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全國職稱英語考試職稱英語神表 掌握必過 孫偉

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全國職稱英語考試職稱英語神表 掌握必過 孫偉

專業(yè)第30課 總結(jié)孫老師特別提示:通過職稱的三個要素1. 選擇一個好的適合自己的方法2. 認(rèn)真練習(xí)與總結(jié)3. 運氣一、 押題-閱讀與完型二、 出題人的人品 最后要做的三件事1. 牢記神表,熟練應(yīng)用。2. 充分準(zhǔn)備押題。3. 淡定的應(yīng)試心態(tài)。很多人在做題時反復(fù)地犯著同樣錯誤,并不是因為他們沒有記住-神表!而是匆匆忙忙,慌慌張張, 心態(tài)已亂!每篇文章平均有20多分鐘完成,何不氣定神閑,從容面對!職稱英語考的不是英語,是悟性與心態(tài) 在這個世界上,我們永遠(yuǎn)不要過分相信技巧。也就是說,沒有人可以擺脫環(huán)境而生存。當(dāng)我們都面對惡劣環(huán)境的時候,就要看我們內(nèi)心所醞釀的心境如何。當(dāng)一個人的心境可以抵消外在恐懼的時候,這個人才成為真正的勇者,這個人的技巧才有發(fā)揮的空間。如果你的心境已經(jīng)被環(huán)境挫敗的時候,你做任何事情都將一事無成。職稱英語考試六大題型解題順序1. 第2部分 閱讀判斷 (共7分) 時間 0分鐘 分?jǐn)?shù) 3 分2. 第4部分 閱讀理解(共45分) 時間 65 分鐘 分?jǐn)?shù) ?3. 第6部分 完型填空(共15分) 時間 10 分鐘 分?jǐn)?shù) 15 分4. 第1部分 詞匯選項 (共15分) 時間 15分鐘 分?jǐn)?shù)10 分5. 第3部分 概括大意 (共8分) 時間 10分鐘 分?jǐn)?shù) ?6. 第5部分 補(bǔ)全短文(共10分) 時間 10分鐘 分?jǐn)?shù) ? 第2部分:閱讀判斷(第1622題,每題1分,共7分) 3 - 4分軍有所不擊,城有所不攻,地有所不爭,將在外君令有所不受。 Kicking the HabitWhat is a bad habit? the most definition is that it is something that we do regularly, almost without thinking about it, and which has some sort of negative consequence. this consequence could affect those around us, or it could affect us personally. those who deny having bad habits are probably lying. bad habit are part of what makes us human. Many early habits, like sucking out thumb, are broken when we are very young. we are either told to stop doing it by our parents, or we consciously or subconsciously observe that others do not have the same habit, and we gradually grow out of it. it is when we intentionally or unintentionally pick up new habits in our later childhood or early adulthood that it becomes a problem. unless we can break that habit early on, it becomes a part of out life, and becomes “programmed” into our brain.A recent study of human memory suggests that no matter how hard we try to change out habits, it is the old ways that tend to win, especially in situations where we are rushed, stressed or overworked. habits that we thought we had got rid of can suddenly come back. during the study program, the researchers showed a group of volunteers several pictures, and gave them words to associate with them. they then showed the volunteers the same picture again, and gave them new words to associate with them,A few days later, the volunteers were given a test. the researchers showed them the pictures, and told them to respond with one of the words they had been given for each one. it came as no surprise that their answers were split between the first set of words and second. two weeks later, they were given the same test again. this time, most of them only gave the first set of words. they appeared to have completely forgotten the second set.The study confirms that the responses we learn first are those that remain strongest over time. we may try to change out ways, but after a while, the response that comes to mind first is usually the first one we learned. the more that response is used, the more automatic it becomes and the harder it becomes to respond in any other way.The study therefore suggests that over time, our bad habits also become automatic, learned behavior. this is not good news for people who pick up bad habits early in life and now want to change or break