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-100:00:00,00 -> 00:00:05,00Subindex build by Linnet 火鳥字幕合并器SubindexV0.4 綠色軟件聯(lián)盟Build time 10.10.04 23:13:09100:00:12,20 -> 00:00:20,20200:00:30,74 -> 00:00:33,94(水蠟樹街)300:01:33,64 -> 00:01:36,13I shouldve known that you would be here 我早該想到會在這里見到你400:01:36,71 -> 00:01:38,73Professor McGongagall 麥教授500:01:49,89 -> 00:01:51,72Good evening, Professor Dumbledore 晚安,鄧不利多教授600:01:55,53 -> 00:01:58,52Are the rumors true, Albus? 傳聞是真的嗎,阿不思?700:01:58,86 -> 00:02:00,66Im afraid so, professor. 我想是真的,教授800:02:01,30 -> 00:02:03,90the good and the bad 有好消息900:02:02,60 -> 00:02:03,90也有壞消息1000:02:04,30 -> 00:02:05,50And the boy? 那個孩子呢?1100:02:05,80 -> 00:02:07,27Hagrid is bringing him. 海格會把他帶到這兒來1200:02:07,71 -> 00:02:11,94Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important? 你覺得這么做明智嗎?1300:02:08,97 -> 00:02:11,94把這種大事交給海格去辦?1400:02:12,14 -> 00:02:16,24Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life. 教授,我可以把自己的命交到海格手中1500:02:36,03 -> 00:02:37,52Professor Dumbledore, sir. 鄧不利多教授1600:02:37,84 -> 00:02:39,03Professor McGonagall. 麥教授1700:02:40,04 -> 00:02:42,34No problems, I trust, Hagrid? 沒遇到什么麻煩吧,海格?1800:02:42,61 -> 00:02:43,70No, sir. 沒有,先生1900:02:44,31 -> 00:02:47,87Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. 小家伙一飛到布里斯托就睡了2000:02:49,61 -> 00:02:51,01Try not to wake him. 小心別吵醒他2100:02:52,85 -> 00:02:54,01There you go. 你看2200:03:00,02 -> 00:03:04,83Do you really think its safe, leaving him with these people? 你覺得把他交給這些人好嗎?2300:03:05,10 -> 00:03:06,53Ive watched them all day. 我在這里觀察了一整天2400:03:06,76 -> 00:03:10,17Theyre the worst sort of Muggles. 真是一群無可救藥的麻瓜2500:03:10,64 -> 00:03:14,70They really are- The only family he has. 他們真的是他在世上唯一的親人2600:03:15,01 -> 00:03:16,60Hell be famous. 這孩子將來會非常有名2700:03:16,81 -> 00:03:19,87Every child in our world will know his name 我們世界中的每個孩子2800:03:20,11 -> 00:03:21,14Exactly. 都會知道他的名字2900:03:20,11 -> 00:03:21,14完全正確3000:03:21,91 -> 00:03:25,31Hes far better off growing up away from all of that. 最好是讓他成長時遠(yuǎn)離這一切3100:03:28,69 -> 00:03:30,85Until hes ready. 等他能夠接受的時候再告訴他3200:03:43,47 -> 00:03:45,13There, there, Hagrid. 好了,好了,海格3300:03:45,34 -> 00:03:47,83Its not really goodbye, after all. 又不是再也見不到面3400:03:55,95 -> 00:04:00,08德思禮夫婦敬啟薩里郡小惠因區(qū)水蠟樹街四號3500:04:00,75 -> 00:04:01,88Good luck. 祝你好運(yùn)3600:04:02,79 -> 00:04:05,19.Harry Potter. 哈利波特3700:04:12,16 -> 00:04:16,33Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone 片名:哈利波特神秘的魔法石3800:04:23,11 -> 00:04:25,41Up. Get up! 起來!起床羅3900:04:28,68 -> 00:04:29,51Now! 