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2019-2020年高考英語 魔法英語語法講義 主謂一致教案 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英語 魔法英語語法講義 主謂一致教案 人教版.doc

2019-2020年高考英語 魔法英語語法講義 主謂一致教案 人教版 主謂一致(concord),是指主語和謂語動詞要保持人稱和數(shù)上的一致。英語中動詞be的變化形式最多,如I am,You are,He is,We are等。主語I一定要用am的動詞形式,這就叫“主謂一致”。 一、 主謂一致的三個原則 主謂一致涉及三個基本原則,即語法一致原則(principle of grammatical concord)、意義一致原則(principle of notional concord)和就近原則(principle of proximity)。A. 語法一致 語法一致是指主語和謂語在單復數(shù)形式上的一致關系,主語為單數(shù)形式,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式;反之,謂語動詞用復數(shù)形式。 My child has no intention of spending a vacation with me. 我的孩子不想與我一起度假。 My children have no intention of spending a vacation with me. 我的孩子們不想與我一起度假。B. 意義一致 意義一致是說謂語動詞的單、復數(shù)要取決于主語所表達的概念,而不取決于表面上的語法標記。 1. 主語形式雖為單數(shù),但意義為復數(shù),謂語動詞用復數(shù)。 The only people who are interested in the book seem to be lawyers. 唯一對這本書感興趣的人好像是律師。 The majority of primary school teachers are women. 大多數(shù)小學老師都是女的。 2. 主語形式為復數(shù),而意義上卻是單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù)。 No news is good news. 沒有消息就是好消息。 Billiards is being more and more popular in some cities. 桌球在一些城市里越來越受歡迎。C. 就近原則 就近原則是指當主語由兩個或兩個以上名詞或代詞組成時,謂語動詞的數(shù)要與它緊鄰的名詞或代詞的數(shù)一致。 There is a square table and some chairs in the center of the dining-room. 餐廳中央有一張方桌和幾把椅子。 Either your students or William knows this. 不是你的學生就是威廉知道這件事。 注意: 一般說來,究竟何時采用何種原則,應視英語習慣用法而定。但在實際使用中,如果對上述三種原則捉摸不定,遵循語法一致的原則是一種比較穩(wěn)妥的方法。 二、 并列主語的主謂一致A. 由and 連接的并列主語 1. 用and(或both. and)連接并列主語時,謂語動詞通常用復數(shù)。 A hammer and a saw are useful tools. 榔頭和鋸子都是有用的工具。 Both industry and agriculture have been greatly developed these years. 這幾年工農業(yè)大大地發(fā)展了。 當and連接的兩個名詞是指組合到一起的一件完整的或成套的東西,或表示同一個人或一種概念時,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式。 The writer and teacher is speaking at the meeting. 這位教師兼作家正在會上發(fā)言。 A needle and thread was given to her, but she could not sew the button on. 針線給了她,但她不會把鈕扣縫起來。(a needle and thread 作為同一件東西對待) Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit. 早睡早起是個好習慣。(going to bed early and getting up early 被看成同一概念) Bread and butter is his usual breakfast. 他經(jīng)常以黃油面包當早餐。 A cart and horse was seen in the distance. 遠方看見一輛馬車。 必背: 英語中并列結構表示整體概念的有: iron and steel 鋼鐵 law and order 治安 bread and butter黃油面包 a watch and chain 一塊帶鏈的表 a knife and fork刀叉 a coat and tie配有領帶的上衣 aim and end 目的 truth and honesty 真誠 2. 一個名詞為幾個并列形容詞所修飾時,這時主語和謂語動詞的一致關系一般遵循語法一致的原則。 Clever and slow students are treated alike. 聰明的和遲鈍的學生都受到相同的對待。 A black and white kitten was found in the garden yesterday. 昨天在花園里發(fā)現(xiàn)一只黑白色的小花貓。 比較: A black and a white dogs are playing in the yard. 一只黑狗和一只白狗正在院子里玩。(兩只狗) A black and white dog is playing in the yard. 一只黑白花狗正在院子里玩。(一只狗) 3在each. and each ., every.and every., no.and no.等結構之后,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。 Each boy and each girl has an apple. 每個男孩和女孩都有蘋果。 Every hour and every minute is precious. 