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Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good Word power Types of sportsBrainstormingLet s discuss the following questions:Are you interested in sports? What kind of sports are you particularly any school clubs in your school? Have you ever joined one of them? If to join one? How many different kinds of sports can you name?fond of? Are there not, are you planningRead Part A and summarize the clubs Zhou Ling has discussed in her diary.For reference:Have you ever been to a gymnastic club? There are many kinds of equipment in a gym club. People can choose whichever they like and do many types of exercises to keep fit. Sometimes there will be trainers or experienced members giving some demonstrations for you to follow. Do you think you would join a gym club?Vocabulary learning1. In Part B, there are 12 different sports listed, each with a picture. Please look at these pictures carefully and describe each sport. You may consult each other or the dictionary whenever you meet new words before consulting me.You may ask such questions as how many team members are there in this sport? How is the sport played? What are its rules? What instructions does a new player have to pay attention to etc.? You may talk to each other about your favorite sports and also givethe reason why.2. Focus on Part C and finish it individually first. And then answer the followingquestions:What kinds of suggestions does Zhou Ling give to Amy?Zhou Ling gives specific advice to Amyabout the exercises she can do after the operation. First, if Amy wants to get strong and have some sun with her friends,_.If Amy just wants to build her strength up by herself, Zhou Ling advises her to_.If Amy only wants to have some fun and exercise with some of her friends, she can try_.Possible answers:Part C 1. basketball 2. volleyball3. football4. baseball5. aerobics6. shooting 7. weightlifting 8. badminton 9. boxing 10. tennis she could try basketball, volleyball, football, softball or baseball.she may try aerobics, shooting or weightlifting. she can try badminton, boxing , tennis or fencing.3.Deal with Part D 1 on page 97 in Workbook.Possible answers:1. popular2. exercise 3. control 4. regularly 5. skip 6. who 7.overweight8. advice 9. cost 10. especially 11. causeVocabulary extension1. Let s discuss the following questions:Sports are quite popular all over the world. Different people have different interestsand tastes. Some sportsare done indoors, while others are done outdoors. Each has itsadvantages and disadvantages. Different sports require different skills and abilities. Can you fill in the following diagram with different sports?IndoorsAdvantages/ DisadvantagesSkills/ AbilitiesOutdoorsAdvantages/ DisadvantagesSkills/ Abilities2. Have a discussion on the following questions:Supposeone of your friendsdoesnt likesports and usuallykillshis or her time by readingor watching TV. Doyou think you can persuade him or her to give up this bad habit?What kinds of advice or suggestions will yougive to him or her?Imagine its the first time for your mother to come to a gym. As she has never doneexercise on equipment, what tips will you give to her?Usually when you do outdoor activities either by yourself or with your friends, whatpreparations do youhave to make?3. Please read the two articles in Pats A and B in Reading on pages 98 and 99 in Workbook and answer the questions below the two articles.Part A. 1. Have the Japanese been living longer in recent years?2. Why is it not true thatthe reason for Japanese people slong lives is genetic?3.What are the differences between Western lifestyles andthose of the Japanese?4.Which parts of a Western lifestyle are seen as damaging for health?5.What can we learn from the Japanese lifestyle?Answers to Part A (page 98):2. After the Second World War the Japanese usually died young.3. The Japanese eat less, take more exercise and are more relaxed. Theirdietincludesa lotof fishbut westerndietsincludeverylittlefish.Theyget more exercise.t exercise enoug5. We should all think about what we eat and make sure that we get enoughexercise.Part B. 1.What do scientists think is now the biggest cause of weight gain?2.What happened to the laboratory mice that had the specialfat storing gene?3.What is the difference between peoplewho burn off fateasily and thosewho oftengain weight?4.What should people do to control their weight?5.What do the scientists hope to be able to dofor humans using their results fromthe study on mice?1. They think it is genetic.2. They gained weight.3. The people who burn off fat easily are missing one special gene.4. People should be careful about what they eat and they should exercise to control their weight.5. They hope to produce new medicines to help people lose weight.Grammar and usage Introduction to non-restrictiveattributive clausesStep 1: non-restrictive attributive clauseA non-restrictive