快呀!4000:04:43,86 -> 00:04:46,96Wake up, cousin! Were going to the zoo! 快醒呀,表弟!要去動物園羅4100:04:57,44 -> 00:05:01,97Here he comes, the birthday body. 喔,我們的小壽星來了4200:05:02,21 -> 00:05:03,70Happy birthday, son. 生日快樂,兒子4300:05:05,72 -> 00:05:08,38Cook breakfast. And try not to burn anything. 快去煮早餐,不準(zhǔn)燒焦東西4400:05:08,62 -> 00:05:09,98Yes, Aunt Petunia. 是,佩妮阿姨4500:05:10,15 -> 00:05:13,89I want everything to be perfect. 我希望今天一切順心4600:05:14,16 -> 00:05:17,15.for my Dudleys special day! 這可是我們達(dá)力的大日子4700:05:17,43 -> 00:05:18,26Hurry up! 快呀!4800:05:18,83 -> 00:05:19,92Bring my coffee, boy. 給我咖啡,小子4900:05:20,16 -> 00:05:20,99Yew, Uncle Vernon. 是,威農(nóng)姨丈5000:05:23,07 -> 00:05:25,33Arent they wonderful, darling? 是不是很棒呀,親愛的?5100:05:28,71 -> 00:05:29,87How many are there? 共有幾個?5200:05:30,07 -> 00:05:31,8736. Counted them myself. 三十六個,我自己數(shù)的5300:05:32,11 -> 00:05:35,3836! But last year I had 37! 三十六個?但去年有三十七個5400:05:35,58 -> 00:05:37,88But some are bigger than last years. 但有些禮物比去年的大一點呀5500:05:38,12 -> 00:05:39,55I dont care! 我管它有多大5600:05:39,75 -> 00:05:43,02This is what were going to do. 好,好,待會兒我們一出去5700:05:43,25 -> 00:05:46,59Were going to buy you two new presents. Hows that, pumpkin? 就再去替你買兩個新禮物好不好呀,小乖乖?5800:05:50,76 -> 00:05:52,20It should be a lovely day at the zoo. 快到動物園了5900:05:52,40 -> 00:05:53,86Im really looking forward to it. 定可以玩得很開心,真期待6000:05:57,87 -> 00:05:59,86Im warning you now, boy. 我警告你,小子6100:06:00,10 -> 00:06:03,56Any funny business, any at all. 要是有任何怪事發(fā)生只要有一點點的怪事6200:06:03,78 -> 00:06:07,27.and you wont have any meals for a week. 你就一個禮拜不準(zhǔn)吃飯6300:06:07,48 -> 00:06:08,34Get in. 上車6400:06:09,78 -> 00:06:12,58(爬蟲類館)6500:06:16,59 -> 00:06:17,92Make it move. 叫它動嘛6600:06:21,49 -> 00:06:22,48Move! 動呀!6700:06:23,36 -> 00:06:24,89Move! Hes asleep! 快動呀!它在睡覺6800:06:26,06 -> 00:06:27,50Hes boring. 它無聊死了6900:06:31,14 -> 00:06:34,37Sorry about him. 對不起,他不了解你的感覺7000:06:34,61 -> 00:06:36,80He doesnt understand what its like, lying there. 像這樣一天又一天地躺在這兒7100:06:37,08 -> 00:06:40,14.watching people press their ugly faces in on you. 看人們硬把丑臉貼到你面前7200:06:43,55 -> 00:06:45,18Can you hear me? 你聽得懂我的話?7300:06:48,79 -> 00:06:50,01Its just, 只是7400:06:50,25 -> 00:06:52,55Ive never talked to a snake before. 我以前從來沒跟蛇講過話7500:06:53,26 -> 00:06:54,72Do you.? 你7600:06:54,93 -> 00:06:58,09Dou you talk to people often? 我是說,你常跟人說話嗎?7700:06:59,96 -> 00:07:01,66Youre from Burma, arent you? 你是從緬甸來的,對吧?7800:07:02,10 -> 00:07:05,13Was it nice there? Do you miss your family? 那兒是不是很美?你想家嗎?7900:07:06,64 -> 00:07:08,26(園內(nèi)孵育樣本)8000:07:08,84 -> 00:07:10,10I see. 