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高一英語備課《module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》-grammar教案 外研版必修2

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高一英語備課《module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》-grammar教案 外研版必修2

111Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsGrammar Grammar 1 nouns used as verbs名詞轉(zhuǎn)化為動詞很多表示物件、身體部位或某類人的名詞可以用作動詞,某些抽象名詞也可用作動詞。名詞和動詞在轉(zhuǎn)化時,有時不改變意思,有時意思也相應地變化,在學習的過程中注意記憶總結。 1 名詞和動詞在轉(zhuǎn)化時, 有時不改變意思,有時也相應地變化。eye n. 眼睛 .(用眼睛看)注釋,端詳 ship n. 船, v. 用船裝 help v. 幫助 n. 幫助 love v. 愛 n. 愛picture 能畫, 照片 v. 用圖表示,描述2 有些名詞和動詞在轉(zhuǎn)化時會發(fā)生元音改變或詞尾變化blood-bleed sell-sale sing- song advise-advice bathe- bath believe- belief e.g.We ship grain to Africa.我們把谷物運往非洲。These desks and chairs are coated with dust. 這些桌椅落上了灰塵。We lunched together.我們一起吃了午餐。3 Look at the verbs in bold. What are the nouns of these verbs?A. When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously.B And Im not overweight so I never have to diet4 1) She mothered the orphan他慈母般地照顧這個孤兒。He wolfed his meal. 他狼吞虎叨地吃飯2)Tom braked the car.湯姆剎了車。My mother is knifing a piece of meat. 母親在切一塊肉。His job is to milk the cows. 他的工作就是擠奶。3)He is busy bottling wine. 他正忙于把酒裝瓶。They canned apples 他把蘋果放在了罐子里。4) Will you please mail the letter? 你送這封信,好嗎?5) They wintered in the south. 他們在南方過的冬。They are going to honeymoon in America 他們打算去美國度蜜月。6)Don't sir me so much不要這么先生、先生地叫我。Step 3 Practice1 Complete the sentences using the words as verbs.finger hand house mother tasteExample: Stop mothering me! Im not a child.1. This apartment _ six people and a dog.2. She _ the silk gently.3. It _ really delicious.4. Can you _ me those papers?Suggested answers:houses fingered tastes hand2Complete the following sentences 1. Did you _(預定)a seat on a plane yesterday?2. Please _ (遞)me the book.3. They _ (取名)their dog Bob.4. She _(護理;照顧)her aged mother every day.Key for reference1. book 2. hand 3. named 4. nursesGrammar 2一般將來時(The future simple tense)Step 1 Introductiona. Are the following sentences making a prediction or talking about an intention?1. “youll catch a bad cold,” said his mother.2. “Ill be fine,” said Zhou Kai, as he opened the door.3. “Zhou Kai, youll get ill, you know you will.”b. Look at the following sentences and phrases. Complete the sentences with will or be going to.1. Can you lie down, please, and Ill examine you?2. Ill write you a prescription.3. My wifes going to visit her this afternoon.4. My wifes going to pick me up in a quarter of an hour.5. And Ill ring the hospital.A. You use _when the speaker decides to do something as he speaks.B. You use _ when someone has decided to do something before.1.一般將來時表示將要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)Zhou kai, youll get ill.Ill buy you a toy.My sisters going to see you off.will和be going to都可以用來表達將要發(fā)生的事情,區(qū)別如下:(1).單純談到將來的事情,沒有主觀因素,可用will.It will become warm when spring comes.春天到來,天氣將會變暖。I will be twenty next month.下個月我就20歲了。(2).表示說話人的推測,用will.She will be all right after taking the medicine.吃了這藥,她就會好的。That will be your house.那是你的家吧。(3).表示一種傾向,用will.Each time he comes to Beijing, he will visit the Great Wall.每次他來到北京,他都要游覽長城。Without water, man will die.沒有水人會死。(4).表示說話時決定馬上要做的動作(多半是聽了對方的話后所做出的反應),用will.A: My chest hurts when I breathe.我呼吸時,胸部疼痛。B: Lie down please, and Ill examine you.請?zhí)上?,我給你檢查一下。(5).表示經(jīng)過事先考慮或安排后的意思,即“打算做某事”,用going to do.My friend is in hospital now, but he is going to come out tomorrow. 我朋友現(xiàn)在醫(yī)院,但是他明天就要出院了。She has borrowed some books from the library. She is going to make a careful study.她從圖書館借了一些書。她打算好好作番研究。(6)在口語中,表示將要發(fā)生的事情時,多用be going to .Whats going to happen? 