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狀語從句時間狀語從句句子出處建議分值隨著高考的臨近,越來越多的學(xué)生開始關(guān)心自己要選的大學(xué)和專業(yè)了。(As)As the College Entrance Examination is drawing near/approaching/coming, more and more students begin to concern about the universities and majors they want to choose.12四區(qū)二模1.我還來不及完成試題,鈴就響了。(before)The bell rang, before I could finish my test paper.07崇明一模3分2.不久以后一些藥品的價格將再一次下調(diào)。(before)It wont be long before the prices of some medicine are reduced again.06三區(qū)聯(lián)考二模3分3.還要過很長一段時間,普通人才能去太空旅行。(before)It will be a long time before common people can travel to space/ can go travelling in space.08奉賢一模3分4.我還沒來得及提醒他要保守這個秘密,他就匆匆掛了電話。(before)He hung up the phone in a hurry before I could remind him to keep the secret.07徐匯一模4分5.那位科學(xué)家認為,還要好幾年這個理論才能付諸于實踐。(before)The scientist believed that it would be years before the theory was put into practice. The scientist believes that it will be years before the theory is put into practice.09松江二模4分6.他似乎過了很久才意識到應(yīng)該充分利用這個機會。(before)It seemed a long time before he realized that he should make full use of this opportunity.09奉賢二模4分7.沒過多久,教練就讓湯姆(Tom)替換那位受傷的球員。(before)It was not long before the coach asked/ ordered Tom to substitute for/ take the place of/ replace the injured player/ the player who was injured. Before long, the coach asked/ ordered Tom to substitute for/ take the place of/ replace the injured player/ the player who was injured.08青浦一模4分8.他們咨詢了許多學(xué)生,然后才決定用已故總統(tǒng)的名字來命名新建的圖書館(before)They had consulted many students before they decided to name the newly-built library after the late president.09閘北二模5分9.很多年后他才明白,每個人,無論強弱貧富,只要他對社會做出了貢獻,就應(yīng)該得到尊重。(before)It was many years before he realized that everyone, strong or weak, rich or poor, should be respected as long as he had made contribution(s) to the society.09黃浦一模5分不久以后,一些藥品的價格就會再一次下調(diào)。(before)It will not be long before the price of some medicine is reduced again.13松江一模與我們預(yù)料的相反,學(xué)生們組織的游樂會是如此地有趣,不知不覺2個小時就過去了。(before)Contrary to our expectation/what we had expected, the funfair organized by the students was so interesting that two hours had passed/gone by before we realized it. 14青浦一模等這條鐵路延伸至那座偏遠的小城之后,當(dāng)?shù)氐慕?jīng)濟一定會得到迅猛的發(fā)展。(by the time)By the time this railroad has been extended to the remote small city, the local economy is sure to develop/be developed very fast.12嘉定一模10.每次叫他做家務(wù),他總是假裝在看書。(every time)Every time he is asked to do housework, he always pretends to be reading.09盧灣二模4分11.我們已5年沒見面了。(It)It is five years since we met (last). 08松江二模3分12.他一做完實驗,就用肥皂洗干凈雙手。(The moment)The moment he finished (doing) the experiment, he washed his hands with soap.08黃浦二模4分第一次看Gangnam Style的時候,其生動的節(jié)奏,富有創(chuàng)意的舞蹈,給我留下了深刻的印象。(The first time)The first time I watched Gangnam Style, I was deeply impressed by its lively rhythm and creative dance. / its lively rhythm and creative dance impressed me a lot / deeply / greatly.13四區(qū)二模13.如果你一收到消息就能給我答復(fù)的話,我將不勝感激。(the moment)I would appreciate it very much if you could reply to me/give me a reply the moment you receive the message. 09虹口二模4分14.我們正在散步突然下起了大雨。(when)We were walking when it rained heavily. We were having a walk when it rained hard. 08寶山二模3分昨晚電視里的電影太吸引人了,以至于我都忘了做作業(yè),挨了批評。 (such.that)It was such an attractive movie in the TV yesterday that I forgot to do my homework ,thus being criticized12長寧二模原因狀語從句句子出處建議分值15.談判雙方只關(guān)心各自利益,且對各自應(yīng)承擔(dān)的責(zé)任意見相左,至今沒有在該問題上達成最終協(xié)定。 (As)As negotiating parties only care about their own interests and hold different opinions on the duties they should take (respectively), so far no final agreement on the issue has been reached.09閔行一模5分中國達人秀(China Talent Show) 吸引了成千上萬名各個年齡層的人,因為它給普通人以展示自我的機會。(because)China Talent Show has attracted thousands of people of all ages, because it offers ordinary people opportunities to show themselves.12盧灣一模16.既然經(jīng)濟艙位的票很暢銷,我們應(yīng)盡快打電話到售票處詢問一下,以免坐失良機。(now that)Now that the tickets for economy class are popular, we should call the booking/ ticket office to inquire as soon as possible, so that we wont miss/lose the golden chance.10虹口一模5分由于粗心的新郎把那枚代表著愛情恒久遠的鉆戒落在了車上,所以新娘很不高興。(Because)Because the careless bridegroom left the diamond ring which represents the long lasting love behind on the car, the bride was very unhappy.13青浦一模結(jié)果狀語從句句子出處建議分值17.她如此喜歡音樂,決定成為一個歌手。(so)She liked music so much that she decided to become a singer.07閘北二模3分很多珍稀動物已經(jīng)滅絕的原因是它們無法適應(yīng)新的環(huán)境,因此我們必須更加注重保持生態(tài)平衡。 (so)The reason why many rare animals became extinct was that they were not able to adapt (themselves) to the new environment, so we must pay more attention to keeping the balance of nature.14靜安一模18.大廳里座位太少了,以至于不少人不得不站著聽報告。 (so that ) There are so few seats in the hall that quite a lot of persons have to stand for the lecture. 09盧灣一模4分19.這地方變化太大了,他認不出了。(sothat)This place had changed so much that he couldnt recognize it/ that it was beyond recognition.This place has changed so much that he cant recognize it/ that it is beyond recognition.08南匯一模4分20.昨晚殘疾人的演出非常成功,讓觀眾們感動得流下了眼淚。(sothat)The performance put up by the disabled/ The disabled peoples performance last night was so successful that many people were moved to tears.10徐匯一模4分21.各個地區(qū)采取了措施,使未能回家的人一起過了個快樂年。(so that)Measures were taken in different areas so that those who had failed to go back home celebrated the New Year with delight.07部分區(qū)縣聯(lián)考二模4分22.他是一個熱心腸的人,把大量的時間花在了志愿者工作上。(suchthat)He is such a warm-hearted person that he has devoted a lot of his spare time to volunteering work.08奉賢一模4分照片的展出非常成功,幾個月后杰森就辭職做了專職攝影師。(sothat)The exhibition of the photos was so successful that within months Jason quit his job to become a professional photographer.11盧灣二模人們對像手機和電腦這樣的電子產(chǎn)品早已司空見慣,以致于很難想象沒有它們生活會變成什么樣。(suchas)People are so used to such electronic products as mobile phones and computers that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them.12虹口一模如今很多蔬菜種植在溫室里而不是菜園里,為的是不受風(fēng)雨和昆蟲的侵害。(so that)Today many vegetables are grown/planted not in gardens but in greenhouses so that they can be protected from/ against wind, rain and insects.Nowadays many vegetables are grown in greenhouses instead of/ rather than in gardens so that they wont be affected/ harmed by wind, rain or insects.12浦東一??紤]到中心城區(qū)房價高,很多人選擇住在市郊,而地鐵就成為他們最經(jīng)濟便捷的一種通勤方式。(so)Considering the high housing prices in the central city (area), manypeople are choosing to live in suburban areas, so the subway becomes their most convenient and economicalcommuting way/way of getting to work.13徐匯一模條件狀語從句句子出處建議分值23.