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國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大本科文學(xué)英語(yǔ)賞析2024-2025期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):1062)Pari | IJlcmry Fundamental30 pnlnuSretinn L Match the nork with their wrherM (ID pnlnuhWorksI. The (Hit Man und fhr Sm2a A (Tin*/kia CartA3, ThrCrucihtrL An /ni/>/ur Culh5< Lore/ fij Ihf F/io.WrllrrnA. Arthur MillerH. Willinm (iulding( Frnnci> Baconl>. Ojunr WildrK ErncMl HrrninKwnyF. JH PriestleyG. Chnrb * DickcnnH. Thorn。,I InrdySection 2. Deride whrlhrr (hv FollowIiik MlwtcnniHik urc t rue (T) or FwIm* (F | (10 p”mhi)6. Hu tnand Kht* Lntr urr wrll known trnnwhc- by Willium Shnkvn-urr.umcihcr with7. bl timid Pinter is unc of the lienl known British playwright# of the 20,h Ceniury<& Lhe play The Mm hunt of Venter i* winird at vxihimiik ihr hypot rty of the Hrttinh uri9ti>craryt9t Scrimgr 卜,kind liriiried charnttcr crritr<| by Rubrfl UhH5 Slrvrinori in I* novelThf Stnumr Cutr of f h J tkyll un</ Mr 11 ydUh W<ih Whitman Is <1 well known Anienrnn poet known (or hie* ccillrrnan Lrwiri u/Ciian.Seel ion . Qu the correct *mwcr Io complete the fnlloMinu M-nlcnccn (Ij |Bn typ of (Hiclry ihnr comrncmuratr!i M)mconr who h” JeI.A. An vpic玫 A trngedyQ An 頓。 A hniku|v. |n nnrrAtivr Monr>, ihr build i|. M n knureMing plot remhc S highest 吵m mB. startwhich |A the htuhcRi paini of icnwon far I hr rrndcfeA. rttinK( fUnhhnrkI), rhrnnx13 "h rut her Inr thr living* we hcrr hr dedicated tt the grem t"、k remaking brforr “thnt ihi nntKiti nhnll Havc n new birth of frrcdotn. Mnd ihm govern men f ol the propio by thr pruplte fnr ihr proplr nhflll not prrinh Irom (hr eurtK ” This in h (piotr frotn n frtnioUM upcrchby. ()rr thr Gr<irfhff< ti/ fm/m” I Inwahnrlol NehruIL / Ho趴3 Ifratn . Mnrtin l.uthrr King( Abrolmm LincolnI). W Sunpuion Fronds BacodI I. All thr InlkiwtnR wrre nwarded the Nobrl Inrr tor Litrrnhirc exceptA. Ihrnn" HurdyB Jhn StdnhrrkC. Hnrold PinterI). Ernest HcminHwayIS. In his vmnax H( M Suulir, thr writrr clnMili” book* thu> "Sntnv IwKikn rc to br tiintirdt odicrx Hi he _ nnd nurnc lew to hr chewed nnd七A. nwnllowriU j.ktmniedB. nwullowed. diqgtcdG Monnrdt perfected11 MkitnmnL riinrwdPart | Rending C<>inprvhrtil(m50 point! JRead Ihr cMtmrU and chixMr the twnl nnsicr lo ruch queMinn.text Iluidy Bracknellt Whut is your incornr?Jeuk WnnhinR. Iktwrcn rrvrn nml right rhtusonrl ysr.Lmly Hrnrknt ll ( mukv a w ni her huok ) In lnn<l> or in tnvetnents?Jnck Wonhingi In invceiinientjit chiefly.L】dy Brnrknrll:h/n is Jntij4(Ai:fnry< Whnf hetwten the duhes expected of one during one、lifrtnnc< and the duties exacted from nr after one% death > In nd ho ceAArd to be 州hu n Profit Dr a pltAMirc. !t giveM onrnnd prevents onr from keeping it upaThmg ail fhwi cati be Maid /iliout kind.J"k Worihnmi I hnve i country hounc with Mme bind< ul mu annehed to it t aboti! Ilfteen hundred hctm 1 believei hut I don11 depend on that for my reul incornc In fn( t mb (ir nn 1 can imikr putt the pcnchtr* nrr thr only people who rnakn nnyfhing acn of h.