them. even when we try to put new, good intentions into practice, those previous learned habits remain stronger in more automatic, unconscious forms of memory.16. Boys usually develop bad habits when they are very young. A. Right B. wrong C. not mentioned17. We can only break bad habits if others tell us to do. A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned18. Bad habits may return when we are under pressure. A. Right B. wrong C. not mentioned19. Researchers were surprised by the answer that the volunteers gave in the first test. A. Right B. wrong C. not mentioned20. The volunteers found the test more difficult when they did it the second time. A. Right B. wrong C. not mentioned21. The study suggests that it is more difficult to respond what we learn first. A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned22. If we develop bad habits early in life , they are harder to get rid of. A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned 閱讀解題四大原則: 此項特別重要4. 注意:(1) 絕對原則:有all, every, only等絕對詞一般為不正確!(但不是絕對的!) (2) 相對原則:有may, might, can, could, likely, sometimes,some , probably一般為正確!第2部分:閱讀判斷(第1622題,每題1分,共7分) 2分 In Your Face16 Paul Ekman studies peoples faces in different cultures. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned17 Ekman did research in several countries and got different results. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned18 Americans get angry more often than the Fore people from New Guinea. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned19 Ekman thinks that some basic emotions are the same everywhere. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned20 Two people might feel different emotions about the same thing. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned21 Fear is the most difficult emotion to change. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned22 People of different cultures smile when they understand each other. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned第2部分:閱讀判斷(第1622題,每題1分,共7分) 4分 Promising Results from Cancer Study16 The vaccine cured all the participants in the trial. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned17 Over forty people participated in the study. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned18 Patients in the early stages of the disease recovered more quickly in the trial. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned19 All the patients were from Dallas. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned20 Every patient was injected with the same vaccine. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned21 The vaccine activates the immune system. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned22 The vaccine may be useful for treating other cancers. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned第4部分:閱讀理解(第3145題,每題3分,共45分) 閱讀理解解題程序當(dāng)你拿到一篇文章時,應(yīng)按下列順序解題:先掃一眼文章中的中文注釋。關(guān)鍵詞附近有中文注解或答案中有中文注解應(yīng)特別注意(很可能就是答案或在附近)。1、 抓中心2、 掃一下題干與ABCD。3、 分類解題。1中心思想題 2. 具體細(xì)節(jié)(查細(xì)節(jié))3. 作者觀點或文章結(jié)論4. 對錯選擇 , 提到未提到5. 解釋詞義孫老師特別提示: 第1篇很難, 2-3篇很簡單,心態(tài)比技巧更重要。第1篇 Operation Migration遷徙 15分 本文是一篇說明文,最重要的信息在第一句。文章中心思想是Migration,即鳥類遷徙。 做所有題應(yīng)圍著中心思想轉(zhuǎn)。1. 文章的中心思想 擒賊先擒王 做所有題圍著中心轉(zhuǎn) 提問中有-main-ly , First paragraph如何抓住文章中心(1) 文章的中心思想第一句(如是否定,應(yīng)在第二句),如第二句是 but,“:”, “.”, (破折號),today,this day,now,so,yet,therefore,however,new, main.