2019春四年級英語下冊 全一冊教案2 科普版.doc
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全一冊 校長寄語 小學階段是人一生中的重要階段。人生的理想在這一階段樹立,學習習慣在這一階段養(yǎng)成,美好的童年生活在這一階段度過。親愛的老師們,我們的工作就是為學生的一生可持續(xù)發(fā)展作奠基工程。在實踐這一偉大而神圣的工程中請遵循: 育人原則: 千教萬教,教人求真; 千學萬學,學做真人。 育人目標: 情感、態(tài)度、價值真觀。 學習方式: 自主、合作、探究。 培養(yǎng)模式: 學思結合、知行統(tǒng)一、因材施教。 小學英語課程標準 根據全國小學英語課程發(fā)展的實際,以及2001年出臺的《英語課程標準》對小學英語教學的指導性不夠突出,對小學英語的具體學習內容目標要求得不夠具體,小學階段詞匯表、語法項目沒有分別列出;對小學英語教學和評價指導力度不夠,缺乏可操作性建議和案例,等等問題,修訂后的英語課程標準在小學階段主要體現(xiàn)如下特點: 一、理念更先進 1.更符合社會發(fā)展對人才的需求。修訂稿中首次將英語課程的性質界定為具有工具性和人文性雙重性質。語言學習不僅是為了培養(yǎng)學生交流、溝通的能力,更重要的是在語言學習的過程中,加強人格品質和道德情操的修養(yǎng)。一個人如果具有較強的語言交際能力、較高的綜合人文素養(yǎng),他會更快地適應社會變化,更好地服務于社會。工具性與人文性并重的理念符合社會發(fā)展對人才培養(yǎng)的需求。 2.更符合語言學習的規(guī)律。修訂稿在面向全體學生、突出學生主體、尊重個體差異的基礎上,更注重了語言學習的漸進性和持續(xù)性。不僅體現(xiàn)在基本理念的調整上,也體現(xiàn)在了課程內容的設置和各級目標的描述中。語言學習是一個長期積累的過程,學生的學習必然經歷由淺入深、由易到難的漸進深入過程。修訂稿強調了語言學習的漸進性和持續(xù)性,更符合語言學習的規(guī)律。 二、目標更清晰 就小學英語教學而言,修訂稿在對原有語言知識、語言技能、情感態(tài)度、學習策略、文化意識目標微調的基礎上,在技能教學參考中,對各項技能教學的目的、技能要求以及主要活動都給予了分級描述,還明確了小學階段語法教學的內容與要求,列出了小學階段應掌握的423個基本詞匯,這些也是以往教學中老師們感到比較模糊或困惑的地方,這次課標的修訂能使老師們在教學中更好地把握教學目標。 三、方法更具體 課標對于一線老師而言,不僅是理念的引領,也是方法的指導,老師們看了后知道做什么、怎么做。如實施建議中對教學和評價都給出了具體的、符合實際的建議,同時評價方式與方法的舉例非常詳盡,不僅例舉了各項技能不同級別的評價方案,還有對評價方案的評析,對老師們在教學中的評價操作具有很強的指導性。再如修訂稿中的課堂教學用語更具體、更符合實際教學需要,語言也更具有時代氣息。 備課要求 1、教學過程的四大環(huán)節(jié):設疑自探、解疑合探、質疑再探、運用拓展四個環(huán)節(jié)后必須有時控,并且每個環(huán)節(jié)旁邊必須有自己的個性化設計(添加或刪去),并且每個環(huán)節(jié)要體現(xiàn)師生互動、生生互動,不能太簡單;質疑再探環(huán)節(jié)要有問題預設;運用拓展環(huán)節(jié)有學生自編題。添加的內容寫在每個課時教學過程邊留的空白處,要注意排版整齊、美觀、成行、不斜。 2、教學反思分“教師的教”和“學生的學 ”“改進措施”三個方面寫,如: ①教師的教 ②學生的學 ③改進措施 每個方面結合“三疑三探”教學實踐過程中成功、不足和改進來寫,具體對照西峽縣“三疑三探”課堂評價標準內容進行反思,每個方面至少兩行。 3、備課修改一律用黑色筆跡。 教學計劃 小學四年級英語下冊教學計劃 一、教學目的 1、激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣,培養(yǎng)他們學習英語的積極態(tài)度,使他們初步建立學習英語的自信心; 2、培養(yǎng)學生具有一定的語感和良好的語音、語調書寫基礎,以及良好的學習習慣; 3、使他們初步具備用英語進行簡單日常交流的能力。 4、同時培養(yǎng)學生的觀察、記憶、思維、想象和創(chuàng)造能力。 5、適當介紹中西方文化,培養(yǎng)學生的愛國主義精神,增強世界意志,為學生的進一步學習奠定良好的基礎。 二、教材分析 本教材的設計和編寫體現(xiàn)了外語教學思想的繼承和發(fā)展。在分析、研究許多種國內外小學英語教材的基礎上,取其精華,博采眾長,形成了本套教材特有的編寫體系。同時,有吸收了當今國內外英語作為外語教學的理論和成功經驗,把這些教學理論和實踐經驗同我國的小學外語教學實際相結合,以形成我國小學英語的外語教學模式和教學方法。 本冊教材具有以下幾個特點: 1、注重學生語言運用能力的培養(yǎng),突出語言的實踐性和交際性,同時也突出語言的真實性和實用性。 2、注重學生自學能力和學習策略的培養(yǎng),為學生的進一步學習或終身學習奠定基礎。 3、注重中外文化的雙向交流,使學生通過學習,培養(yǎng)未來跨文化交際所需要的能力。 4、注重學生學習興趣的培養(yǎng),以不同方式最大限度的激發(fā)學生的學習動機。 5、注重融合學科內容,加強學科之間的整合和滲透,讓學生通過英語學習來獲得其他學科的知識。 6、注重教材的靈活性和可操作性,以滿足不同層次的學生的需求。 7、注重教學資料的配套,為學生提供良好的英語學習環(huán)境,幫助學生拓展自我發(fā)展的空間。 8、注重中小學各階段的銜接,以保證各學段的順利過渡,全面提高中小學英語教學的整體質量。 三、教學措施 1、認真?zhèn)湔n,鉆研教材,抓緊課堂教學,做到當堂內容當堂掌握。 2、運用各種不同的肢體語言來輔助教學。 3、在課堂上多開展一些有趣的活動、游戲讓學生在活動中學習英語,在生活中學習英語。 4、多為學生營造一些學習氛圍,如:創(chuàng)設英語角等等。 5、要求學生在課余時間盡量的運用已經學習的英語進行對話。 6、多看英語畫報,多讀英語故事,多看英語書籍。 7、多與學生交流,進行口語交際訓練。 四、主要教學目標: 1、能聽懂、會說12組會話,并能進行簡單的交流。 2、能聽、說、認讀60個單詞和詞組并能聽、說、讀、寫61個單詞和24個句子(包括學校、時間、衣服、天氣、購物、農場動物、數字、顏色等幾個話題),并簡單運用。 3、能聽、做6個TPR活動。 4、能學會3個小制作。 5、能唱8首歌曲。 6、能聽、說、唱7首歌謠。 7、能完成6個自我評價活動。 8、能聽懂6個幽默小故事。 9、能了解6項簡單的中西方文化知識。 五、方法措施 1、認真?zhèn)湔n,鉆研教材,進行課堂的有效教學,提高課堂效率,做到當堂內容當堂掌握。 2、創(chuàng)新運用各種不同英語教學法來輔助教學,如:情景教學法、直接教學法和TPR全身反應法,并開展一些有趣的活動、游戲讓學生在輕松的氛圍中學習英語。 3、創(chuàng)設英語情景和環(huán)境,使學生們在一定的英語語言環(huán)境里習得“第二語言”。做到“生活中有英語,英語中有生活”。 4、鼓勵學生大膽說英語,相信希望生的進步,樹立學生的信心,培養(yǎng)學生朗讀和書寫的習慣。 5、注重教材的靈活性和可操作性,以滿足不同層次的學生的需求。幫助英語基礎不好的學生,提升英語基礎好的學生。 6、練習形式多種多樣,手、腦、眼、肢體并用,靜態(tài)、動態(tài)結合,基本功操練與自由練習結合,單項和綜合練習結合。通過大量地實踐,使學生具有良好地語音、語調、書寫和拼讀地基礎,開展學生簡單的日常用語交流活動。 六、班級情況分析 四年級從上個學期的情況來看在英語學習上掌握較好,主要表現(xiàn)為學習成績層次上很均勻,英語學習興趣很高,口語朗讀上較為扎實。在教學上我最多的是在個別輔導之余引導他們分組相互學習,師徒結隊,共同進步。 - 教學進度表 時間 計劃進度 實際進度 備注 四年級英語(下冊)教案 第一課時 1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? Goal request:(教學目的) New words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember Some useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. Key difficulty:(教學重難點) Master these words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember And master these useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. Teaching times: (教學課時) 1 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes) First, let the Ss look at these new words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember, let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 設疑自探(10 minutes) let the Ss look at the part 1, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to ask and answer these questions : - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes) 1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: (1) - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. (2) New words: 2 Practice the dialogue and act in pairs. useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. Step 4 質疑再探(7 minutes) 1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, let’s talk : Do you have any questions about the dialogue ? 