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SOFITEL BOAO博鰲索菲特大酒店Operation Hours:7:00am to 12:00 Midnight dailyServices Offered:English Word Processing提供的服務(wù)英文編輯 Chinese Word Processing中文編輯Worksheet / Chart表格/圖畫Photocopy復印Facsimile傳真 Rental of Computer電腦出租E-mail Services 電子郵件服務(wù)Guest Experience:Feel impressed with the efficient and courteous services 客人體驗provided.感受到飯店的服務(wù)是高效和禮貌的。Procedures程序:§ Check with guest the time he needs the typing work back and make sure it is completed promptly.詢問客人需要什么時間完成打字工作,并要及時完成.§ Type a draft for guest to check. Make sure you have done your best to type what is written. 打印草稿讓客人檢查.要盡力打印到最好的水平.§ Be professional. Do not delay any typing work even though guest may say that it is not urgent and that we could take our time. Complete it at your soonest possible and give the guest a call to tell him it is ready for him to proof read or send it up to the room.要熟悉業(yè)務(wù).即使客人說打印件不急,我們也不能耽擱,因為我們要節(jié)省時間.要盡可能快的完成打印,然后給打電話通知客人已經(jīng)打印完畢,需要他認可或者給他送入房間.Procedures程序: Ensure that the envelope has the full and correct address, including the postal code.確認信封/上有完整正確的地址,包括郵政編碼。 Seal envelope. 封好信封。 Weigh and calculate the postage required bearing in mind extra fee for registered mail and express mail. If doubt please refer to our postage file.對掛號信和快件稱重后計算郵資,并要加收掛號信和快件的額外費用,如果有任何疑問,要參照有關(guān)郵寄規(guī)定。 Indicate on the envelope if mail is registered or express.如果郵件是”掛號”或者”快件”要在信封上顯示。 All letters/seated envelopes for mailing to be collected by the office messenger before 9:30am daily.郵件收發(fā)員會在每天早上9:30之前,收取所有需要郵寄的信件。 Remind Office messenger to obtain receipts for registered mail.提醒郵件收發(fā)員要記住拿回掛號信的收據(jù)。 For Courier Service to call up our current local delivery service for pick up. 對于快件,我們要打電話給當?shù)睾线m的郵遞服務(wù)部進行郵寄。Procedures程序: All incoming faxes must be recorded fast. Make sure you collate them correctly before stapling them together.所有接收的傳真要及時記錄下來.將他們訂在一起前, 要確認你已經(jīng)核對了他們是正確的. Check on room and name of guest in the terminal.在電腦中查詢客人的房號和姓名. Read the first few lines of the fax. Do not take it for granted that if the first line read to Reservations, Front Office that you send them to the department concern. Senders sometimes address faxes to Reservations, etc with a message Please relay or deliver this fax to your guest. Make sure you read carefully before taking action.閱讀傳真的前幾行內(nèi)容.如果你閱讀了傳真的第一行是預訂部,前廳部,不要輕易的將他們送到這些部門.因為有時,客人會發(fā)傳真留言給預訂部等,”請將此傳真轉(zhuǎn)交給客人”. 在你送傳真前一定要仔細閱讀. Recording of faxes is done in a recording book. To call Bell Service for collection within 10 minutes of receiving the fax.將傳真記錄在記錄本上.在10分鐘之內(nèi)通知行李員取走收到的傳真. If the fax is marked URGENT or if guest is due to check out that very day, make an effort to call the guest to inform him. If there is no response, quickly place it in an envelope stated URGENT and calls for a Bellboy without a delay.如果傳真上標注”緊急”或者客人預計在那天結(jié)帳離店,要打電話給客人.如果客人的房間沒有應(yīng)答, 要立即將其裝入信封并標注上緊急,然后立即打電話給行李員 HOLD FOR ARRIVAL FAXES these are to be recorded the same way as the other faxes. If the fax states that guest is checking in today but the name listed is not exactly of the same spelling in the terminal, record it and send down to reception.保存預抵客人的傳真,要象其他的傳真一樣記錄下來.如果傳真顯示客人今天入住,但是姓名的拼寫和電腦中的不太一致,記錄下來然后交于接待處. Faxes for guest not listed in terminal, record them put “no listing/not listed” and send it to the reception for the receptionist to follow up by checking daily in ensuring that when guest checks in, he/she gets the fax immediately. 