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Unit 7Part A,Thinking: A Neglected Art,21st Century College English: Book 2,II. Text analysis,The Outline of Text A,Part one : Para. 13,Part two : Para. 410,Part three : Para. 1112,Comprehension,Part one :Para. 13 Introduction: American education system is in deep trouble. And the problem lies in out attitudeswe place no value on intellectual activity.,The Outline of Text A,Questions: 1. How does the author illustrate her statement that the American education system is in deep trouble?,A: She cites “horrible facts”: school systems are running out of money, teachers cant spell, students cant read, high school graduates cant even find China on the map.,Comprehension,Part two :Para. 410 Argumentation: The reason why American society holds prejudice against individual thinking and the authors criticism.,The Outline of Text A,Questions: 2. What two causes of “prejudice against thinking” does the author present?,A: The two causes she mentions are that thinking (a) looks as if the person is wasting time, and (b) seems unnatural, since humans are sociable by nature.,Comprehension,Part two :Para. 410 Argumentation: The reason why American society holds prejudice against individual thinking and the authors criticism.,The Outline of Text A,Questions: 3. What is her main argument against the first cause of “prejudice against thinking”? How does she illustrate her argument?,A: She argues that thinking is a highly productive activity that requires time and effort. Her main illustration is that Einstein “had to study and think for months” to formulate the theory of relativity.,Comprehension,Part two :Para. 410 Argumentation: The reason why American society holds prejudice against individual thinking and the authors criticism.,The Outline of Text A,Questions: 4. What is her main argument against the second cause of “prejudice against thinking”?,A: She argues that intelligence is just as much a part of human nature as friendliness and that it would be unnatural for a person to neglect his or her mind.,Comprehension,Part three :Para. 1112 Conclusion: the solution to American schools problem is to attach importance to thinking.,The Outline of Text A,Questions: 5. What recommendation(s) does she have for solving the problems she sees?,A: She recommends starting in the home, for example, by offering our family members time to catch up on their thinking.,III. Reading other times they use false assumptions deliberately, because they want to promote an idea or make a point, and dont really care how they do it!,III. Reading to be unable to remember e.g. Dont feel upset because she forgot your name.,Cf. overlook v. to fail to notice or consider; to ignore deliberately e.g. When she decided to rent the house, she overlooked the fact that theres no public transportation around. ignore v. 故意不理睬,(be) in trouble (L. 1) having difficulties or problems,If they know we are in trouble, they will certainly come to our help.,Translate 許多 dot 公司陷入資金問題。,Key Many dot companies are in trouble with funds.,run out (of sth.) (L. 3) have no further supply of; lack (sth.); be out of,e.g. What will the world use for power when it has run out of oil?,Cf. run after to pursue; to chase e.g. He is never tired of running after fame.,Cf. run into to meet or find by chance e.g. She ran into her boss in the supermarket during work hours yesterday. to amount to e.g. His salary has run into six figures.,Cf. run on to move or work by means of (sth.); go by; work by e.g. The toy car runs on battery.,Cf. run down to knock down e.g.Three people were run down by the speeding truck.,(be) to blame (L. 5) to hold responsible,e.g. A snow storm was to blame for the power failure.,Note He is to be blamed for the damage. He is to blame for the damage.,liberal (L. 5) a. 1) open to new ideas; favoring reform 2) not strict; loose or approximate,e.g. The government adopt some liberal policies to lift the restriction for import. This book is a liberal translation.,Cf. literal word for word e.g. The official documents must be translated in a literal way.,liberal liberate liberty liable,a. 1. 心胸寬大的 2.自由的,民主的,vt. 1.解放 2.釋出,放出,n. 自由,1. 可能的,大概的 2. 有義務的,liberal,The prisoner was given his _ and allowed to leave the prison. The government has promised more _ economic policies if it is elected. Citizens are _to certain duties.,liberty,liberal,liable,Translate into Chinese: But possibly the problem lies not so much in our institutions as in our attitudes. (L. 8),但或許問題更多的不是存在于我們的制度,而是存在于我們的態(tài)度之中。