1、2019年秋季國家開放大學電大??啤队⒄Z口語(3)》期末試題及答案(試卷號:2148) 試卷代號:2148 國家開放大學2019年秋季學期期末統(tǒng)一考試 英語口語(3) 口試題簽 (學生用卷1A) 2020年1月 In this yon Mill have an opportunity to drmotulratc your ability to undmland and nse spoken EngHshe The test Is divided Into three parts. Part 1 Quwtinns and AriMwcm. Part 2 Role-playa
2、Part 3 MinH* Part I Answer the questions the examiner a如 yu. Part 2 Complrtc a nilc-plny tank with your conversation partner# using the infornvidon provided in the hillowin^ box. You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A end Student B are close (nends. ‘I hey are chatting about their experienc
3、es. Ilw following h the procedure >ou should follow. ? Ask B atxnn 8、funny/ rmhArrA<*!ng frightenins / important/ memorable travel experience( Asking for detAil*) t ? Respond to question and introduce a new topici tell H a bout your hopes to vtsil a place with B on weekendsi ask B to join you (U
4、rging) i
? Express interest m Id suggc5tcd acliviTy. hut you have other planR for BS >uggc 5、
英語口語(3) 口試題簽
In this teste)ou will hn\e an opportunity to demonstrntc your ability to undmtnnd and use spoken English. I hc test is divided into three purls.
Purl 1 Ovations nnd Answers.
Part 2 Roleplay.
Purl 3 Minllulk.
Part 1 Answer the qu 6、estions the examiner asks you.
Part 2 ( 7、e you thould follow.
? Respond to A、quotion und ask A flbotit A f> funny/ rmlurrns^inR / frighteninR i itnj>ortx>nt/ memorable travel experience (Expressing conrcntration and interrnt)
? Say yon have other plans. Suggest n different activity (ar q different time (Expressing impoMibUity) i
? Sugge 8、5i x soliitian to the prublrm under di^ctiMsioni find out other ttmcii thnt suit botli A nnd B (Persuading ) i
? El A you enjoy chatting with A and look forward to the planned visit (RtAssunng).
Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2?3 minutes.
Describe a gift cxperietice. eg. a gift you recei 9、ved that hau touched you or n gift you 5rnt to other people (hat impressed the receiver.
國家開攸大學20 19年秋V學期期末統(tǒng)?號城
英語口語(3) 口試題簽
In this E. UudcnK will huvr un npportunify to(km”ntnitc their wbillty h> under&lund and use
M(Nikrn FniiU^h. I hr I曲 h divided inlo three pnrM 10、
Prt I
QuenUuns and An^wm.
Pnrl 2
Purl S
Part 1 AsM ouch student two differml questions? witb lhe follawhig tapicu for your rckrcnce.
EhcIi Uudrnt hsu ailwiut 1. 5 minutes*
I Dors the mohik phone phy r> iinport.mf rolr in your lllv? Why or why not?
2. Ik)c the wrb ph 11、y nn importnnl rule in ynur lifr? Why ar why not?
3. Whm mrdiA du you use most often io (alluw intcnintional news? Why?
4. Whm media du you um mow often to fallow local new*9 Why?
Purt 2 Student A nd H will cnmplcte n n>le-play Us妃 Their coiivcnintlon Mhould lust I
Student A and Studcn 12、i H are clo5t- fn
a new topiri fri! H ubotii your hopes to vmt n pbii t with B nn wrt-krnd^i mk H io join you (UrRinR)<
? Exprrn> intcrent in ?ugx 14、auk A about A ? * funny/ enibprrn 15、ut other titnrM thuf *u>t both A nnd H《PeEmdinR >i
? Tell A you enjoy chatting with A and look forward fo fhr phmntd vim (ReAtiiiirinic).
Part 3 Stndcnl A and H will %(>cnk on the following topics. Each student should talk for 2-3 minutes*
Topic for Student A
Whut would be n prrlrct w/iy to cele 16、brate the SpririK Fcntiva! (or you? Why?
Topic for Student B
DtMcnbr gift cxpeririicr. ck> h gifl you recrivrd thnf him touched yrm or a gih you hen I to other people ihnt impressed the receiver.
英語口語(3) 口試題簽
tn thb tcsG yo 17、u will hint an oppurtunUy f<> dcnxmMnitr your abilily to undrntand and u*e Mpokrn English. The tmt is divided into three pnrt?.
Hurt I Qurstioim and Answm.
Purt 2 Kol<^pluy<
Port 3 Mini-Ulk.
Part I Answer the qythms the examiner aaki yoo.
Part 2 Complrte ■ roleplay Iniik with your con>rowtion p 18、artner > usinu the Infornutlon pn^hled in the followlufi box. You ha*e 4 minutes for thb part.
Student /\ and Siudrnt H arc (rtends They arc talking about their livc^.
The folloMinu h (hr pnurdurr you should fohoH.
? Kind out aIhhii BS u^ual way* fo travel tu work / tudy (Ankin*> (or in(ontunoii) 19、 i
? Ro^pond io Bfs i|uvudtiai persunrk H to try a more cotn(urt/ibk / I* exprniive lumr / more riivironmcntally frwmlly way etc (PerMiading) *
? Intrrnipt and inform B that you arc organising certain outdexir activity on the cominn weekendi invite B to join 20、ls of the weekend netlvtty (Giving deUikd informntion).
Purl 3 Speuk nn the following topic fur 2-3 minuter.
Who do you think kci the most plcasurea (rnm fritival ccleliralionA? Why"
國家開放大學20 1 9年秋季學期期末統(tǒng)一考試
英語口語(3) 口試題簽
In thh test, you will have nn opportunity fn 21、dcfnoastrttte your ability to understand and um? The test is divided into three parts.
