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高中英語課時精練Unit 4《Wildlife protection》單元測試(人教版必修2重慶專用)

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高中英語課時精練Unit 4《Wildlife protection》單元測試(人教版必修2重慶專用)

111Unit 4 Wildlife protection 單元測試(人教新課標,重慶專用)一、單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)請從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。1The driver was at_ loss when _ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.Aa;the B/;/ Cthe;the Da;/解析考查冠詞。句意:由于他超速駕車而被禁止駕駛的消息傳來時,這位司機不知所措。at a loss“迷惘,不知所措,”且 word 指“消息”時,無冠詞。答案D2(2011·西安高二檢測)The Yellow River,_to be“the mother river”,runs across China like a huge dragon.Asaying Bto say Csaid Dbeing said解析考查非謂語動詞作定語的用法。句意:被稱為“母親河”的黃河像一條巨龍橫穿中國。此非謂語動詞短語起一個非限制性定語從句的作用,相當于which is said to be“the mother river”。答案C3It's_ that the sick child needs food and sunshine.Aartificial Bobvious Cconfident Dpeaceful解析考查形容詞。句意:顯然這些病孩子需要食物和陽光。根據(jù)孩子需要的這些東西推知“顯然”。答案B4It is_that his English is_perfect.Asure;very Bright;ratherCexact;fairly Dcertain;quite解析考查 It is certain that.句式。句意:他的英語相當好,這是真的。 quite 是副詞“相當”,修飾形容詞 perfect。答案D5Stop _this kind of snakes. They are_.Ahunting;dying out Bto hunt;dying outChunting;dying away Dto hunt;dying down解析考查非謂語動詞。句意:停止獵殺這種蛇,它們快要滅絕了。stop doing “停止做某事”,而 stop to do 表示“停下來去做某事”。第二空 die out “滅絕”。答案A6I'd like to arrive 20 minutes early_ I can have time for a cup of tea.Aas soon as Bas a resultCin case Dso that解析考查連詞。句意:我想早到20分鐘,目的是為了我能有時間喝杯茶。so that 引導目的狀語從句。答案D7I would appreciate _if he could pick me up at the corner.Ait Bone Cthat Dthis解析考查固定句式。句意:如果他在拐角處順便把我接走的話,我將不勝感激。此處句式為would appreciate it if如果的話不勝感激。答案A8More attention should be _equipment in our factory so that we can increase our production.Apaid to improving Bpaid to improveCtaken to improve Dtaken to improving解析考查 pay attention to doing sth的被動結構。句意:為增加產(chǎn)量我們應該更加注意改進工廠的設備。此處注意為被動,要把attention提前,結構為attention be paid to。答案A9The disease failed to_to the new drugs the doctor applied.Arespond Bturn Creply Drefer解析考查動詞。句意:對這種新藥,疾病沒有反應。respond to“起反應,回答,響應”;turn to“轉向”;reply to“回信,對作出回答,對作出反應”;refer to“提及”。答案A10There may be kinds of infectious (傳染的) diseases in public places. You should keep your children_to the places where people are crowded.Anot go Bnot to goCgoing Dfrom going解析考查動詞短語。句意:在公眾場合有些傳染病,你應該阻止孩子到人群多的地方去。keep sb/sth from doing sth意思是“阻止(人或物)做某事”,其中介詞from不能省略。答案D11You might wonder how they_ to live without eating for so many months.Asucceeded BmanagedCoccurred Dtried解析考查動詞。句意:你想知道這么多月沒有吃東西他們是怎么生活的。manage to do sth設法做成符合句意。succeed in doing sth。答案B12Despite the heat wave, consumer use of air conditioners is predicted to _ this summer.Arise Bdecrease Clevel Dincrease解析考查動詞。句意:盡管這股熱浪來臨,但空調的消費者預計在這個夏天會減少。根據(jù)despite盡管推知前后意思的轉折。答案B13Excuse me, what time is it now?Sorry, my watch _. It_at the shop.Aisn't working;is being repairedBdoesn't work;is being repairedCisn't working;is repairedDdoesn't work;is repaired解析考查動詞的時態(tài)和語態(tài)。第一空用一般現(xiàn)在時說明實際情況;第二空用現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)的被動形式表示此時的狀態(tài)。答案B14She was knocked_ by a car and now was still_.Adown;in danger Boff;dangerousCdown;dangerous Doff;in danger解析考查介詞。句意:她被一輛車撞倒了,現(xiàn)在仍然處于危險中。knock down“撞倒”;knock.off. “把從上撞下來”;in danger“處于危險中”;dangerous“危險的”。 答案A15After a heated discussion at the meeting, a new plan came _ being, which would have a great effect _the cultural life of the people.Ainto;for Bto;toCfrom;at Dinto;on解析考查介詞。句意:在會上經(jīng)過熱烈的討論后,一項新計劃誕生了,它對于人們的文化生活將產(chǎn)生巨大影響。 come into being “形成”和 have an effect on “對有影響”。答案D二、完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面兩篇短文,掌握大意,然后從1635各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項。(A)Patti discovered the meaning of running when she was 23.At that time she was smoking two packs of cigarettes a day and had_16_over 50 pounds.