只要你對自己充滿信心,你遲早會實現(xiàn)童年的夢想。(as long as)As long as you are confident about yourself, you will realize your childhood dream sooner or later.08閔行二模4分24.我堅信,只要相互理解,來自不同文化的人能和諧相處。(as long as)I firmly believe that people from different cultures can live in harmony as long as they understand each other.08崇明一模4分只要不斷努力,你們所有的夢想都會實現(xiàn)的。(as long as)As long as you keep (on) working hard, all your dreams will come true/ be realized.12金山一模25.如果上海繼續(xù)以目前這樣快的速度發(fā)展下去,很難想像再過十年她將是什么模樣。(If)If Shanghai keeps developing/continues to develop at her present fast pace, it is hard to imagine what she will be/look like ten years from now/ in ten years.09徐匯一模5分26.如果你只考慮個人得失,將成為目光短淺的人。(if)If you only consider personal gains and losses, you will become short-sighted.07閘北二模4分如果雙方在這些事務(wù)上能達成共識,就有可能在新的領(lǐng)域進一步合作。(If.)1. If both the parties can agree on these issues, they are likely to further cooperate(have further cooperation)in the new field. 14徐匯一模27.你最好帶一張地圖,以免迷路。(in case)Youd better take a map (with you) in case you (should) get lost.It is better for you to take a map (with you) in case you (should) lose your way.08浦東一模3分28.你最好多帶點衣服,以防天氣變冷。(in case)Youd better take more clothes in case it gets cold.07松江二模3分29.年輕時多學(xué)點技能是明智的,以備不時之需。(in case)It is sensible/ wise to learn more skills when young in case of need.It is sensible/ wise to learn more skills when young in case of unexpected needs.It is sensible/ wise to learn more skills when young in case (that) they are needed in the future.09盧灣二模4分萬一家具在大火中毀掉了,保險公司是否會支付所有的損失?(in case)1. Will the insurance company pay for all the damages in case the furniture is destroyed in the fire?14閘北一模30.一旦你承諾要做某事, 就要守信用。 (once) Once you promise to do something, you ought to keep your words. Once youve made a promise, you should keep it.08盧灣二模3分談到這件事,一旦公諸于眾,遲早會被搬上銀幕。(once)Talking of the incident, once (it is) open/disclosed to the public, it will be made into a film sooner or later.14虹口一模31.不親自參與,你無法知道這種游戲帶來的樂趣。 (unless)You wont be able to know the joy the game brings about unless you participate in it yourself.10閔行一模4分32.除非當(dāng)面問他,否則他不會承認他的錯誤。(unless)Unless he is asked/you ask him in face/directly, he never admits/wont admit his mistakes/the mistake he made.09閘北一模4分33.在經(jīng)濟危機之中政府應(yīng)該采取特殊對策,否則失業(yè)人數(shù)將持續(xù)增長。(unless)Unless specific measures should be taken by the government during the time of economic crisis, unemployment will continue to rise. 09奉賢二模5分除非你聽從李教授昨天給你的忠告,否則你將一事無成。(unless)You will achieve nothing unless you follow the advice (that/which) Professor Li gave you yesterday.12崇明一模安全系統(tǒng)不會允許你進入大樓,除非你有正確的密碼。(unless)The security system will not permit/allow you to enter the building unless you have the correct password.13黃浦二模如果不能獨立找出提高學(xué)習(xí)效率的方法,你就很難取得令人滿意的成績。(unless)Its hard for you to get/ gain satisfying achievements unless you can find the way to improve learning efficiency.14虹口二模讓步狀語從句句子出處建議分值34.雖然婦女對社會的貢獻有目共睹,但對婦女的歧視仍然存在,并可能持續(xù)很長的一段時間。(Although )Although womens contribution to the society is obvious to all, discrimination against women still exists and may last for a long time. 08盧灣一模5分35.雖然全球性的金融危機使就業(yè)問題雪上加霜,大學(xué)畢業(yè)生還是對未來充滿信心。(Although)Although the global financial crisis has added to the difficulty of employment, university graduates are still full of confidence about their future.08徐匯一模5分雖然大家對整容的看法在某種程度上已有所轉(zhuǎn)變,但必須承認它帶來的風(fēng)險。