我懂了8100:07:10,37 -> 00:07:13,67Thats me as well. I never knew my parents either. 我也一樣,我沒見過我的父母8200:07:13,98 -> 00:07:17,74Mummy, Dad, you wont believe what this snake is doing! 媽!爸!快過來!8300:07:15,51 -> 00:07:17,74你絕對想不到這只蛇在干嘛8400:07:41,84 -> 00:07:43,14Thanks. 謝了8500:07:44,08 -> 00:07:45,13Anytime. 別客氣8600:07:48,98 -> 00:07:50,38Snake! 蛇!8700:08:06,40 -> 00:08:09,70Mum! Mummy! Help me! 媽,媽咪,救救我,救命呀8800:08:10,00 -> 00:08:13,44My darling boy! How did you get in there? 寶貝兒子,你是怎么進(jìn)去的?8900:08:13,64 -> 00:08:16,57Who did this? How did you get in there? 我的天哪,你是怎么進(jìn)去的?9000:08:16,81 -> 00:08:19,21Is there a snake? 那是一只蛇嗎?9100:08:23,51 -> 00:08:24,71Its all right, sweetheart. 沒事的,小甜心9200:08:25,02 -> 00:08:27,04Well get you out of these cold clothes. 我們會幫你把這濕冷的衣服脫掉9300:08:30,25 -> 00:08:31,48What happened? 這是怎么回事?9400:08:31,72 -> 00:08:33,38I swear, I dont know! 我發(fā)誓我真的不曉得9500:08:33,66 -> 00:08:36,72The glass was there and then it was gone, like magic. 玻璃忽然消失9600:08:35,36 -> 00:08:36,72就像魔法一樣9700:08:41,87 -> 00:08:44,66Theres no such thing as magic 世上根本就沒有魔法9800:09:02,55 -> 00:09:06,49水蠟樹街四號,樓梯下的碗櫥哈利波特先生收9900:09:21,51 -> 00:09:24,17Marge is ill, Ate a funny whelk. 喔,瑪姬病了,吃了個怪油螺10000:09:24,34 -> 00:09:25,60Dad, look! Harrys got a letter! 爸,你看!哈利有一封信10100:09:25,91 -> 00:09:27,28Its mine! 嘿!還來,那是我的10200:09:27,61 -> 00:09:30,67Yours? Whod be writing to you? 你的?誰會寫信給你啊?10300:10:04,25 -> 00:10:06,11No more mail through this letterbox. 這樣就不能再往信箱里投信了10400:10:18,83 -> 00:10:20,66Have a lovely day at the office, dear. 祝你上班愉快,親愛的我愛你10500:10:24,27 -> 00:10:26,53Shoo! Go on. 快滾10600:10:51,86 -> 00:10:53,85Fine day, Sunday. 星期天真是個好日子10700:10:55,20 -> 00:10:57,50In my opinion, best day of the week. 我認(rèn)為是一星期中最棒的一天10800:10:57,80 -> 00:10:59,13Why is that, Dudley? 這是什么原因,達(dá)力?10900:11:00,34 -> 00:11:01,86Because theres no post on Sundays? 因為星期天不送信?11000:11:02,14 -> 00:11:03,30Right you are, Harry! 答對了,哈利11100:11:04,81 -> 00:11:06,33No post on Sunday. 星期天不送信11200:11:09,01 -> 00:11:13,21No blasted letters today! No, sir. 今天沒有討厭的信!沒有11300:11:13,48 -> 00:11:17,89Not one single bloody letter. Not one! 沒有一封該死的信,完全沒有11400:11:26,66 -> 00:11:30,62Not sir, not one blasted, miserable- 沒有,沒有一封討厭、可惡11500:11:40,85 -> 00:11:41,83oh, no 喔,不11600:11:42,05 -> 00:11:44,67Make it stop, please! 叫它停下來,拜托,媽咪!11700:11:46,35 -> 00:11:49,05Make it stop, please! 拜托,媽咪,叫它們停下來11800:11:50,39 -> 00:11:52,38Stop it! 停!快停11900:11:52,66 -> 00:11:54,85Mummy, whats happning? 媽,告訴我這是怎么一回事?12000:11:55,06 -> 00:11:56,22Whats this? 