“I decided to_17_,”she says.She took a clock and started_18_what she did every day,and then she_19_aside an hour a day as a“be nice to Patti”hour.“I started having bubble baths with candles lit,because Cosmopolitan Magazine_20_that this would be good for me.But I got_21_of that soon,”Patti remembers.She wanted to do something really pleasant.She found that the happiest times in her life were times when she was physically active.So she took up_22_.She decided to start_23_the next day.She ran for an hour,_24_a total of 7 miles on her first run.“I couldn't walk for two weeks because I felt painful all over!”Patti recalls.“But I felt so wonderful !”Patti wasn't crazy about running yet,but she was in_25_with the aftereffects of running.Within seven months,Patti had run her first marathon,qualified for the Boston Marathon,and placed 25th in the world for women_26_runners.Over the next years,she_27_records and set standards for women in the sport.She was the first American woman to run a twoandahalfhour marathon,and then broke other two records over an 8month period.16A.lost Bearned Cgained Dreduced解析由下文可知,帕蒂運動的目的是為了減肥,故此處是體重增加,所以用gained。答案C17A.turn Bmove Cwalk Dchange解析帕蒂決定改變(change)目前的狀況。答案D18A.striking BrecordingCsharing Dcollecting解析她開始記錄(recording)日常的活動內(nèi)容。答案B19A.pulled Bpaused Cset Drested解析她每天留出一小時作為“善待帕蒂”的時間。set aside意為“留出”。答案C20A.spoke Bsaid Cwrote Dwent解析因為“麗都雜志”上就是這樣講的。say意為“說,講”,強調內(nèi)容。答案B21A.afraid Bfond Ctired Dashamed解析根據(jù)上下文判斷,不久她對這一做法就厭倦了。get tired of對厭倦。答案C22A.smoking BbathingCdieting Drunning解析她決定進行體育鍛煉,結合下文可知,她開始了長跑運動。答案D23A.right Bonly Ceven Dagain解析她決定第二天就開始。right為副詞,意為“就,恰好”。答案A24A.covering BspreadingCpassing Dovercoming解析第一次跑了一個小時,總共跑了7英里。cover此處意為“跑完”。答案A25A.peace Bline Clove Dtouch解析跑步的效果使得她喜愛上這項運動。be in love with意為“愛上”。答案C26A.distance Brace Cdrug Dstreet解析根據(jù)上文Patti had run her first marathon可知,帕蒂成為一名長跑運動員。distance runners長跑運動員。答案A27A.kept Bheld Cbroke Dcleared解析之后數(shù)年中,帕蒂打破(broke)并保持這一項目的紀錄。答案C(B)A new era has come.Will_28_replace traditional books?With the mass production of electronic devices and application of new technologies,mankind has entered an “e” age.Nowadays,we have emails,etickets,etests,and ebooks,and_29_,paperbased materials gradually fade out.Nowadays,ebooks become extremely popular among youngsters,while traditional ones seem to_30_a great loss of their readers.For some people,electronic and Internet based books are convenient and_31_.Environmentalists even_32_the benefit of ebooks on the ground of forest protection.Ebooks lovers even_33_that traditional books will disappear in the near future.I have been a book_34_for a long time.For me,reading experience is unique and rewarding.Nothing can be more thoughtprovoking than thumbing through a book bought years ago under a table lamp in a dark night.As to notetaking,scanning and skimming,and portability,traditional books have_35_.Just as the invention of camera didn't put an end to the history of painting,traditional books are,and will still be,an intimate friend of readers.28A.ebooks BetestsCemails Detickets解析根據(jù)該句后面的traditional books可得出答案。答案A29A.however BconsequentlyCyet Dbesides解析這里是順接前面的句子“Nowadays,we have emails,etickets,etests,and ebooks”,因為現(xiàn)在我們有各種各樣的電子產(chǎn)品,故傳統(tǒng)圖書逐漸“消失”,所以此空表示結果。故選B。答案B30A.impair Battract Csuffer Dcause解析因為電子圖書在年輕人中很受歡迎,所以傳統(tǒng)圖書失去了它的很多讀者。suffer a great loss“遭受重大損失”,符合語境。impair“損害,削弱”;attract“吸引”;cause“導致”。答案C31A.imaginary BaccessibleCeconomic Delegant解析accessible意為“可使用的,可達到的”,符合語境“電子書方便、可使用”。imaginary“虛構的”;economic“經(jīng)濟的”;elegant“優(yōu)雅的,文雅的”。答案B32A.advocate Bagree Ccarve Dmark解析環(huán)保主義人士甚至提倡電子圖書四個選項中,只有A項意思為“提倡,支持”,故選A。答案A33A.assert Bcomplain Cchoose Danalyze解析從該句后面的內(nèi)容“傳統(tǒng)圖書在不久的將來將會消失”可知,此處是電子書愛好者的斷言,即assert“斷言”符合語境。因文中沒有“分析”的依據(jù),故D項不正確。答案A34A.seller Bworm Cpublisher Dcollector解析從下文可知作者是一個書蟲,故選B。book worm“書蟲”。答案B35A.disadvantages BfaultsCadvantages Daffairs解析在記筆記、略讀、跳讀和輕便性方面,傳統(tǒng)圖書有自己的優(yōu)勢,故C項正確。