應(yīng)在第二句。第一段中如有上述詞也應(yīng)特別注意。(2) 第二段第一句是 but,“:”,“”, (破折號),today,this day,now,so,yet,therefore,however,new.應(yīng)在第二段第一句。如問中心思想,ABCD哪個有中心詞先讀哪個,是答案的可能性非常大。注意:1 如有兩個選項中出現(xiàn)中心詞-需認(rèn)真推敲。 2 如有中心詞的選項是否定時-需認(rèn)真推敲,注重肯定句。 3 中心題最好放在最后做。一旦某一題不會做,跳過去,所有題選完后,最后做,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)原來很容易,萬不可一棵樹吊死! 如何抓住文章和句子的重心注意主從句 - 狀語從句看主句 五. 如何抓住文章和句子的重心:1. 圍著中心轉(zhuǎn)-中心 ( 第一句), 第一句(如是否定應(yīng)在第二句)。第二句出現(xiàn)but,“:”, “.”, (破折號),today,this day,now,so,yet,therefore,however,new.應(yīng)在第二句。第一段中有上述詞也應(yīng)特別注意。結(jié)論(最后一句)。2. 注意段落結(jié)構(gòu)-段落中心(段落第一句),段落結(jié)論(段落最后一句)。 3. 第二段第一句是 but,“:”, “.”, (破折號),today,this day,now,so,yet,therefore,however,new.中心應(yīng)在第二段。4. 注意連詞 - but,“:”, “.”, (破折號),today,this day,now,so,yet,therefore,however,new , that.5. 注意主從句 - 賓語從句看從句 that狀語從句看主句 定語從句看主句(先行詞與從句看懂一個就行)6. 并列疑問句或在一段中并列地名、人名、國名、一般最后一個為重心。并列多個形容詞修飾名詞,最后一個為重心。(即最接近名詞的) If you look up at the sky in the early fall in the northern part of North America, you may see groups of birds鳥類. These birds are flying south to places where they can find food and warmth for the winter. They are migrating(遷徙). The young birds usually learn to migrate from their parents. They follow their parents south. In one unusual case, however, the young birds are following something very different. These birds are young whooping cranes, and they are following an airplane! The whooping crane is the largest bird that is native to North America. These birds almost disappeared in the 1800s. By 1941, there were only about 20 cranes alive. In the 1970s, people were worried that these creatures were in danger of disappearing completely. As a result, the United States identified whooping cranes as an endangered species that they needed to protect. Some researchers tried to help. They began to breed whooping cranes in special parks to increase the number of birds. This plan was successful. There were a lot of new baby birds. As the birds became older, the researchers wanted to return them to nature. However, there was a problem: These young birds did not know how to migrate. They needed human help. In 2001, some people had a creative idea. They formed an organization called Operation Migration. This group decided to use very light airplanes, instead of birds, to lead the young whooping cranes on their first trip south. They painted each airplane to look like a whooping crane. Even the pilots wore special clothing to make them look like cranes. The cranes began to trust the airplanes, and the plan WorkedToday, planes still lead birds across approximately 1,200 miles (1,931 kilometers), from the United States-Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico. They leave the birds at different sites. If a trip is successful, the birds can travel on their own in the future. Then, when these birds become parents Operation Migration works with several other organizations and government institutes. Together, they assist hundreds of cranes each year. However, some experts predict that soon, this wont be necessary. Thanks to Operation Migration and its partners, the crane population will continue to migrate. Hopefully, they wont need human help any more.31 Whooping cranes migrate in winter to_. 