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高考英語一輪復習 Unit2 English around the world課件 新人教版必修1 (2).ppt

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高考英語一輪復習 Unit2 English around the world課件 新人教版必修1 (2).ppt

,必修1 Unit 1Unit 5,Unit 2 English around the world,1_(adj.) 官方的;正式的;公務的 2_(adj.) 本國的;本地的 (n.) 本地人;本國人 3_(adv.) 實際上;事實上 4_(n.) 口音;腔調(diào);重音 5_(adv.) 直接;挺直 (adj.) 直的;筆直的;正直的 6_(n.&vt.) 命令;指令;掌握,重點單詞,official,native,actually,accent,straight,command,7_(n.&vt.) 請求;要求 8_(n.) 本身;本體;身份 9_(vt.)以為根據(jù) (n.)基部;基地;基礎(chǔ)_(adj.)基本的;基礎(chǔ)的 10_(adj.)較后的;后半的;(兩者中)后者的_(adj.)最新的;最近的_(adv.)后來 (adj.)后期的_(adv.)近來;最近 11_(vt.)辨認出;承認;公認_(n.)認出;認識,request,identity,base,basic,latter,latest,later,lately,recognize,recognition,12_(adj.)逐漸的;逐步的_(adv.)逐漸地;逐步地 13_(adj.)流利的;流暢的_(adv.)流利地;流暢地_(n.)流利;流暢 14_(n.)詞語;表示;表達_(vt.)表達 15_(adj.)頻繁的;常見的_(adv.)常常;頻繁地_(n.)頻率,gradual,gradually,fluent,fluently,fluency,expression,express,frequent,frequently,frequency,1_ 由于;因為 2_ 走近;上來;提出 3_ 現(xiàn)在;目前 4_ 利用;使用 5_ 即使 6_ 扮演一個角色;參與 7_ 以作為的基礎(chǔ) 8_ 超過,多余,不僅僅是,非常 9_ 信不信由你 10_ 大量的,許多的,重點短語,because of come up at present make use of even if play a part in base.on more than believe it or not a number of,1Which country do you think has the most English learners? 你覺得學英語的人最多的是哪個國家? 解讀 do you think/believe/expect/find/suppose.作為插入語,放在特殊疑問詞后,其他內(nèi)容緊跟其后并用陳述語序。 仿寫 你認為他最近怎么了? What_to him recently?,經(jīng)典句型,答案:do you think has happened,2Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don't speak the same kind of English. 以英語作為母語的人,盡管他們所講的英語不盡相同,也可以相互理解。 解讀 even if意為“即使;盡管”,引導讓步狀語從句。 仿寫 允許孩子有發(fā)表觀點的空間,即使不同于你自己的觀點。 Allow children the space to voice their opinions_your own.,答案:even if they are different from,3It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 當時的英語更多是以德語為基礎(chǔ),而我們今天所說的英語不是。 解讀 more.than.“與其說倒不如說”。 仿寫 他們沒有回家,與其說我擔心倒不如說我生氣。 _when they didn't come home.,答案:I was more angry than worried,4Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,沒有什么標準英語。 解讀 no such.“沒有這樣的”。 仿寫 事實上,這兒沒有你說的那樣的人。 As a matter of fact,there is_you describe here.,答案:no such person as,5However,on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak. 但是,從電視上和收音機上,你會聽到人們不同的說話方式。 解讀 the way people speak人們說話的方式,這里people speak作way的定語。先行詞way作“方式”解,且其關(guān)系詞在定語從句中作狀語時,定語從句用in which或that引導,也可省略關(guān)系詞。 仿寫 我討厭你那樣頂嘴。 I hate_you answer back.,答案:the way(that/in which),1base vt. 以為根據(jù) n. 基部;基地;基礎(chǔ) 教材原句 It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 當時的英語更多地是以德語為基礎(chǔ),而不是我們今天所說的英語。,板塊一:核心單詞,base.on.把建立在的基礎(chǔ)上 (sth.) be based on.以為基礎(chǔ) on the basis of 根據(jù),在的基礎(chǔ)上,基于 basic adj. 基本的;基礎(chǔ)的,見證2014On most days,our grades were based on our oral answers to homework questions. 大多數(shù)的時候,老師只要求學生口頭回答家庭作業(yè)。(2014·湖南卷閱讀理解B) We should base the theory on careful research. 我們應該把理論建立在仔細研究的基礎(chǔ)上。 This new film_a true story. 這部電影是根據(jù)真實故事改編的。,_ on a novel by Liu Zhenyun,Back to 1942 tells the true story of Henan Province. 一九四二是根據(jù)劉震云的小說改編而成,它講述了發(fā)生在河南省的真實故事。 By the conclusion of the course,students will have improved their understanding of _ math. 在完成課程后,學生對基礎(chǔ)數(shù)學的理解將大幅提高。,答案:is based on Based basic,2latter adj.較后的;后半的;(兩者中)后者的 教材原句 The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling. 