disadvantage“劣勢,短處”;fault“缺點,缺陷”;affair“大事,事件”。答案C三、閱讀理解 (共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)請閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項。AWe met in a crowded showroom fifteen years ago. As I inched forward I eyed him with suspicion, unsure what to make of this stranger.A salesman made the proper introductions and although we got to know each other, I didn't trust him. I call him Super. I would find myself staring at him, wondering what secrets he held.I found myself spending more and more time with Super, getting to know him, learning to trust him. My other friends soon became a little jealous, stating that I spent too much time with him. It was true, but I didn't feel guilty, for I could just be myself with him. He didn't care about my appearance, pay and failure. None of these things mattered to him. Then_one_day_he_said_he_was_going_to_show_me_the_world.He_said_that_I_could_ask_to_go_anywhere,_anywhere_at_all. When I asked him to show me New York, he didn't hesitate. He showed me the bright lights of Broadway, the majestic Statue of Liberty and so much more.Late at night we played games. Sometimes I won, sometimes he did.It didn't matter because we had fun. Through him I met other people. Men and women I never would have met if it wasn't for him.Then suddenly he became sick. He was unable to do anything and I felt so helpless because I didn't know what was wrong. But I knew those who could.I paced around the room while he was examined.What if it was something serious? What if he died? I cried but luckily he was fine again. I looked at him and saw my companion, teacher, instructor, travel guide and so much more.He was my friend, my best friend.He is . my computer.【語篇大意】作者以擬人的口氣幽默的口吻介紹了自己最好的朋友: 電腦。36The author didn't believe Super even if he knew him better as he thought _.Athe salesman was always cheating customers these days.BSuper had limited power since he was only a machine.Che would forget the salesman's instruction in future.Dhis money spent on him wasn't good for the value.解析細節(jié)理解題。第一段最后一句話的wondering what secrets he held說明作者對這個被售貨員吹噓的很好的東西的威力表示懷疑。答案B37Why did the author's other friends envy Super?AAs Super helps the author do his housework.BAs the author spent so much money on it.CAs the author spent so much time on it.DAs the author trusted nobody but Super.解析細節(jié)理解題。第二段第二句話的“stating that I spent too much time with him”說明作者的朋友們感到嫉妒的原因是因為他花在Super身上的時間太多了。答案C38What side of the author matters a lot to Super according to him? AHis salary and his family member. BHis success in his work and life.CHis looks and his clothes. DNothing.解析推理判斷題。第二段最后兩句話的“didn't care about my appearance, pay and failure和None of these things mattered to him”說明身為電腦,對主人的一切當然不會有所選擇和在乎。答案D39The underlined sentence most probably implies_.Athe connection of the Internet broadened the author's sight.BSuper was a good guide since he was bought from America.CSuper invited the author to make a trip around the world.DSuper had the power to speak out like an ordinary person.解析推理判斷題。本句的to show me the world和下一句話中的“He said that I could ask to go anywhere, anywhere at all”說明正是因為在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的幫助下,作者和其他的電腦使用者一樣才能了解他們想要了解的一切。答案ABThe policeman moved up the avenue impressively.It was barely 10 o'clock at night,but the chilly wind with rain had kept people out of the streets.The policeman suddenly slowed his walk.In the doorway of a darkened store a man leaned,with an unlighted cigar in his mouth.As the policeman walked up to him the man spoke up quickly.“It's all right,officer,”he said,“I'm just waiting for a friend.It's an appointment made twenty years ago.Well,about that long ago there used to be a restaurant where this store standsBig JoeBrady's restaurant.”“Until five years ago,”said the policeman.