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20xx年xx月英語六級考前沖刺試題第三套有答案Part Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage 1Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:Using a public telephone may well be one of the minor irritations of life, demanding patience, determination and a strong possibility of failure, together on occasion with considerable unpopularity.The hopeful caller (shall we call him George?) waits till six oclock in the evening to take advantage of the so-called “cheap rates” for a long-distance call. The telephone box, with two broken panes of glass in the side, stands atthe junction of two main roads with buses, lorries and cars roaring past. It ispouring with rain as George joins a queue of four depressed-looking people. Time passes slowly and seems to come to a standstill while the person immediately before George carries on an endless conversation, pausing only to insert another coin every minute or so.Eventually the receiver is replaced and the caller leaves the box. Georgeenters and picks up one of the directories inside, only to discover that someoneunknown has torn out the very page he needs. Nothing for it but to dial directory Enquiries, wait patiently for a reply down the number given.At last George can go ahead with his call. Just as he is starting to dial,however, the door opens and an unpleasant-looking face peers in with the demand, “Cant you hurry up?” Ignoring such barbarity, George continues to dial andhis unwanted companion withdraws. At last he hears the burr-burr of the ringingtone, immediately followed by rapid pips demanding his money, but he is now so upset that he knocks down the coins he has placed ready on the top of the box. Having at last located them, he dials again: the pips are repeated and he hastilyinserts the coins. A cold voice informs him, “Grand Hotel, Chalfont Wells.” “Ive an urgent message for a Mr. Smith who is a guest in your hotel. Could you put me through to him? Im afraid I dont know his room number.”The response appears less than enthusiastic and a long long silence follows. George inserts more coins. Then the voice informs him, “Ive been trying tolocate Mr. Smith but the hall porter reports having seen him leave about a minute ago.”Breathing heavily, George replaces the receiver, just as the knocking on the door starts again.21.The main intention of the passage is to provide_.A) instructions about how to use a public call boxB) advice about how to deal with public telephone problemsC) criticism of the efficiency of telephone systemD) an account of possible annoyances in using a public telephone22.Which of the following calls are you unlikely to make at the “cheaprate” referred to?A) To discuss your account in a bank in Scotland.B) To have a chat with an elderly relation.C) To ask about a friend in hospital who has just had an operation.D) To express Christmas greetings to cousins in Australia.23.George can at least be thankful that _.A) the call box is in a convenient positionB) the telephone itself is workingC) he can use the directory in the box to find the numberD) he is able to give his message to the hotel receptionist24.Why does George have to dial a second time?A) He hasnt remembered to put the money in the box. B) He hasnt got enough money with him.C) He has got to find the money to put in the box. D) He cant find the number he wants in the directory.25.What are Georges feelings when he completes his call?A) He has some difficulty in controlling his annoyance.B) He is very disappointed at missing his friends.C) He is annoyed with himself for being so stupid.D) He is depressed at the thought of having to try again to get through.Passage 2Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:What does it feel like to be approaching the wrong end of middle age? For themoment at least, the differences between the young diplomat of 30 years ago andthe aging writer of today are more psychological than physical. Naturally. I canhardly ignore the inevitable change in my outward appearance. My hair has gonewell, silver; the whites of my eyes occasionally look more like yolks; and Ivegot heavier round the middle. But all this is merely on the surface inside. Imnot really conscious of feeling very much older than I did my younger days.Mentally, however, its another story. It is no longer a surprise to come intoa room and to find that Im the oldest person in it, but notice the fact all the same. Its a long time since I stopped worrying about policemen being youngerthan me; when, on the other hand, I find generals, archbishops and High Court judges in the same happy situation. I tend to grow