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在會議上常用的英語口語句子在會議上 AT THE MEETING101 Our meeting will be next Tuesday at eight oclock. 我們的會議將在下星期二八點鐘舉行。102 We want to change our meeting from Monday to Wednesday. 我們想把會議由星期一改為星期三。103 Sit down, please. Have a smoke and a cup of tea. 請坐,請抽煙、喝茶。104 Which problems shall we discuss today? 我們今天討論哪些問題?105 Today we shall discuss the question of hydraulic (pneumatic)test. 今天我們將討論水壓、(氣壓)試驗問題。106 Please give us your opinion.(point of view, ideas) 請把你的意見(觀點、想法)告訴我們。107 We must know your opinion. 我們必須知道你的意見。108 We are willing to accept your suggestion.(plan) 我們樂于采納你的建議(計劃)。109 Your suggestion suits us. We agree.你的建議適合我們,我們同意。110 Please forgive me. We have different (opposite) views on this. Our opinion is 請原諒,我們對此有不同的(相反的)看法.我們的意見是111 I am very sorry, but I disagree with you. 我很報歉,我不同意你說的。112 We should be able to settle this question. 我們應該能夠解決這個問題。113 We would like to hear your opinions. 我們想聽一下你的意見。114 We must act according to the contract. 我們應該按照合同辦事。115 Thanks for the advice, but this is something we have to figure out (workout) ourselves.感謝你的勸告,但此事我們要自己考慮一下。(解決)116 I do not see any point in discussing the question any further. 我認為進一步討論此事沒有必要。117 Let us discuss these problems one by one.(step by step)讓我們一個一個地(一步一步地)討論這些問題。118 Do you agree with me? 你同意我嗎?I agree. 我同意。I disagree. 我不同意。I agree with you, but with some reservations. 我同意,但有某些保留。119 I think so. 我想是這樣。I do not think so. 我不這樣想。120 Shall we have a break? 我們休息一下好嗎?121 It is a question which we shall not discuss here. 這個問題我們將不在此討論。122 We have not get fully determined. 我們尚未完全決定。123 This is something beyond our comprehension. 這是我們不可理解的事。124 I regret to say that I can not agree with you. 我很報歉(遺憾),不能同意你。125 We hold the opinion of our own. 我們堅持我們的意見。126 Let us decide on this point. 讓我們決定這一點。127 We decide to do so. 我們決定這樣辦。128 This problem must be reported to the higher level, they have the final say to make decisions.這個問題應該呈報上級,由他們作最后決定。129 Your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising there from. 由此產(chǎn)生的一切后果由你方負責。130 Let us draft a resolution about it. 讓我們?yōu)榇似鸩菀豁棝Q議。131 Please sign your name to the minutes of the meeting. 請在會議記錄上簽字。132 We shall meet again tomorrow morning. 我們明天早上接著開會。133 Let us put this matter aside for sometimes, Good-bye. 這事過些時候再說,再見!134 Your cooperation means much to us. 你們的合作對我們是很重要的。談論質(zhì)量管理常用英語口語句子質(zhì)量管理QUALITY CONTROL425 Total Quality Control(TQC) is a better quality control system.全面質(zhì)量管理(簡稱TQC)是一種較好的質(zhì)量管理體系。426 TQC over the project will be strengthened. 對于這個工程的全面質(zhì)量管理將要加強。427 To maintain the best quality of the construction work is the important responsibility of the field controllers.保持施工工作的優(yōu)良質(zhì)量是現(xiàn)場管理人員的重要職責。428 We possess skilled technician and complete measuring and test instruments used to ensure the quality of engineering . 我們擁有熟練的技術(shù)力量和齊全的檢測手段,可以確保工程質(zhì)量。429 Field inspection work is handled (executed, directed )by our Inspection Section.現(xiàn)場檢查工作由我們的檢查科管理(實施、指導)。430 Our site quality inspector will report to the Project Manager everyday. 我們的現(xiàn)場質(zhì)量檢查員將每天向工程項目經(jīng)理匯報。431 I want to see the certificate of quality (certificate of manufacturer, certificate of inspection, certificate of shipment, material certificate, certificate of proof). 