喔,這是什么?12100:11:58,90 -> 00:12:00,09Give me that! 把它給我12200:12:01,07 -> 00:12:02,86Give me that letter! 把信給我12300:12:05,77 -> 00:12:07,03Get off! 放手!12400:12:11,24 -> 00:12:14,51Theyre my letters! Let go of me! 這是我的信,放開我12500:12:16,11 -> 00:12:19,45Thats it! Were going away! 夠了,我們走吧12600:12:19,88 -> 00:12:23,55Far away, where they cant find us! 走得遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)的,讓他們找不到12700:12:23,79 -> 00:12:25,85Daddys gone mad, hasnt he? 爸爸發(fā)瘋了,是不是?12800:12:49,95 -> 00:12:54,15(哈利,生日快樂)12900:13:01,79 -> 00:13:03,28Make a wish, Harry. 許個愿吧,哈利13000:13:20,28 -> 00:13:21,18Whos there? 什么人?13100:13:34,36 -> 00:13:35,85Sorry about that. 抱歉13200:13:43,83 -> 00:13:45,80I demand that you leave at once. 我要你立刻離開,先生13300:13:46,00 -> 00:13:47,53You are breaking and entering. 你這是非法侵入民宅13400:13:51,11 -> 00:13:54,04Dry up, Dursley, you great prune. 少羅嗦,德思禮,你這大笨伯13500:13:59,35 -> 00:14:02,38I havent seen you since you was a baby, Harry. 上回我看到你的時候13600:14:00,95 -> 00:14:02,38你還是個嬰兒,哈利,可是13700:14:02,65 -> 00:14:04,48Youre a bit more along than I expected. 你塊頭此我想的大多了13800:14:04,72 -> 00:14:05,98Particularly in the middle. 而且肚子還這么凸13900:14:06,86 -> 00:14:09,55Im not Harry. 我又不是哈利14000:14:12,50 -> 00:14:13,96I am. 我才是14100:14:14,70 -> 00:14:16,63Well, of course you are. 嗯,這才對嘛14200:14:17,13 -> 00:14:18,40Got something for you. 我這兒有個東西要送你14300:14:18,70 -> 00:14:23,64Afraid I sat on it, but I imagine itll taste fine just the same. 好像不小心被我壓到了14400:14:21,37 -> 00:14:23,64不過味道是不會變的14500:14:27,08 -> 00:14:29,38Baked it myself, words and all. 全都是我自己烤自己做的唷14600:14:32,68 -> 00:14:34,78(祝哈利生日快樂)14700:14:36,02 -> 00:14:36,78Thank you. 謝謝你14800:14:37,02 -> 00:14:40,58Its not every day your young man turns 11, is it? 輩子就只有這么一次你現(xiàn)在滿十一歲羅14900:14:56,34 -> 00:15:00,43Execuse me, but who are you? 對不起,可是15000:15:00,71 -> 00:15:05,61Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. 你到底是誰呀?15100:15:00,71 -> 00:15:03,81魯霸海格在霍格華茲擔(dān)任15200:15:04,05 -> 00:15:05,61鑰匙管理員與獵場看守人15300:15:05,88 -> 00:15:08,01Of course, you know about Hogwarts. 你總該曉得霍格華茲吧15400:15:08,29 -> 00:15:09,95Sorry, no. 抱歉,不曉得15500:15:10,19 -> 00:15:12,02不曉得?我的天哪,哈利15600:15:12,26 -> 00:15:14,62Didnt you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all? 沒想過你爸媽是怎么學(xué)會的?15700:15:15,13 -> 00:15:16,59Learned what? 學(xué)會什么?15800:15:16,93 -> 00:15:18,55Youre a wizard, Harry. 你是一個巫師,哈利15900:15:20,53 -> 00:15:21,73Im a what? 我是一個什么?16000:15:21,97 -> 00:15:26,03A wizard. A good one, Id wager, once youre trained up. 一個巫師,只要再受點訓(xùn)練你一定會變成非常厲害的巫師16100:15:26,24 -> 00:15:27,76No, youve made a mistake. 