每一小時,每一分鐘,都很寶貴。 No bird and no beast is seen on the lonely island. 荒島上既看不到鳥也看不到野獸。 4. 帶有并列動詞的what從句作主語時,要根據(jù)意義一致的原則決定動詞的數(shù)。 What he says and does do not agree. 他的言行不一致。(具體指他說的話和他做的事) What he says and does does not concern me. 他的言行與我無關。(泛指他的為人) 5在某些成語中,一些并列主語用and相連時,其后謂語用單數(shù)形式。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 光工作不玩耍,聰明的孩子也會變傻。 Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起使人健康、富有、聰慧。B. 以or, either.or, neither.nor, not.but, not only.but also等連接的名詞(代詞)作并列主語時,謂語動詞的單復數(shù)應根據(jù)就近一致的原則。 Neither he nor I am willing to go shopping today. 他和我今天都不愿去購物。 -Are either you or he to go there -是你還是他將去那里? -Neither is. -一個也不去。 Not only the Writer brothers but also their father was there. 不只是萊特兄弟在那里,連他們的父親也在。 Not the students but their teatrers but also their father was there. 被邀請去參加晚會的不是學生(們),而是他們的老師。 C主語后跟有as well as, as much as, no less than, along with, like, rather than, together with, besides, including, in addition to等引導的詞組時,其謂語動詞的單、復數(shù)按主語的單、復數(shù)而定,也就是說,謂語動詞的數(shù)不受這些詞組的影響。 The teacher as well as the students was reading in the library. 這位老師和學生們一起在圖書館閱讀。 The students as well as the teacher were reading in the library. 學生們和這位老師一起在圖書館閱讀。 The manager, rather than the workers, is responsible for the loss. 損失的責任應由經(jīng)理而不是工人們來承擔。 Nobody but three policemen was on the spot. 當時只有三個警察在現(xiàn)場。 三、 單一主語的主謂一致 單數(shù)的主語跟單數(shù)的動詞,復數(shù)的主語跟復數(shù)的動詞,這是符合語法一致的原則。但在實際運用中,往往會出現(xiàn)較為復雜的情況:A 形復意單的名詞作主語 形復意單的名詞作主語(即形式為復數(shù),意義為單數(shù)),按意義一致的原則,用作單數(shù)意義時,謂語用單數(shù),反之,謂語用復數(shù)。 1. 許多學科名稱,如mathematics, physics, economics, politics等,以及news等名詞作主語時,動詞用單數(shù)。 Physics is required of every student in our school. 物理是我校每個學生的必修科目。 News is traveling fast nowadays. 當今新聞傳播得很快。 2. 用作國名、組織機構、書名、報刊名等復數(shù)形式的專有名詞作為整體對待,謂語用單數(shù)。 The United Nations has passed a resolution to lift sanctions against Iraq. 聯(lián)合國通過了解除對伊制裁的決定。 The Times reports the news of the strike. 時代雜志報導了罷工的消息。 Great Expectations was written by Dickens in 1860. 遠大前程是狄更斯于1860年寫的。 注意: 如果山脈、群島、瀑布等名稱作主語時,謂語動詞用復數(shù)。 The Great Lakes lie between the USA and Canada. 五大湖在美國和加拿大兩國之間。 The Philippines are in the western Pacific Ocean southeast of China. 菲律賓群島在中國東南太平洋西部。 The Niagara Falls are the falls on the Niagara River. 尼亞加拉瀑布位于尼亞加拉河上。 3. 一些形復意單的名詞,包括有成雙成套部分的衣物或工具名稱,作主語時,謂語用復數(shù)。 My blue trousers have been worn out. 我的藍褲子已經(jīng)穿破了。 His glasses are new. 他的眼鏡是新的。 注意: 這些名詞如用a pair of 修飾時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)。 The shoes are under the bed. 鞋在床下。 The pair of shoes is under the bed. 這雙鞋在床下。 4. 單、復數(shù)同形名詞作主語時,按意義一致的原則,用作單數(shù)意義時,謂語用單數(shù);用作復數(shù)意義時,謂語用復數(shù)。這類名詞有:sheep, deer, fish, means, works, species, Chinese, Japanese等。 The (This) glass works was set up in 1986. 這家玻璃廠建于1986年。 The (These) glass works are near the railway station. 這些玻璃廠在火車站附近。 This species of rose is very rare. 這種玫瑰很稀有。 