溢dy llracknelli A country haucf How many bedrooms? Wrllt that point chh br Ie頃I up iiftcrwards. Vfu have n town hoii5c I hope9 A girl with ft Himple* unpoilrd luiiurc< hk f iwendolcn could hardly hr exprrtrd tn reside in thr cutmtry.J“k Wcirihmgj Well, I own a Hcjuj-c in llelgravc Sqnnrct but ii m let by thr yenr to Isdy BloxhArn> (" enur、, I enn get H bark whenever 1 like, nt hjx munthsF notice%Mdy Brnrknrlh lady Bloxham? I dont know her.Lady Bracknellf Lndy BlnxhAm? I donf I know hen摭ck Warrhingt Oh. fhr goes nhout very liitlc. She is a lady canMdcrAbiy Advhnerd in頃y BrAckndh Ah. nowadny that is no guarantee ol ntxpertabcttiy of ehnrartcr. What nutnber iti HdRWr ScpinrcJack WorthiriK: 119.Lftdy Brnckncll 也褊如”力"head >, *lhr "Mmhiambk* side. I l)Kiughi thrrr w混 -somethings Huwevrrt thnt could easily he nltercd.Jock Worthing: Do you meth the Gi.hion. or the side?LWy Brucknrll (sternly) f Boilu if nrcr<<ory I presumceQuestIfHi% (12 putnti)”; J hr extmn t? taken from aA. Vhr Im friartce 0/ Hrma Earned Ik The CrucibleC. Afi( alii17. In thi> cxtrnct Lndy Bracknell ia intcrvicwtrig J Ack Worthing on hiw nuitahihty as nA. |K>S!<ihle hiiftbnnd lor hrr dn/hl”H. candidfite for hold mnnager vnennvyC. obedient servant18. Which of the following stnlcments is true according to the ext met?A. Jack Worthing unen cxauKoitd and formal hngiwgc to imprrxs I血y Bracknell.K. Ij(|y Bracknell hrhrve?i if 詞 imporioni to own Innd brrHUr? il i* aeh, continuous sourre of inccimc.C. Ijidy Bmcknrll i qurtinnA hwg un Jack Wurthnig * ? income, prof>criy and Inmily connections.19. Lady Hrnckncll i> port ray rd ns n A. ilrdicntril follower of fanhiunH. Urnblc tnoh(?. conftiRrd nnd insecure woinnnText 2A 5tonv slow mnnin hi。office wniting. Hik (nee whs (nthrily nd benight nnd hi* tym twinkled with (nrndHliip Hr we .i cnllrr of good mnrnmK>t u rcrrmomoiin whokw of hnniU a jolly mnn who knew all joke* and yet who hovered cuac lofor m ihu midu前 A Uugh hr could rrrnenilwr thr deth bf your mint And hb cyen would become wci with sorrow lor yinir I睥、hi、mummg he hnd phicrrl 赤 flower in,vasr nn hmrrlrc hthtcuf Mid I he v;i>r n/it brnidr ihr blntk velvet lini il trny in front id him. I ! w 仆 xluved clone to the blur ront of Iur board, nnd hi hands wtre dean nd hi* nuiK pohhixl Hi dour stood open in the niorningt and he hurnnied tindt-r hi- bceAth while Ihm right hnnd practiced kRrrdrmAtn. He rolled a coin bxirk and forth over hi. knuckle* nnd mode it appear nnd disnpprr* made it spin ind sparkle. The coin winked intn 5inhi and 心 “uhkly Mlipptd out of sighu and ihr rnari(IhI not wqh wntch hl? own performance 1 he did it /ill niechunically # prrrisrly. while the mnn hummed to himself and peered oin lhr dm”. Then he heard the I ramp of feet of the npprouchine cro%d, and the fingers of his ritfht hnd worked foster and rnsttr until t 心 Ihr figure of Kino Hllcd the dnorwuy. the coin flushni unt! disnppcrixi.Quctimii 20*22 (9 pointi)20. The rxiriict i tkrn from.A. Hrwrl o fK TAr ParlC. Lard o/ the F/i<21. The tou( rriAn in donerihed am.At FcIflMh but hardworkiriK仕 coobheadrd nnd rrltK>uu>kind nnd friendly22. 