,intellectual (L. 10) a. having the ability to learn and reason,e.g. A project has been carried out to study the intellectual aspect of apes.,Synonym intelligent having the ability to cope with various situations and new problems e.g. An intelligent person would have been more careful.,Synonym bright showing quickness and ease in learning e.g. Tom was a bright boy and often came up with great ideas.,Synonym brilliant showing unusually impressive mental acuteness e.g. Einstein had a brilliant mind.,Synonym smart having quick intelligence, and often a ready capability for taking care of ones own interests e.g. He is too smart to go against his boss.,promote (L. 13) v. 1)to raise in rank, position or importance 2)to attempt to sell or popularize by advertising or publicity,e.g. The organization aims to promote the concern for the homeless people. The author will come to the city to promote his new book.,Translate 新的稅收政策將促進高科技產(chǎn)業(yè)的快速發(fā)展。,Key The new tax policy will promote the rapid development of the high-tech industries.,prompt promise promising,vt. 促使,推動 a.敏捷的,及時的,迅速的,vt. 允諾,答應,a. 有希望的,有前途的,promotevt. 1.促進 2.提升,She _her brother that she would write to him Our teacher has been _to headmaster. The man confessed that poverty _him to steal.,promised,promoted,prompted,make (no) room for (L. 14) have (no) space or time for,e.g. He is busy with his work all the time and makes no room for social life.,Practice Make a sentence with “make no room for”.,suppose (L. 14) v. 1)imperative to consider as possible; if,e.g. Suppose you have a second chance, what will you do?,Translate 要是給你這份工作,你接受嗎?,Key Suppose you are offered the job, will you accept it?,More to learn,suppose v. 2)to think; to expect; to imagine,e.g. George supposed his role as cultural translator was important to the joint venture.,Translate 我想亞洲的經(jīng)濟形勢已經(jīng)開始好轉。,Key I suppose that Asias economic situation has started to improve.,PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) (L. 15) PTA is an organization of local groups of teachers and the parents of their pupils that works for the improvement of the schools and the benefit of the pupils. The stated purposes of the PTA are to bring the home and school into closer relationship so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the training of the child, and to develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in mental, social, and physical education.,Text-related information,Text-related Information,what if (L. 18) what would occur if; suppose that,e.g. What if our computer is affected by the virus?,Cf. what though it doesnt matter if e.g. What though the data in our computer is destroyed by the virus; we have backup.,More to do,1.You seem to be quite certain that I will accept your offer. (如果我不接受呢?) 2. If they know we are in trouble, they will certainly come to our help. (但是如果他們不知道呢?),VIII.Look at the sample sentences from the text and make use of what if to complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.,What if I say no?,But what if they dont know?,Exercises Structure,讀寫教程 II: Ex. VIII, p. 201,3.The deadline for this job is the end of the month. (要是我們不能按時完成怎么辦?) 4.When asked why they helped the flood victims so generously, they just answered: (“假如這事發(fā)生在你我身上呢?”),What if we cant get it done on time?,“What if this happens to us (someday)?”,VIII.Look at the sample sentences from the text and make use of what if to complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.,Exercises Structure,Text-related information,Yellow Pages (L. 20) A classified telephone directory or section of a directory, listing subscribers by the type of business or service they offer, usually printed on yellow paper and with classified advertising.,stuff (L. 34) n.informal substance; unspecified material,e.g. Theres sticky stuff all over the desk. Weve known all of this stuff; can you tell us anything new?,staff n. 職員, 工作人員,Translate into Chinese (L. 39): He leans back in his chair, props up his feet, puffs on his pipe and stares into space. He gives every appearance of wasting time.,他仰坐在椅上,架起雙腿,抽著煙斗,漠然注視著前方。不管怎么看,他都是一副消磨時光的樣子。,let alone (L. 55) idiom not to mention; much less,e.g. She has never drunk beer, let alone wine or liquor.,Translate 我不會說英語,更別提法語或德語了。,Key I cant speak English, let alone French or German.,special specific specify spice,a.特殊的,專門的,1.明確的,具體的 2.特定的,特有的,vt. 明確說明,具體指定,n. 1.香料,調味品 2. 趣味,情趣,species-n. 種類 (L. 57) (同義) kind, sort, type,Some _of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment. A. spice B. species C. series D. specialty,Key: B,Translate into Chinese (L. 63): Intelligence is just as much a part of human nature as friendliness.,智慧如同友善一樣也是人性的一部分。,catch up on (L. 72) (make special efforts to) do sth. which has been left undone or neglected,e.g. She is staying up late at the office to catch up on the report.,Cf. catch up with to come up from behind e.g. China is making great efforts to catch up with the advanced countries in information technologies.,regardless of (L. 74) in spite of,e.g. The company will promote its new product regardless of expenses.,Translate Priscilla held onto her dream to get college education regardless of all the hardships.,Key 普里西拉不顧千辛萬苦,從不放棄上大學的愿望。