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2019-2020年高中英語 unit1學案 新人教版選修6.doc

2019-2020年高中英語 unit1學案 新人教版選修61 faith信任;信心;信念Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people.(回歸課本)have faith in 對有信心;相信lose faith in 對失去信心restore/destroy ones faith in 恢復/毀掉某人對的信心keep/break faith with sb 信守/不守信in bad/good faith 存心不良/誠心誠意Exx:I (對她很有信心),she wont let me down.The public (已失去信心)the government. Her friends kindness (恢復了我的信心)human nature.The woman who sold me the car claimed she had acted (誠心誠意地).adj: faithful 忠誠的、忠實的 a faithful servant/friend/dog be/remain faithful to He (始終忠誠于黨) until his death.忠貞的、忠誠的可信任的; 可信賴的; 可信任的工人 2. aimDuring the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.(回歸課本)n.目標; 目的 瞄準The main aim of the course is to improve students writing skill . with the aim of 以為目標;旨在 achieve ones aim 實現某人的目標 take aim at 向瞄準Ex:She went to London (為了找工作)(aim. n). Alan (瞄準了那只老虎).v. 瞄準,對準 致力于、打算 旨在,目的是 aim(sth)at/for 瞄準 aim at (doing)sth aim to do sth 打算、致力于 we (力爭到那里) around six. Sth be aimed at (doing sth)目的是、旨在Ex: These measures (旨在防止)violent crime.They (正力求減少)unemployment by 50%.He (把槍瞄準敵人).3typical 典型的,有代表性的 一貫的,平常的 一向如此的,特有的A. typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for God. (回歸課本)This is a typical example of Roman pottery. be typical of 是的典型/代表 It is typical of sb to do sth是某人所特有的Exx: she (就是愛忘事).This painting (是相當典型的代表)his early work.4evident 明顯的,明白的,顯然的 But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters(回歸課本)Ex: Bob began eating his lunch (顯得津津有味)。 It is evident (to sb)that顯然/清楚Ex: (我們已經清楚)a mistake has been made. (evident)n. evidence 證明/據 醫(yī)學證明/科學依據 be in evidence 顯眼/顯而易見There is some evidence that有證據顯示give evidence 作證Ex: (有證據顯示)a small amount of alcohol is good for you.5.adopt收養(yǎng)、領養(yǎng) 采用、采取 正式通過、認可 People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life.(回歸課本)Exx: His mother (被收養(yǎng))when she was four.All three teams (采用不同方法解決)the problem. The council is expected to (通過這項新政策)at its next meeting.adopted adj 領養(yǎng)的,收養(yǎng)的 他的養(yǎng)子 6. possess. v 擁有 具有(特質) 支配、控制 Rich people wanted to possess their own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses.(回歸課本)Exx: He (被指控擁有) a gun.Im afraid he (沒有幽默感)n. possession 具有、擁有 sth be in ones possession 由擁有 sb be in possession of sth 擁有;持有(某物) take possession of e into ones possession 為某人所得,落入某人手中Exx: The house (一直歸這個家庭所有)since the 1500s.She was found (擁有贓物).You cant (合法擁有)the property until three weeksafter the contract is signed.On her fathers death, a vast fortune (落入她手中) .(pl.)個人財產 私人物品 個人財產 7.by coincidence 巧合地 By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper.(回歸課本)coincidence n. u巧合 c巧事Exx: 真巧! ! (真巧了),I met the person wed been discussing the next day.Its (并非巧合)none of the directors are women.8a great deal 大量、很大程度上 In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one.(回歸課本) a great /good deal 大量;很大程度上 副詞短語 修飾v/adj/adv a great/good deal of +u許多、大量 Exx: (他們很多工作)is unpaid.Im feeling (好多了).We see them (經常).拓展:many a/ an;a great/ good many; quite a few; a (great/ large) number of ; scores of ; many+c復a good/great deal of; a large amount of; amounts of; a little; much+ua lot of; lots of; plenty of; a large quantity of; quantities of +c/u9. shadow They were eager to show how light and shadow fell on objects at different times of day.(回歸課本) shadow. n 陰影、影子 陰暗處、昏暗處 (壞)影響 cast a shadow on/over 投影于;影子映在 The ships sail (倒映在水面上). in shadow/the shadows陰暗處;背光處 I thought I saw a figure (站在陰暗處). under/in the shadow of 在的陰影中Ex: Those people have been living for years (在恐怖的陰影中).10ridiculous adj 愚蠢的荒唐的可笑的 They said that the painters were care less and their paintings were ridiculous.