2 Can you use “watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember? 3 Please act out the dialogue with your partner . Step5 運用拓展(8 minutes) Show some exercises on the blackboard,let the students finish it. Bb writting desgin:(板書設計) Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. 教后反思 第二課時 Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? Goal request:(教學目的) New words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember Some useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. Key difficulty:(教學重難點) Master these words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember And master these useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. Teaching times: (教學課時) 2 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes) First, let the Ss look at these new words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember ;let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 設疑自探(10 minutes) let the Ss look at Let’s learn, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to act it out the useful expressions: - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. In this part , let the Ss master these useful expressions . Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes) 1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. The new words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember 2 Practice the dialogue at Page 2 and act it out in pairs . Step 4 質疑再探(7 minutes) 1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, let’stalk : - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. 2 Please act out the dialogue with your partner . 3 Let’s sing .Sing the song 《Fishes, where are you?》 Step5 運用拓展(8 minutes) Choose the right answer: 1 - _____watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. A. Where B. Who C. Whose 2 - ___ this your watch? - Yes, it is. A. That B.Is C. Whose 3 –Are they in the box? - No,they ______. A. are B. aren’t C. am Bb writing desgin:(板書設計) Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. 教后反思 第三課時 1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? Goal request:(教學目的) New words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember Some useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. Key difficulty:(教學重難點) Master these words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember And master these useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. Teaching times: (教學課時) 3 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes) First, let the Ss look at these new words : new classroom grade way glass they table behind . Let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 設疑自探(10 minutes) 1 Let the Ss look at pictures on page 2 and ask:Whose watch is it?Then get the Ss try to read the text and try to answer these questions : (1) Whose watch is it? (2) Whose cup is it? (3) Whose basket is it? Give the Ss five minutes to read the text and answer these questions . - Whose ___ is it? –It’s __’s ____. 2 In this part , let the Ss master these new words and useful expressions : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. Lucy’s cup Jim’s basket Eve’s bottle their desk our clock Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes) let the Ss look at Read for fun, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to understand the passage: Let the Ss master the following useful expressions; Lucy’s cup Jim’s basket Eve’s bottle their desk our clock Step 4 質疑再探(7 minutes) 1 In this part, let the Ss practise in pairs. - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. 2 Let’s act . Step 5 運用拓展(8 minutes) Show some exercises on the blackboard,let the students finish it. 1 -The glasses are on _____ nose. A. your B. you C. yours 2 - ________ can you see? - Three. A. How many B. What C. Who Bb writting desgin:(板書設計) Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. 