后者給予了美國英語拼寫一個獨立的身份。,(1)the former.the latter.前者后者 (2)late adj.&adv.遲(的);晚(的) later adj.后期的;較后的 adv.后來;較晚地 latest adj.最新的;最近的 lately adv.(recently)最近;近來,John and James are brothers;the former is a doctor,and the latter is an engineer. 約翰和詹姆斯是兄弟;前者是醫(yī)生,后者是工程師。 The_point is the most important. 后面提及的那一點是最重要的。,答案:latter,填一填 用late/later/latest/latter填空 Have you heard the_news? We were_for the theatre and missed the first act. _she went to college and became a teacher. I prefer the_picture to the former.,答案: latest late Later latter,3command n. C 命令;指令;U掌握 vt.命令;指揮;支配;博得;贏得 教材原句 Can you find the following command and request from Reading? 你能從閱讀中找出下面的命令和要求嗎?,Apart from English,he has a good command of Russian. 除英語外,他還精通俄語。 I'm_your commandwhat would you like me to do? 我聽從你的吩咐你要我做什么? 老師命令他離開教室。(一句多譯) The teacher commanded him_. The teacher commanded that_.,答案: at to go out of the classroom;he (should) go out of the classroom,4request n&vt. 請求;要求 教材原句 Can you find the following command and request from Reading? 你能從閱讀中找出下面的命令和要求嗎?,(1)request sb.to do sth.請求某人做某事 request that sb.(should)do sth.請求 It is requested that sb.(should) do sth.據(jù)要求(從句中用虛擬語氣) (2)make(a)request for.請求;要求 at sb.'s requestat the request of sb.應某人之要求,見證2014We most prefer to say yes to the requests of someone we know and like. 我們熟悉和喜歡的人對我們提出的要求,我們最愿意答應接受。(2014·浙江卷) They have made an urgent request for international aid. 他們緊急請求國際援助。 My parents requested that I should learn a second foreign language. My parents_a second foreign language. 我父母要求我再學一門外語。,All members of the club_to attend the annual meeting. 請俱樂部的全體會員務必參加年會。 _the public's request,the new traffic regulation has been changed slightly. 應公眾要求,新的交通規(guī)則進行了微調(diào)。,答案:requested me to learn are requested At,5expression n詞語;表示;表達;表情 教材原句 When people use words and expressions different from the “standard language”,it is called a dialect. 當人們用不同于“標準語言”的詞語時,那就叫做方言。,(1)beyond expression無法形容;表達不出 without expression毫無表情 (2)express v表達 n特快列車,快遞服務 adj.特快的,高速的 express oneself表達某人自己(的意思) an express train特快列車 an express letter快件,見證2014On behalf of our school,I would like to express our warm welcome to you. 我代表我校,向您表示熱烈的歡迎。(2014·陜西卷) “Shut up”is not a polite expression. “閉嘴”不是禮貌用語。 He is still unable to_in English. 他仍然不能用英語來表達自己的意思。 The scenery was beautiful_. 那風景美得無法描述。 There was_on her face. 她臉上表現(xiàn)出悲傷的表情。,答案: express himself beyond expression a sad expression,6recognize vt. 辨認出;承認;公認 教材原句 Although many Americans move a lot,they still recognize and understand each other's dialects. 雖然一些美國人經(jīng)常搬遷,但他們?nèi)匀荒茏R別并理解彼此的方言。,(1)recognize.as/to be.承認/公認是 recognize that.認識到/承認 It is(generally)recognized that.人們公認 (2)recognition n. 認出;認識 out of/beyond recognition 認不出來,見證2014The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without being recognized. 這個電影明星戴著太陽鏡。這樣他就可以購物而不被認出。(2014·北京卷) The moment I answered the phone,I recognized his voice. 我一接電話,就聽出了他的聲音。 The city has been built up so fast that it's changed_. 這城市建設(shè)得真快,已看不出它原來的面貌了。,We recognized Jobs _a genius at computer. 我們認為喬布斯是個電腦天才。 _the 30th Olympic Games was a great success. 人們公認第30屆奧運會是一項非常成功的賽事。 Mo Yan's winning of the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature shows the world's _ of China's Contemporary Literature. 