(回歸課本)11. attempt. On the one hand , some modern art is abstract; that is ,the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes,(回歸課本)n. 努力;嘗試;企圖 in an attempt to do sth 為了 make an / no attempt to do sth 企圖/沒有企圖做at the first attempt初次嘗試 attempt at (doing) sth.做的嘗試Exx: Two factories were closed (為削減費用). They (沒有企圖逃跑).I passed my driving test (初次嘗試).企圖謀殺某人make an attempt on sbs lifeEx:Someone (企圖刺殺總統(tǒng))recently.v努力、嘗試、試圖試圖做某事 attempt to do sth. attempt sthExx: Every time (我試圖說服她), Ive failed pletely. Weather conditions prevented them (試跳).adj attempted 未遂的 謀殺/搶劫未遂 12. On the other hand, some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.(回歸課本) on(the )one hand; on the other hand一方面;另一方面Ex:I want to sell the house, but , I cant bear the thought of moving.Ain other words B. on the other hand C. for one thing D. as a matter of fact13. predict v. 預言、預告、預測 Who can predict what painting styles there will be in the future? (回歸課本) predict sth that/whether/what/howIt was predicted that據預測Ex: The report (預言將失去更多工作崗位)in the coal industry. 預測地震/結果 n. prediction. 預言;預測 14specific. adj 具體的;明確的 I gave you (非常明確的指示). 特定的 Childrens television programmes (針對特定年齡段). 特有的;獨特的 是特有的 Ex: It is a disease (馬特有的).15figuren. 數字 最新的銷售數據 人物;重要人物 公眾/政治人物 身材;體形(尤指)身段 She always (有好的身材). 畫像;塑像 馬的銅像 . 輪廓;人影 a dark figure in the distance. v. 認為;認定 figure that.Ex: I (認為) he was drunk and shouldnt be allowed to drive. 計算Larry figured his expenses for the past month figure out 計算出Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?理解;弄清楚;弄明白 I cant figure out how to do this.(08湖北) The present situation is very plex, so I think it will take me some time to its reality.A. make up B. figure out C. look through D. put off 16. allergic adj I cant eat shellfish because I am allergic to them.(回歸課本)過敏的;變應的 be allergic to I like cats but unfortunately (我對貓過敏).過敏性的,變應性的 過敏性反應 be allergic to 對十分反感;厭惡You could see he (很討厭做家務).17preference u喜愛;偏愛 c偏愛的事物;喜愛的東西 Frick had a preference for pre-twentieth century Western paintings, and these are well-represented in this excellent collection.(回歸課本)Its (個人喜好的問題). have a preference for sth 偏愛;喜愛 give preference to sb/sth 給予優(yōu)惠;優(yōu)待 in preference to do 優(yōu)先于;而不是Exx: A polar bear (喜歡寒冷的天氣).Many people choose the train (而不是開車). (將優(yōu)先考慮)graduates of this university .prefer. v. 喜愛 prefer sth/doing to sth/doing 比起更喜歡 prefer to do sth rather than do寧愿而不愿 would prefer to do sth.更愿意,更希望做 I would prefer it if我更希望/愿意 (我更希望)you didnt tell anyone.18.appeal to (對某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感興趣;呼吁;上訴 It will appeal to those who loved Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings. (回歸課本)appeal. vi 有感染力;有吸引力 appeal (to sb) 呼吁;懇求 appeal(to sb)to do sth (for sth) 上訴;申訴 appeal(to sb/sth) (against sth)Exx: The police (呼吁公眾提供信息) about the crime now.Does the idea of working abroad (吸引你)?She (不服宣判而向高級法院上訴).vt 將上訴n. 上訴;感染力;呼吁19. reputation. n 名譽;名聲The reputation of this museum lies in the variety of its art collection.(回歸課本)reputation n. 名譽;名聲 _ 贏得/確立/樹立聲譽 _有好/壞名聲 _ 有損/毀壞某人的名聲 _以而聞名 _名副其實Exx: He _ (以誠實而聞名). This restaurant _ (名聲很好). The weather in England is _(真是名副其實).20. visual adj. 視力的;視覺的The museum displays more than just the visual delights of art. (回歸課本)Exx: 視覺藝術/印象 _He _ (過目不忘).adv. visually visually impaired 21. contemporary The Whitney holds an excellent collection of contemporary American painting and sculpture. (回歸課本) contemporary adj 當代的 當代的藝術/ 音樂/舞蹈_ 同時代的;同時期的 contemporary(with sb/sth)Ex: He _(屬于同時代的)the dramatist.n. c 同時代的人;同輩人Ex :She and I_(在大學是同學).22. permanent There are no permanent displays in this museum and exhibitions change all the time. (回歸課本)permanent adj 永久的;固定的 固定工作/職員 _ adv. permanently


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