(Although)Although peoples view on cosmetic surgery has changed to some extent, we must acknowledge that risk goes with it/ there is risk.11徐匯二模關(guān)于世界末日預(yù)言傳播雖廣,但最終被證明為假。(although)Although the prediction about the end of the world spread widely, it finally proved to be unreal.13閘北一模盡管生產(chǎn)商宣城這款天然的洗發(fā)水不含任何化學(xué)成分,消費者仍然興趣寥寥。(although)Although the manufacturer claimed that this kind of purely natural shampoo didnt contain any chemicals, customers still showed little interest.13閘北二模學(xué)習(xí)語法規(guī)則是需要的,但是對學(xué)生來說更重要的是提高用英語進行交際的能力。(Though)Though learning grammar rules is needed (Though its necessary to learn grammar rules), what is more important for students is to improve (develop) their ability to communicate (with other people) in English.11長寧二模與第二代產(chǎn)品相比,雖然ipad3外觀沒有太大的變化,但功能得到了較大的提升。(though)Compared with the second generation products, though ipad3 differs / changes very little in appearance, the functions have been considerably improved.12閔行二模迄今雖說屢屢采取嚴控措施,但絕大多數(shù)人仍然覺得難以承擔(dān)目前的高房價。(though)Though severe / strict control measures have been taken repeatedly / again and again by now / up to now, the vast majority of people / most people still feel / find it difficult / hard to afford the current high housing prices.13虹口二模盡管她獨身一人,但是她忙于婦女權(quán)利方面的工作,所以一點也不感到孤獨。(as)Alone as she is. she is so busy with her work for womens rights that she feels anything but lonely. Although she is alone, she is so busy doing her work for womens rights as not to feel lonely at all.11崇明二模在線預(yù)訂出租車雖然很時尚,但許多相關(guān)問題尚待解決。(as)Fashionable as booking a taxi online is, many related problems remain to be settled/ solved.14四區(qū)二模36.無論這項任務(wù)要求有多高,挑戰(zhàn)有多大,她堅信只要堅持不懈就一定能圓滿完成。(However)However demanding and challenging the task is, she firmly believes/ she holds a firm belief/ she is fully convinced that as long as she perseveres (in it)/ keeps on trying hard, she is bound to/is sure to fulfill/ accomplish/ complete/ succeed in it.10浦東一模5分不管多么困難,我們都應(yīng)該按時完成這項利民工程。(however)However difficult it may be, we must finish the project that benefit ordinary people on time.13長寧一模無論任務(wù)多么艱巨,我們都要不遺余力地完成。(However)2. However hard the task is, we should spare no efforts to accomplish it.14徐匯一模無論多么艱難,交給咱們的任務(wù)都必須按時完成。(however)However hard/ difficult it is, the task given to us must/ should be completed/ fulfilled on time.14長寧一模37.學(xué)習(xí)中我們遇到任何困難都不能半途而廢。 (whatever)We should never give up halfway whatever difficulty we encounter/meet with in study.07徐匯二模 4分38.不管遇到什么困難,他總是不灰心。(Whatever)Whatever difficulties he meets with, he wont lose heart/ confidence/feel discouraged.07崇明一模4分39.不管遇到什么困難,繼續(xù)努力,直到實現(xiàn)你的夢想。(whatever)Whatever difficulties you may meet with, keep working (hard) until you realize your dream.10黃浦一模4分40.不管碰到什么樣的困難,我們都不要放棄自己的夢想。(Whatever)Whatever difficulty we (may) encounter/ meet with, we should not/never give up our dreams. 09徐匯一模4分41.無論遇到多大困難,我們都會同舟共濟,共同面對斗爭,迎接挑戰(zhàn)。(Whatever)Whatever great difficulties we meet, we will help each other through the struggles and challenges.09寶山一模5分無論你生活在哪個國家,這些國家的風(fēng)俗有多么不同,友好和樂于助人總是禮貌的一部分。