1 h< hut few nrntrnces ai thr end n( thr pArAgruph eu曲st ihm the Mout m.nA. auld not >fny nilm hcrAiisr he mw ihr coin dtMippcnrH. n>uhi not Atny cnlni when he unw Kino enmr in( nwhl not o out lx?cauo til the crowd m Ihr(i(K)rTew! 3COH<Srnichmr* I have WAntrdto throw you of Ilikr n hvnvy co(ilSornrlHficn 1 hnvt muIyou would nut Irt meI)rr4thr or mavrHoi now flint | nm (ruein lirht rlotlirnur nnnr it nil i feel I he c(i!dml mH ihr lime I think hriw WAnii it umccI la heQuestions 23-25 (9 points )23> The poem enn be CAtegonted as a A. cvnlewiionnl poem11 narrative poemC> protrsi porni2L What do we know about the speaker <4 the poem?A. Thr speaker doesnt want her beloved to spend money on expensive gifis,B. The jiprakrr is cheerfully trasmg her former lover.C The speaker i> expressing brr regrets now that her love wffair is oven25. rhr ront enn be underMood m a metaphor far thr penkcrfkA. bnretlam with a tedious tailor rs job H. desire for trra-iurcd poHiiessions C< former loverText 4Rcd the extract and give brief answers lo the questions 2A29 that follow. Pleasv note; Ill is rvadinit tusk will be relevant lo the writing Usk in Part The Mun Who ralkcd lo TreesL They were twin$ boy barn five minutes apart in the dnrk days of the Civil War fifty days earlier. 1 he elder was named Torbaxht which mentis herof in our lanuBgr> The younger one*5 nanje whs Milmwqt ebringer of peace. f r()rb?i5h had struggled like a hero to escape (roni h>s mothers wambt alrno*! tearing her HpRrt. Milmaq had slid out with merciful MwifinesMe2. They were identical twins. When They were children Mrnngers could not tell them apart. They both had dnrk black hair and piercing green cye& They werendl and rrret. Until they rcochcil their curly teens they wore rtlwys together. I hry nlopi togethett str tiigether* pl&ycd togcthrr< went to school together, gut into trouble logcthcr they even fell HI together. And they looked after each other. Anyone who tried to bully one of lhern would I net: fhc anger of thr athrn And of course they used their physical likeness to play tricks on people# espcnnlly at stchooL3. By the time they were fourteen the family Had returned to its lunds in the Nirmat valley. Their father bad rcbmh the old fnrmbounce destroyed by the rrtreatinx rebel army al thr end of the war. Hr farmed thr bottom of the v"h?y growing wheot wid tending the rich nltnurtd orchards for which the volley war then fomous. On the lowrr slopr he had vineyardslioni which hr produced lhe strong Nirnint Kftxhni ( Lion of Nnrntit) wtnr< The higher land wm tur<sicd< Thr chrtnut treci Htiw tiut5 in the nututnru I hr oaku and brrebtt z well g thu rlirjetniit wrrr currliilly tended. Thrir vAlunble umber waa wld tu furniture mokcr* anil liuildrM in Jul心n thr town lower down the vidley. I he ircrx wrrr cut According ui utriri rout ion. Fur every tree ihry rut down* another wn pUntecL The* were whut wc> the one* who remember nthl cnll #Thr I hys ol CntentmenTI h Wii* ah<*ut this time ihm the two hoyw be什n to grow npnrlt There wa* nolhinR *u<ldcn nlxiut this Thry rhd nnt nrgur about n Kiri, or fight nwr n irruiRincd niRiilt e many young people do. h wa nnnply thill ihcy grHilunlly bcKiin Io do thinRM hy thrmnclvc* winch, brfnrr tlui!. ihcy would hnv< ilniir ioMrtlirrt So each began to dcvrlo(i iliffcrrnt in:ri(?A(n.I nrhrtnh *prnt hiz Rp/tre hnir hhfiting in the forrnfHe had been given a ihotKun fur hiei Hheenih birthchyf He would proudly return niter n dxy、huntinn with wild pigcaniit with mblntA. thru ryr* Uxed m dAlht oml M*mrtitnr with a drrr. Hi% grrntit mhittan