,run on (L. 76) (cause to) move or work by means of (sth. such as power); go by; work by,e.g.The taxicabs in this city are required to run on natural gas.,Practice Make a sentence with “run on”.,III.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,1.Part of a psychiatrists work is to provide _ to help students with personal problems.,counseling,2.When Im very angry, I find it best to _ myself from other people for a little while., isolate,Vocabulary,suspiciousadministrationflashmoderatepromote counselshunsneakformulateisolate,讀寫教程 II: Ex. III, p. 163,3.Its very sad that many AIDS victims find themselves _ by friends and neighbors who cant overcome their fears and prejudices.,shunned,4.The government official comments on the present economic situation with _ satisfaction, saying that it is showing signs for the better., moderate,Vocabulary,III.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,suspiciousadministrationflashmoderatepromote counselshunsneakformulateisolate,5.Mary _ off to Paris last weekend all by herself without letting anyone know. She said she just suddenly felt like going away for a few days, and went.,sneaked,6.Many educators feel our schools do too little to _ creativity and critical thinking., promote,Vocabulary,III.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,suspiciousadministrationflashmoderatepromote counselshunsneakformulateisolate,7.If our institutions do not have good _, money will be lost and nothing can be achieved.,administration,8.On her way to the airport, it _ into Catherines mind that shed forgotten her passport., flashed,Vocabulary,III.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,suspiciousadministrationflashmoderatepromote counselshunsneakformulateisolate,9.A genius is someone who not only has ideas, but also knows how to _ them in words and communicate them to others.,formulate,10.Mr. Smith kept himself indoors for a whole week without even opening the windows and his _ neighbors reported this to the police., suspicious,Vocabulary,III.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,suspiciousadministrationflashmoderatepromote counselshunsneakformulateisolate,1.How can you expect anyone to have trust in you when you are so careless in everything you do?,2.Im so sorry, but I really cant go out tonight I have to do the homework Ive been neglecting.,IV. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the text that best keep the original meaning.,Vocabulary,believe in,catch up on my homework,讀寫教程 II: Ex. IV, p. 164,3.When weve used all our oil supplies, itll be too late to look for other sources of energy.,4.In spite of what most scientists seem to think, measurements and calculations are not the only way to discover truth.,Vocabulary,IV. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the text that best keep the original meaning.,run out of,Regardless of,5.With the rapid development of this area, all these old buildings will soon be torn down to clear the space for new ones.,6.I cant even afford a bicycle, not to mention a car!,Vocabulary,IV. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the text that best keep the original meaning.,make room,let alone,7.If a friend is having difficulties, dont just ask if theres anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it.,Vocabulary,IV. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the text that best keep the original meaning.,in trouble,V.Rewrite each sentence so that it includes both the words given in parentheses. Be sure to make any other necessary changes as well.,1.The author says the problem arises from our attitudes toward thinking, not from government regulations that make no sense. (lie, ridiculous),讀寫教程 II : Ex. V, p. 164,Vocabulary,The author says the problem lies in our attitudes toward thinking, not in ridiculous government regulations.,2.The manager seemed in every way to be a very dedicated employee, so no one felt distrust when money started disappearing from the company account. (appearance, suspicious),Vocabulary,V.Rewrite each sentence so that it includes both the words given in parentheses. Be sure to make any other necessary changes as well.,The manager gave every appearance of being a very dedicated employee, so no one felt suspicious when money started disappearing from the company account.,3.Giant pandas are a very interesting type of animal; in a way, they look like bears but are in fact related to squirrels. (species, vaguely),Vocabulary,V.Rewrite each sentence so that it includes both the words given in parentheses. Be sure to make any other necessary changes as well.,Giant pandas are a very interesting species; they look vaguely like bears