Part I Questions smd An、wm.
Part 2 Role-play.
Port 3 MlnMalke
PuH I Answer Hie qurhlions the examiner M>k you,
l>grI 2 CompIvU n role-play Uuk with your ctimcnialiiin partncr< u&ing Ihr lnr<>rninth)n provided 22、 in the fuMowinx boxt You have 4 mlmiM (or ihh part.
Studrnl A urid Siudrm H arv frwnd>> They nrc miking about their liviv^.
I hi* h the proc^urr yuu、h”uhl follow,
. n“cUB< your unual wn” to I ravel lo uork> find u(Jl nhuul AVh MM)n| wny. I AnkinK (or mul giving det/ub)i
? Say you should do h A 23、bm you don 11 find it pc^Mblr /neressary / rrjihMici
I f pbwn v po*?iihilli> or >
? Exprtwb Interest iu AS MugeMfcd activityi ask fur drtajln ol thr nrtivrty uch ■烏 people in valved, time of dcparmrcf tlunus to britt|(< (EjipirZ 咔 hiirrr^>i
? AcctfH the invitation and thank A fut nuking (ConLlu
Purl 3 Speak on Iht rollowinx topic for 2-3 minulCK
Licrihc a rnci” excittnfi / interesting / dlfGcult /mcniornblr choice or change with your sludirt ur yuuf job or your liR.
家開放大學20 1 9年秋季學期期末統(tǒng)一考試
英語口語(3) 口試題簽
|D this teM. the students will have an opportunit 25、y to demon^tnite their ahiiity to undcrHlHtid and D5e p 26、 ytni like E do best if you hud enouRl time, money and huExn resources to do it? Why?
t Are you a blogger? Why or why not?
3. Which media do you use most and like bext. radio? ncwspnpert television m "化
worldwide web? Why?
Do yUU frcl comfoftnblr without your mobile phone with you lor mwIt Why 27、f shy
PE 2 studrnl A Mnd B will rnmplrlr ■ mlc-pUy tank. Their cotBcnatlon Nhmild InM < minutes.
Student A and Student B rr friends. They ire ulking about rhrlr livr*.
Use fulloMhiu h the proccdurr (he MudenU h 28、rk / ludy ( Asking (or in(onnnfion) i
? Rvsbpund tu qiirkliunni prfBUntlr H
to 29、ntcrruptirin nnd invitation)(
? (iivc dctniln af ihr weekend activity ((fivhig detailed infarrriation)A
? Diacura your ihuaI wny* tu rmvel to
(AkinK lor And Kivtnit druth) i
? Say you should du aa A wyn bill you
dun * 1 hnrl it poMiblr rwDwiry / rrnliMici rxplmn why ( Fxptrhninu poMibility or ) 30、<
? Expre^t interest in A、RUKH^Ntrd Mctjviiyi Rnk hir drUtln of ihr nctiviiy Much up pttuplr involved ? lirnr ol dr|mrturc thingn tn brinu* rtr> (Expre^inn Interr^t)i
? Arerpt tin invHAiion Aiui ihiwk A lor
<(4.!nclu 31、hould Inlk for 2-3
l oplc far Student A
Who do yuu think t thr rnoHt Irotn (entivnl cclrbrattotK? Why?
topic fr Ntudrnl II
iJmcrilw m nioMt ririfiiiR /tntrrr^ting / thnirult nicmoniblr rhclcr ar chungr with your tudic or your job or your life.
英語口語( 32、3) 口試
2020 年 1 n
口試教師s B期I
國家開放大學2 0 1 9年秋季學期期末統(tǒng) 33、?考試
英語口語(3) 口試題簽
In thH te^t. the students will have an opportunity to demomitnite their ability to un 34、ons from the followinu list. E*ch sludvnt h;e
about L a minutes.
L whnt It thr arte thing you like to do bril if yu hud tmouKh timet money and human
rrwciurrcR to do H? Why”
2. Arr you ■ hluy^er7 Why or why not?
3 Which mcdiM do you ue mg and like bewh radio, nrwwpnprt. 35、 wcl>? Why?
4. |)o you (ret nHidorublr without ynur tnobih phonr with you for A wr k: Why ar why not ?
|>uri 2 Studrnl A nnd B will campletr u rohrphiy tmk. Ihclr convcmithm ihnuhl —
Student A nnd Student H urr hend. They nrr rdkmg aboui thm live*. 試卷代號:2148
英語口沼(3 36、) 口試評分標準
2020 | I H
100 90
? m jntMiErt.m ■ MM.
?州排枚瓣聽配定的情景 fnikftlWWtk
? UHft%恰18行斑喜*尊人 iAJB.tl 主動地 HI JfttUi ?訥A,訥慌il響?
?仙紫m所fft MAS*
的 WiAl
? ififi ,出州n斶.
? A號U"川而* ?Wi
?譏舀?倡調正碑.訥 iUtRML
?大部分情況卜可以根W: 所即定的情景和物色遇 H審效交昧]
?炯合校 37、叫體.河稀,
? ins.wwd 晞.
?儒就朋■的堵■審 條 wittntiiwnd 的 W M1
? #, A MM 4 正 確,譏話恭本連?L
?觸糧羽州焜定的情 即粗角色BHfij禽
?不旭1。地履R詁財h ?消/! ■訥的妖卞n確?
? 的詁 tftitwn 己的 ww.
?培肖從七例,內再大 充女1
? (《本正植i?
? W 同im
? mH .ifiiWft 典幅iM.
? M *旭就所M的從 些也蛆e己W
?俏彳火流物.內容竹 限,
? in音.誦曜有一.榆
?不的制出所規(guī)定的悄靖 領命色盛色史tfh
. <■
? <■ -1..
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