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Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure 10 pointsQuestions 15 arc based on the following task.Choose the appropriate words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraphs. There are THREE extra choices that you dont need. Write your answer on the Answer SheetA. producesHoweverC. just MD. careE consequencesF.AlthoughG convenientIL responsibleTechnology surrounds us and is n part of our daily lives. We can find technological innovations at home, our workplace, our schools, and our playgrounds* L technology has improved our lives tn some ways, it has also brought many negative 2.Modern technology has made life very 3. We have everything we need andour inventions take care of no many unpleasant details >n our day-to-dny hves< Foods from all over rhe world art available At local supermarkets International travel is now fast and easy> We can talk to friends on cell phones any rime# anywhere and we enn catch a TV show from many countries far away.4. thee conveniences have a price- Wc consume too much energy nnd toomany rrjiourceM and we create too much waste< The world is overflowing with pollution and waste. Wc cannot continue like this forever We should hr more 5.aboutprotecting our world while fttill enjoying convenienceSe If our nntura! world in destroyed the conveniences will be uscIcstuPart 2 Paragraph Organization and Development 40 pointsjQuestions 68 arc ba<etl on the following task. (15 points)Pnragriaph ARead the foilowins pantgrupk Choose tbc best answer to each question. Write your answer A. B or C on the Answer ShccLMy parents played an important role in my education" development by helping me in both materiftl and spiritual ways to become the person that 1 ae today. They raided my older brothers and sisters in such a way that they would Met n good example for me and the other younger children. They bought various books that helped me become n hardworking studentnd good reader. They aIbome to experiences such am varnttonA and museum tripuHint enlarged my prrMpcctive on life. In addition* they lookrd cnrrfully At my cxaminAiion renultfi in school in order to motivate me Always to do my best. In uhorG 1 owe nil o( niy positive qualitio to the efforts of my parentn.6. Which cnfence is the topic cntcnca of the paragraph?A The firm cntcnce of the parngrnpKBe The second sentence of the parngriiph. C The hut ncntencc of the paragruph.PuniKniph IIHntd lhe inlnxiuctory pnmxniph of nn away. Choouc the best nwcr Io cnch qurWon. Write your answer At B or C on the Answer SheetElxht Hours a Night(D In my daMe slee|>-deprived Rtudrnts tend to disturb other ntudentiit and thin can makr it hard to learn. (2) No matter whl they are in ulcep deprived utudenla are likely to vnudc problcmtu (3) For cxamplct they rarely contribute lo the daroom topic (4) If they do something in clnnn. it1 titiunlly |Ut tu Answer n question that war nlrrndy anawcred> (5) Such sleepy ttudenU can even kill motivation lor students who nrr nwnkc. 6) When I >rr five people slreping with their hcndu on top o( their dmk it ib ponib!e thnl I will feel lcrpy too. cspccinlly if it in boring or nn rnrly morning chisa. (7) Another problem with many mudenu who don * t net enough sleep in that it h not unusiual (or thrm to arrive lair lo clnMMe inh-rrupting wlwitvvrr im hupprnin (8) lb naive tlwjtc pn)blrrruie I think that trai hrt3 should rwikc Mrrp M Iwnir nkcp per night |mrt af the cUm m|inrrrnrnu7. Choouc the type of introduciiomA. Problem-Solution.Ik Definhion/ExphnationC. Oenrral to-r>ecific8 Choose the thesis statemenuA. Sentence LH. Sentence 7.C Scntrncc 8>Question 9 Complete lhe following paraipiiph by adding details. (25 points) Make sure your tone and the vocabulary you umt mfc in unity with (he rclcvanl pantgraph. Write about 6080 words. Write yoor answeni on the Answer Sheet-Xiao (孝)一Love for Parents Expressed by ActionXiao is a fundamenul concept in Chinese culture What is Xruo? 1 think Xiao is love for parents and being good to pArentiu There are many examples of being Xiao towards parents by a son or a daughter. Xiao w respecting your perrnu. Xiao is not only supporting your parents mAterially when they need iti it is also frequently updating parent! on our futuaiiont 90 that they wouldnt worry about us and so that they can help and Advise us if they see that we need th Xiat> is not forgetting about your parents* health. Xiao is (Add supportinc drUils here )Part 3 Writing nn Essay 50 pointsjQuestion 10| Write an essay on the following topic.Th- IntenuH is becoming more central 2 mir lives It is providing echt infonri mare convrnirnces m wrll a acting m ah intrrnctivr emrtaitmwM These hjiwtiOns hv<! 地v"謔 benefit but there ore dimmrs involved in the control of the Intrnwi ove Qu,* 山 To whm exum do you 網(wǎng)海 or di哄ree? You should stnte your opinions You should explatn/suppon your opmiom Write about 150180 words.試題答案及評分標準(僅供參考)Purl I Vocabulary und Strvclurc | 10 point* . 2 points each I1. F2. E3. G4. B5 HPart 2 Pamgraph OrxaniMllon und Development40 points IQuestion* 68 (15polnls> 5 points each)6. A7. A& CQuntion 9 25 pointiuMarkinK Guidelines (供尊號2125內(nèi)尊曹糧性好,澎法正.論"訥順恰如可本無話法MiRiWMXa.16-20內(nèi)容旬 1建食性0!好 is nr段為通IH恰彌4少*,篇幅送當.11 15內(nèi)容收完會8羯句1 V本通腰.有少 MttMiR Mtt當610內(nèi)修不完iR句欠ttKiW法餡眼枚多.0-5內(nèi)容不完整無儂IN*.Herr bi a tuimpk.<(>ivrn on the lent pnprri Xian in a fundamcntAl concept in (?hincc culture. Whut in Xiuo? I think Xiao 浦 love (or pwrentn nnd being good to purentn. Thrtr nrv many rwunplc o( Ixnng Xtao townrch parents by a wti or n clatightrn Xiao in rcspcrtinK your pnrmteu Xiuo i not only ttuppornng your parents tnntcnnlly when they need iti it 浦 a1o frequently uprinting parents on our tituntion* so that they wouldnt worry about u nnd no that they can help nnd ndviw u if they see that we need it. Xian i not (orKetting about your parentsr health.)Xiao is waking up tH two oclock in th。tnorning U) remind your menher io uke her medicine. Xi。is run visiting piircTHs only on weekends when you doui hiivc better things io do. Xiu。is taking lime off work u> spend Ahk? wilh your parents 將 not sending your parentsaway to an old peoples npmment. so tfmt they wont 邱 k you to run bmnds> X如 is letting your parem live in your house, so thm you sn be at their service when they need you<Part 3 Writing an Essay 50 pointsQuestion 10 Marking Guidelines(供參考)4650 分內(nèi)容切題,完整,條理清楚.文章結(jié)構(gòu)嚴謹1語法正確.語育通順恰當.句式用 詞富有變化,有“閃光點”8基本無語言諾誤.41 45 分內(nèi)容切題.完整;條理清楚,文章結(jié)構(gòu)產(chǎn)謹,語法正胸.語言通順恰當,有少量 語法情俱.3140 分內(nèi)容基本切題.完整條理基本清楚,文章結(jié)構(gòu)基本嚴謹3語法基本正瑜.宙 吉基本通朋恰當,有少浴官情俱.2130 分內(nèi)容基本切順.完整,條理不夠清fth較多語舀銷誤.許多何使用不當.112。分內(nèi)容偏題,不完整,思路混亂,語句不完整只有少數(shù)句子可以理解,同匯拼 寫情誤較多.010 分內(nèi)容偏不完費,思路混亂,涪句不完整,句子無法理解.


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