不,我想你弄錯了16200:15:28,04 -> 00:15:29,06I mean. 我是說16300:15:29,24 -> 00:15:32,44.I cant be a wizard. 我不可能是巫師啊16400:15:33,04 -> 00:15:37,91I mean, Im just Harry. Just Harry. 我是說,我只是16500:15:35,31 -> 00:15:37,91哈利,我只是哈利16600:15:38,58 -> 00:15:40,95Well, Just Harry, 好吧,哈利16700:15:41,15 -> 00:15:42,81Did you ever make anything happen? 你從來沒發(fā)生過任何怪事嗎?16800:15:43,05 -> 00:15:46,32Anything you couldnt explain, when you were angry or scared? 在你生氣窖十帥們寺候沒出現(xiàn)什么搞不懂的怪事嗎?16900:16:04,11 -> 00:16:05,34"Dear Mr. Potter, 親愛的波特先生17000:16:05,61 -> 00:16:07,08We are pleased to accept you. 我們很榮幸能在此通知你17100:16:07,31 -> 00:16:10,68.at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." 你已獲準(zhǔn)進(jìn)入霍格華茲魔法與巫術(shù)學(xué)院就讀17200:16:10,91 -> 00:16:13,11He will not be going! 我告訴你,我不準(zhǔn)他去17300:16:13,35 -> 00:16:15,84We swore wed put a stop to all this rubbish. 我們在收容他那天17400:16:16,09 -> 00:16:17,45就發(fā)誓要禁止這類的荒唐怪事17500:16:16,09 -> 00:16:17,45你早就知道了?17600:16:17,99 -> 00:16:20,25You knew? You knew all along and you never told me? 你們知道卻不告訴我?17700:16:20,52 -> 00:16:21,86Of course we knew. 當(dāng)然曉得17800:16:22,09 -> 00:16:23,75How could you not be? 想也知道你會是什么德行17900:16:23,99 -> 00:16:27,52My perfect sister being who she was. 看看我那完美的好妹妹18000:16:27,90 -> 00:16:33,36My mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter. 她收到信時,爸媽簡直樂歪了18100:16:33,97 -> 00:16:37,67"We have a witch in the family. Isnt it wonderful?" 家里出了個女巫好棒唷18200:16:38,21 -> 00:16:41,37I was the only one to see her for what she was. 就只有我能看清她的真面目18300:16:41,61 -> 00:16:43,81A freak! 她是一個怪胎18400:16:44,15 -> 00:16:46,95Then she met that Potter, and then she had you. 然后她嫁給那個波特,生了你18500:16:47,18 -> 00:16:48,38.and I knew you would be the same. 我就知道你會和他們18600:16:48,65 -> 00:16:52,95Just as strange, just as abnormal. 一樣奇怪 一樣不正常18700:16:53,22 -> 00:16:58,12And then she got herself blown up, and we got landed with you. 然后呢,她就讓自己給炸死了18800:16:56,49 -> 00:16:58,12所以我們就只好收留你18900:16:58,30 -> 00:17:04,22Blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crash. 炸死?你說他們是出車禍死的19000:17:02,67 -> 00:17:04,22炸死?你說他們是出車禍死的19100:17:04,74 -> 00:17:07,20A car crash? A car crash killed Lily and James Potter? 車禍哪傷得了莉莉和詹姆波特?19200:17:07,47 -> 00:17:08,13We had to say something. 我們總得說個理由19300:17:08,31 -> 00:17:11,21Its an outrage! A scandal! 這是一種侮辱,一種毀謗19400:17:11,41 -> 00:17:12,88Hell not be going. 他不能去19500:17:13,08 -> 00:17:17,38A great Muggle like you is going to stop him? 你以為像你這種超級大麻瓜阻止得了他嗎?19600:17:17,65 -> 00:17:18,58Muggle? 麻瓜?19700:17:18,85 -> 00:17:19,94Non-magic folk. 