如果電腦中沒有客人的名字,就將他們記錄在”沒有預訂”文件中并將其送至接待處,以便接待員可以留意客人是否入住,當客人入住時,就立即將傳真交給他/她. Faxes that are not delivered (i.e.: cannot be slipped under the door), Business Center Secretary have to send a message to guest informing him of the item/parcel/faxes and advise him to collect it from the Business Center during The Business Center Operations Hours. After the operations hours to collect from Reception.如果傳真沒有被送到(例如:不能從門縫傳進),商務(wù)中心職員就要留言、告知客人有他的郵件包裹/傳真,并且提醒他在商務(wù)中心營業(yè)的時間收取;其他時間可以在接待處收取。 Faxes that are incomplete, that is if we receive only 8 pages out of the 10 pages etc. If this is so, to send a message to guest, to advise him on that matter. (Enclosed the received faxes with the message).如果傳真不完整,如果是10葉而我們只收到了8葉,就留言給客人,告訴他這件事情.(將留言附在傳真上).Example例如:Dear Mr White,尊敬的懷特先生,Please be informed that we have received only 8 pages of these incoming faxes instead of 10 pages as stated.敬告,我們僅收到了10張傳真中的8張.Thank you.謝謝你.(your name)(你的姓名)Procedures程序:Ì Date and page control book.填寫日期和頁數(shù)。Ì Fill in your name and time of duty.填寫你的姓名和當班時間。Ì Enter each billing in sequence.按順序填寫每一筆賬。Ì At the end of each shift, calculate the total and 1st bill number to be used for the next shift to start on a new column.在每一班下班前,要計算總數(shù),下一班要使用新的一欄并且?guī)翁枏囊婚_始。Example例如:Guest Check Control Book收費記錄表帳單號明細現(xiàn)金信用卡記房間賬總額Bill No. ItemCashCredit CardCharge to Room Grand Total0001 Typing打字45.00 -45.000002 Fax傳真-35.00-35.000003 Translation翻譯100.00100.00Total總數(shù)45.0035.00100.00180.00Procedures程序:0When receiving outgoing fax from guest, make sure you check that the guest have written: 當你為客人發(fā)傳真時,你要檢查客人是否寫了下以下內(nèi)容:¤ Senders room number and name發(fā)送者的姓名和房間號碼¤ Country and area code ( if not indicated, to confirm with guest)國家和地區(qū)代碼(如果沒有,就要向客人確認)¤ Mode of payment付款方式¤ No of pages頁數(shù)0 Check with guest if he wish to wait at the Business Center or have the transmitted fax sent to his/her room.詢問客人是否愿意在商務(wù)中心等候,或者是將所發(fā)的傳真送到他/她的房間。0 Send the fax immediately.立即發(fā)送傳真。0 If you have difficulty in transmitting after 2 or 3 attempt, call the guest and inform him. If the guest is not in, leave a message to the guest to contact the Business Center.如果你在嘗試了2或3次后,仍然無法發(fā)送出去,就要打電話給客人,如果客人不在房間,就給客人留言,請客人與商務(wù)中心聯(lián)系。0 Successful transmission is indicated on the activity report. Check that the number of faxes sent with the corresponding number indicated on the activity report.傳真發(fā)送成功就會顯示在傳真報告上,可以檢查傳真報告。0 Stapled the activity report/s to the fax copy. Make the necessary charges and record in the Outgoing Fax Record Book.將傳真報告與傳真復印件訂在一起。收取費用并記錄在發(fā)送傳真的記錄本上。0 Return the documents to the guest as soon as possible, best within 10 minutes of transmission.最好在發(fā)送傳真10分鐘之內(nèi),盡快將文件歸還給客人。 Faxes must be handled very carefully. The guest must receive immediately.必須謹慎地處理傳真。所有的客人都要及時地收到它們的傳真。 If the guest is registered, get a bellman to send the fax immediately to the guestroom.如果客人已經(jīng)入住飯店,就讓行李生立即將傳真送到客人的房間。 If guest have a reservation on the same day and has not arrived, attach the fax to the registration card (key in a comment in the FIDELIO system).如果客人在當天有預訂,但是還沒有抵達。就將傳真同登記單附在一起(輸入FIDELIO系統(tǒng)中備注) However, if the guest has a reservation for a later date, hold the fax in the expanding wallet and create or key in a remark in the computer to notify the Night shift receptionist to bring it out on the day the guest checks in and attached it to his registration card.如果客人有預訂但不是今天的預訂,就交給接待員將傳真保存在文件夾中,并且在電腦中輸入備注。夜班的接待員要注意在客人抵達日取出傳真并將其與登記單附在一起。 To write down due-in date in pencil on the envelope containing fax.