attributive clause is used to add extra information to the main clauseof a sentence. Let s see the formation of a non -restrictive attributive clause the occasion to use it.1. Please read the five example sentences in Point 1 to find the similarities and the differences between the restrictive attributive clause and the non-restrictive attributive clause.For reference:These two kinds of attributive clauses are both used after a noun. But thenon-restrictive clause is used to add extra information to the sentence, and thereisusuallya commabetween the antecedentand the clause.The non-restrictiveclausecan be omittedwithoutcausingany confusion.But fora restrictiveattributiveclause,ifitisomitted,the meaning of the whole sentencewillnot be so clear.For example,in the sentenceWe thought you were a person from whom we could expect gooddecisions, theclause from whomwe could expect good decisions cantbe omitted.If it is omitted, we dont know what the sentence means.2. Please read the Tip box in this part and note that the relative pronounthatcantbe used to introduce a non-restrictive attributive clause.3. Please read the example sentence in Point 2 and tell me whatwhichrefers to in thissentence. (Sometimes a non-restrictiveattributiveclauseintroducedby which can be usedto refer to the whole main clause.)4. After reading the two example sentences in Point 3, you will know a non-restrictiveattributiveclause introduced byallcan expressa complete or partial/ someof which / whomquantity. Herewhich refers to the antecedentdifferent types of exercisesin the firstsentence, and whomrefers to the antecedentmany people in the second sentence.Here are more sentences for you to compare:The dress, which you can get at any shop, is popular this spring.The dress which you want can be found at any shop.In the first sentence, the clausewhich you can get at any shopxtra information.It tells you where you can get the dress.In the second sentence, the clause tells us that the dress is just what youwant, not anyone else.gives eShe introduced me to her husband, whom I hadnt met before.She introduced me to the man who is her husband.In the first sentence, we can know who she introduced. The clause just tell s us that this was the first time I met her husband.In the second sentence, the clause tells us who the man is.His sister, who is studying in England, will be back this summer.His sister who is studying in England will be back this summer.The first sentence tells us that he has a sister and she is now studying inEngland and will be back this summer, while the second sentence tells us that maybe he has more than one sister and one of them is now studying in England an d will be back this summer.The books, in which there are beautiful pictures, are for children.The books in which there are beautiful pictures are for children.In the first sentence, we know the books are all for children and they havebeautiful pictures in them. In the second sentence, we know only the books withbeautiful pictures are for children, while the books without beautiful pictures are not for children.5. More examples1) All the magazines here which have beautiful pictures in them were written by him.2) All the magazines here, which have beautiful pictures in them, were written by him.3) This is the place where I lived ten years ago.4) She is going to spend the winter holiday in Macao, which returned to China in 1999.5) I have a sister who works in a hospital.6) I have a sister, who works in a hospital.7) Tom sold his house which was in downtown.8) Tom sold his house, which made his father very angry.9) Romeo and Juliet, which was written by Shakespeare, is popular all over the world.10) At the Barcelona Olympic Games the Chinese team got 16 gold medals, 12 of which / of which 12 were won by women.11) There are 54 students in my class, three of which/ of which three come from US.12) The professor has two sons, both of whom are teaching in the same university.13) New York isfamous foritsskyscrapers,the highestof which has more than 100 storeys.14) As we all know, he studies very hard.15) As is known to all, he is the best student in our class.相關(guān)高考試題 :( 2004 浙江)Anyway, that evening, _ Ill tell you more about later, I ended up staying atRachels place.A. whenB. whereC. whatD. which解析:首先識別本題考查非限制性定語從句,先行詞是that evening,雖然是時間名詞,但代替其含義的關(guān)系詞需在定語從句中做tell you about的賓語,所以使用關(guān)系代詞which答案: D6. Deal with Parts A and B on pages 48 and 49. Answers:A 1. Li Dong, who is Chinese, donated more than half of his liver to Amy to save her life.2. The doctors at the hospital, where Amy spent about two months, tried their bestto save Amy. / The doctor at the hospital tried their best to save Amy, who spent two months there.3. Amy eats lots of fruit and vegetables, which are good for her health.4. Amy sometimes goes for a walk in the afternoon, when it is fine and warm.5. My uncle, whom I told you about yesterday/about whom I told you yesterday, is an engineer and is working in Beijing.6. Mike, whose hobby is traveling, has decided to visit the Great Wall next month.B. (1) who(2) where (3) which (4) which (5) which (6) which (7) whose (8)when (9) who (10) who7. Finish Part C1 on page 96 inWorkbook, so you may have a chance to distinguish betweenthe restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.Answers:* If you take a walk around the city, you will find some teenagers who are overweight.