thoughtful Now for the compensations. And there are plenty of them, and by no means the least is a new found independence. Until now, responsibilities seem to have increased year by year; now, thankfully they begin to diminish, and are replaced by new opportunities.These are positive compensations; there are also negative ones which can be appreciated just as much. Immense pleasure can be got from Putting Things Behind One. My own recent decisiontaken with immense reliefhas been to give up all efforts to understand modern music. There is more than enough music from the17th, 18th and 19th centuries to keep me happy for the rest of my life. Now, atlast, I can face the fact that I just dont like 20th century music.Finally, its goodbye to hypochondria. When I was young I constantly worried about my health and imagined I had all sorts of terrible diseases. Now those daysare over. I love every moment of my life and want it to go on for as long as possible until I become senile or a burden to my family and friends, at which point I would like it to stop at once. I can honestly say that I have had and am still having a wonderful time.26.In the passage, what is the writer mainly talking about?A) We should take an objective attitude towards the problem of getting old.B) We can have compensations while getting old.C) Getting old is a terrible thing.D) We should refuse to accept the fact of getting old.27.According to the passage, the changes of the writer while getting oldare the following except _.A) the hair has become whiteB) the whites of the eyes look like yellowC) the man becomes fatD) the difference between the young and the aging writer is more in his outward appearance than in his inside28.According to the writer, what is not the advantage of getting old?A) New opportunities take the place of responsibilities.B) Immense pleasure can be got from negative compensations.C) Generals, archbishops and High Court judges are all happy while getting old.D) Hypochondria will not disturb you any longer.29.What is the meaning of Putting Things Behind One?A) To put things that should be done after another one. B) To give up.C) To do the things as you like. D) To delay the time of finishing the work.30.What is the writers attitude towards the problem of getting old?A) Optimistic.B) Pessimistic.C) Indifferent. D) Tolerant.Passage 3Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:Rumor has it that more than 20 books on creationism / evolution are in the publishers pipelines. A few have already appeared. The goal of all will be to try toexplain to a confused and often unenlightened citizenry that there are not twoequally valid scientific theories for the origin and evolution of universe and life. Cosmology, geology, and biology have provided a consistent, unified, and constantly improving account of what happened. “Scientific” creationism, which is being pushed by some for “equal time” in the classrooms whenever the scientific accounts of evolution are given, is based on religion, not science. Virtually all scientists and the majority of non-fundamentalist religious leaders have come to regard “scientific” creationism as bad science and bad religion.The first four chapters of Kitchers book give a very brief introduction to evolution. At appropriate places, he introduces the criticisms of the creationists and provides answers. In the last three chapters, he takes off his gloves and gives the creationists a good beating. He describes their programs and tactics, and, for those unfamiliar with the ways of creationists, the extent of their deception and distortion may come as an unpleasant surprise. When their basic motivation is religious, one might have expected more Christian behavior.Kitcher is a philosopher, and this may account, in part, for the clarity and effectiveness of his arguments. The non-specialist will be able to obtain at leasta notion of the sorts of data and argument that support evolutionary theory. The final chapters on the creationists will be extremely clear to all. On the dustjacket of this fine book, Stephen Jay Gould says:“This book stands for reason itself.” And so it does and all would be well were reason the only judge in thecreationism I evolution debate.31.More than twenty books _.A) are intended to support creationismB) are intended to attack KitcherC) are written in a style of clarity and effectivenessD) include Kitchers hook32.