(Whatever)Whatever countries you live in and however different their customs are, kindness and readiness to help others are always parts of good manners (courtesy).14閔行一模42.不管你是反對還是贊成這個計劃,明天中午12點以前你得投票。(Whether)Whether you are for or against the plan, you have to vote by 12 tomorrow noon.10青浦一模 4分網(wǎng)上購物雖然便捷,但個人信息的安全問題不容忽視。(while)While online shopping is convenient, the security/ safety of personal information cant be ignored/ neglected/ overlooked.While it is convenient to shop/ do shopping online, we cant ignore/ neglect/ overlook the security/ safety of our personal information.12浦東二模良好的睡眠有助于釋放身心壓力,而睡眠不足很可能導(dǎo)致各種疾病。(while)A good sleep helps you relieve physical and mental stress while insufficient sleep may lead to various diseases.13徐匯一模名詞性從句主語從句句子出處建議分值43.讓我最感迷惑的是他如何能徒步走這么遠。 (What .)What puzzles me most is how he could cover such a long distance on foot.07閔行二模4分現(xiàn)在很多年輕人所缺乏的,不是書本知識,而是實踐經(jīng)驗。(What , not. but.)What many young people lack (in) now is not book knowledge, but practical experience.12普陀二模44.地鐵運行是否正常對城市交通有很大的影響。(Whether)Whether the subway runs/is running properly has a great impact/effect on the traffic of the city.09虹口一模4分45.使我擔(dān)心的是,這孩子除了電腦,似乎對什么都不感興趣。(What makes me)What makes me worried is that the child seems to be interested in nothing except computers.06奉賢二模4分任何一個不經(jīng)歷幾次失敗的人幾乎體會不到成功的喜悅。(Whoever)Whoever has never experienced several failures can hardly feel the happiness of success.12松江一模賓語從句句子出處建議分值46.正是在英特網(wǎng)上他找到了他所需要的東西。(what )It was on the Internet that he found what he needed.07靜安一模4分這些信息有助于我們決定是否要舉行告別會。(whether)The information helped us (to) decide whether to hold the farewell party (or not).11黃埔二模他是承認錯誤還是掩蓋事實,舉棋不定。(whether)He is trying to make a decision whether to admit / confess his mistake or conceal the truth14四區(qū)二模表語從句句子出處建議分值47.自上海長江遂橋通車以來,崇明島發(fā)生了巨變,已今非昔比了。(what)Great changes have taken place in Chongming/ Chongming has experienced great changes since the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge was opened to traffic, and chongming is no longer what it used to be.10崇明一模5分同位語從句句子出處建議分值48.沒有人能否認自古以來臺灣是中國領(lǐng)土這個事實。(that)No one can deny the fact that Taiwan has been Chinas territory since ancient times.06崇明一模4分無用信息的傳播會對人類社會產(chǎn)生不利影響的事實已經(jīng)引起公眾的注意。(that)The fact that the spread of useless information can have a bad effect on human society has attracted the attention/awareness of the public.13黃浦二模父母經(jīng)常面對這樣的選擇:要么做他們認為有利于孩子發(fā)展的事情,要么對其放任自流。(either)Parents often faced the choice that either they did what they felt was good for the development of the child or they just let him be./ Parents often face the choice that either they do what they feel is good for the development of the child or they just let him be.11寶山二模定語從句句子出處建議分值49.眾所周知,在大霧中駕車是很危險的。(as)As we all know / As is known to all, it is dangerous to drive in thick fog.08嘉定一模3分50.正如今天報紙上所報道的那樣,我們必須直面自己身上存在的問題。(As)As is reported in todays newspaper, we must face the shortcomings we have directly.08奉賢一模4分51.異常的天氣表明我們的生存環(huán)境正日益惡化,而這正是大自然給予我們的警告。(which)Unusual weather indicates that our living environment is getting worse, which is the warning to us from nature.09黃浦二模4分52.這次旅行持續(xù)了兩個多星期,這讓我們感到疲憊不堪。 (which)This trip lasted for over two weeks, which made all of us worn out. 09盧灣一模4分53.我過生日時,他送給我一件漂亮的毛衣,那正是我想要的。