“It was torn down then.”The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar.The light showed a pale,square­jawed face with keen eyes,and a little white scar near his right eyebrow.His scarf pin was a large diamond.“Twenty years ago tonight,”said the man,“I dined here at Big JoeBrady's with Jimmy Wells,my best friend,and the finest guy in the world.He and I were raised here in New York,just like two brothers,together.I was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty.The next morning I was to start for the West to make my fortune.You couldn't have dragged Jimmy out of New York;he thought it was the only place on earth.Well,we agreed that night that we would meet here again exactly twenty years from that date and time,no matter what our conditions might be or from what distance we might have to come.We figured that in twenty years each of us ought to have our fortunes made,whatever they were going to be.”“It sounds pretty interesting,” said the policeman.“Rather a long time between meets,though,it seems to me.Haven't you heard from your friend since you left?”“Well,yes,for a time we corresponded,” said the other.“But after a year or two we lost track of each other.Yet I know Jimmy will meet me here if he's alive,for he always was the truest guy in the world.He'll never forget.I came a thousand miles to stand in this door tonight,and it's worth it if my old partner turns up.”The policeman twirled his club (警棍) and took a step or two,saying:“I'll be on my way.Hope your friend comes around all right.”“I'll give him half an hour at least.If Jimmy is alive he'll be here by that time.So long,officer.”“Good­night,sir,” the policeman went away.The man who had come a thousand miles to fill an appointment with the friend of his youth,smoked his cigar and waited.About twenty minutes he waited,and then a tall man in a long overcoat,with collar turned up to his ears,hurried across from the opposite side of the street.He went directly to the waiting man.“Is that you,Bob?” he asked,doubtfully.“Is that you,Jimmy Wells?” cried the man in the door.“Bless my heart!” exclaimed the new arrival,grasping both the other's hands with his own.“It's Bob,sure as fate.I was certain I'd find you here.Well,twenty years is a long time.”“You've changed lots,Jimmy.I never thought you were so tall by two or three inches.”“Oh,I grew a bit after I was twenty.Come on,Bob;we'll go around to a place I know of,and have a good long talk about old times.”The two men started up the street,arm in arm.The man from the West,his egotism (自負) enlarged by success,was beginning to outline the history of his career.The other,hidden in his overcoat,listened with interest.At the corner stood a drugstore,brilliant with electric lights.When they came in,each of them turned to gaze upon the other's face.The man from the West stopped suddenly and released his arm.“You're not Jimmy Wells,” he said sharply. “Twenty years is a long time,but not long enough to change a man's nose from straight to flat.”The tall man said,“You've been under arrest for ten minutes,Bob.Chicago thinks you may have dropped over our way and asks us to have a chat with you.Going quietly,are you?That's sensible.Now,before we go on to the station here's a note to you.You may read it here at the window.It's from Patrolman (巡警) Wells.”The man from the West unfolded the little piece of paper.His hand was steady when he began to read,but it trembled a little when he had finished.The note was rather short.“Bob:I was at the appointed place on time.When you struck the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the man wanted in Chicago.Somehow I couldn't do it myself,so I went around and got a plain clothes man to do the job.JIMMY.”【語篇大意】 本篇文章為記敘文。講述了兩個分手20年的朋友(Bob和Jimmy Wells)履行20年前的約定,即20年后的今晚在此相聚。但結局出乎意料,Jimmy Wells(巡警)發(fā)現(xiàn)他的朋友原來是芝加哥通緝的罪犯,他不忍心親手逮捕朋友,就讓另一名警察抓捕了罪犯。