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2019-2020年高三英語學法指導與語法難點一人教版一 高考英語試題的主要特點如果你想在高考中取得好成績,總復習確有成效,你就必須對高考試題的主要特點有一個清楚的了解。 試題的基本難度不變xx年的英語試題在題型,難度,測試范圍,及區(qū)分度上都將與前幾年一致,因為無論全國試題或地方自命試題都是按考試大綱命制的。隨著新教材的使用和新課標的執(zhí)行,過三四年后高考肯定會有大的變化,但xx年不會。這就使高三師生在備考時有了明確的方向。想了解高考嗎?請讀讀考試大綱和xx年至xx年的高考試題吧。重視實際使用英語能力的考核?,F(xiàn)在的高考主要考查語言運用,即在實際生活中聽說讀寫的能力。 換句話說,如果你的聽力好,閱讀強,寫作也不錯那在xx年的英語高考中就能拿一個高分。如果你只知道一些語法知識的細枝末節(jié),而聽、讀、寫都沒怎么練,那你在高考中肯定是英雄無用武之地,分數(shù)上不去。突出語篇的作用,在活的情景中考查。所謂突出語篇的作用,即通過語篇考查聽、讀、寫的能力,而不是孤立地、無上下文的單句式的考查。4.考英語還要考思維能力和綜合文化素質(zhì)英語卷不僅僅在考英語,幾乎每一個試題都滲透著對觀察、分析、記憶、想象,推理,判斷和綜合能力的測試,以及對學生全面文化素質(zhì)的考查。試卷中主要試題都是在對話和短文中進行考核的,都有具體的語境,都需要分析,推測和概括。所以,只會死背句型,不善推理判斷,記憶不準確,知識面又窄,這樣的學生在高考面前就會顯得力不從心。5閱讀理解能力是重點檢查的能力高考對英語聽說讀寫諸項能力的測試并非均衡對待,而是按照教學大綱的要求,突出了對閱讀能力的測試。這不僅表現(xiàn)在閱讀理解題在試卷中占的比重最大(40分),還表現(xiàn)在閱讀能力是決定聽力,完形填空、書面表達、單項填空等題型答題效果的最基本的能力。強調(diào)對閱讀的檢測也符合中國人學習英語的規(guī)律。閱讀是目前中國人學習英語的主要方式,閱讀又是獲取較綜合,較復雜,較深刻信息的手段,突出考察閱讀能力是完全正確的。 6強調(diào)基礎知識和基本技能的掌握。高考作為一種選拔性的考試,雖然有難題,但主要考的仍是基礎知識和基本技能。基礎的東西掌握好了,才可能把試卷中的中低檔的題做對,也才有可能攻克由諸項基礎知識綜合而成的難題。 高考成績的高低,主要取決于基礎知識和基本技能的掌握。那種在總復習中一味追求難題、怪題,而忽視基礎知識的落實與基本技能訓練的作法,實在是與高考命題主導思想背道而弛。 二 語法知識易錯點本部分共85條,對中國學生在英語語法方面容易產(chǎn)生錯誤或混淆的地方作了有針對性的提示,而不是系統(tǒng)地講解語法知識,這對學生抓住要點重點是有幫助的。1. 名詞變復數(shù)的特殊形式child-children, foot-feet, man-men, mouse-mice, stomach-stomachs, tooth-teeth, woman-women, sheep-sheep,deer-deer, Chinese-Chinese, a man doctor-men doctors, a woman doctor-women doctors, looker-on-lookers-on, grown-up-grown-ups誤:There are many woman teachers in my school.正:There are many women teachers in my school.2. 常考不可數(shù)名詞advice, baggage, equipment, information, luggage, furniture, fun, weather, knowledge, jewelry, progress誤:What a fine weather it is!正:What fine weather it is!3. 可數(shù)不可數(shù)均可,但意思不同experience 經(jīng)歷(可數(shù));經(jīng)驗(不可數(shù))room 房間(可數(shù));空間(不可數(shù))exercise 練習(可數(shù));鍛煉、運動(不可數(shù))誤:Visiting the Great Wall is unforgettable experience to me.正:Visiting the Great Wall is an unforgettable experience to me.4. 只能修飾可數(shù)名詞的有: few, a few, many, a great/good many, a large number of誤:There is a large number of water in the hole.正:There is a great deal of water in the hole.5. 只能修飾不可數(shù)名詞的有:little, a little, much, a large amount of, a great/good deal of誤:There are a great deal of people living there.正:There are a good many people living there.6. 可數(shù)不可數(shù)都可修飾的有:a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, large quantities of, 如:There are plenty of trees along the river.There is a large quantity of snow on the top of the mountain.7. 只有復數(shù)形式的名詞有:trousers, clothes, socks, shorts, goods, thanks, congratulations, belongings誤:A pair of trousers are hanging over there.正:A pair of trousers is hanging over there.8. 復數(shù)形式,單數(shù)意思的有:plastics, news, politics, physics, mathematics誤:The news are exciting.正:The news is exciting. 9. 復合名詞的復數(shù)形式。girl friends, boy students, women teachers, men workers, passers-by, go-betweens, grown-ups誤:Therere many boys students in my class.正:Therere many boy students in my class.10. 名詞做主語,謂語動詞用復數(shù)police, cattle, clothes, goods誤:Cattle sells well at that market.正:Cattle sell well at that market. 11. 幾個應該特殊注意的名詞。people (民族,人); village (村莊,村民);man(男人,人類),youth (年輕人,青年男子,青春)誤:The Chinese are peace-loving people.正:The Chinese are a peace-loving people.12. 名詞所有格1) 形式 s, of Toms living room, teachers office, teachers room, a friend of mine, John and Mary school, Johns and Marys schools2) s適用范圍 有生命的物體、時間、距離、國家、城市、機構等誤:This is the mountains picture.正:This is a picture of the mountain.誤:John and Marys schools are beautiful.正:Johns and Marys schools are beautiful. 3) 不能被s所替換的所有格形式:the city of Beijing, at the age of 20, the experience of the old, the struggle of the poor13. 必須加the的有以下幾種情況。 1) 特指某(些)人或某(些)物;I have a pen. The pen is lost.2) 談話雙方所共知的共指的物體;Look at the blackboard.3) 序數(shù)詞,形容詞最高級前;She is the best student in my class.4) 世界上獨一無二的物體;The earth moves around the sun.5) 表方位的名詞前;The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.6) 形容詞前表一類人;The rich are not always happy.7) 樂器He is playing the piano now.8) 山脈、河流、海洋、群島;China is on the east of the Pacific Ocean.9) same, only, very前;Its the very book Im looking for. 10) by the +計量單位;by the dozen, by the day, by the poundThe workers are paid by the hour.誤:Birds fly to south in winter.正:Birds fly to the south in winter. Birds fly south in winter.14. 不用冠詞的情況有以下幾種。1) 表泛指的名詞前;如:Do you like music?2) 三餐前;如:have breakfast, lunch, supper, dinner3) 棋類、球類運動前;Almost all the boys in my class love playing football.4) 表官銜、職位的名詞前;He was made monitor of the class.5) Child as he is中的child名詞前。Student as he is, he never obeys the teacher.


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