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TaskPresenting a dialogueSkills building 1: understanding tones in spoken EnglishIn this part you will read about how to express different feelings in different tones.By listening to one short sentence in different tones and reading the explanation aftereach sentence, youlllearnpeople speak in differenttonestoexpressdifferentfeelings.Listentoanother sentenceindifferenttones todecide whichemotionalmeaning each toneshows.1.Read theguidelinesin Skillsbuilding1 on page 32 beforelisteningtothe fiveversionsof the same sentence in different tones. You will see that there are four main points todetermine how the speaker is feeling. (Write down the four points on the blackboard.)* the volume* the tones* stressedwords* the pause2. Listen to the example sentence in five different tones one by one. After you listento one of them, tell what you think about the speakers emotion. Is she happy, or angry?Is she in high spirits or in low spirits? Then read the explanation for each sentence.3. Read the sentenceHe will come here tomorrow. in different emotions.If someone is happy about his coming,If someone doesnt want him to come,how will he speak it? In what tone?If someone is excited about his coming,If someone is frustrated or questioning,Then lets listen to the tape and finish Part A on page 32.Tapescript(1) He told me the test had been put off?(Questioning,as ifshe does not believethatthe testcouldhave been put off.)(2) He told me the test had been put off!(Frustrated,as ifshe had gone to the testroom beforeremembering thatshe hadbeen told about the cancellation.)(3) He told me the test had been put off!(Excited, as though he is glad not to have to take the test.)(4)He told me the test had been put off.(Sad, as if she was looking forward to taking the test.)Answers4. Ask students to listen to the tape and finish Part B.Let students listen to the five sentences again and ask them to tell which word is emphasized and what tones are used for different emotions.TapescriptHe told me the test had been put off.(She neither likes nor trusts him. She may wish someone else had been the one to tell her.)Step 1: listening to a radio phone-in programmeIn this programme, six teenagers call the host to talk about their problems and ask forsome advice. Write down a proper name below each picture according to what you hear from the tape.Listen to a radio phone-in programme and finish the exercise in Step 1 on page 33. Say something about the pictures and what you have heard on the tape. TapescriptHost:Welcome toTalk time .ThisisGeorge.Tell me your name and problem?Caller1:My name isChristinaand Im callingabout my mum. She cries allthe timeand says we dont spend time together and that I dont love her. I do love her, butI alsohave thingsI want todo inmy own life.How can I stillhave fun withmy friendsand let my Mom know I love her?Host:You and your mumarent talkingenough. Surpriseyourmumwitha day spenttogether,inviteher tojoinyoudoingthethingsyoulike.Thatway you canhave funand see your mum at the same time! Good luck, Christina! Hello, next caller, how canI help you?Caller2:Itsmy bestfriend.Hes startedplayingon ourschool footballteam andnow he never has time to see me. I feel quite lonely.Host:Sometimes friendshave differentinterestsas theygrow up. You should finda sport or hobby of your own. Then you wont feel lonely any more! And, whats yourname?Caller 2: Patrick.Host:And Patrick, if your friend is a real friend, hell still want to see you.Hes justbusy rightnow. Imsure itwillwork out fine.Bye! Next callerplease.Caller 3: Hello? Is thisTalk time ?Host:It is. What is your name and what can we help you with?Caller 3: Im Richard and the problem is my father. He wants me to study Maths and Science, and work in a big company when I grow up, but I want to be an actor. How can I tell him without making him angry?Host:That is hard, but Im sure he wont mind it if you take acting lessons, aslong asyou agreeto keep your marksup inMaths and Sciencetoo.Go talk to himokay? Bye!now,Caller4: Hello,Talk time?This is Jane. I called last week, about my grandma.Host: Yes, Jane, you wanted to tell her that you want to live with your other grandparents, right?Caller4:Yes, I took your adviceand toldher how I feel.You were right.She understood!Thanks so much!Host:Glad to help! Who is my next caller?Caller 5: Hi, my name is Shirlev and my problem is only a small one. My mum boughtme some new clothes, which cost a lot of money, but I dont like what she got me. Should I tell her I dont like what she bought?Host:Shirley, you should be honest with your mum, but make sure she knows howhappy you are thatshe thoughtof you and was nice enough tobuy you your new clothes.Im sure she wont mind if you change them for something different. Goodbye and goodluck. Weve got time for one more cal1.Caller 6: My father always shouts at me. He says,William, turn off that TV and gooutside! But there is