3分A. raise baby whooping cranes B find warmth and food C. get human help D. lay eggs 注解:細(xì)節(jié)題選擇關(guān)鍵詞非常重要,先掃一眼文章中的中文注釋時,已經(jīng)看到migrating(遷徙), 用migrate in winter在課文中定位。they can find food and warmth for the winter說明B find warmth and food是正確答案, 其實就是找長的像的。32 Whooping cranes are native to_. 3分A. Mexico B. South America C. the Persian Gulf D. North America 注解:細(xì)節(jié)題-您看不懂就是細(xì)節(jié)題用native在課文中定位。North America說明D. North America是正確答案,其實就是找長的像的。33 Operation migration aims to_. 3分A. teach adult cranes how to fly B. breed cranes in special parks C. lead young cranes on their first trip south D. transport cranes to the north 注解:細(xì)節(jié)題用Operation migration在課文中定位。C. North America,其實就是找長的像的。34 The distance covered by the young whooping cranes on their trip south is_. 3分A.120 miles B. 1200 miles C. 1931 miles D.2000 miles 注解:細(xì)節(jié)題 直接用數(shù)字定位,找長的像的。 閱讀解題四大原則: 此項特別重要1. 圍著中心轉(zhuǎn) 先讀有中心詞的選項, 是答案的可能性很大。3. 出現(xiàn)多個數(shù)字,特別是阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字時,需特別小心35 If operation migration is successful, whooping cranes will_. 3分A. follow airplanes south every year B. live in Canada all year round C. be unable to fly back D. learn to migrate on their own 注解:1. 圍著中心轉(zhuǎn) 先讀有中心詞的選項, 是答案的可能性很大。第2篇 "lucky" lord Lucan alive or dead 15分 閱讀押題注意事項1. 有可能文章題目改變,而文章不變。2. 有可能押不中,一旦出現(xiàn)不要慌,按“神表”做題。3. 有可能五道題中部分提問及選擇完全改變,一旦出現(xiàn)不要慌,按“神表”做題。4. 有可能提問完全改變,而選項不變,或只改一半。按“神表”做題。孫老師特別提示:押題變成了猜題,極不靠普,請大家做好無原題或押不中的準(zhǔn)備!一、今年的押題會有一些麻煩原因有三:其一、2014綜合教材,閱讀A級新增一篇, B新增一篇,C級無變化。其二、2014理工教材, 閱讀B僅新增一篇,AC無變化。其三、2014衛(wèi)生教材, 閱讀無任何變化。尊敬的孫老師,首先向您報喜,我的職稱英語(綜合A)79分。我在網(wǎng)上報名學(xué)習(xí),3月份給您發(fā)了一個帖子,說我閱讀理解越做越錯,都急哭了,我可都40大幾了!您及時給我回復(fù),全文如下:“請認(rèn)真聽12課,按我講的步驟解題。千萬不要去讀文章。就大多數(shù)職稱學(xué)員的英語水平,讀的越多,錯的越多。并認(rèn)真下載做10,12,14,15課的練習(xí)(這全是歷年的考卷,最有代表性)然后再聽講座,并認(rèn)真總結(jié)經(jīng)驗教訓(xùn)。您是否能通過不取決于書上的50篇文章,而取決于10,12,14,15的考卷的分?jǐn)?shù)。因為實際考試要規(guī)范得多(也簡單得多,從人事部出題的角度來看,其用意是讓多數(shù)同學(xué)通過)。如何對付50篇文章我們將在16、17課中講到,我們在18、19、20課將不斷地練習(xí)往年考卷。希望您能不斷總結(jié)經(jīng)驗教訓(xùn)。您做完練習(xí)后再給我來信。我會特別關(guān)注??吹贸瞿且晃环浅UJ(rèn)真的人,再有好的方法,今年您一定能通過。通過了,別忘了告訴我?!保野褜O老師的回復(fù)記下。4月9號晚上我給貼吧寫下“臨考喝下孫老師這晚酒,渾身是膽雄赳赳”,后又寫下“我還要繼續(xù)深造”一貼,您回復(fù)是“孫老師的無奈”,至今放在置頂位置。我真不是一時興起,聽孫老師的課讓我對英語有了信心、興趣。我的女兒今年中考,我為她報了中考網(wǎng)上培訓(xùn)班,女兒理科很好,就怕死記硬背,一??荚囉⒄Z120分使出吃奶的力氣考了87分,她總對我說:“為什么要這樣說!”,我只好說你背就行了!聽了孫老師的課,女兒只說了一句:“我算知道英國人為什么這樣說了”。中考英語那天,我一見她出來就是笑嘻嘻的,見我就說,挺簡單的,怎么也得110吧。哈哈,到時我在向?qū)O老師報喜!2014年全國職稱英語等級考試衛(wèi)生類閱讀理解試題及參考答案第四部分:閱讀理解衛(wèi)生C級:第一篇至第十六篇衛(wèi)生B級:第十七篇至第三十三篇 衛(wèi)生A級:第三十四篇至第五十篇(衛(wèi)生ABC級都無新增文章)衛(wèi)生C級:第一篇Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the Poor(衛(wèi)生C)Nanotechnology uses matter at the level of molecules and atoms. Researchers are finding different uses for particles with alength of one nanometer, or one-billionth of a meter. These include things like beauty productsand dirt-resistant clothing. But one area where many experts believe nanotechnology holds great promise is medicine.Last week, speakers at a program in Washington discussed usingnanotechnology to improve health care in developing countries. The program took place at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Peter Singer at the University of Toronto says a nanotechnology called quantum dots could be used to confirm eases of