我要看看質(zhì)量證書(制造廠證書、檢查證明書、出口許可證書、材料合格證、檢驗證書)。432 Here is the report of chemical composition inspection. 這是化學成份檢驗報告。433 Is it OK(good, guaranteed, satisfied, passed)? 那是正確的(好的、保證的、滿意的、合格的)嗎?434 We shall take the sample to test its physical properties (mechanical properties, tensile strength, yield point, percentage elongation, reduction of area, impact value, Brinell hardness). 我們將取樣試驗其物理性能(機械性能、抗張強度、屈服點、延伸率、斷面收縮率、沖擊值、布氏硬度)。435 We have received Certificate of Authorization for the fabrication and erection of pressure vessels.我們具有壓力容器制作和安裝的授權(quán)認可證書。436 The welds passed the examination of radiographic test (ultrasonic inspection, magnetic testing).這焊縫通過射線透視檢查(超聲波探傷、磁力探傷)合格。437 Are you a qualified nondestructive testing (NDT) person? 你是具有資格的無損檢測人員嗎?438 Let us go to the laboratory to check the radiographic films. 請到試驗室去檢查透視片子。439 This job will have to be done over again. 這活必須返工重做。440 The defect must be repaired at once. 缺陷必須立即修理。441 This problem of quality needs a further discussion. 這個質(zhì)量問題需要進一步研討。442 The ISO standards have been used by our company in this project. 國際標準(ISO)已為我公司采用于此工程中。443 The testing results fulfill quality requirement.試驗結(jié)果達到質(zhì)量要求。444 Check list (quality specification) has been signed by the controller( inspector, checker).檢驗單(質(zhì)量說明書)已由管理員(檢查員、審核人)簽字。談論試車和開車常用英語句子試車和開車 TEST RUN AND START-UP445 We shall put the machine to trial (test run) after the erection work has been finished.這臺機器安裝工作完成以后就將進行試車。(試運轉(zhuǎn))446 The mechanical completion check list of the unit has been approved by both of the Buyers and Selers representative.這個裝置的機械竣工檢驗表已由買方和賣方的代表審定。447 We should start the installation according to the instruction and operation manual.我們應該根據(jù)說明書和操作手冊來開動這個裝置。448 The systematic hydrostatic test (dry run , hot test, dynamic test, actual start-up) is scheduled for next Monday. 系統(tǒng)水壓試驗(學習、加熱試驗、動力試驗、實際開車)定于下星期一進行。449 We have planned to finish the adjustment of the machine before Tuesday. 我們計劃在星期二以前完成機器的調(diào)試工作。450 Before initial start-up of the installation, we must check the equipment carefully.在裝置初次開動以前,我們必須仔細地檢查這些設備。451 Shall we begin the test run at once? 我們立即開始試車好嗎?452 The compressor is loaded up with the medium of air (nitrogen, process gas).壓縮機以空氣(氮氣、工藝氣體)加載運轉(zhuǎn)。453 The turbine had been running for 4 hours before carrying a full load.透平在滿載前已經(jīng)運轉(zhuǎn)了四個小時。454 We shall soon put the chemical installation into commissioning test run. (performance test)我們將很快地把這個化工裝置進行投料試生產(chǎn)。(性能考核)455 According to the schedule, the first batch process will be produced on October first this year.根據(jù)進度表,今年十月一日將首次批量生產(chǎn)。456 The machine is in good working order. 這臺機器運轉(zhuǎn)良好。457 The machine is out of order, will you see to it , please. 這臺機器運轉(zhuǎn)不好,請你去檢看一下。458 I felt the machine shake seriously. 我感到這機器震動嚴重。459 The machine parts went hot. 這機器零件發(fā)熱。460 The noise of the machine is very loud. 這臺機器噪音很大。461 The machine is knocking badly. 這臺機器敲擊聲厲害。462 If there arises any abnormal temperature (unusual noises, vibration) , it is necessary to stop the machine and investigate the cause. 如果產(chǎn)生不正常的溫升(異常噪音、振動),必須停車查明原因。