nothing I want to do outside! How can I make him stop shoutingat me? Host:Well, you probably wont like my answer, but you shouldnt spend too muchtime watching TV. It isnt good for your eyes. Join a sports team so that you havea chanceto be outside. Youllfeel betterand your fatherwill stop shouting at you.Thanks for callingin! Listen toTalk time again next week at this time.Answers1. Jane2. ChrietinaB. Shirllley4. Richard5. Patrik6.WilllliamSkills building 2: reading for gistRead four diary entries. Underline the main points of each entry and circle some key words that show the mood of the writer. After doing this, you will learn that this is the skillof reading for gist.1. Read the guidelines of this part on page 34. You will see that it is very important for you to understand the gist or the main point of what you have read.2. Work in groups of four. Each of the group read one diary entry and find the main point and circle the words which show the mood of the writer. Then tell in turn what you have learnt after reading.Sample answersEntriesThe first diary entryThe second diary entryThe third diary entryThe fourth diary entryStep 2: reading a thank-you letterMain pointsThe words tellingthe writers moodToday has been a great day becausehappymy parents bought me an expensivebike.Wehad a Maths testand I m nervous tired, afraid,about my result.nervousI failed the Maths test and dontupsetknow how to tell my parents.All that worrying was for nothing.very happy, gladHere you are asked to read a thank-you letter from Christina, a caller to Talk time the radio phone-in programme, to the host of the programme. You should use the reading skill in Skills building 2 to identify the main point and some details in the letter.1. Read the thank-you letter on page 35. Find the answers to the following questions:(1) Who wrote the letter?(2) To whom is the letter written?(3) Why is the letter written?2. Decide which statements are true and which are false according to the letter. Correct the false sentences.Answers1.F2. T3. T4. F5. T6. F7. F1.Christina wrote a thank-you letter to George.4. Christina and her mum spend one day a week with each other.6. Christina s mum took her and her friends out to dinner.7. Christina was friends with her mum. Skills building 3: writing a dialogueRead about what you should and should not do when writing a dialogue first, and then you will read a dialogue and find out the reasons why some sentences are wrong according to the tips. Lastly point out the sentences that show Mums and Jacks feelings.1. Read the three points on how to write a dialogue. You will know what you should do and what you shouldnt do when writing a dialogue.(The following points can be written on the blackboard.)* Dont include words likeUmm or Hmm in a dialogue.* Dont repeat words that have just been said. For example, when one says,Go and sitdown.The other should use Why? instead ofGo and sit down.or Why should I sit down?* Use the words the characters say to show their personalities and moods. Dont say He/She is very angry. 2. Read the dialogue in Part A and in pairs discuss what is wrong with the underlined sentences.AnswersA 1. Umm” or hmm shouldn t be included in a written dialogue.2. We shouldn t useMy room is too dirty,My room is a mess ,clean up andcleaning , because in a written dialogue what has just said shouldnt be repeated.3. Ina writtendialoguewe shouldwritea sentencethatshows the speaker isveryangryinstead of the sentenceI m really very angry with you.3. Read the guidelines in Part B. Read the dialogue again, try reading it inthe suitabletone,the correctemphasis and pause to expressthe angry emotionand finishthisexercise.AnswersThe sentences that show Mum is unhappy or angry:Come and look!Dont you talk to me like that!You should start cleaning now if you plan to leave!The sentences that show Jacks mood:This is so unfair! Ill never have enough time!(Jack is angry.)But I dont think you are being fair at all!(Jack is unhappy.)4. Read the playand answer the questionsbelow in PartB in Readingon page 91 in Workbook,so you will get a clearer impression of how to write a good dialogue.Answers1. He tried to help David stand on his own two feet and learn how to look after himself.2. David felt that his father was always complaining about him and didnt speak enough to him.3. David says thathisfathersjob is dangerous and thathe has to thinkabout otherpeopleall the time.4. He was looking for his Christmas presents.5. Now he knows how deeply his father loves him and understands that its hard for his father to talk to him about it.Step 3: presenting a dialogue in groupsWrite a dialogue between Christina, her mother and the radio host and then give aperformance. You can do this in groups of three.1. Read the guidelines in Part A on page 37, make up and write a dialogue for Christina,her mum and thehost ofthe radioTalk time show.Go overthe informationin thispartand what you learnfromSteps 1 and 2 to