the main details that tell us about topic sentence) and minor support sentences (tell us more about the major supporting sentences). The concluding sentence ends the paragraph by reminding the reader of the main point of the paragraph. It is generally one of two types. The first type is a restatement of the topic sentence. You simply say the same thing again, but you usually use different words. The second way of concluding a paragraph is by summarizing the main points that were made in the paragraph.English writing- From Paragraph to EssayExpanding the paragraphA paragraph consists of three of parts: a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence as in the paragraph below. Topic sentence There are three main relationships that dogs have with people. First, we have working dogs. These dogs, such as Siberian huskies and collies, serve people almost like employees. To a sheep farmer, for example, a good sheepdog is his most valuable partner. Other dogs are known primarily for their excellence in sports. The sleek and supremely fast greyhound is used in dog races, and many hunting dogs, such as setters, retrievers, and pointers, often compete in hunting trials. Third, many people enjoy dogs as companions. All kinds of dogs can be excellent companions, but a few breeds are kept only for this purpose. Some examples are the toy dogs, such as Chihuahua or a Lhasa apso. Because of the relationships they have with people, dogs are often called “mans best friend.” Concluding sentenceWhen you want to write about a topic in more detail, you can turn your paragraph into an essay. Paragraphs can be easily expanded to essay length. Similar to a paragraph, an essay is composed of (consists of, comprises, contains) three sections: introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs (body), and a concluding paragraph. Here is an essay on the same topic.Mans Best FriendThe dog is generally considered the first domesticated animal. The domesticated dog has lived with human beings as a working partner and household pet in all eras and cultures since the time people lived in caves. It is generally believed that the direct ancestors of the domestic dog is the wolf, originally found throughout Europe, Asia, ad North America. Archeologists have found remains of dogs that are 10,000 years old. In these ancient societies, as well as in our modern one, there are three main relationships that dogs have with people.First, we have the working dogs. These dogs, such as Siberian huskies and collies, serve people almost like employees. The d


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