wa fa bririK l< k n wild Ihmf. Hi* other mini pccupHtion was io vinit Jnhrctu where there were Rirh with * modern1 way、It wm thrre thnl hr got to know the ernntncth< who were Ip hrlp hint l/iirr.6. Milmaq wah a Military prr%(>nt Hr would ypend hour in the (orrits not huntingirnply nitiing stilL waichiny. wAitmg for KamefhiiiH tn hnppcrL A pidrr would hwing iIr I hr(iid nr rosn the i nnyan Im I w< rii two hmm hen. A wiHnlptu krr wtiiild drum 砒 <hc trunk uf a chrtnul tree il! tut k u blur ul ipved Above nil t thr trrr thrrnr<flvv* wciulil npr/ik to hirn. Ih would hr Awarr ol them crcakinK nh<lin I he wind. Hr cmild thr %ip riinnIn thrrn in the pnngnnivi (crl thrir Marrow at I he pprnach <( wintry II he put hl> etr h> the trunk ol n trrc> hr could henr it Rrnwingt very slowly > ltv it movihK tnwnrih it. (m/il in/iKCidlrcnt nlmpc#7. SoEMimm he would nprwk aloud ui a trrr< Mori? ofirit lie wnnld cornniunic/itr with it rtilvnfly. S<>nu tnnrh he would lanr rill ol hirnm If. Il wah if lie hml bccanic purl of the tfvt% Th枚 nniy Mouml like finnMrnM to you. hitigM nrr dtffrrrnt n<iw Hut wr 4ti| h/ivr nn expresMun fur ihL in the uid Unguii|vi " AhaJitttuf at ft m It tnmn5f e Fnidinu thr centredH. ricA*c do not think lluii (he brothrrt hz touch with ench olhrr in ihnl prcinl waythnt iwin. hnvr. There wnn the tnnr. one winicr evcnmKt whrn Milnuiq nddcnly ni up from the table. pulhnK hn fnther with hiin. and all for llu upper fclopcs ol rhr v/dlvy. Snow hml (nllrn> And they oun found the irnck of b<xjK nn(L toon filler thnt> u)nr irockM> I hry found I orhuN卜 rrourhinit in thr hrnnehr* ol nn oak trec< Bt nrath the ttet There wnrt full grown wild hoftr. Knintinn migrily.9. It had wound in lt tide. Their fmhrr killed it with the two lutrrrh of hi> own huntttig gun. And no onr Irani ol nil I orbaht ever nuked how Mihnaq h<l kn<iwn hr wn in dnngcr.1(). Jutu as Milrnnq hi mud f did ncn,zk when ForhiiMh nrrivrcit(ih tf by ninH>r 2 對(duì)“ off the of thiiKH who hud altnekcd Miltnnq ni the ?lrrrt nn onr of hi rnrr violin io IaImth. They werv twin、 a rnajeen taq OBnnnn1 (plum with u ckuible atom 1 L h w” nnturdL No one fhntiKht H m the Irnftt bit trunge.I I It WM nut lung after the meiden! with fhe honr that their lather 擊cd. Il ”化 time uf the gnipe h.irvcM He hid gone out after supper to check on lhe fcrmentoTion nf iht* KrApt tn thr vat. I hcy iuund him (loaiiMM in the vaU face downwurdn. He mwM ciihrr have hud h hriirl attack or bcm overcome with the powerful liimti. Whichever he wa5 well and truly dr nd. nnrl thrrr w。,nothing anyone could do about it. As we aay " Faxhan kat maun 晌,.maun qfa nat t *Whs I he time canivw. the time hm ccimc< ) Hr wnR u 2。" mau- rcr<prcic<l by all nnd regretted by ML12. He and hi、wife hnd survived many hardships togethrr, But shr uuitld iwt hear to live nloiic. Within three months, tihc had lollowrrl hrr husband to the place wlwrr Jill iulfering< cco” The two boy、were left alone.13. It waM nut long before Tnrbnh left hairy Hr had never tn)oytl ihe hard wurk cif the fnrni> He nerded tn things happen fg He took a room in Im!seen nnd wna noon workitig in one of the newerthrIt wn,a 5<>r! <j! rctdiirflnt hu nothing "kt anyrhing we hnd seen belun!. h >1<! lint okz of minced beef mixed