see ifyou remember what happened between Christinaand her mum, what Christina did then, and how the problem was settled.2 . Work in groups of three and make up a dialogue to finish the exercise of Part B.AnswersChristina:That is true. You see, I joined a sports team. I met many new friends andwe enjoyed spending weekends doing sports. So I didnt have much time to spend with myparent.Mum:Because of this, I missed the time when we talked together.Host:When did the problem start and how did you both feel then?Mum:Thishappened soon aftershe enteredhighschoollastsummer. Sometimes Ifeltso lonely that I even cried.Christina:Ilove my parents.Butat thattimeIfelttheydidntunderstand me and theyseemed todo boringthings.WhenMumtoldme thatshe was sad and missed me because Ididntspend enough time together with them, I didnt know what I should do.Host:What did you do then?Christina:Ilistento theradio Talktime show everyweek. Iknow you can helppeopleby giving them some advice. So I called you and asked for your advice.Mum:Yes, my daughter told me about your suggestion.Host:So what did you do to fix your problem?Christina:We have decided to do one thing together every week.Mum:Yes.Wefirstcooked a specialdinnerfor ourfamilytogether.Christinahaslearned how to cook and enjoys it very much. Once I took my daughter and her friends toa restaurant for dinner.Christina:We often take a long walk, and we talk a lot while walking.Host:So what is the new situation like?Christina:I am surprised by how much fun we have when were together. I think of Mumas a friend again.Mum:Im very happy to be onTalk time. I hope our example can helpotherfamilies that have the same problem as we used to have.3. Read Part A in Writing on page 93 in Workbook and find out what the article is about and how many parts this article can be divided into and what the main idea of each part is. So you can learn how to write an article to express your opinion. Then do Part B onthe same page in class or as your homework.AnswersPart B (page 93)Do you agree with mums working?Today we had a discussionabout workingmums. The opinionswere divided.Sixty-fivepercentof the students were for the idea of working mums. They stated the following arguments.First, mums have the right to work. Second, working mums not only bring in more money,but they can also feel proud of their success in work. Third, working mums are good forsociety.However, thirty-fiveper centof the studentswere againstmumsworking.They argued thatmums do not have to work outside the home. If they do, there will be no one around to do the housework, like cooking the meals or cleaning the house. It is too expensive to hire a maid to do the work.Personally, I think it is up to the mums to decide what they want to be: a working mum or a housewife.ProjectProject: writing an advice letterTeaching objectives:uTo help students improve English through doing a project.uTo cooperate by working together on the project.Important and difficult points:Writing an advice letter.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inWhat does a good advice columnist do?get a rough idea about the troubleanalyze the troublefind out the roots of the troublegive proper suggestionskeep in regular contact with the senderlfeedback informationStep 2 Reading1 Read the first letter and answer:A Why does the father write the letter?B What does the father think about his son?C What is the father worrying about?2 Work in groups of 4 and find suggestions to the son.Try to be a docilekidat home no matterwhetheryou are an outstandingstudentat school.Never attempt to change your father s character and to be an ideal father.Communicate with your father through letters if he happens to be short-tempered.Come up to your dad and tell him how much you care about him.Remember that its correct for a father to urge his son to study hard.Make your father believe youll be successful in life by doing what you like.Read the second letter and answer:a Why does the son write the letter?b What are his problems?c How does he feel about his father?4 Work in groups of 4 and find suggestions to the father.Try to lookatthingsfrom your sons angle.Ifyou tradeyour rolewithyour son,I believeyou will realize some of the problems you mentioned in your letter are easy to solve.Remember what your son needs is more than material comfort.Prepare tohave a heart-to-heart talkwithhim. Music are partofa young people s life.You cant stop him just because good communication will smooth the problems. Your sonwants you to treat him as your equal while you act as a commander. Thats whereall theproblems come from.Youd betternot puttoomuch pressureon yourson. Be a good motivator.Try toencouragehim to findmyself,tobuildup self-confidence.Cut outharshremarkswhen yourson fallsshort of your expectation.Unconditional love is very important, because he is your son.Homework:Get ready to write an advice letter.


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