463 You must turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the motor. 如果電動機有什么毛病時,你必須關(guān)掉開關(guān)。464 We have planned to finish the adjustment of the machine before Tuesday.我們應該漸漸地增加壓縮機的壓力,并逐步投入滿負荷運行。465 The rotation number of the machine is on the increase. 機器的轉(zhuǎn)數(shù)在增加。466 After a few hours running, we shall check the machine; and replace the oil , if necessary.在數(shù)小時運轉(zhuǎn)后,我們將檢查機器;并在必要時換油。467 We shall select the suitable grease in accordance with the lubrication chart.我們要根據(jù)潤滑表來選用合適的油脂。468 What is the trouble with the machine? 這機器有什么故障?469 I think the trouble lies here. 我想故障在這里。470 It is necessary that we should repair it at once. 我們必須立即修理它。471 We shall give the machine another trial at 10 oclock. 我們將在十點鐘把這臺機器再試一次。472 The machine runs perfectly well, it had been operating with a continuous run of 72 hours.這強機器運轉(zhuǎn)很好,它至今已連續(xù)運轉(zhuǎn)了七十二小時。473 The result of the test run satisfied us. 試車結(jié)果使我們很滿意。474 It is not doubtful that the test run will be successful. 試車將會成功是無疑的。談論工藝管道常用英語句子工藝管道 PROCESS PIPING403 The design of the process piping is performed directly on a model of the project.工藝配管的設計是直接按照工程項目的一個模型完成的。404 The model is an actual working tool for piping. 模型是配管用的實際工具。405 Piping erection work include: prefabrication, placing, aligning, welding and bolting. 管道安裝工作包括:預制加工、安置、對準、焊接和連接。406 Our piping prefabrication workshop covers a total area of 1000m2.我們的管道預制加工廠擁有一千平方米的面積。407 We can perform the pipe by following operations: cutting and mechanical chamfering, manual and automatic welding. 我們可以對管子進行下列預制加工:切割和機械加工坡口,手工和自動焊接等。408 The computer generates isometric drawings and prints out bill of materials. 計算機繪出管道空視圖,并打印出材料明細表。409 We shall complete the manhour requirements for the site fabrication (site erection ) of this drawing.我們將制訂這張圖紙現(xiàn)場制作(現(xiàn)場安裝)所需的工時條件。410 Seamless steel tube is made in sizes for 1/8 to 24 inches.無縫鋼管制作的尺寸從八分之一寸到二十四寸。411 Spiral-welded steel pipe is available in sizes from 6 to 36 inches.螺旋焊接鋼管的尺寸從六寸到三十六寸。412 Two types of end are standard on steel pipes and fittings, that is flanged and screwed.鋼管和管件有兩種標準端部型式,即:法蘭和絲扣。413 This pipe is made of carbon steel (stainless steel ,cast iron, plastic).這管子是碳素鋼(不銹鋼、鑄鐵、塑料)制成的。414 We usually use elbow (bend, flange, tee, reducer) as a kind of pipe fitting.我們常用彎頭(彎管、法蘭、三通、大小關(guān))作為一種管件。415 What is the installation elevation of this pipeline? 這條管線的安裝標高是多少?416 This pipeline will be installed on the No.8 pipe rack. 這條管線將安裝于八號管廊架上。417 The transfer medium in this pipeline is liquid ammonia (process air, soft water, alkali liquor, acidic gas).這條管線的輸送介質(zhì)為液氨(工藝空氣、軟水、堿液、酸性氣體)。418 This is a gate valve (check valve, butterfly valve, cut-off valve, magnetic valve, remote valve, relief valve, throttle valve, cock). 這是一個閘閥(止回閥、蝶閥、切斷閥、電磁閥、遙控閥、安全閥、節(jié)流閥、旋塞)。419 Please explain the method of field test and flushing (blowing off )of the pipelines. 請說明管線的現(xiàn)場試驗和沖洗(吹凈)方法。420 We shall conduct the clean water for the hydrostatic test of the austenitic stainless steel pipe.我們將為奧氏體不銹鋼管的水壓試驗引進凈水。421 We need a piping material list (list of piping support, bill of welding rod). 我們需要一份配管材料表(管架一覽表、焊條明細表)。422 The welding (heat treatment) of pipes have been carried out with incorporated programming.