* You might often see overweight boys and girls, which means that young peopleweight has become a big problem.s* I think there are two main reasons why so many boys and girls are overweight.* Some teenagers, who like to play computer games or watch TV in their free tim e, don t take enough exercise.* Some other teenagers like eating in fast-food restaurants, which you can see e verywhere in our city.* So there is a Keep Fit Summer Camp in our city, where the overweight teenagers can take enough exercise and have a healthy diet.Step 2: Question tags1. Read the guidelinesat the beginningof thispart to discoverin what situationstags are used.Question tags are often usedquestion?to start a conversation. For example, we may begin a conversation with Itsalovely day, isnt it?to request information in a more polite way. e.g.Neither of you has heard thenews, have you?to soften an order or a request. e.g.Pass the plate on the table to me, willyou?to ask for agreement or confirmation. When we expect the other person to agreewith what we are saying, we use a falling intonation at the end of the sentenc e.When we ask about something we are not sure about, we use a rising intonation a tthe end of the sentence. TakeYoure a high school student, arenorexample.If we use a falling tone at the end of the sentence, we are sure about what weare saying. If we use a rising tone, we are not sure and want to know whether youre a high school student or not.2.Read the fivepointsinthispartto learnabout differentways toformt you? question ftags.3. Generally speaking, after negative statements, the ordinary interrogative is used, while after affirmative statements, the negative interrogative is used. And we use auxiliary verbs, modal verbs or be in their proper forms to form a question tag. For example,You didn t see himat the party, did you?Ann was there, wasnt she?Mary can t swim, can she?Peter often helps the old man, doesnt he?Note:I m late, arent I?When the main clause of the sentence begins withI think/ suppose/ guessby an object clause introduced bythat , the question tag is like this:I think everyone will be interested in these after school activities, wonI guess they havent heard about our plan, have they?I don t think John went back home early last night, did he?and is followedt they?Note the question tag in sentences withs or d. For example,Youd watch the football match rather than go to the party, wouldnHed written to you before you phoned, hadnt he?Hes a very good teacher, isnt he?Shes been in hospital for two weeks, hasnt she?t you?4.反意疑問句反意疑問句是疑問句的一種,基本結(jié)構(gòu)是“陳述句+簡略問句”。 ( 1)肯定陳述句+ 否定問句( 2)否定陳述句+ 肯定問句注意 :陳述句中含有否定詞有 ),seldom, barely, scarcelynever, no , none, nobody, no one, nothing, few, little(等時 ,簡略問句用肯定形式。陳述句中只是有帶否定前綴(幾乎沒im- ,un-, il-, dis-)或后綴( -less)的詞時,簡略問句仍用否定形式。You s till go to the gym every day, dont you?e.g.:She has been to the Great Wall three times, hasn Nobody has heard from his, have they?t she?Neither of them can speak French, can they?Seldom does he have lunch at school, does he?Hes unable to finish his homework on his own, isnt he?Your father dislike noisy music , doesnt he?5.相關(guān)鏈接 :(1) 一般情況下, 當陳述句部分是主從復合句時, 簡略問句的主語和謂語動詞與主句的主語和謂語動詞一致。(2) 當陳述句部分屬于否定前移情況時,簡略問句的主語和謂語與從句的主謂語一致,而且要把否定考慮在內(nèi)。(3) 對“否定陳述句 + 肯定句”回答時,注意其形式和漢語意譯。- He doesnt like talking too much, does he?-Yes, he does. (不,他喜歡。)- No, he doesnt. (是的,他不喜歡。)- I dontbelieveyou are seriousinyour studies,are you? Yes, I am.(不,我認真。) No, I am not. (是的,我不認真。)(4) 祈使句加簡略問句,表示請求。常為以下幾種情況:肯定 / 否定祈使句 + will you ?Let us , will you? Let s , shall we? Let me , shall I ?6 Now let s deal with Parts A and B inQuestion tagson page 51.高考試題賞析 ( 2002 上海)Mrs. Black doesn t believe her son is able to design a digital camera, _?A. is she B. isnt she C. doesnt she D. does she解析:該題考查反意疑問句,按照前否后肯的原則,應是does she 。答案: DAnswers :A. (1) dont you(2) isnt he(3) does he(4) doesnt she(5) arentthey(6) can you(7) dont they (8) cant youB. (2) You have completely recovered, havent you?(3) You thought you were going to die, didnt you?(4) You never thought you would be saved by a stranger in China, did you?(5) Its dangerous to take weight- loss pills, isnt it?(6) There is nothing more important than good health, is there?7. Do with Part C2 on page 96 inWorkbook. (It can be assigned as homework.)Answers :1. has she2. didnt they3. are there4. hasnt he5. does she6.wont they7. did they 8. could he9. shall we10. will you


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