Jimmy Wells以另一種方式兌現(xiàn)了自己的諾言,同時也沒有忘記自己的使命和職責。40The man leaning in the doorway was waiting to _.Atell a policeman an extremely moving storyBkeep an appointment made 20 years beforeChelp the police to catch a wanted criminalDshow off his great success in his adventure解析細節(jié)理解題。難度較小。根據(jù)第三段中的“I'm just waiting for a friend.It's an appointment made twenty years ago.”可知答案選B。答案B41The underlined word “corresponded”here means _.Aagreed with each other Bwere equal or similarCsuffered from loneliness Dexchanged some letters解析詞義猜測題。難度中等。根據(jù)此單詞后面的句子“But after a year or two we lost track of each other”可知,一兩年后他們失去了聯(lián)系,D項“書信來往”最恰當。故選D。答案D42Bob in the story is described as a man who _.Awas good at cheating Bwas modest by natureCstuck to his promise Dbetrayed his friend解析細節(jié)理解題。難度中等。從整篇文章來看,Bob雖然是通緝的罪犯,但他仍然履行了自己20年前的諾言,所以Bob是一個講信用的人,C項正確。答案C43The end of the story shows that _.Atime will wait for no man Bfriendship is preciousCjustice can hardly be done Dlife is hard to predict解析主旨大意題。難度較大。從整篇文章來看,20年前是最好的朋友,20年后的約會卻是警察抓罪犯,真是世事難料呀。因此,D項是最恰當?shù)倪x項。答案DCIt was a quiet village in which there was a military camp. It was far from the towns and cities and there were some high mountains around.Of course it was a good place for training the new soldiers. But it was difficult for the young men to go outside. Mr. White, an officer of forty, was strict with them and he hardly let them leave the camp.Once Mr. White was ill in bed.He couldn't work and a young officer, Mr. Hunt, began to train the new soldiers instead of him. He knew the young men well and let nine soldiers go to the nearest town to have a holiday. But night fell and none came back to the camp. He was worried about it and stood at the gate. It was five to twelve when Mr. Hunt decided to go to the town and see what was happening with the young men. He started the car quickly and set off. At that moment the nine soldiers came back. It seemed they were all drunk. Of course they found the officer was angry.“I'm sorry, sir,” said the first soldier.“I left the town on time. But something was wrong with my bus on my way here. I had to buy a horse and made it run fast. Bad luck! It died and I had to run back.”And the other seven soldiers said they were late for the same reasons. It was the last soldier's turn. He said,“I'm sorry, sir. I got on a bus on time, but.”Having heard this, the officer became even angrier and stopped him at once. He called out, “If you say something was wrong with your bus, I'll punish you at once!”“No, no, sir,” said the young man. “My bus was all right, but the dead horses were in its way!”【語篇大意】本文講9個士兵為自己沒有按時返回軍營找借口開脫的故事。44The military camp was built in the village to_.Astop the soldiers going to townsBstop the soldiers meeting their friendsCtrain the new soldiersDmake the young men live quietly解析細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第1段第2句和第3句“It was far from the towns and cities and there were some high mountains around. Of course it was a good place for training the new soldiers”可知答案為 C。答案C45Mr. Hunt let the nine soldiers have a holiday because_.Ahe was kind to themBthey felt lonelyCthey had something important to doDthey were the best of all解析推理判斷題。根據(jù)第2段第3句“He knew the young men well and let nine soldiers go to the nearest town to have a holiday”可知答案為 A。答案A46The young officer was worried because _.Aa traffic accident had happenedBhe was afraid something happened to the nine soldiersCthe nine soldiers didn't come back on timeDthe nine soldiers drank too much in the town解析推理判斷題。根據(jù)“.Mr. Hunt decided to go to the town and see what was happening with the young men”可知答案為B。答案B47The nine soldiers returned to the camp late because _.Asomething was wrong with their buses Btheir horses died on the return wayCit took them much time to run


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