將要發(fā)生什么事?Is there going to be a party tomorrow evening? 明天晚上有聚會嗎?(7)表示根據(jù)已有的、并被注意到的跡象將要發(fā)生的事情They are going to miss the train.他們要趕不上火車了。(說話者注意到他們出發(fā)時已經(jīng)太晚了)Look at those dark clouds; its going to rain.看那些烏云,要下雨了。(8).be going to可用于表示將來時間的條件狀語從句,will卻不能。If he is going to participate in the competition, hed better get prepared.如果他打算參加這個競賽,他最好做好準備。If we are going to start early, 5 oclock is ok. 如果我們計劃早出發(fā),5點就可以。(9).will 可用于表示意愿、拒絕等的條件狀語從句中。If Tom wont come, we will lose the game.如果湯姆不愿意來,我們將輸?shù)暨@場比賽。If he will do something useful, he will save the boy.如果他愿意做些有益的事,他會就這個男孩的。Step 2 Explanationswill 和be going to的區(qū)別在下列情況下用will:1.根據(jù)說話者的見解和觀點對未來作出預言時I think Smiley will make a good footballer. Smith will beat Patterson with a knock-out in the second round.2.在說話時突然做出的決定時,一般用will的縮寫形式llIm tired. I think Ill go to bed. Come to supper. OK, thanks. Ill bring a bottle.3.表示意圖、提議、許諾、自愿做某事或堅持做某事時Theres the door-bell. Ill go.I will stop smoking I really will!4.表示請求和邀請時Will you give me a hand?Will you come in and have a drink?5.表示命令或威脅時You will start work at six oclock.Ill bit you if you do that again.6.表示習慣和規(guī)律時She will greet me when she meets me. Man will die.在下列情況下用be going to1.根據(jù)現(xiàn)在所見,預計不久肯定會發(fā)生的事情時Look!its going to rain!The car is going to turn over.2.談及打算或事先決定了的事情時What are you going to be when you grow up?Why have you torn the paper into pieces?I am going to rewrite it. Step 3 PracticesComplete the following sentences. Use be going to or will.1. My son has a pain in his stomach and _ have an X-ray.2. Its ten oclock and Ive got a headache. I think I _ take an aspirin.3. Ive thought about it a lot and I _ start diet tomorrow. I want to lose weight.4. My daughter has decided to study medicine. She _be a doctor.5. Oh no, my medicine is almost finished! I _ask the doctor for another prescription.6. The doctor saw me today and _see me again next week.7. My best friend is in hospital but _ come out tomorrow.8. Its cold outside. I think I _wear my coat.Practice1Jim and Li Lei _(watch)the football match this evening2We are going to play ping-pong on Saturday(改為一般疑問句并作否定回答) _ _ going to play ping-pong on Saturday? _,we _3我叔叔今晚要來。 My uncle _ _ _4我們要討論這本書。 We _ _ _ _ _ this book5-Do you tell Julia about the result ?-Oh, no ,I forgot. I _her now.A. will be calling B. will call C. call D. am to call6. Look at the dark clouds in the sky . I think it _rain.A will B shall C must D is going to 7. If he _be head teacher of this class , I will not go to this class .A is going to B will C was to D should 8.- Write to me when you get home - _.A. I am going to B. I will C. I should D. I can9. That _ be Dr. Wangs clinic. Lets go and have a look.A. is going to B. will C. is not going to be D. will not. 10. My younger brother _be 15 years old next year.A. is going to B. will C. is to D. should 11. Lets keep to the point or we _ any decisions.A. will never reach B. have never reachedC. never reach D. never reached12 - Youve left the light on. - Oh, so I have. _ and turn it off.A. Ill go B. Ive gone C. I go D. Im going13. If he _ to college, he _ a lot more.A. will go; will learn B. will go; is going to learnC. goes; will learn D. goes; is going to learn 14. - Sorry, I forgot to post the letter for you. - Never mind, _ post it myself tonight.A. Im going to B. I prefer to C. Ill D. Id rather15. -Write to me when you get home. - _.A. I must B. I should C. I will D. I can1.are going to watch 2. Are you No arent 3. is coming tonight 4. are going to talk about 5.B 6.D7.A8. B 9. B. 10. B 11. A 12. A13. C 14. C 15CHomework:Finish the exercises 2,3,4 on page 67,68.111


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