莫言獲得2012年諾貝爾文學獎表現(xiàn)了世界對中國當代文學的認可。,答案: beyond recognition to be It is recognized that recognition,7because of 因為,由于 教材原句 Later in the next century,people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that,English began to be spoken in many other countries. 在下一個世紀晚期,來自英國的人們長途跋涉去征服世界的其他地方,也是由于這一點,英語在許多其他的國家得到使用。,板塊二:短語和句型,owing to由于 thanks to由于;多虧了 due to由于(作表語或狀語,一般不放于句首) as a result of由于 on account of由于 because因為;由于(用于引導狀語從句和表語從句),Our flight was delayed,owing to the bad weather. 由于天氣不好,我們的班機耽擱了。 _your timely help,I finished my work ahead of time. 多虧了你及時的幫助,我提前完成了工作。 The team's success was largely_her efforts. 這個隊的成功在很大程度上是她努力的結(jié)果。 There are many homeless people _ the earthquake. 因為地震,很多人無家可歸。,答案: Thanks to due to because of,8come up 走近;上來;被提出 教材原句 I'd like to come up to your apartment. 我愿意來你的公寓。,come on 快點;加油 come about 發(fā)生;產(chǎn)生 come across 偶遇;碰到 come along 進展;進步;進行 come out 出來;出版;開花 come to 蘇醒;談到;共計;到達 When it comes to 當談及到;當涉及到,見證2014Is this your necklace,Mary?I came across it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning. 這是你的項鏈嗎,瑪麗?我今天早上打掃衛(wèi)生間時偶然撿到的。(2014·湖北卷) Please tell me how the accident came about. 請告訴我事故是怎么發(fā)生的。 _!We don't have much time. 快點!我們時間不多了。 A number of questions_at the meeting. 會議上提出了許多問題。,答案:Come on came up,9at present現(xiàn)在;目前 教材原句 It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 當時的英語更多地是以德語為基礎(chǔ),而我們今天所說的英語不是。,(1)at the present time目前;現(xiàn)在 be present at出席 for the present目前;暫時 (2)present(gift) n禮物 (3)present v把交給;提出;贈送 present sth.to sb./present sb.with sth.把某物交給/贈予某人,All the people present at the meeting were moved by his story. 所有出席會議的人都被他的故事打動了。 He is free_,and you can go to him for advice. 他現(xiàn)在有空,你可以向他咨詢。 You'd better present a bunch of flowers_. 你最好送束花給她。,答案:at present to her,10make use of 利用;使用 教材原句 So by the 1600's Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. 到17世紀,莎士比亞使用了比以往更多的詞匯。,(1)make full/good use of 充分利用 make the best/most of 充分利用 take(full)advantage of (充分)利用 (2)come into use 開始被使用 be of great use 很有用 It is no use doing sth. 做是沒用的,Once you get the chance,you should make full use of it. 一旦你得到這個機會,你就要充分利用它。 His success lies in the use that he can_ every chance to improve himself. 他的成功在于他善于利用每一個機會提升自己。,答案: make of,11a large number of許多;大量的 教材原句 For example,India has a very large number of fluent English speakers because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947. 例如,印度就有很多人可以說流利的英語,這是因為英國在1765年到1947年統(tǒng)治過印度。,表示“多”的短語: a great deal of/a great amount of(后接不可數(shù)名詞) a great many/a good many(后接可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)形式) a lot of/lots of/a large quantity of/large quantities of/plenty of(后既可接不可數(shù)名詞又可接可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)形式),A large number of young people like the song Gangnam Style. 許多年輕人喜歡江南Style這首歌。 A large number of people_the job. 很多人申請了這份工作。,答案:have applied for,比較辨析,填一填 _university students have part­time jobs. There are_students in the school,but I don't know_the girls among them.,答案: A number of a number of;the number of,12play a part in在中起作用;在中扮演角色 教材原句 Geography also plays a part in making dialects. 地理位置在產(chǎn)生方言方面也起著一定的作用。