就是不會魔法的家伙19800:17:20,18 -> 00:17:22,65This boys had his name down since he were born. 他一出生就列入學(xué)生名冊了19900:17:23,05 -> 00:17:26,32Hes going to the finest school of switchcraft and wizardry. 他是去世上最棒的魔法巫術(shù)學(xué)校20000:17:26,56 -> 00:17:32,86Hell be under the finest headmaster Hogwarts has seen, Albus Dumbledore. 而且還有有史以來最棒的校長20100:17:31,20 -> 00:17:32,86阿不思鄧不利多20200:17:33,10 -> 00:17:37,53I will not pay to have a crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks. 休想要我花一文錢讓個瘋癲老傻瓜來教他變魔術(shù)20300:17:38,24 -> 00:17:39,40Never insult Albus Dumbledore. 不準(zhǔn)20400:17:39,70 -> 00:17:44,27.in front of me. 在我面前侮辱鄧不利多20500:18:00,02 -> 00:18:02,86他們對我的小寶貝做了什么?20600:18:03,13 -> 00:18:07,62Id appreciate it if you didnt tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. 你可千萬別告訴霍格華茲的人我會感激你的20700:18:08,13 -> 00:18:10,46Im not allowed to do magic 照規(guī)定我是不能使用魔法的20800:18:10,77 -> 00:18:11,63Okay. 好20900:18:13,07 -> 00:18:16,60Were a bit behind schedule. Best be off. 進(jìn)度有點落后了,我們該走羅21000:18:23,15 -> 00:18:25,62Unless youd rather stay, of course. 難不成你還想待在這兒21100:18:40,60 -> 00:18:43,79"All students must be equipped with. 所有學(xué)生都必須準(zhǔn)備21200:18:44,03 -> 00:18:46,97.one standard size 2 pewter cauldron. 個標(biāo)準(zhǔn)尺寸的白癩大釜21300:18:47,24 -> 00:18:52,30.and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat or a toad." 可自由攜帶21400:18:49,24 -> 00:18:52,30只貓頭鷹,貓,或是蟾蜍21500:18:53,28 -> 00:18:55,47Can we find all this in London? 在倫敦能把東西都買齊嗎?21600:18:55,75 -> 00:18:57,44If you know where to go. 只要你知道門路就可以21700:19:10,99 -> 00:19:13,66是的,那我記得21800:19:14,13 -> 00:19:17,43喔,那個符咒真是太精彩了21900:19:21,27 -> 00:19:24,21Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume? 啊,海格,老樣子對吧?22000:19:24,34 -> 00:19:25,00No, thanks, Tom. 不,謝了,湯姆22100:19:25,28 -> 00:19:27,37Im on official Hogwarts business. 我正在替霍格華茲辦事22200:19:28,45 -> 00:19:31,51Just helping Harry buy his school supplies. 帶小哈利去買學(xué)校要用的東西22300:19:31,72 -> 00:19:33,08Bless my soul. 上帝保佑我22400:19:33,45 -> 00:19:35,15Its Harry Potter! 他是哈利波特22500:19:39,62 -> 00:19:41,18Welcome back, Mr. Potter. 歡迎回來,波特先生22600:19:41,36 -> 00:19:42,72Welcome back. 歡迎回來22700:19:43,29 -> 00:19:47,86Doris Crockford. I cant believe Im metting you at last. 我是桃莉,波特先生22800:19:44,90 -> 00:19:47,86真不敢相信我終於見到你了22900:19:48,10 -> 00:19:50,90Harry Potter. 哈利波特23000:19:51,30 -> 00:19:53,10Cant tell you how pleased I am to meet you. 見到你真說不出有多高興23100:19:53,37 -> 00:19:55,96Hello, professor. I didnt see you. 哈羅,教授,剛才沒看到你23200:19:56,21 -> 00:20:01,34Professor Quirrell Will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. 