malaria. He says it could offer a better way than the traditional process of looking at a persons blood under a microscope.In poor countries, this process is often not followed. As a result, sick people may get treated for malaria even if they do not have it. Such misuse of medicines can lead to drug resistance. Quantum dots are particles that give off light when activated. Researchers are studying ways to program them to identify diseases by lighting up in the presence of a targeted molecule.Experts say nanotechnology shows promise not just for diagnosing diseases, but also for treating them. Piotr Grodzinski of the National Institutes of Health talked about how nanotechnology could make drugs more effective. He talked about cancer drugs already developed with nanotechnology. He says if a drug can target a cancer locally in the body, then much less of it might be needed, and that means lower side effects.Andrew Maynard is chief scientist for the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at the Woodrow Wilson Center. He noted that Brazil, India, China and South Africa are currently doing nanotechnology research that could help poor countries. But he also noted that there is some risk in using nano-materials. He says nanometer-sized particles behave differently in the body and the environment compared to larger particles. Experts say more investment in research is needed to better understand these risks.練習(xí):1.Which of the following uses of nanotechnology is NOT mentioned in the passage?A To make beauty products and dirt-resistant clothing.B To produce better and lighter building materials.C To help more accurately diagnose diseases.D To help more effectively treat diseases.2. How can quantum dots be used to confirm diseases?A By traditionally looking at a persons blood under a microscope.B By letting a person take some kind of medicine.C By lighting up in the presence of a targeted molecule.D By subjecting a person to an X-ray examination.3. How can nanotechnology be used to make a drug more effective?A By making a drug target the focus of a disease.B By changing the structure of the body ceils.C By lowering the side effects caused by a drug.D By letting a patient take a dose as large as possible.4.Thefollowing developingcountries are doing very well scientific research onnanotechnology EXCEPTA China B Brazil C IranD India5. Which of the following is the possible risk in usingnano-materials mentioned in the passage?A They may cause some damage to the body cells.B They are harmful materials themselves.C They may store in the body.D They may behave differently in the body and the environment.第一篇納米保健技術(shù)走向貧困國家納米技術(shù)的應(yīng)用對象都是分子級和原子級的物質(zhì)。如今,長度為一納米,即十億分之一米的粒子已被開發(fā)出多種用途,如制造美容產(chǎn)品和抗污型服裝等。但其中一個領(lǐng)域科學(xué)家認(rèn)為潛力尤為巨大,那就是醫(yī)藥領(lǐng)域。在上周于華盛頓Woodrow Wilson國際中心召開的一個項目會議上,科學(xué)家們探討了如何將納米技術(shù)應(yīng)用于貧困國家人口保健的事宜。來自多倫多大學(xué)的Peter Singer聲稱一項名為量子點的納米技術(shù)可被應(yīng)用于瘧疾的診斷。相對于傳統(tǒng)的僅用顯微鏡觀察血液樣本的方法,此技術(shù)要先進(jìn)得多。由于貧困國家往往沒有條件應(yīng)用此項新技術(shù),許多健康人被誤診為瘧疾患者,而藥物的濫用又導(dǎo)致了抗藥性的產(chǎn)生。所謂量子點是指一些被激活后會發(fā)光的粒子,如今科學(xué)家正在研究為它們編程的方法,以便當(dāng)靶分子存在的時候就能夠通過發(fā)光來診斷疾病。納米技術(shù)的優(yōu)越性不光體現(xiàn)在疾病的診斷,還包括疾病的治療。國立衛(wèi)生研究所的Piotr Grodzinski與大家共同探討了如何運用納米技術(shù)來增強(qiáng)藥效。