The species of fish are numerous. 魚的種類很多。 Sheep are raised for wool. 養(yǎng)羊是為了剪毛。 There is a sheep under the tree. 樹下有一只綿羊。 比較: 當這類名詞前有a, such a, this, that, every修飾時,謂語用單數(shù);有all, such, these, those修飾時,謂語用復數(shù)。 Every means has been tried out without much result. 每一種方法都試過了卻沒什么結果。 All means have been tried out without much result. 所有方法都試過了卻沒什么結果。B 集合名詞作主語 集合名詞表示有若干個體組成的集合體,如army, audience, class, club, pany, crowd, government, group, party, population, team, union等。 1. 集合名詞作主語時,若表示整體概念,謂語動詞用單數(shù),若表示構成該集合體的成員,則謂語動詞用復數(shù)。 His family are waiting for him. 他的家人正在等他。 But the mans family was small-only himself and his wife. 但那人的家庭很小,只有他本人和妻子。 One third of the population here are workers. 這里人口中有三分之一是工人。 The population of the earth is increasing every year. 地球上的人口每年都在增長。 2. 有些集合名詞,如cattle, folk, people, police, youth等,作主語時,謂語動詞用復數(shù),即所謂的“形單意復”。 The police have caught the thief. 警察已經(jīng)抓住了小偷。 The cattle are grazing in the field. 牛在田野里吃草。 Youth today are quite different from 20 years ago. 現(xiàn)在的年輕人和20年前大不一樣。 Some folk are never satisfied. 有些人從不知足。 比較: 幾組集合名詞作主語的句子。 The team is well organized. 這個隊組織得很好。 The team are all tough players. 這個隊的隊員都很強壯。 All the class were jumping with joy. 全班同學都高興地跳了起來。 The class is made up of 54 students. 這班由54名學生組成。 The young couple is happy. 這對年輕夫婦很幸福。 The young couple are quarrelling with each other. 這對年輕夫婦正在吵架。 The village is at the foot of the mountain. 這個村子在山腳下。 All the village are out to greet him. 全村人都出來歡迎他。 3有些無生命(表示物)的集合名詞作主語,謂語用單數(shù)。 All the furniture in my room is new. 我房間里的家具都是新的。 Warm clothing is necessary in cold climates. 在寒冷的氣候中,保暖的衣服是必需的。 The machinery is driven by electricity. 這些機器是由電力驅動的。 Has your luggage arrived yet 你的行李已經(jīng)運到了嗎? A lot of hiking equipment is needed here. 這里需要大量徒步旅行的裝備。C 代詞作主語 1名詞性物主代詞作主語時,既可以用作單數(shù),也可以用作復數(shù),這取決于它所代替的是單數(shù)還是復數(shù)。 Ours is a great country. 我們的(國家)是一個偉大的國家。(ours = our country) Your shoes are black, and mine are brown. 你的鞋是黑色的,我的(鞋)是棕色的。( mine=my shoes) 2such, the same等指示代詞作主語時,應根據(jù)其所指的內容來決定單、復數(shù)。 Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man with great achievements. 愛因斯坦就是這樣一個儉樸而又取得巨大成就的人。 Such are her wishes. 她的愿望就這些。 3關系代詞who, that, which等在定語從句中作主語時,其謂語動詞的數(shù)應與主句中先行詞的數(shù)一致。 Those who want to go for a picnic please put up your hands. 那些想去野餐的人請舉手。 Some of the energy that is used by man es from the sun. 一些被人類使用的能量來自于太陽。 注意: 在 one of+復數(shù)名詞+who/that/which 引導的定語從句結構中,關系代詞who/that/which的先行詞是靠近它的復數(shù)名詞而不是one,因此,從句中的動詞應該是復數(shù)形式。但當one之前有the, the only等修飾語時,關系代詞的先行詞是one,而不是靠近它的復數(shù)名詞,因此從句的動詞應是單數(shù)形式。 This is one of the best films that have been shown this year. 這是今年所放的最佳電影中的一部。 She is the only one of the girls who sings best. 她是這么多女孩中唯一歌唱得最好的。 4疑問代詞who, what, which作主語時,謂語動詞可根據(jù)說話人所要表達的意思決定單、復數(shù)。 Who lives upstairs It is Xiao Wang. 誰住在樓上?小王。 Who live next door It is Li and Zhang. 誰住在隔壁?李和張。 