哈利,這位是奎若教授23300:19:58,21 -> 00:20:01,34霍格華茲的黑魔法防御術(shù)老師23400:20:01,55 -> 00:20:03,24Oh, nice to meet you. 喔,真高興見到你23500:20:04,15 -> 00:20:06,98Fearfully fascinating subject. 這門課迷人得很23600:20:07,22 -> 00:20:11,55Not that you need it, eh, Potter? 但你已經(jīng)不用學(xué)了,對吧?23700:20:13,06 -> 00:20:17,39Yes, well, must be going now. Lots to buy. 現(xiàn)在得上路了,好多東西要買23800:20:17,69 -> 00:20:18,66Goodbye. 再見23900:20:21,87 -> 00:20:23,39See, Harry? Youre famous. 瞧,哈利,你有名得很24000:20:23,60 -> 00:20:25,40But why am I famous? 但我為什么會出名呢,海格?24100:20:25,67 -> 00:20:29,13All these people, how is it they know who I am? 那些人為什么全都認(rèn)識我?24200:20:29,34 -> 00:20:32,43Im not sure Im the right person to tell you that. 我不曉得這事由我來告訴你究竟合不合適,哈利24300:20:50,09 -> 00:20:52,93Welcome, Harry, to Diagon Alley. 歡迎來到斜角巷,哈利24400:21:10,21 -> 00:21:12,37Here, you get your quills and ink. 這兒可以買到羽毛筆和墨水24500:21:12,95 -> 00:21:15,94Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry. 那邊是賣各式各樣的魔法玩意24600:21:40,41 -> 00:21:42,11買些龍爪怎么樣?24700:21:42,35 -> 00:21:43,57Its a world-class racing broom. 世界級的比賽用飛天掃帚24800:21:43,81 -> 00:21:47,81Look at new Nimbus 2000! 哇,快看!最新型的光輪兩千24900:21:48,35 -> 00:21:50,68Its the fastest model yet. 目前最快的型號25000:21:53,69 -> 00:21:54,49Nimbus 2000. 光輪兩千25100:21:55,66 -> 00:21:58,49But how am I to pay for all this? 但是,我哪買得起這些東西?25200:21:58,70 -> 00:21:59,99I havent any money. 我連一毛錢也沒有25300:22:00,26 -> 00:22:01,59Theres your money. 你的錢在那里,哈利25400:22:01,83 -> 00:22:03,49Gringotts, the wizard bank. 古靈閣,巫師銀行25500:22:03,70 -> 00:22:06,00Aint no safter place, not one. 那可算是世上最安全的地方25600:22:06,17 -> 00:22:07,76Except perhaps Hogwarts. 除了霍格華茲以外25700:22:20,95 -> 00:22:25,86Hagrid, what exactly are these things? 海格25800:22:23,89 -> 00:22:25,86那是什么怪物呀?25900:22:26,06 -> 00:22:27,85Theyre goblins. 那就是妖精啊,哈利26000:22:28,13 -> 00:22:31,49Clever as they come, but not the most friendly of beasts. 妖精聰明得很,但可不太友善26100:22:31,73 -> 00:22:33,20Best stay close. 最好是緊跟在我身邊26200:22:37,53 -> 00:22:40,63Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal. 哈利波特先生想要提錢26300:22:45,48 -> 00:22:49,28And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key? 哈利波特先生有帶鑰匙嗎?26400:22:49,55 -> 00:22:52,01Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere. 喔,等等,就在身上26500:22:56,49 -> 00:22:57,82Ha! Theres the little devil. 小鬼難纏26600:22:58,59 -> 00:23:00,89And theres something else as well. 喔,還有另一件事26700:23:02,86 -> 00:23:04,88Professor Dumbledore gave me this. 這是鄧不利多教授交給我的26800:23:07,76 -> 00:2


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