管子的焊接(熱處理)現(xiàn)已按照編寫的程序完成。423 We can carry out various treatment for the inner surface of pipes, such as sanding, chemical pickling, purging and passivation. 我們可以進行管子內(nèi)壁的各種處理,諸如:噴砂、化學酸洗、沖洗和鈍化。424 The outer surface of this pipeline will be painted in green (red, yellow, blue, white, black, grey, brown) color.這條管線的外表面將涂刷綠(紅、黃、藍、白、黑、灰、棕)色。宴會上常用英語口語在宴會上 AT THE BANQUET475 How do you do? 你好嗎?I am very glad to meet you. 見到你很高興。476 Take this seat, please. 請坐這個座位。Sit down, please. 請坐。477 Allow me to introduce myself. I am Wang Dong. 請讓我自我介紹一下,我是王東。May I introduce Mr. Yu. 請讓我把于先生介紹給你。This is Mr. Li (Mrs.Wu, Miss Liu, Comrade Yang). 這位是李先生(吳夫人、劉小姐、楊同志)。May I ask your name? 請問你叫什么名字?478 Welcome to China (Shanghai, Nanjing, Anhui). 歡迎你來中國(上海、南京、安徽)。Welcome to our construction site (factory). 歡迎你到我們工地(工廠)來。479 Did you have a nice trip?旅途順利嗎?Is this your first trip to China? 這是你第一次來中國嗎?480 I hope you will have a pleasant work here. 希望你在這里工作愉快。Hope you will enjoy your stay here. 希望你在這里過得愉快。481 Please dont stand on ceremony , if you please. 別客氣,請隨便。Make yourself at home. 請別拘束。482 Try some of this Roast Duck. 嘗嘗這個烤鴨。483 Help yourself to that fish. 請吃那個魚。484 Do you want some desert? 你要點甜食嗎?485 Would you like a bowl of soup? 你要一碗湯嗎?486 What would you like to drink? 你想喝點什么?487 Have a glass of beer (red wine, liquor), please.請喝一杯啤酒(紅酒、白酒)。Please try this ”Mao Tai”(Fenjiu, Gujing, Tequ, Qingdao Beer), it is the best drink in our country (province, city).請嘗喝這茅臺灑(汾酒、古井酒、特曲酒、青島啤酒),這是我國(省、市)最好的酒。488 This is a course of Chinese dish, help yourself. 這是一道中國菜,請吃。Do you prefer Chinese or Western food? 你喜歡中餐還是西餐?Shall we have some rice(bread)? 吃點米飯(面包)嗎?489 I dont know what name of this dish, let us take a look at the menu.我不知道這菜的名稱,讓我們來看一下菜譜。It is called “Jiaozi” in Chinese, it means meat dumpling. 這儀器中文名叫“餃子”,意思是肉餡面食。490 Here is the Western tableware: knife, fork and spoon. 這是西餐用具:刀、和湯匙。This is a pair of Chinese chopsticks, try it and see if you like it.這是一雙中國筷子,試試看你是不是喜歡它。491 I am very glad you like it, do have more. 我很高興你喜歡這菜,請多吃些。No, thanks, I have had enough. 謝謝,不要了,我夠了。492 Heres to the health of our friends-to your health! 為朋友們的健康干杯!493 May the friendship between us continue to grow-to our friendship and cooperation!為我們之間的友誼進一步增長為友誼和合作干杯!494 Heres to you (everyone)! 向你(大家)祝酒!Congratulations! 表示祝賀!Good luck! 祝你好運!Cheers! 祝你愉快!Bottoms up! 干杯!495 Would you like a cup of tea (milk, coffee, cocoa, orange juice, mineral water)?你要一杯茶(牛奶、咖啡、可可、桔子汁、礦泉水)嗎?Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? 你喜歡什么,咖啡還是茶?496 Try our filter cigarettes “ZHONGHUA”(SHANGHAI, DAQIANMEN), please.請嘗吸我們的過濾咀香煙“中華牌” (上海牌、大前門牌)。497 We give a warm send-off to you! 我們熱烈歡送你!498 Thank you for your work in promoting the modernization of our country.感謝你為促進我國的現(xiàn)代化而做的工作。499 I wish you a pleasant journey! 祝你旅途愉快!Bon voyage! 一路順風!500 Good-by! 再見!Good night! 晚安。Hope to see you again. 希望能再見到你。談論設備安裝常用英語口語設備安裝 ERECTION OF THE EQUIPMENT379 Erection of the equipment will be carried out according to the specifications and drawings.設備安裝將按照說明書和圖紙進行。380 All site erection works will be performed by the Buyer under the technical instruction of the Seller.所有的現(xiàn)場安裝工作都應在賣方的技術(shù)指導下由買方完成。