以一些已經(jīng)使用了納米技術(shù)的抗癌藥物為例,他指出,如果藥物可以針對癌癥病灶而不是整個人體,治療所需藥量就會大大減少,副作用也會降低。Andrew Maynard是Woodrow Wilson中心新興的納米技術(shù)工程部骨干科學(xué)家,他注意到巴西、印度、中國及南非正在開發(fā)可被貧困國家所應(yīng)用的納米技術(shù)。與此同時他指出,與較大分子不同,納米材料的顆粒在人體內(nèi)和體外環(huán)境中的作用可能有所不同,因此納米技術(shù)的應(yīng)用存在一定風(fēng)險,若要深入研究這些風(fēng)險則需要更大的資金投入。.2013綜合B閱讀押題共4篇文章 第十九篇 The Family(綜合B)第二十篇 Tales 傳說 故事of the Terrible 可怕的Past(綜合B)第二十六篇 Seeing the World Centuries世紀(jì) Ago(綜合B)第三十篇 “Lucky” Lord Lucan伯爵 - Alive or Dead(綜合B)已考過第三十三篇 Oseola McCarty(綜合B)注意:講故事的文章,不必抓中心。 1.On 8th November 1974 Lord Lucan,a British aristocrat,vanished. The day before,his childrens nanny had been brutally murdered and his wife had been attacked too. To this day the British public are still interested in the murder case because Lucan has never been found. Now,over 30 years later,the police have reopened,the case,hoping that new DNA techniques will he1p solve this murder mystery.1974年11月8日,英國貴族魯肯伯爵失蹤。此前一天,他孩子們的保姆被殘忍地殺害,他的妻子也遭到了襲擊。直到現(xiàn)在,英國民眾對這個謀殺案仍然很感興趣,因為魯肯伯爵一直沒有被找到。30多年后的今天,警察重新調(diào)查案件,希望新的DNA技術(shù)幫助揭開這個謀殺之謎。2.People suspected that “Lucky”,as he was called by friends,wanted to kill his wife he no longer lived with. They say that Lucan entered his old house and in the dark,killed the nanny by mistake. His estranged wife heard noises,came downstairs and was also attacked,but managed to escape. Seven months after the murder,a jury conc1uded that Lucan had ki1led the nanny.3.What happened next is unc1ear,but there are several theories which fall into one of three categories:he may have killed himself,he could have escaped or he might have been killed. It appears that the night after the murder,“Lucky”borrowed a car and drove it,Lucans friend Aspinall said in an interview that he thought Lucan had committed suicide by sinking his boat in the English Channel.4. Another version of events says that “Lucky” left the blood-soaked car on the coast and took a ferry to France.2 He was met there by someone who drove him to safety in another country. However,after a time,his rescuers became worried that they would become involved in the murder too and so Lucan was killed.5.A further fascinating theory was made in the book Dead Lucky by Duncan MacLaughlin,a former detective. He believes that Lucan travelled to Goa,India,where he assumed the identity of a Mr Barry Haplin. Lucan then lived in Goa till his death in 1996. In the end the c1aim turned out be a case of mistaken identity. The man who died in 1996 was real1y Haplin,an exschoolteacher turned hippy. So what is the truth about Lucky? DNA testing has solved many murder cases,but who knows if it can cIose the book on this one. 3原文1. The public are still interested in the investigation because_.公眾對這件謀殺的調(diào)查依舊很感興趣的原因是什么?A) of the terrible murderB) of the use of new DNA techniques C) Lord Lucan has never been foundD) Lord Lucan was famous試卷 3分36 The British public are still interested in the murder case because _A the murderer was an aristocrat B the murderer has not been caught C the murderers DHA has not been caught D the murderer was a famous man 注解:細(xì)節(jié)題查細(xì)節(jié)關(guān)鍵詞的選擇3. 如答案A、B、C、D里有3-4個相同的詞,便是關(guān)鍵詞3.用關(guān)鍵詞在文章中按順序找到問題的出處,可能是關(guān)鍵詞的重復(fù),以多個關(guān)鍵詞的重復(fù)為準(zhǔn)。有可能題干中的關(guān)鍵詞(或答案)和文章中的關(guān)鍵詞(或答案)會產(chǎn)生變化即同義詞


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