,play a part inplay a role in在中扮演一個角色;在中起作用 play the part/role of(角色名)扮演的角色 take an active part in積極參加,The Internet is playing an important part in modern society. 網(wǎng)絡(luò)在現(xiàn)代社會中起著重要作用。 Chow Yun­Fat played_in the film Let the Bullets Fly. 周潤發(fā)在電影讓子彈飛中扮演主角。 Who played_a shoemaker in Just Call Me Nobody? 誰在大笑江湖中扮演小鞋匠這一角色? Do you_all kinds of activities at school? 你在學校積極參加各種活動嗎?,答案:a leading part the role of take an active part in,13Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don't speak the same kind of English. 以英語作為母語的人,即使他們所講的語言不盡相同,也可以相互理解。,even if/even though通常引導讓步狀語從句,意為“即使,盡管”,所引導的從句常用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)代替將來。在主從句主語相同時也可采用省略結(jié)構(gòu)。,Even if/though we don't like it,we must do it. 即使我們不喜歡,也必須去做。 _I fail this time,I would try again. 即使我這次失敗了,我還要再試試。 He is so busy.He cannot afford enough time with his son _ he wants to. 他很忙,即使他想抽出時間陪他兒子也不能。,答案: Even if/though even if/though,14It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 當時的英語更多是以德語為基礎(chǔ),而不是我們今天所說的英語。,more.than.“與其說倒不如說” (1)more than數(shù)詞或從句 超過 more than形容詞 非常 more than名詞 不只是;不僅是 (2)no more than 只不過;僅僅 not more than 不超過;至多 rather than 而不是 other than 除了;不同于,She was more sad than angry when her son lied. 當她的兒子撒謊時,與其說她生氣倒不如說她傷心。 I'm_happy to take you there in my car. 我非常樂意用我的車帶你去那兒。 Lin Xinru is_an actress,but also a producer in this film. 在這部電影里林心如不僅僅是一位演員,還是一位制片人。 It is you _ he that are to blame for the terrible accident. 是你而不是他該對這次可怕的事故負責任。,答案:more than more than rather than,15Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,(世界上)沒有什么標準英語。,“no such單數(shù)名詞”意為“沒有這樣的”,其中單數(shù)名詞前不可再加冠詞,相當于“not such a/an單數(shù)名詞”。,In the men's 110m hurdles final,America's Merritt won the gold medal,but Liu Xiang had no such luck. 在110米跨欄決賽中來自美國的梅里特奪得金牌,劉翔卻沒有這樣的運氣。 We can find_tour guide in our city. 在我們這座城市我們找不到這樣的導游。 There is no such good thing_in this world.As the saying goes,“No pains,no gains.” 世上沒有免費的午餐這樣的事。俗話說:“不勞則不獲?!?答案:no such as a free dinner,.把下列句子變?yōu)殚g接引語 1The monitor said to me,“Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave.” The monitor _ to turn off the lights when I left. 2My son said to me,“I suggest that you should give up smoking.” _.,單元語法專練:直接引語和間接引語(),答案:1.asked me not to forget 2My son suggested my(me) giving up smoking,3He asked,“Where are you going to get off,John?” _. 4“A sports meet will be held in our school next week,” Li Mei said to her parents. _. 5Mom said to me,“Will you first have supper or finish your homework?” _.,答案:3He asked John where he was going to get off 4Li Mei told her parents that a sports meet would be held in their school the next week 5Mom asked me if/whether I would first have supper or finish my homework,.根據(jù)漢語提示,用句末括號內(nèi)的英語單詞完成句子 1She told the children_.(make) 她告訴孩子們不要弄出這么多噪聲。 2He suggested that we_until the storm passed.(go) 他建議我們等暴風雨過去再去睡覺。 3When you have finished with the electric iron,don't forget_.(turn) 當你用完了電熨斗后,不要忘了關(guān)掉它。,答案:1.not to make so much noise 2.(should)not go to bed 3.to turn it off,4The students were required_any longer at school.(smoke) 要求學生們承諾不再在學校抽煙了。 5Father told me_computer games.(stop) 父親告誡我停止玩電腦游戲。,答案: 4.to promise not to smoke 5.to stop playing,


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