5不定代詞作主語時,有以下兩種情況: some, all, any, none, more, most等詞可以指復數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞,它們作主語時,視其文中的意義,判斷動詞用單數(shù)還是復數(shù)的形式。 Now all has been changed. 一切都已改變。 All are present today, Mr Li. answered the monitor. 班長回答說:李老師,今天大家全到了。 None is so good as he. 沒有人像他那么好。 None are so good as those who are always ready to help others. 沒有人像那些總是樂于助人的人那么好。 提示: 在口語中,none of + 復數(shù)名詞作主語,謂語動詞用單數(shù)或復數(shù)均可,要以說話人所想的而定。 None of the telephones works/work. 這些電話都壞了。 None of us have/has been to Dalian. 我們中誰也沒去過大連。 some, all, any, none, more, most等詞接of時,若of的賓語為不可數(shù)名詞,動詞用單數(shù)形式,若of的賓語為復數(shù)名詞或代詞時,動詞用復數(shù)形式。 Most of his spare time was spent in reading. 他的大部分業(yè)余時間都花在讀書上了。 Most of the colour blind people are men. 色盲的人大多數(shù)是男的。D 數(shù)詞、量詞作主語 1. 數(shù)詞作主語,不論指人還是指物,謂語通常用復數(shù)。 About twenty know the secret. 二十人知道這個秘密。 Six are missing. 丟了六個。 2. “more than one + 單數(shù)名詞”結構作主語,盡管從意義上看是復數(shù),但它的謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。但“more+復數(shù)名詞+than one”結構作主語時,謂語動詞用復數(shù)形式。 More than one person has known the news. 不止一個人知道了這個消息。 More students than one are for your proposal. 很多學生同意你的計劃。 3. one out of ten 或one in ten結構作主語,謂語動詞應按照語法一致的原則,用單數(shù)。 One out of ten was badly injured in the accident. 在這場事故中有十分之一的人受了傷。 4. “a +單數(shù)名詞 + or two” 結構作主語,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。但“one or two +復數(shù)名詞”結構作主語,謂語動詞用復數(shù)形式。 A word or two is missing here. 這里缺一兩個詞。 One or two friends are ing for dinner this evening. 一兩個朋友今晚要來吃晚飯。 5. “many a + 單數(shù)名詞”結構作主語,謂語動詞需用單數(shù)形式。 Many a passenger was killed in the accident.許多乘客在這一次事故中喪生。 Many a boy has been to the castle. 有好幾個男孩到過那城堡。 6. “one and a half + 復數(shù)名詞”結構作主語,謂語動詞需用單數(shù)形式。 One and a half bananas is left on the table. 桌上還剩下一根半香蕉。 One and a half years has passed. 一年半時間過去了。 7. “分數(shù)或百分數(shù)+ of + 名詞”結構作主語,其謂語動詞要與短語中of后面的名詞的數(shù)保持一致。 Three-fourths of its surface of the earth is sea. 地球表面四分之三是海洋。 Two-thirds of the people present are against the plan. 在場的三分之二的人反對這個計劃。 Around 10 percent of the forest is destroyed each year. 每年大約有百分之十的森林被毀。 8. 用plus/and表示“加”,用minus表示“減”,和用times表示“乘”時,動詞多用單數(shù),但也可用復數(shù)。 Two and two is/are four. 二加二是四。 Ten times five is/are fifty. 十乘五等于五十。 注意: 用from表示“被減”,multiplied by表示“被乘”或divided by表示“被除”,其謂語動詞用單數(shù)。 8 from 10 leaves 2. 10減8等于2。 25 divided by 5 equals 5. 25除以5等于5。 9. 時間價格距離等作為整體看待時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。 Fifty kilometers is a long distance. 五十公里是一段長距離。 Four thousand dollars is more than she can afford. 她付不起4,000美元。 The six months was a terrible dream for her. 那6個月對她來說是一場惡夢。 Only six days was allowed to make preparations for the final examination. 只給了六天的時間來準備期末考試。 注意: 若強調這類結構的復數(shù)意義,謂語動詞也可用復數(shù)形式。 Six years have passed since my father left home. 我父親離家已經(jīng)六年了。 The fifty miles were covered by the winner in three hours. 優(yōu)勝者花了三小時跑完了50英里的路程。 