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Unit4 單元檢測B卷一、單項選擇題(共15題,共15分)1. There is _ “H” on the bag, so it must be Henrys. Heis _ old friend of mine.A. a; anB. a; theC. an; anD. an; the2. Shanghai isabout 300 _ away from Nanjing.A. metresB. pointsC. kilometresD. kilograms3. Excuse me, isthere _ post office near here?No. But there is _ on Tongji Street.A.the; oneB.a; oneC.the; itD. a; it4. I always dreamof living in a house _ some trees.A. betweenB. insideC. aroundD. among5. There isnt abridge _ the river. How can we crossit?A. belowB. underC. overD. above6.This book _ usa very interesting story.A.saysB.speaksC.tellsD. talks7.Which is theway to the museum?_ along this road. The museum is behind thatwhite building.A.To walkB.WalkingC.WalkD. Walks8.All of the football fans around the world are lookingforward to _ the coming World Cup.A.watchedB.watchesC.watchD. watching9. Its only ten _ walk from the station to the hotel.A. minuteB. minutesC. minutessD. minutes10. _ is the library from our school?Its quite near.Just three miles _.A.How far; awayB.How far; farC.How long; awayD. How long; far11. You can takethe underground and get off at the third _.A. traffic lightsB. bridgeC. stationD. exit12.He walks _ theroad _ the traffic lights and walks _ thebridge.A.cross; at; crossB.across; at; toC.across; on; crossD. cross; on; to13. Im sorry. Idont know the way to the police station. I think he _.A. may be knowB. may knowsC. may knowD. know14. Im going toAustralia for a holiday next week._A.Have a good time!B.Not at all.C.Thank you.D. I have no idea.15. Would youlike to watch the film with me?_, but I have too much homework to do.A.Id love toB.Thats all rightC.It doesnt matterD. Not at all二、完形填空(共10題,共10分)1.If you travel to a new place, what will you worry about first?The answer may be how to (1) the way.In big cities many people go from one place to (2) by bus,taxi or underground. The bus is a popular (3) of travelling. If you wantto go to a place by bus, you should first know (4) bus to take. You haveto (5) the timetable so that you can take the (6) bus and itsimportant for you to know (7) to get off. In this way, you can get to yourplace on time.In the countryside, (8) can be much easier. In some placeswith small roads, its a good choice for you to enjoy the scenery by (9) .In my hometown visitors usually take a boat to go around. Of course, if youhave lots of time you can visit a place (10) foot.(1)A. find B. look C.watch D. give(2)A. other B.another C. others D. the other(3)A. ride B. way C.path D. part(4)A. which B. where C. when D. how(5)A. read B. write C.make D. send(6)A. early B.busy C.right D. fast(7)A. why B. where C.what D. how(8)A. travelling B.playing C.studying D. shopping(9)A.bike B. bus C.boat D. train(10)A. by B. in C.with D. on三、閱讀理解(共15題,共15分)1.閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給各題的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。AIam near-sighted, and my eyesight is getting worse, because I spend too muchplaying computer games and watching TV. When I play computer games, I alwaysforget about my other plans. I am a bit ashamed (羞愧的)of this habit (習(xí)慣). I also like watching television.SometimesI keep the TV on even while I am doing my homework. I usually sit one metreaway from my TV and watch it for hours if my parents do not ask me to dosomething else.Iget to know how bad my eyesight is when I am in a car. I look out of the windowat the shops along the street, but I cant see the signs clearly. I have toguess the shop names from the curves (弧線) and lines. I trymy best not to wear glasses, because they change my appearance and make me looklike a hen. I hate my eyes for making me wear glasses during school hours. Ilove my eyes at the same time because they let me see the beautiful world.Loveyour eyes and keep yourself away from computer games and TV. Always remember toprotect (保護) your eyes. The world will be dark afteryou become near-sighted.(1)Thewriter has become near-sighted because _.A.healways reads books while lying in bed B.he workstoo hard at his schoolwork C.hespends too much time on TV and computer games D.hedoesnt wear suitable glasses(2)Whendoes the writer get to know he is near-sighted?A.When hewatches TV. B.When heplays computer games. C.When hedoes his homework. D.When hetries to see the signs of shops.