教后反思 第四課時 Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? Teaching material analysic:(教材分析) 1. In this text, let the Ss master these new words: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe - Teaching material analysic:(教材分析) 1. In this text, let the Ss master these new words: 2.Master these new words: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe Goal request:(教學重點) 1.Master these new words : shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe 2. Master these useful expressions: -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. Key difficulty:(教學難點) Master these new words and these useful expressions. Teaching times:1(教學課時) Teaching method:(教學方法)three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:(教學用具) cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer(5 minutes) Good morning,first let the Ss look at these cards : shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. Let the Ss master these new words and expressions , let the Ss look at these cards and try to read these again and again . Step 2 設疑自探(10 minutes) 1.First , let the Ss look at the dialogue for two times,underline the main words ,phrases and sentences they can’t read and understand.The teacher collect them and write tnem on the Bb, next solve these problems together. 2. Ask them to understand the problems in their groups first. Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes) 1. Read the dialogue first and try to answer these questions: If they have any other questions ,let them speak out. 2. Get some of the Ss to try to ask and act in pairs. 3. Practise in different ways. 4.Get some pairs to present in groups. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. Step 4質疑再探(7 minutes) The teacher asks: Do you have any questions? If they have some, help them to solve it. Step5運用拓展(8 minutes) 1.Let the Ss to finish the part 2: Let’s learn: -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. 2.Help the Ss practise it. 3. Practise in pairs. 4. Ask some Ss to present the dialogue in front of the class. Bb Desgin :(板書設計) Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. 教后反思 第五課時 Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? Teaching material analysic:(教材分析) In this text, let the Ss master new words ,then let the Ss master the useful expressions . shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe -What colour are the coats? -They’re blue. Key difficulty:(教學重點) Let the Ss can use the main dialogue. -What colour are the coats? -They’re blue. Teaching times: (教學課時) Teaching method:(教學方法) three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:(教學用具) cards,radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer(5 minutes) Ask the Ss to say the Chinese meanings of the following words: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe Then let them read these words and try to remember them. Step 2 設疑自探(10minutes) 1. Ask them to listen to the tape for two times,underline the words, phrases and sentences they don’t know and understand. Then collect their questions and write them on the Bb,next help them to solve it. 2. Let the Ss try to recite the dialogue: -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes) 1. Get some Ss to solve the problems. 2. Go through the Chinese meanings in different groups. Ask some groups to present them to the whole class. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. 3. Let the Ss master the following new words: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe Step 4質疑再探(7 minutes) Let the Ss know the meaning of this dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. then let the Ss practise the dialogue several times. Step 5運用拓展(8 minutes) Show some exercises on the blackboard,let the students finish it. 1. -What colour __ the trousers? -They’re blue. A. is B. are C. of 2. –I can’t find my dog._____ is it? A. What B. Where C. Who Bb writting desgin:(板書設計) Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? -What colour are the coats? -They’re blue. 教后反思 第六課時 Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? Teaching material analysic:(教材分析) In this text, let the Ss master these new words and main dialogue: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. Goal request:(教學重點) In this text, let the Ss master the main dialogue: -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. And master the new words: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe master these :(教學難點) Let the Ss master the dialogue and can use it. Teaching times:(教學課時)3 Teaching method: (教學方法)three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:(教學用具)cards,radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer(5 minutes) Ask and answer like this : A: -What colour are the trousers? B:-They’re blue. C: -What colour are the coats? D:-They’re red. Step 2 設疑自探(10 minutes) Give the Ss three minutes to read the text: Look at the pictures on page 8 9 &10 ,what do you want to ask ? And then get the Ss try to answer these questions like this : A: -What colour are the trousers? B:-They’re blue. C: -What colour are the coats? D:-They’re red. Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes) 1 The teacher give the Ss five minutes to read the text and try to answer these questions . 2 Do you understand the dialogue? 3 Talk about these sentences and try to understand them . 4 Help the Ss act the dialogue. Step 4 質疑再探(7 minutes) 1 Give the Ss five minutes to read the dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. 2 Let the Ss act the dialogue. Step 5運用拓展(8 minutes) Excises in class: 1. -What colour are the __? -They’re blue. A. coats B. coat C. cat 2.- Miss Zhang is a teacher.She works _____ a school. A. in B. on C. at Bb writting desgin:(板書設計) Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. 教后反思 第七課時 1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 3 They are in class three Goal request:(教學目的) New words : class behind grade glass glasses Some useful expressions : A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. Key difficulty:(教學重難點) Master these words: class behind grade glass glasses And master these useful expressions : A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. Teaching times: (教學課時) 1 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes) First, let the Ss look at these new words : class behind grade glass glasses ,let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 設疑自探(10 minutes) let the Ss look at the part 1, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to ask and answer these questions : A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes) 1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: (1) A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. (2) New words:class behind grade glass glasses 2 Practise the dialogue and act in pairs . useful expressions : A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. Step 4 質疑再探(7 minutes) 1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, let’s talk : Do you have any questions about the dialogue ? 2 Can you use “class behind grade glass glasses ? 3 Please act out the dialogue with your partner . Step5 運用拓展(8 minutes) Show some exercises on the blackboard ,let the students finish it. Bb writting desgin:(板書設計) Lesson 3 They are in class three A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. 教后反思 第八課時Lesson 3 They are in class three Goal request:(教學目的) New words : class behind grade glass glasses Some useful expressions : A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. Key difficulty:(教學重難點) Master these words: class behind grade glass glasses And master these useful expressions : A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. Teaching times: (教學課時) 2 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes) First, let the Ss look at these new words : class behind grade glass glasses ;let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 設疑自探(10 minutes) let the Ss look at Let’s learn, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to act it out the useful expressions: A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. In this part , let the Ss master these useful expressions . Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes) 1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. The new words: class behind grade glass glasses 2 Practise the dialogue at Page 2 and act it out in pairs . Step 4 質疑再探(7 minutes) 1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, let’stalk : A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. 2 Please act out the dialogue with your partner . 3 Let’s chant . 《Are you in Class One?》 Step5 運用拓展(8 minutes) Choose the right answer: 1 -Who is she? -Sorry, I _____ know. A. am not B. don’t C. isn’t 2 - Welcome to Luoyang. - ___________ . A. OK B. Yes C. Thank you. 3 A: What class __ they in? B: They are in class three. A. are B. is C. of Bb writing design:(板書設計) Lesson 3 They are in class three A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. 教后反思 第九課時 1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 3 They are in class three Goal request:(教學目的) New words : class behind grade glass glasses Some useful expressions : A: What class are you in? B: I’m in Class 1,Grade 4. Key difficulty:(教學重難點) Master these words: class behind grade glass glasses And master these useful expressions : A: What class are you in? B: I’m in Class 1,Grade 4. Teaching times: (教學課時) 3 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes) First, let the Ss look at these new words : class behind grade gla- 配套講稿:
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