381 The construction company is fully in charge of the administration of all erection work. 建設公司完全負責全部安裝工程的行政管理。382 Our company cover all construction activities, that is : piling , civil engineering, mechanical erection, piping, electrical, instrumentation, painting and insulation work. 我們公司涉及所有施工活動,包括:打樁、土建工程、機械安裝、配管、電氣、儀表、油漆和保溫絕緣工作。383 What is the feature of this 學習版er (學習版ing furnace, heating furnace, reactor, mixer, centrifuger, belt-conveyer) ? 這臺裂解器(裂解爐、加熱爐、反應器、攪拌器、離心機、皮帶輸送機)的特點是什么?384 The spherical tank (gas holder, container) will be shipped in the condition of edge prepared and bent plates.球罐(氣柜、容器)將以板加工和彎板的條件發(fā)貨。385 I think that the on-site training will be necessary for the tank. 我想槽罐焊接工作的現(xiàn)場培訓是必要的。386 The cooler (condenser, separator, boiler, generator, scrubber, stripper, heat exchanger ) is a pressure vessel. It is subject to the pressure vessel code. 這臺冷卻器是一個壓力容器,它必須服從壓力容器法規(guī)。(冷凝器、分離器、鍋爐、發(fā)生器、洗滌器、汽提器、熱交換器)387 The pressure vessel must be inspected by our authoritative organization-Administration of Labour.壓力容器必須接受我們的權(quán)威機構(gòu)勞動總局的監(jiān)察。388 The new reciprocating (centrifugal, opposed-balanced) compressor will be installed next week.下周將安裝這臺新的往復式(離心式、對置平衡式)壓縮機。389 The distilling column (absorber, column evaporator, regenerator, column washer) is a kind of equipment for outdoor installation. 蒸餾塔(吸收塔、蒸發(fā)柱、再生塔、洗滌塔)是一種室外安裝的設備。390 The TG70 steam turbine has a operation speed of 9600 rotations per minute (RPM).TG70型蒸汽透平的運轉(zhuǎn)速度為每分鐘9600轉(zhuǎn)。391 What do you think of this erection work?你看這項安裝工作如何?392 This low (middle, high ) pressure blower (pump) will be assembled in the No.3 workshop.這臺低(中、高)壓鼓風機(泵)將在三號車間里予以裝配。393 We are adjusting (installing, checking, aligning, leveling, purging ) the equipment.我們正在調(diào)整(安裝、檢查、找正、找平、清洗)這臺設備。394 The working team will finish the job next week. 工作班組將在下周干完這活。395 We can adjust the levelness of the machine by means of shim and screw jack.我們可以利用墊鐵和螺絲千斤頂來調(diào)整機器的水平度。396 After seven days , the grouted mortar will have concreted, then we shall tighten the anchor bolts.灌漿在七天以后凝固,我們就將擰緊地腳螺栓。397 The alignment of the coupling should be performed by two dial gauges. 靠背輪的找正對準應用兩只千分表來進行。398 The maximum allowable misalignment of the coupling is 0.02mm.靠背輪找正的最大允許偏差為0.02毫米。399 How many radial (axial ) clearnance are there in this bush (journal bearing , thrust bearing) ?這個軸套(軸頸軸承、止推軸承)的徑向(軸向)間隙是多少?400 Does the bolt fit the nut? 螺栓與螺母配不配?401 We prefer welding to riveting. 我們認為焊接比鉚接好。402 Do you know how to assemble (adjust )this new machine?你知道如何裝配(調(diào)整)這臺新機器嗎?談論工程材料常用英語句子工程材料 ENGINEERING MATERIALS361 There are some material warehouses (store yards) on the construction site. 在工地上有一些材料倉庫(堆場)。362 Our store officer is responsible for the warehousing and issuing of materials. 我們的倉庫管理員負責保管和發(fā)放材料。363 We use Scientific-management system for material shortage and its control. 我們應用科學管理體系處理材料短缺及其調(diào)節(jié)。364 These materials are imported from abroad (supplied by the Seller).這些材料是從國外進口的(賣方供應的)。365 What is the feature about it? 這些材料的特性是什么?366 The construction material answers our purpose satisfactorily. 這種建筑材料能滿足我們的需要。367 The average traffic fuel (gasoline) consumption of this lorry is 0.3 liter per kilometer (l/km).這臺貨車的平均行車柴油(汽油)耗量為每公里0.3公升。