with the bowiIum (ur lh"、whiit it tarred Hk,in U5>, grilled nnd “rvH between two pirres of brend. I hr prices were hih htn young pcvplr lovrd iTe I nrhah bcnn by washing up lhe di"y difthr% Wiihin wreks he w” * MipcrviwingSoon qfterwnnh. one of his * ron tarln* off er rd him ” bdlrr j<jl with n compnny ftellinx a new type o( drink, b was brown 河mi hail a oweet* perfumrii tnMe< And instead of quenching your thirst it made you want to drink mare. Give nir n b<Htle ofNirrnat KAshin any d/ty! The drink wa> made in a factory in the c&pnal anrlt before longt for bash wn> promoted and went to work there in the bead office. We did not wc birn for several year、14, McAntirnr Milmaq conunued to (arm the Mmily hind. He did not marry And seldom Ich the 伍rrn. When hr was not on the !nnd he would be in thr wijods. There were rumourA fhm he wag beconunK more and more xlrnngc- Hunters had found him deep In conversation w"h ah oak ”上匕 Hr would walk through the wood<* greeting individual frvrs like old fnendx And he completely stopped the cutting of timber for mIc. The only urcm he cut WE妙 dead ar diseased. After several years, he closed up The uid farmhouse and moved to an “Id (orterhut up on hr rdge of the woods. He only took a lew csscnnnl belongings wuih hiEa bed,m table, n chair an old cooking Move and such like. Here he woa closer to his hrloved rrees> He had become a sari of hermit whn! we used to call Horat tKinnah f (holy mun) We rejipecud him and lefl him nlonet thouRh occasionally onr of us would "心 by junt io ask if he needed Any:hinR>15. One day lorbnsh arrived unexpectedly. Hr was dieted in vine of those nuxlrrn o shirt with red Mlripo nnd n bnght red lie to m/ilch. Hr was driving a big red enrwhich made n let of dust whrn it roared into the village. He told us he was now q big man in nnoth< r company, Wh” Mjrf of rompnny t h tn ado e paper products1 f Kings like roilei paper und paper handkerchiefs (We duln1! know wha! lhexr were hui we duint show itt ; They ERdc paper for printing books and newspapers And a special part of chr company mndr (umilurc.16- ,c had come to hm brother nboul *clhnu the woixh. Wr ilirvcteci him w ihr foirtt-r*H hut. Ik left hi ear a nd went on GkH up the* 5teep |wih, Now I should explain ihm under our lawn al inheritance, everything k left iq thv eldest zm. Zirmatdkal9 (firm horn). So ihr farm and Ihr wood. brlone<i to Torhash. even Though " war Milmaq whe workeil them.17. 1 don*f know whm hnpprnrd when they rncr hut. when VorbAsh back down. h待wj black with Anger. He drove all without urccliniz u. A week burr Krrnt machine? I>tan tn wrnvr, plouhing up the trucks m they wvni u(i tlw litllstdo. The trre hl,KflU 2 tem mw“l(fā)y hot in ihr old way. On the hillMilr nw.iy from ihr for< wW hui rhcrc were no trrrn left, onjy a tanlc of hllrn trunks,麗 EzhH hrunchi wnmng to be330,一” 一如-""-nAwn up A“d drAKKrd uway. H Whrn I called to mcc Milnuiq I found him in hz bed. He wz terribly thin anil "l n hi|(h lever. I kept wjitch over him for the next three dnyik huring thia lime, the muchint* werr ntovinK closer and rlowrr to tlir hat Sc>ori there wrre only n frw irrew tnnrling. ihrnugh the wimhw. 