(which)He sent me a beautiful sweater for my birthday, which was what I wanted.08黃浦一模4分54.黑人當(dāng)選總統(tǒng),開創(chuàng)了美國政治的先河。(which)A black man was/ has been elected president of the United States, which (has) created/ set/is a new record in the American politics.A black man became/ has become president of the United States, which is the first time in the American politics.08浦東一模4分55.在過去的三十年里,中國人民以巨大的勇氣、信心和創(chuàng)造力取得了了不起的成就,這令整個世界震驚。(, which ) The Chinese people have made outstanding achievements with great courage, confidence and creativity in the past 30 years,which has shocked/astonished the whole world.08盧灣二模5分他最近忙于找工作,結(jié)果沒有通過期末考試,這讓他的老師很生氣。(which)He was so busy (in) looking for a job these days that he failed to pass the final exam, which annoyed his teacher.12黃浦一模異常的氣候表明我們的生存環(huán)境正日益惡化,這提醒我們要行動起來,保護我們賴以生存的地球。(which)The abnormal/ unusual climate shows/indicates/ suggests that our living environment is getting worse and worse/ is becoming increasingly worse/ is increasingly worsening, which warns/ reminds us to take action to protect the earth we are living on/our earth.11浦東二模我和他志同道合,而且年齡和家庭背景相似,我想這就是為什么我們成為好朋友的原因。(which)He and I have a common goal/ have similar ideals and beliefs/ share the same views and are similar in age and family background, which I think is the reason why we have become good friends.12浦東一模孩子們從小就不得不在學(xué)業(yè)上競爭,這就給他們帶來了日益增加的精神壓力。(which)Kids have to compete academically (in study/ studying / school work / schooling) when they are very young, which brings them an increasing mental pressure.12長寧一模他在一些不重要的事情上花費時間太多,這導(dǎo)致了整個計劃的失敗。(which) He spent too much time on some unimportant/less important things, which led to the failure of the whole plan./ He wasted too much time dealing with some unimportant/less important things, which resulted in the failure of the whole plan. 12黃埔二模中國的經(jīng)濟每年增長百分之八左右,這使世界上許多正遭受經(jīng)濟危機的國家非常震驚。(which)The economy of China increases / is increasing by about 8 / eight % / percent every year, which shocks many countries that are suffering from economic crisis in the world.12虹口二模無論你學(xué)什么,最要緊的不是考試成績而是學(xué)習(xí)過程, 這是學(xué)生常忽視的。(which)Whatever you learn/study, what matters most is not the result of examinations, but the process of learning / study, which is often neglected by students.13虹口一模這是意大利東北部的一座小城鎮(zhèn),以建筑之美而著稱。(which)This is a small town in northeast Italy, which is famous for the beauty of its architecture.13黃浦一模是要都有副作用,這是每個人都應(yīng)該有的醫(yī)學(xué)常識。(which)All medicine has side effects/ There is no medicine without any side effects, which is the medical knowledge everyone should have. 13嘉定二模老師的贊賞給了我很大的鼓舞,這對一名學(xué)生而言非常寶貴。(which)The teachers compliment(s) gave me(filled me with) a great encouragement(inspiration), which is so precious for a student.13浦東二模他沒有參加這次面試,這使他失去了一份薪水豐厚的工作。(which)He didnt take part in the interview, which cost him a well-paid job.14黃浦一模她在比賽中表現(xiàn)出色,給評委留下了深刻的印象。(which)She performed excellently in the contest, which left a deep impression on the judges.或:did well/ excellently; in the competition; impressed the judges deeply14普陀一模56.浦江南岸有一個野生動物園,那兒可以看到不少瀕危動物。(where)On the southern bank of the Huangpu River there is a wildlife park/ wild animal zoo, where you can see many endanger


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