368 Hydraulic oil (lubrication oil )which having a viscosity of about 4.5°Eat 50 can be used for this vehicle (machine). 具有恩氏粘度4.5°E( 50)的液壓油(潤滑油)可用于此車輛(機器)。369 This special oil comes from the “SHELL” company (CALTEX, MOCBIL,GULF, ESSO, CASTROL, BP). 這種特種油來自“殼牌”公司(加德士、飛馬、海灣、埃索、卡斯特羅、英國石油公司)。370 Cement steel and timber are the most important construction materials used in civil engineering.水泥、鋼材和木材是土建工程中最重要的建筑材料。371 Typical structural steel shapes include beams, channels, angles and tees. 典型的結(jié)構(gòu)型鋼包括工字鋼、槽鋼、角鋼和丁字鋼。372 There are four broad classifications of steel : carbon steels, alloy steels, high-strength low-alloy steels and stainless steels. 鋼材大致辭可分為四類,即:碳素鋼、合金鋼、高強度低合金鋼和不銹鋼。373 Copper, zinc, lead, aluminium, bronze and brass are nonferrous metals or alloys.銅、鋅、鉛、鋁、青銅和黃銅都是有色金屬或合金。374 This alloy is mainly composed of element chromium and nickel ( titanium, vanadium, manganese).這種合金主要由元素鉻和鎳(鈦、鋇、錳)組成。375 The standards “GB” and “YB” provide the method of testing for materials in our country just like the standard ASTM in America. 在我們GB(國標)和YB(冶標)規(guī)定材料的試驗方法,正如美國的ASTM標準一樣。376 We have asbestos (rubber, plastic, glass, paint) products of all kinds.我們有各種石棉(橡膠、塑料、玻璃、油漆)制品。377 Bolt (screw, nut, stud, spring washer, pin, ball bearing, roller bearing) is the most commonly used machine part. 螺栓(螺釘、螺帽、雙頭螺栓、彈簧墊圈、銷、滾珠軸承、滾柱軸承)是最常用的機械零件。378 Cast iron cannot compare with steel in tensile strength. 鑄鐵在抗拉強度上比不上鋼。工程師談論常用工具英語句子常用工具 COMMON TOOLS339、There are many tools in my tool storage unit (tool chest, tool box).我的工具柜(工具盒、工具箱)里面有很多工具。340、Get me a hammer (hacksaw, file, scraper, chisel, socket, wrench, hook spanner, adjustable wrench, pipe wrench, ratchet wrench, open end wrench, screw driver, hand vice, pliers, pocket knife). 給我拿一把手錘(鋼鋸、銼刀、刮刀、鑿子、套筒扳手、鉤扳手、活動扳手、管扳手、棘輪扳手、開口扳手、螺絲刀、手鉗、扁嘴鉗、小刀)。341、Straightedge rule (square rule, slide gauge, inside and outside micrometer, steel tape, feeler, dial gauge, depth micrometer, wire gage, radius gage, thread pitch gage) is a kind of common measuring tool. 直尺(角尺、游標卡尺、內(nèi)徑和外徑千分尺、鋼卷尺、塞尺、千分表、深度千分尺、線規(guī)、半徑規(guī)、螺距規(guī))是一種常用量具。342、The precision of this fitter level (cross-test level) is 0.02mm/M.這個鉗工水平儀(框架式水平儀)的精度為0.02毫米/米。343、We have got the instrument (pressure gauge, thermometer, tachometer, current meter, universal meter) ready for the experiment (test).我們已經(jīng)準備好做實驗(試驗)的儀器(壓力表、溫度計、轉(zhuǎn)速計、電流表、萬用表)。344、That is an air (electric) powered grinder (portable grinder, angle grinder, straight grinder, drill, impact wrench, riveting hammer, hammer drill). 那是一個氣(電)動砂輪機(手持砂輪機、角型砂輪、直型砂輪、鉆機、沖擊扳手、鉚釘錘、錘鉆機)。345、Our electrical tools are double insulated and approved to international safety standards.我們的電動工具都是雙重絕緣的,并符合國際安全標準。346、Hydraulic pump is the power unit of the hydraulic puller (hydraulic press, hydraulic pipe bender, hydraulic jack). 油壓泵是油壓拉出器(油壓機、油壓彎管機、油壓千斤頂)的動力裝置。347、A welders kit contains electrode holder, welding torch, helmet shield, portable electrode heating box and temperature measuring pen. 一名焊工的成套工具包括焊鉗、焊炬、面罩、手提式焊條加熱箱和測溫筆。348、The diameter of this wire rope (hemp rope, sling) is three-fourth inches (3/4”).這鋼絲繩(麻繩、吊索)的直徑為3/4英寸。349、The lifting capacity of this chain h


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