1 could rr ji函 emt tree lc(L It wx n rnngniliceni Qftkt【hr unr which Mihnmi lu><l afirii npokrti t<>9 The man niovnl tn with ihrir evil Hounding mawi a nd work I watched, hyphiinicti by thr cnornnly of thh w of ircr< BrhiruJ me I J Mllrnaq ttr. Hrto hh lert nnd leHtied on the window Mill. The <mk h(id<b r .hwnyrri umi. wifh n wrenrhinH grirnnt rrn*hrtl in #i |>ilr ol ,pliEmF linitichr. A、“ Z the kround Milniaq himwH callnpFcd- Fir won d atl. I lookrri it thr clock, h wms ihrrr .n thr nfternoan. In I hr diunrr I hew rd thr rumbit ol t hunch r (ram thr next vnllry.19. Wr only hen rd ulwjui Turhnnh Inter, lie had AppAfrrnly l4t h nivrunu ih hi* ”代。 “nd thivcit off At hiuh npcc<i< All hr had snid wn*. * My brothrr. My hnuhrr. * h run ilciprrrttr hnate. he hml tnken u fthon cut alunn a lorvx irwrlc IcndinH itnm I he next vnllry la our awn. A violt nt thnndrrMtorm hml blown np the <mr I hd heard from Milrnnfie < hut Ari < n<in)i(Mi< ook irn hnri brert struck by lwhln”w. h hnd 仆山小 ncron* the irik, rm-h lhr enr anti I orhn、h with it. Phi < raah hnd mopped the or clock Im handn point rd tu thrw2(L I Ihivv (irnshfxl. My utory U)ld> e buihan kat tnuau tiu( maun (/ fa( Wl認(rèn) nthr limr roinrA> ih tifnr Im roinr)Quctl<Mi 26-23(20 points)26. In what RNpcrih Arc l urlmh wnd Milninq dUlcrent?27. Rrrrnd puniRraphw 15 m 17 iRnif Wh*t Au you think had happcnnl when the twin broiherti mri?<28. Whm role do you think thr oak trcen (tornat) pky In ihr hort story?Z9. Whnl <lu you think ol the ger nl firt pcrAon nnrrnllvr nnd S "kri”P(pán)art HI Writing20 PointiiUh Summarize the Sry MThc Man VVhn lnlkv<1 In Irvc* M In about I no試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)Part | Lllcrary Humhimcntals 2 pointsSvcllun L Match thr *”rk、wilh their writers (2 points wuh).I.E2i G3. A4.F6 HSection 2. Decide whether the following %t;ilcmcnK are Imr (T ) or bl*v (F) . (- point* rmh)6. T7. T8. F9. FIO. TSrctifn 3. Choow? the correct nncm to compklc the fol lowing Mrntenew (:! pinK cnch).ll.C12. I)ILA15. B50 points20. H25.(:Part | Rcuding Comprehensionlexis 1-3“)points for questions 16-25 (3 puinLs nuh).16. A17. A也 C19. B2|. C22. B2X A24.CText 4 (20 points) I dens must be correct Wording run Im- diffcrcntt 5 point% each for question* 26-ZQ. Every 5 mhtnkcM in rMmmur. spelling <ir <f any other kind will Irnd t( the rcdiicttmi of onepoinL26. Award 5 points for 人、V I WO of the folkiMinR:A.difSEC” in ihrir chnrnctrrsi> lheir way> o( ihinkin- nnd livingC9 thrir Mttitudes toward nature und BocwiyIX thrir treAtrncril cd nnttirr and hutnnn beings rtn27. Annwrni should br (ocujtrd on the quiirrrl briwrrn ihr two brothcrM>(PoinK should be hrn hen iden% arc kimllar or stund Id rvnMine )2& Any Idrak vimllar to thr following.The oak irrc/ forest is an imporfnnt symbol in the tory. helping la bring About the lhemr of llw *lory i thr power ol nitturr. When rn/m livr,in linrnioriy with noturr rnothrr Mture m protretivr. It i> a bringcr o( peace, hnppincMi cuntcrnnient. When mnn actn hH*inn1 the power of riAturct dtMAfrr will (alL29< Any Ideas ilmilur to the fullowinH.I he writer iiacm firwt prmon (plural) point of view in thr ntary nnd it in n very cffcclive narrnlion. An thr unfoldn> the rrndrrM arc prrirntrd with n vury personal Atory <d myntcriou% rrlo


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