“Creationism” in the passage refers to _.A) evolution in its true sense as to the origin of the universeB) a notion of the creation of religionC) the scientific explanation of the earth formationD) the deceptive theory about the origin of the universe33.Kitchers book is intended to _.A) recommend the views of the evolutionistsB) expose the true features of creationistsC) curse bitterly at his opponentsD) launch a surprise attack on creationists34.From the passage we can infer that _.A) reasoning has played a decisive role in the debateB) creationists do not base their argument on reasoningC) evolutionary theory is too difficult for non-specialistsD) creationism is supported by scientific findings35.This passage appears to be a digest of _.A) a book review B) a scientific paperC) a magazine feature D) a newspaper editorialPassage 4Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:It was 3:45 in the morning when the vote was finally taken. After six months ofarguing and final 16 hours of hot parliamentary debates, Australias Northern Territory became the first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to die. The measure passed by the convincing vote of 15 to 10. Almost immediately word flashed on the Internet and was picked up, half a world away, by John Hofsess, executive director of the Right to Die Society of Canada. He sent it on via the groups on-line service, DeathNET. Says Hofsess: “We posted bulletins all day long,because of course this isnt just something that happened in Australia. Its world history.”The full import may take a while to sink in. The NT Rights of the Terminally Illlaw has left physicians and citizens alike trying to deal with its moral and practical implications. Some have breathed sights of relief, others, including churches, right-to-life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitterly attacked the hill and the haste of its passage. But the tide is unlikely to turn back. In Australiawhere an aging population, life-extending technology and changing community attitudes have all played their partother states are going toconsider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia. In the US and Canada, where the right-to-die movement is gathering strength, observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling.Under the new Northern Territory law, an adult patient can request death probably by a deadly injection or pillto put an end to suffering. The patient mustbe diagnosed as terminally ill by two doctors. After a “cooling off” period ofseven days, the patient can sign a certificate of request. After 48 hours the wish for death can be met. For Lloyd Nickson, a 54-year-old Darwin resident suffering from lung cancer, the NT Rights of Terminally Ill law means he can get on with living without the haunting fear of his suffering: a terrifying death from his breathing condition.“Im not afraid of dying from a spiritual point of view,but what I was afraid of was how Id go, because Ive watched people die in thehospital fighting for oxygen and clawing at their masks,” he says.36.Which of the following has the similar meaning to the sentence “But the tide is unlikely to turn hack”?A) US and some other countries are waiting for the dominoes to start falling.B) It is impossible to pass the bill.C) Doctors are allowed by law to take the lives of the ill patients.D) The fact that the NT Rights of the Terminally Ill Law has been passedprobably cant be changed.37.From the second paragraph we learn that _.A) the objection to euthanasia is slow to come in other countriesB) physicians and citizens share the same view on euthanasiaC) changing technology is chiefly responsible for the hasty passage of the lawD) it takes time to realize the significance of the laws passage38.When the author says that observers are waiting for the dominoes tostart falling, he means _.A) observers are taking a wait-and-see attitude towards the future of euthanasiaB) similar bills are likely to be passed in the US, Canada and other countriesC) observers are waiting to see the result of the game of dominoesD) the effect-taking process of the passed bill may finally come to a stop39.When Lloyd Nickson dies, he will _.A) face his death with calm characteristic of euthanasia B) experience the suffering of a lung cancer patientC) have an intense fear of terrible suffering D) undergo a cooling off period of seven days40.The authors attitude towards euthanasia seems to be that of _.A) opposition B) suspicion C) approval D) doubtPart Vocabulary (20 minutes)Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet witha single line through the centre.41.We were only able to make a _ estimate of annual cost.A) coarse B) rough C) crude D) rude42.It is _ nonsense that we win the game by chance.A) sheer B) shield C) shear D) sheet43.The diet should be perfectly _ most people.A) deficient in B) short of