(3)Why doesnt the writer want to wear glasses?A.Becausethey make him look worse. B.Becausethey cost a lot of money. C.Becausethey will make him more near-sighted. D.Becausehe cant watch TV when wearing them.(4)Whichof the following statements is NOT true according to this passage?A.Thewriter cant get himself away from TV even if his parents tell him to do so. B.Spendingtoo much time on TV and computer games will do harm to your eyes. C.Youwont be able to see the world clearly after you become near-sighted. D.Thewriter forgets about everything else when playing computer games.(5)Whichis the best title for this passage?A.How Ibecome near-sighted B.What isbeing near-sighted like C.How tochoose suitable glasses D.Thedangers of computer games2.BHanssays to his friend Kurt, “Im going to drive to London.” Kurt says, “Driving toLondon is very difficult and its no less difficult to find your way in London.Maybe you cant find your hotel.” But Hans is not afraid. He drives to Calais,puts his car on a ship, takes it off at Dover, and drives to London.Hestops near the city and looks at his map. Then he drives towards London, but hecant find his hotel. He drives round and round for an hour, and then he stopsand gets out of his car.Ataxi comes, and Hans stops it. “Take me to Brussels Hotel,” he says. But hedoesnt get into the taxi; he gets back into his car. The taxi driver laughs,and then he drives to Brussels Hotel and Hans follows him in his car. They getto the hotel in two minutes.(1)Hansgoes to London by _.A.car B.taxi C.underground D.bus(2)Hanscant find the hotel in _.A.Calais B.London C.Dover D.Brussels(3)Hanscant find his hotel because _.A.he hasno map B.hedoesnt know English C.hesnot good at driving D.its noteasy to find the way(4)Hans stops a taxi and _.A.followsit to the hotel B.getsinto it C.laughsat the driver D.drivesit to the hotel(5)Thehotel is _.A.veryfar away B.nearby C.verydifficult to get to D.fiveminutes walk3.CMrEdwards can never go to work on time. He works in London but he lives in thecountryside (鄉(xiāng)村) of a city called Cambridge. He loves hishome, so he doesnt want to move to London; he loves his job, so he wants tokeep it. The problem is that the traffic in London is very heavy every day.There are too many cars. During the rush hour you can walk faster than youdrive a car!MrEdwards thinks a helicopter (直升機) is the final solutionto this problem. Mr Edwards wants to fly over everyone else. A helicopter will beexpensive and he will have to learn how to fly it but he says that many kindsof cars are also expensive. He is right. One of the most famous British car isthe Bentley and it is only for rich people.Hiswife said he could just ride a bicycle, but he argued that there are too manyhills in Britain and that Cambridge is more than 60 kilometres from London.Then his wife suggested that he should take the train to London. “That wontwork,” he said. “I like the feeling of freedom (自由)when Im driving. I wont feel that on the train! Also, I will have to walkfrom the station to my office. You know how difficult it is to cross the roadeven at traffic lights.”Thenhe thought for a moment and continued, “But in a helicopter I can feelcompletely free and crossing the road will be easy!” He started to sing, “Upthere, where the air is cleaner!”Hiswife sighed, “But my dear, up there, you will get airsick!”(1)Whycant Mr Edwards get to work on time?A.Becausehe always gets up late. B.Becausehe lives in the countryside of a city called Cambridge. C.Becausethere are too many cars on the road during the rush hour. D.Becausehe spends too much time in having breakfast every day.(2)Whydoesnt Mr Edwards move to a place that is nearer to his working place?A.Becausehe loves the fresh air of the countryside. B.Becausehe thinks his neighbours are all friendly and helpful. C.Becausehe doesnt like his job and is thinking about getting another one. D.Becausehe loves his home very much.(3)Whatis the problem with going to work by helicopter?A.It costsa lot of money to buy and drive the helicopter. B.He hasto find someone to drive the helicopter for him. C.He hasto find a place to park the helicopter. D.He wonthave any freedom if he drives a helicopter.