but are in fact related to squirrels.,4.Einstein always said that he came up with his theory of space, time and motion in a dream. (conceive, relativity),Vocabulary,V.Rewrite each sentence so that it includes both the words given in parentheses. Be sure to make any other necessary changes as well.,Einstein always said that he conceived his theory of relativity in a dream.,5.Its only after I graduated that I began to realize the value of all the things Id been forced to study at school. (convinced, stuff),Vocabulary,V.Rewrite each sentence so that it includes both the words given in parentheses. Be sure to make any other necessary changes as well.,Its only after I graduated that I became convinced of the value of all the stuff Id been forced to study at school.,Exercises Word Building,讀寫教程 II: Ex. VI, p. 165,Exercises Word Building,Suffix,-ity,to mean: either the state or quality of being (adj.),to be added to: adjectives,to mean: sth. which is (adj.),VI. A.Give the noun forms of the adjectives below.,Exercises Word Building,similar diverse popularlocal mature probable special curious publicnecessary ,similarity,diversity,popularity,locality,maturity,probability,specialty,curiosity,publicity,necessity,VI. B.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with some of the nouns you have formed.,Exercises Word Building,1.Please forgive my _, but where did you get that funny hat?,curiosity,locality,2.People living in this _ complain of traffic noises disturbing them at night.,VI. B.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with some of the nouns you have formed.,Exercises Word Building,3.Animals that die before they reach _ do not produce offspring.,maturity,specialty,4.Shes an excellent translator, but her _ is ancient Greek poetry.,VI. B.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with some of the nouns you have formed.,Exercises Word Building,5.The heavy traffic in large cities greatly increases the _ of having an accident.,probability,similarity,6.Theres a great _ between the young authors writing style and Hemingways.,VI. B.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with some of the nouns you have formed.,Exercises Word Building,7.The immense _ of her novels in America has made her very rich.,popularity,publicity,8.I dont know why film stars marriages always get so much _; there are surely more important things for the mass media to discuss.,VI. B.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with some of the nouns you have formed.,Exercises Word Building,9. Having a computer is quickly becoming a _ of life, not a luxury.,necessity,diversity,10.To provide the students with a broader education, the university has decided to introduce more _ into the basic curriculum.,Exercises Word Building,讀寫教程 II: Ex. VII, p. 165,Exercises Word Building,to be added to: adjectives,to mean: the opposite of verb,Prefix,un-,and to be added to: verbs,to mean: not (adj.),Add un- to the following verbs and adjectives to form new words.,Exercises Word Building,certain comfortable friendly pleasant conscious do dress fold,uncertain,uncomfortable,unfriendly,unpleasant,unconscious,undo,undress,unfold,Now use some of the words youve just formed to complete the sentences below.,Exercises Word Building,1.It will take years to _ the damage caused by the flood.,undo,unconscious,2.A falling rock hit him on the head and knocked him _.,Exercises Word Building,3.The doctor will see you in a minute; meanwhile, please _ and lie down over here.,undress,uncertain,4.The committee discussed the problem for hours, but theyre still _ about what to do.,Now use some of the words youve just formed to complete the sentences below.,Exercises Word Building,5.It took the old man several minutes to _ the map and spread it on the table.,unfold,Now use some of the words youve just formed to complete the sentences below.,Exercises Word Building,to mean: which is or can be (verb)ed.,to be added to: verbs,Suffix,-able,Exercises Word Building,advise apply appreciate favor honor note practice prefer ,advisable,applicable,appreciable,favorable,honorable,notable,practicable,preferable,Add -able to the following verbs to form adjectives.,Exercises Word Building,1.The discount is _ only to children under 12, and only when theyre accompanied by adults.,applicable,preferable,2.Traditionally, a dark suit is _ to a light one for evening wear.,Now use some of the words youve just formed to complete the sentences below.,Exercises Word Building,3.Weve heard nothing but _ accounts of your work and look forward to seeing it for ourselves.,favorable,appreciable (also possible, notable),4.Unfortunately, the new equipment brought about no _ increase in production.,Now use some of the words youve just formed to


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