C) intent on D) adequate for44.The _ student will have a chance to be successful if he has self-confidence in his mind.A) common B) usual C) averageD) general45.Everybody has the general knowledge that the human body is a _machine.A) delicate B) precise C) considerateD) sensitive46._ cars in traffic jams cause a great deal of pollution.A) Standing B) Stable C) Stationary D) still47.We are told that over the next few months our work _ will change.A) pattern B) scale C) grade D) rank48.You can pay for the house in _ over a specified number of years.A) compensation B) substitution C) installments D) commission49.The fragile peace between the two countries was hanging by a _ .A) thread B) rope C) string D) cord50.In general, native speaker will make _ too when they use their native language.A) errors B) mistakes C) weaknesses D) flaws51.The organization publishes a regular _ of world population statistics.A) themes B) leaflets C) digests D) insights52.The government has an _ to cut tax if he promised to do so.A) impulse B) influence C) sympathy D) obligation53.In this company, most of the employees are women, but in the boards of corporations, women are in a _ .A) minimum B) shortage C) scarcity D) minority54.I promised you that Id help you, Im not going _ that.A) in for B) along withC) back on D) through with55.I was trying to tell him what really happened, but he _ me_.A) gave.up B) cut.short C) turn.out D) put.through56.What others think I do not know, I can only _ for myself.A) speak B) talk C) tell D) say57.The team has been _ down the league table and really needs some new players.A) declining B) lessening C) slipping D) descending58.They _ the classroom by adding a new building to it in order tohold more students.A) enhance B) enlarge C) strengthen D) magnify59.Do you think you could _ that chocolate cake?A) duplicate B) stimulate C) accelerate D) modify60.On the computer keyboard, this is the key for _.A) repelling B) constraining C) compelling D) deleting61.We can _ the dangers of driving if we obey all the rules of theroad.A) furnish B) minimize C) prolongD) rectify62.While I was on vacation abroad, my mail _ in the box.A) accumulate B) assemble C) converge D) crowd63.Pressing this button, you can _ the direction of movement of the machine.A) confuseB) perplex C) hamper D) reverse64.Hes given too much to his career, worked long hours, and _ his own children.A) discard B) miss C) neglect D) omit65.Tom hardly seems middle-aged, _ old.A) less likely B) let alone C) much worseD) all else66.The way in which information is transmitted has changed _.A) dramatically B) startlingly C) enormouslyD) uniquely67.These are information that I really need to keep on _.A) sequence B) segment C) pile D) file68.Thats one of the most astonishing economic _ seen since the Second World War.A) transmissions B) transitions C) transformationsD) transaction69.Relationships in our department provide a _ of the fact that people of different nations and cultures can work together peacefully.A) demonstration B) manifestation C) implementation D) expedition70.The company is trying to increase its _ of the market.A) circulation B) reproduction C) manipulation D) penetrationPart Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “Grades and Ability”. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1.有些人認(rèn)為分?jǐn)?shù)體現(xiàn)能力。2.有些人則認(rèn)為分?jǐn)?shù)不一定體現(xiàn)能力。3.我對此問題的看法。答 案Part Passage One 短文大意 使用公用電話可能會遇到煩惱:為了打“便宜價(jià)”電話,喬治得等到晚上六點(diǎn)以后;若隊(duì)排在前面的人講起話來沒完沒了,他等的時(shí)間還要長。找不到電話號碼,還得問查詢臺。毫不容易找到號碼,準(zhǔn)備打電話,又有人闖進(jìn)來催著快點(diǎn)。接通了電話,正等著對方來接,電話里有發(fā)出提示音,要繼續(xù)投幣?;艁y中碰掉了事先準(zhǔn)備好的硬幣,電話斷了,只能重?fù)?。若要傳聽,接線人的聲音冷冰冰的,等待時(shí)間很長,喬治還得不停地投幣,煩惱真是太多了。21. 答 案 D。【參考譯文】本文的主要目的是為了證實(shí)_?!驹囶}分析】本題考查的是對整篇文章的綜合理解?!驹敿?xì)解答】從全篇文章內(nèi)容來看,其主要目的不是關(guān)于如何使用公共電話,因?yàn)閹缀跞巳硕紩褂霉秒娫?,沒有必要進(jìn)行整篇論述,進(jìn)行指導(dǎo)。也不是給人們提供如何處理公用電話問題的建議,而是使用時(shí)可能遇到的種種麻煩,并且舉出了實(shí)例加以說明。文章一開頭就提出了這個(gè)問題,第一個(gè)句子就是主題句,也是本文的主題思想,包含了本文的主要目的證明使用公用電話時(shí)可能遇到的煩惱。故D符合本題的要求。22. 答 案 A。【參考譯文】 對下列幾種電話,哪一種是你未必會打的“便宜價(jià)”電話?【試題分析】本題測試的是分析綜合判斷能力?!驹敿?xì)解答】從文中可知,打“便宜價(jià)”電話是非常令人懊惱的,因?yàn)楹茈y打出去,既費(fèi)時(shí)又費(fèi)力。對于一般性的問題可能會打“便宜”電話,例如和朋友聊天,問候病人或表示節(jié)日祝賀等,如B、C、D項(xiàng)中所述的情況。但對于重大事情或者緊急事情,人們就不會圖“便宜”而耗掉自己的寶貴時(shí)間。所以A符合題意要求,為本題的正確答 案。23. 答 案 B。【參考譯文】喬治起碼感到欣慰的是_?!驹囶}分析】本題是對綜合分析判斷能力進(jìn)行考查【詳細(xì)解答】如果選A(電話亭是在一個(gè)方便的位置上),與題意不符。實(shí)際上:The telephone box, with two broken panes of glass in the side, stands at the junction of two main roads with buses, lorries and cars roaring past. 電話亭設(shè)在來往汽車轟鳴吵雜的主干道交匯處,加上玻璃窗破損,給打電話的人造成了很大的不便,這顯然不是一個(gè)合適和方便的位置。如果選C(他可以使


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