(4)Mr Edwards wife suggested that Mr Edwards should go to work _.A.on footor by bike B.by bikeor by train C.bytrain or by helicopter D.by bikeor by helicopter(5)WhatMr Edwards wife said in the last paragraph means that _.A.shethought the helicopter was a good way to go to work B.shestill didnt agree with Mr Edwards idea of going to work by helicopter C.she wasvery worried about Mr Edwards health D.she wasworried that they didnt have enough money for a helicopter四、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填空(共5題,共5分)1. I will teachyou how to draw a giraffe. Just _ (仿效)me.2. There will be anew _(橋)above the river in our village.3. We are driving _ (沿著) Green Street andwill arrive about an hour later.4. Its very_ (危險的) to cross thebusy street alone.5. You should _ (記住) all the newwords you learnt in class.五、提示詞填空(共10題,共10分)1. Pandas arecute. Every year, lots of _ (visit)come to see them.2. In autumn, thetree _ (leaf) turn yellow and falldown.3. Take the _ (three) turning on the right and you willfind the house.4. Shanghai liesin the _(east) part of China.5. Its aboutthree _ (hour) drive from Sunny Street.6. Look! The cuteyoung panda _ (lie) on the grass.7. The map showsyou how _ (get) to Sunshine MiddleSchool.8. It will takeyou half an hour _ (drive) to XuanwuLake Park.9. I would like toinvite Tom _ (join) my birthday party.10. Who makes thelittle boy _ (stand) there?六、補全句子(共5題,共10分)1. 明天我們在購物中心旁邊的拐角處見面怎樣?What _ the shopping centre tomorrow?2.你能聽見鳥兒們正發(fā)出各種好聽的聲音嗎?Can you _?3.格林一家正在為晚餐準(zhǔn)備些食物和飲料。_dinner.4.在猴子林的東面,你可以看到一些大象。You can see _.5.保持身體健康是最好的寶藏,所以我每天做運動。_,so I do exercise every day.七、任務(wù)型閱讀(共1題,共10分)1.閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一詞)Can you find your way if you are ina new city? No? Dont worry. Here are some tips to help you find the way.First, you can buy a map of thecity. The map will be very helpful to you. You can find the place where you areon the map. Then look for the place youre going to on the map. You will knowhow to get there easily.Another way is to ask a trafficpoliceman. At the traffic lights, there are usually some traffic policemen.They will be happy to help you find your way. So when you are having somedifficulties finding your way, feel free to get some help from them.You can also look at the Sun. TheSun may help you find your direction. For example, in the morning, the Sun isin the east. At noon, the Sun is in the south. In the late afternoon, the Sunis in the west. It can help you know where you are and which direction you aregoing to.Its a good idea to take the taxi tothe place you cant find. The taxi driver usually knows the way well. He cantake you to the right place quickly but you have to pay some money for it.(1)How to (1) _ the wayBuy a (2) _Find where you are on it first.Find the (3) _ youre going to.In this way, you can find the way easily.Ask traffic policemen for (4) _They are ready to help you and (5) _ you where the place is and how you can get there.Look at the (6) _If you are going to a place in the (7) _ in the morning, you need to walk towards the Sun.Take a (8) _Taxi drivers usually know the way (9) _ than other people.Its a good way to get to your destination and can save your time, but it (10) _you some money.八、短文填空(共1題,共10分)1.短文缺詞填空,每空一詞(1)People travel to other places in different ways. Some people liketravelling by plane, but I dont like it because the airport (機場) is usually (1) f_from the city centre. You have to get there early and wait for hours. Also,travelling by plane costs too much money. It is too (2) e_ for me.I think travelling by train is better. You can go to almost all theplaces by train. (3) B_ important cities like Shanghai and Beijing, thereare high-speed trains. Therefore, it is very easy to travel by train. Also, ifyou are late (4) f_ a train, you dont have wait for very long and can geton (5) a_ one. Trains are usually comfortable (舒適的) with soft seats. And youcan walk (6) a_ in the train and open the windows. Last but not least,trains are safe (安全的). They usually run at a speed (速度) of 85 kilometres per hour. They are slower than (7)p_, but I think safety is more important than speed.I (8) s_ travel by car, because there are always too many cars andbuses on the road. The trip may (9) t_ too much time. I dont like drivingalso because cars make the air (10) d_. Everybody needs a good environmentand we should do something to protect it.九、書面表達(共1題,共15分)1.假如你是Millie, 想邀請好友Sandy來你家。請根據(jù)下面要點,寫一篇至少70詞的邀請信。要求包含所有要點,適當(dāng)發(fā)揮,語句通順,書寫整潔。要點如下:(1) 很高興邀請你來我的新家;(2) 我家離市中心很遠,乘地鐵要20分鐘;(3) 你從新路站(NewRoad Station)下車,從2號出口出來,沿著新路一直走,接著在紅綠燈處左轉(zhuǎn)進入公園街(ParkStreet),一直走直到你看到一個公園,我家就在它旁邊。11


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