在裝傳真的信封面上,用鉛筆寫下客人預計抵達的日期。 Any inquiries about faxes check with the Business Center immediately if nothing stated in the remark.如果備注上沒有任何內(nèi)容,而對傳真有任何疑問可以向商務(wù)中心查詢。 Faxes received by the Business Center should be recorded down in the fax logbook at the Business Center.商務(wù)中心要將收到的傳真記錄在傳真記錄本上。 Business Center Secretary should call up the Bell Service counter for collection.商務(wù)中心職員要打電話通知行李員收取傳真。 Bellman to initial on the Business Center logbook upon collection.行李員收取傳真時,需要在商務(wù)中心的傳真記錄本上簽名。 Bellman to record down items to their Message Control Book before sending it to the guestrooms and initial.在傳真送到客人的房間之前,行李員要在工作記錄本上記錄下來并簽名。Procedures程序:Our regular service is EMS. Courier Service is only available till 1pm on Saturdays and none on Sundays and Public Holidays.通常的郵政快遞服務(wù)是EMS??爝f服務(wù)時間截至星期六下午1:00,在星期天和公休日不提供此項服務(wù)。 Check with guest if he would like to know the charges before we process delivery of his items. Unless he assured us that the charges are not a problem, we should quickly work out a rough estimate and inform guest about it. Occasionally, guest would not want to pay so much for it and might want to delete some documents or cancel the whole arrangement.當我們在為客人郵遞他的郵件前,要詢問客人是否知道所需的費用。如果客人確認費用沒有問題,那么我們就快速地粗略地計算一下費用,然后告訴客人。偶爾,客人不愿意付太多的費用,可能會減少一些文件或者取消郵遞計劃。 Check the guests name and room number in the terminal, if he is due to check out that very day, then quickly work out the charges and raise the Business Center vouchers and pass it to the Front Office cashier for posting.在電腦中查詢客人的姓名和房間號碼,如果客人預計在當天退房,那么就立即算出費用并填寫商務(wù)中心轉(zhuǎn)帳單,然后交給前臺收銀計入客人賬。 Pack the documents into an envelope and prepare the airway bill.將文件裝入信封并填寫航空郵遞費用單。 To make charges, refer to the courier service book for guests and add on our handling fee to the total.在郵政快遞服務(wù)的收費基礎(chǔ)上需要加收飯店的手續(xù)費。IDD/Collect Calls付費電話/對方付費電話Procedures程序:ÉObtain from guest 向客人詢問以下信息:· Guest name and/or room number客人姓名/房間號碼· Overseas Telephone number所要的電話號碼· Mode of payment付款方式ÉInform Telephone Operator:通知總機:· Room Account轉(zhuǎn)房間賬· Reverse Charge or Collect Call in which case we have a surcharge * (* TBA)如果是對方付費電話,我們需要收取手續(xù)費.ÉBusiness Center Secretary should do the closing and keep sale in the remittance envelope and submit it to the drop safe before leaving the hotel.商務(wù)中心職員在下班離開飯店前,要將投款袋投入保險箱。ÉOverseas calls should be taken at the guest waiting area. If it is a Collect Call, call the Operator to connect.如果客人撥打了國際長途,就請客人在能夠接聽電話的區(qū)域等候。如果是對方付費電話,就打電話給接線員,由接線員進行撥打。ÉShow the guest where to take the call.向客人示意在哪里接聽電話。ÉUpon completion, call the operator to find out the charge and ask for the name of Operator.通話結(jié)束后,打電話給接線員詢問費用問題并記錄下接線員的姓名。ÉReceive payment from guest.向客人收取費用.ÉAccept only Reminbi. Foreign currency can be changed at the cashier.只收取人民幣.外幣要在收銀處兌換.ÉEnsure that correct change is given to guest.要確保找給客人正確的零錢.ÉPlace the cash in a Cash Box.將現(xiàn)金放在”錢箱內(nèi)”.a Ensure that all furniture is dust free.確保所有的家具沒有灰塵。a Ensure that the Fax Machines, Photocopier Machines, Telephones, computers and printers are in working order.確保傳真機,復印機,電話,電腦和打印機處于良好工作狀態(tài)。a Ensure that you have sufficient stock of stationeries.確保商務(wù)中心有足夠的辦公用品。a Ensure that the working area is neat, no papers lying around.保證工作區(qū)域整潔,周圍沒有紙屑。a Glass door is free from finger prints.玻璃門沒有指印。a All Business Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Brochures are properly placed.所有商務(wù)中心的書籍,雜志,報紙,飯店宣傳冊要擺放整齊。


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