There are eight silver dollars in the drawer. 抽屜里有八塊銀元。 10.“a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a heap of, a mass of, half of +名詞”構成的短語作主語時,其謂語動詞要與短語中of后面的名詞的數(shù)保持一致,這是因為of后面的名詞是中心詞,而of前面的量詞是修飾語。 Lots of damage was caused by fire. 許多損失由火災引起的。 Lots of goods were sent there by air. 大量的貨物空運到那里。 Half of the oranges are bad. 一半的桔子爛了。 Half of the food is unfit to eat. 這食物中有一半不能吃。 11. 在“a number/total of+名詞復數(shù)”結構中,中心詞是名詞,謂語動詞用復數(shù)形式。但在“the number/total of+ 名詞復數(shù)”結構中,中心詞卻是number或total,故謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。 A number of students are playing basketball on the playground. 操場上有相當多的學生在打籃球。 The number of pages in this book is 900. 這本書的頁數(shù)是900。 A total of 3,000 letters were received last month. 上個月共收到3,000封信。 The total of letters received last month was 3,000. 上個月收到信件共3,000封。 12. 在“a great deal of a large amount of + 不可數(shù)名詞”結構作主語時,謂語動詞通常用單數(shù)。但“l(fā)arge amounts of + 不可數(shù)名詞”結構作主語,謂語動詞通常用復數(shù)。 A great deal of rice was taken from the country to the city by railway. 很多大米通過鐵路從鄉(xiāng)下運往城市。 A large amount of money is spent on the project. 這個工程耗費了巨額資金。 Large amounts of money were spent on the free way. 建高速公路花了大量的錢。 13. “the rest of + 可數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞”結構作主語,其謂語動詞要與短語中of后面的名詞的數(shù)保持一致。 The rest of the students are watering trees. 其余的學生正在澆樹。 The rest of the wine has gone bad. 剩下的酒已經(jīng)變質了。 四、 其他情況的主謂一致A 名詞性從句和非謂語動詞作主語 不定式短語、動詞的-ing形式和名詞性從句作主語,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。 Doing experiments is a good way to find out answers to questions. 做實驗是找到問題答案的好方法。 To learn foreign languages is not so difficult as you think. 學一門外語并不像你想象的那么難。 That I shall work with you is a great pleasure. 我能和你在一起工作是極大的快樂。 注意: what引導的主語從句,謂語動詞通常用單數(shù),但所指的具體內容是復數(shù)意義時,謂語動詞可用復數(shù)形式。 What we want is more time. 我們需要的是更多的時間。 What they need in that area are doctors and nurses. 他們那個地區(qū)需要的是醫(yī)務工作者。 What she left him are some old photos. 她給他留下的是一些舊照片。B 名詞化的形容詞作主語 名詞化的形容詞指的是“the形容詞(或過去分詞或現(xiàn)在分詞)”結構,如:the brave, the poor, the rich, the blind, the young, the old, the sick, the wounded, the injured, the unemployed, the dying, the living 等。當這種結構作主語,表示一類人時,謂語動詞常用復數(shù)形式;但也有少數(shù)的形容詞或過去分詞與定冠詞連用指個別的或表示抽象的概念時,謂語動詞則用單數(shù)。 The young are more active than the old in the work. 做這項工作青年人比老年人積極。 The injured in the accident is an engineer. 在這次事故中受傷的那人是位工程師。 The beautiful is loved by all. 愛美之心人皆有之。 必背: 下列詞屬于表示抽象的概念,謂語動詞需用單數(shù)。 the latest 最新情況 the unknown未知的事 the rough 難處理的事 the worst最壞的事 the foreign 外國的事情 the unreal不真實的事 the lovely 漂亮的東西 the evil惡 the ugly 丑 the mystical 神秘的東西 the true 真 the false假C 倒裝句 倒裝句的謂語動詞的單復數(shù)應根據(jù)主語而定。 On the wall were several famous paintings. 墻上懸掛著幾幅著名油畫。 East of the city lie two chemical works. 城東有兩家化工廠。 Between the two buildings stands a monument. 兩幢樓之間聳立著一塊紀念碑。


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